Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 350 Big Black Buddha Mother: Just treat yourself as a human being!

For a moment, except for Zuopi who was struggling in the ground, the whole world seemed to fall into an eerie silence.

On the rooftop in the distance, the seven captains were preparing to take control of the out-of-control evil god again after killing its target. Their hands were frozen in the air, and their hearts were extremely complicated.

Is this... really the evil god?

An evil god who was held down and beaten by reincarnators?

Is this evil god too weak, or is the reincarnation too strong? But no matter what, this evil god... doesn't matter.

"Let's go! Let's retreat."

The man with glasses gave up on "recycling" and sacrificed a town, finally recruiting the evil god, because he knew that even if he released the power of the evil god, he would still not be a match for the reincarnator.

Although this was true, the man with glasses did not know that Lin Ge's "three-quarter period" was approaching at this time, and his condition was about to disappear.

However, Lin Ge, who used the power of his spiritual consciousness to expand his mental perception, noticed the bespectacled man's escape. He was not willing to let go of 4 points, and immediately chased after the bespectacled man.

As for Zuopi, he was caught off guard by Lin Ge. He still had the power of the evil god, but he didn't expect to be summoned. "Any" opponent could knock him down with one blow.

Lin Ge's blow undoubtedly aroused Zuopi's anger. He howled angrily and pulled out the head with his hands on his hands. At the same time, his hands and feet were squatting towards the ground like tree roots.

In an instant, the plants in the woods and fields around the town were "controlled" by the tree god Kepi and grew crazily.

Kepi ​​himself was also growing crazily, and his body turned into a huge palm and grabbed Lin Ge. However, at this time, Lin Ge's attention was focused on the reincarnation, and he did not want to get entangled with Zuo Piduo. However, since the other party was an evil god, he could not be killed for a while, so he could only "control" him.

Lin Ge raised his hand, golden light flashed in his hand, and a huge fire sign appeared in his hand. Then he slapped the tree hand with his backhand, exploding a wave of fire.

Although Zuopi is a "tree god", he is still a "tree" in essence. As a plant, he cannot avoid the problem of being afraid of fire. In addition, the fire stick shoots the flames of hell, which instantly burns his whole hand.

Lin Ge did not stop running forward when he completed the attack. After all, he could not let the reincarnation go. However, this attack alone was not enough to restrain Jiupi. The opponent cut off the burning tree hand like a gecko cutting off its tail, and then A larger tree hand quickly grew and punched Lin Ge.

Lin Ge suddenly stopped sideways, strode forward, and made a throwing gesture. Golden light appeared in his hand, and the fire sign turned into a trident.

Then with a violent throw, the trident turned into a dazzling golden light that directly penetrated Zuopi's palm, went straight to his chest, and finally turned into a huge golden trident, nailing him in place.

The technique of summoning evil gods used by the seven-man team, in order to facilitate the control of the summoned evil gods, tampered with the sacrifices, so at the beginning the summoned Kupi was only the remnant soul.

As for his remnant soul being summoned to the lower world, Kepi, as the main consciousness, was naturally very concerned about it. Therefore, when he realized that the seal was loose and he could control the summoned body, he did not hesitate to put a ray of consciousness into the seven. In the body of the remnant soul summoned by the crowd.

But as soon as he entered this body, he discovered the hands and feet of the seven people. In addition, the remaining soul was injured by Lin Ge, and he was so angry that he wanted to destroy everything in front of him.

Wrong judgment caused him to be "counter-killed" by Lin Ge again and again, and this "familiar blow" awakened long-standing memories in Yu Phi's mind.

"Big, big, big, big, sir?" The huge figure that was about to go away coincided with the figure in his memory who taught him a lesson with the three-piece set of soul cuffs.

Lin Ge ignored Zipi behind him and only thought about his 4 points. Although he used the power of his spiritual consciousness to capture the reincarnation who escaped from the town and hid in the woods, the spiritual energy in his body had been drained and could not be maintained. The effect of "acting like a god" was that Arcee's whole body was "bounced" away.

Arcee lost the support of the power of consciousness, and her figure quickly shrunk. The fusion of her soul with Lin Ge made her exhaust all her energy, and even her fire dimmed a bit, and she collapsed to the ground.

Lin Ge sat up from the ground, quickly took out the Jiuhua Jade Dew Pills and the Spiritual Return Pill and stuffed them into his mouth to recover. Then he stood up and walked to Arcee's side, putting them back into the astrolabe.


As Yanshen disappeared, the gigantic golden trident also turned into golden stardust and dissipated, and Kupi also regained his mobility.



Seeing Zuo Pi walking towards him with huge steps, Lin Ge immediately took out the Five Elements Bagua tray and was about to start giving Zuo Pi a "headshot" when he saw the other party squatting down and asked in an uncertain tone: " grown ups?"

Only then did Yu Pi realize that Lin Ge's appearance had not changed, but he felt like a different person, so his tone was a little uncertain.

"Oh, you still remember me."

"Sir, is it really you? We are really destined to meet you again here... By the way, why did you come back here?"

Kepi's main consciousness is in a larger space outside this world of reincarnation, and what controls this body at this time is a clone that has inherited the main consciousness. Therefore, the timeline of this world will not affect his understanding of the world. Lin Ge’s memory.

Lin Ge said: "I said you are an evil god, but why were you summoned casually by some miscellaneous fish? And you can still be controlled. Aren't you embarrassed? Why didn't you learn the ways of the wizard in the first place? ?”

Zuo Pi squatted half in front of Lin Ge, hunched over, and said awkwardly: "Sir, you don't know something. The method of sacrifice to the evil gods used by those people is the 'true teaching' of a big boss of the gods and Buddhas in the upper realm of Thailand. Use your In other words, if you don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, he used this formation. No matter what, he had to give some face in response. What's more, he sacrificed a small town's people as sacrifices..."

"Haha, if you are brave enough, you dare to swallow the soul of a small town." Lin Ge raised his eyebrows and said coldly.

Zuopi hurriedly said: "Sir, you have misunderstood. It is not that Xiao Xiao wants to swallow these souls, but that these souls have forcibly established a connection with Xiao Xiao as sacrifices. Coupled with the big boss's face, Xiao Xiao is now devolved. A ray of divine consciousness. But I didn’t expect that guy to actually use his hands and feet to change the formation of the sacrifice formation, and added an extra layer of seals to block the small consciousness from going forward. Only then did they control the clone. "

"Who are you talking about?" Lin Ge asked.

Zuo Phi said, "Sir, please don't embarrass me. How dare you call that adult by his name if you are a newbie."

"But now because of your influence, those guys took the opportunity to escape. I have suffered a lot of losses. Just tell me how you plan to compensate me." Lin Ge said.


"Well, I know you are poor and can't afford anything... Since you are here now, you can just help me work for a few days before leaving. Is that okay?" Lin Ge said in a very embarrassed tone.


"Isn't this okay?"

Zuopi hurriedly said: "Okay, it's my honor to help you, but I was summoned by the sacrifice array, and my power comes from the sacrifices in that town. Once my soul is exhausted, I want to continue to project the gods." It’s very difficult to understand. This... I told you, sir, last time, do you still remember it?”

Only then did Lin Ge remember that Kepi had mentioned in the last "Taiwan Strange Stories" that if little gods like them want to put their spiritual consciousness in a world, the basis is that there must be humans worshiping the gods locally. If not, Then there is no way to invest spiritual consciousness.

"I'm not talking about you, how long has it been and you haven't thought about opening a branch here?" Lin Ge said speechlessly.

Zuopi said awkwardly: "Yes, yes, but as you know, sir, there are so many heavens and worlds, and small ones can only spread their faith one world at a time. Isn't it the turn of this world yet?"

"Okay, just tell me how long you can stay in this world like this?" Lin Ge asked.

Zuopi answered honestly: "If you want to fully demonstrate the strength of this ray of consciousness, it should take less than half a day, but... if you condense the strength, it can last for a long time."

"Condensation? What kind of condensation method?" Lin Ge asked curiously.

"Like this..." As soon as Zuopi finished speaking, his huge body began to "shrink" at an extremely rapid rate, and it was inappropriate to say that it was shrinking. It was more like reverse growth.

Lin Ge watched helplessly as a "giant version of Groot" grew in reverse into a "little sapling of Groot". What was originally meant to be looked up at, turned into looking down at.

"But you look like this, you don't seem to have any fighting ability?" Lin Ge said with some disgust.

Ke Pizhe said: "Don't worry, adults. Since the small ones can be shrunk, they can naturally release their power. If you condense your power like this, you can last in this world for at least seven days."

"Good guy, 'condensation is the essence', right?"


Zoupi didn't know how to answer the question for a while, but Lin Ge picked up Zoupi, let him stand on his shoulders, and returned to the palace.

Arcee's energy was drained by him, so she had no choice but to leave when she returned to the palace.

"By the way, do you remember the 'Big Black Buddha Mother' I asked about last time?" While walking on the road, Lin Ge and Kepi talked about the issue of the Big Black Buddha Mother.

Sui sat on Lin Ge's shoulders and nodded: "Remember, it was the big black Buddha who just became an evil god and liked children soon. If a child was favored by it, it would ask the child's name and take it back to 'raise', right? ? What, this guy doesn’t have the eyes to offend adults?"

Lin Ge said: "Yes, the Great Black Buddha Mother of this world has met me again. I remember you said that the curse of the Great Black Buddha Mother has a great impact on adults. If an adult has recited it, If you cast a spell, you will become its believer and be cursed by it... Then do you know how to resolve this curse?"

"I don't know how to resolve the curse," Zuopi replied.

Although Lin Ge didn't have much hope, the three-day "settlement" and the sacrifice of the evil god of the reincarnation made him realize a very serious problem. Too much time wasted on a plot, and it might be like a time bomb. What kind of surprises would ordinary reincarnations prepare for him.

This time, the "Evil God Summoning Ceremony" of the seven people was accidentally destroyed, and it happened to be another "acquaintance". What about next time?

In order to ensure that he would not fall into a passive position, Lin Ge decided to gain more points as soon as possible. Even if he encountered this situation again, he would at least have the capital to survive.

It will take six days for Wang Meifang to break the curse. Lin Ge doesn't want to spend so much time on "3 points", but the most troublesome thing is that Nita has also been cursed. Now she doesn't know if the curse in her body has been cleared. , if not, it would not be safe to leave her to guard Wang Meifang and then go out to look for other plots.

Then the easiest way is to speed up the time for Wang Meifang to solve the curse, get these three points first, and then look for other plots.

When he returned to the temple with Zuopi, due to the identity of the evil god Zuopi, he could only stay outside the temple, otherwise it would accelerate the consumption of soul power.

Lin Ge found Nita and told her about the town. The other party was a little surprised after hearing this: "Sacrifice a town to summon the evil god... Oh, there is indeed nothing that the reincarnation can't do."

"Yes, after all, there were reincarnators who dropped nuclear bombs whenever they disagreed." Lin Ge complained casually.

Nita asked: "It will take six days for Wang Meifang to break the curse. What are you going to do? Should I guard her here while you look for other plots, or will you guard her?"

"The curse on you is like a time bomb. I won't be at ease until the Great Black Buddha Mother is solved." Lin Ge wondered why the Great Black Buddha Mother was also an old opponent. He knew the root cause. It would not be difficult to solve it as long as he found the real body. After all, now There is also a mask to protect him, so he can't miss these three points.

Nita was stunned when she heard this, turned away and said: "Actually... you don't have to worry about me so much. I am a witch no matter what, and I will not be killed by a small curse."

Lin Ge was about to say, "If word gets out that my teammates are killed by a small character like the Big Black Buddha Mother, where will I put my face?" when he was suddenly awakened by Nita's words.

To deal with things like the "Curse Evil God", it's natural to find a "professional" to take action!

Didn't he just clear up the connections below yesterday and send Wang Meifang directly to the underworld? If he had a hundred courages, he would not dare to go to the underworld to find someone, right?

"I've thought of a way!" Lin Ge took out the Hei Wuchang token and kneaded it to cast a spell. He pointed at the floor and opened the passage to the underworld.

"This is..." Nita was stunned when she looked at the "ground crack" with green light.

Lin Ge said: "The passage leading to the underworld. When I finished the plot of "Fighting Ghosts" yesterday, I happened to have a good relationship with the underworld and worked as an official. It's a long story. Take Wang Meifang and let's go to the underworld and walk along. explain."

After all, there is a big difference between Lin Ge's real body and his clone. Naturally, he can't say everything, only a mixture of truth and falsehood.

But he wasn't talking nonsense. He was indeed connected to the underworld "yesterday".

Lin Ge and Nita took Wang Meifang from the underworld passage to Fengdu Ghost City. Due to the great achievements of Hu Bufan and others, although no official has been reinstated, it is only a matter of time. Therefore, the Yin soldiers guarding the gate have been replaced by other people.

"Stop, who is coming? No one is allowed to enter the ghost town alive!" As soon as he reached the door, several Yin soldiers stopped Lin Ge.

Lin Ge directly took out the Hei Wuchang Envoy Token and explained the purpose of his visit. When the other party heard that they were looking for Hu Bufan, he immediately put on a smile and led Lin Ge and Nita in to look for the person. He even asked Lin Ge diligently if he was there. They need help to "lift" Wang Meifang.

Wang Meifang was not "one of our own", so Lin Ge naturally did not care about the other party's feelings and threw her directly to the Yin soldiers to carry her.

Under the leadership of Yin Bing, Lin Ge found Hu Bufan. The other party was a little surprised when he saw him coming: "Brother Lin, why are you here? Oh! It's about the eldest nephew, right? Don't worry, I have told people Go and do it, I will definitely find my eldest nephew’s father’s soul in these two days.”

Hu Bufan thought Lin Ge was doing it because of Lin Huowang's father's affairs, but it had only been a day and he couldn't help but feel that Lin Ge was too down-to-earth and cared so much about his eldest nephew.

"Brother Hu will be troubled by the matter of Huo Wang. However, I came to see Brother Hu today and I have other things to ask for your help with." Lin Ge said and told Hu Bufan about Wang Meifang and the Big Black Buddha Mother. .

When Hu Bufan heard this, he said angrily: "What? Which evil god with no eyes dares to curse my younger siblings? Come on!"

Lin Ge:? ? ?

Nita:? ? ? can understand your teammates as "younger brothers and sisters". Brother, what kind of enterprise-level understanding do you have?

Hu Bufan looked at Nita and said solemnly: "Brother and sister, don't worry, I will take care of the curse."

After saying that, he pointed at Wang Meifang and looked at the Yin soldiers on the side and said: "Go, extract the curse from this woman and analyze it, then throw it to the eighteenth floor of hell, and use her clone to let her body feel our hell. Eighteen levels of power. By the way, find that Black Buddha Mother as soon as possible and help my brothers and sisters get rid of the curse."


The Great Black Buddha Mother never dreamed that she would one day fall into hell and enjoy the eighteenth-level package by placing curses on the "believers" who chanted curses and harvesting their lives at any time!

At this time, Lin Ge suggested: "Oh, Brother Hu, that big black Buddha takes pleasure in torturing people's minds. As long as you recite the incantation, you will be infected with the curse. I don't think it is better to do this. You put the 'Fire Buddha Xiu Yi' Let the Yin Cha Yin soldiers recite this curse once, recruit more clones, and then distribute them evenly to the eighteenth floor, allowing the Great Black Buddha Mother to enjoy dozens or hundreds of times the happiness."

Hu Bufan nodded when he heard this and said: "What a good idea! Just do it like this!"

Nita: ...Which one of you is the evil god?

Big Black Buddha Mother: ...You should be a human being!

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