
Lin Ge let out a long sigh, sighing out his helplessness and sadness. No matter when and where, no matter how harsh and dangerous the environment is, as long as there are people, there will be people who fall off the chain at critical moments.

Lin Ge thought that these newcomers would not be able to survive the sleepiness, but he did not expect that they could not survive the first night.

Seeing Lin Ge looking over, Sun Kun was stunned and said quickly: "Boss Lin, I just have a disease that makes me fall asleep while reading, but this disease is not contagious!"

"What should we do now?" Zhang Liang asked nervously.

Zhao Jingjing said anxiously: "It's not good, you see something is wrong with Miss Chu's situation."

Chu Beibi's originally calm breathing became rapid, and her expression became painful, as if she was being chased by something terrible.

"Miss Chu, Miss Chu, wake up!" Zhao Jingjing shook Chu Beibi, trying to wake her up from her dream.

"You can't do this, let me do it!" Sun Kun stepped forward and slapped two big-eared melon seeds on Chu Beibi's face, leaving a few red finger marks.

"You're not awake yet?" Sun Kun said in surprise.

At this time, Zeng Cha picked up a bucket filled with ice cubes and beer on the table nearby, poured it directly on Chu Beibi's face, and then patted her face to try to wake her up.

But Chu Beibi's expression became more and more painful, and she showed no sign of waking up.


"Do not kill me."

"help me."


Chu Beibi murmured in pain, just like a patient who fell into a coma due to high fever, constantly repeating words such as "help me" and "don't kill me".

Suddenly, there was a soft "click" sound, and the pistol in Chu Beibi's hand seemed to be cut open by a sharp blade, broken into three pieces and fell to the ground.

Apparently in a critical moment, Chu Beibi remembered the weapon in her hand, but unfortunately, this small pistol failed to help her in her dream, and was instead destroyed by Freddy.

Lin Ge took out a yellow talisman and put it on Chu Beibi's forehead. He picked up the spell and recited the Eight Divine Mantras, trying to wake Chu Beibi from her dream.

Unfortunately, after several spells, Chu Beibi still showed no sign of waking up.

Sun Kun moved the metal table nearby, picked up a gun and smashed it on the table. The harsh noise made the others frown, but Chu Beibi was still trapped in frightened and helpless fear.

Several of Lin Ge's best "divine spells" have a "buff" effect on himself. In addition, Freddy is a nightmare and is in a "dream world", so the effect of the divine spell seems to be affected.

Although if Lin Ge used the "Lion's Roar Kung Fu" to perform a divine spell rap, it might be effective, but he would probably be able to take Chu Beibi with him.


Lin Ge suddenly thought that after accepting Chen Qing's inheritance, he had some strange equipment in his hands, such as... a BGM gramophone.

As a magical weapon, the gramophone can produce different effects each time the BGM is played, and the "gain" or "negative effect" can be selected in a targeted manner. There is no way to wake up Chu Beibi at this time. Maybe giving her a "boosting BGM" can affect her combat effectiveness in her dreams!

Thinking of this, Lin Ge immediately took out the gramophone and played it next to Chu Beibi, and asked the other reincarnations to step back, and then chose to spend 500 reincarnation points to play a random buff.




As Lin Ge shook the crank of the gramophone, a passionate drumbeat sounded from the large speaker above the phonograph. As soon as everyone heard the prelude, they knew it was from the theme song "Men Should Strengthen themselves" from the "Once Upon a Time Series". Taken from the passionate drumbeat at the beginning of "General's Order".

However, just when everyone thought they were about to hear impassioned and passionate lyrics such as "arrogance laughs at thousands of waves, and blood is stronger than the red sun", a delicate voice suddenly came from the gramophone.


Looking at you, I have seen a big wave of dizziness.

Looking at you, leading you to dance with the spear.

Stand upright and show your pride.

Hot-blooded man, so hot that he goes shirtless!

[The combat power of your own female is +100%, and there is no physical consumption. 】

This BGM is similar to "The Three Heroes of the East". It also "enhances" women's combat effectiveness, but Lin Ge always feels that something is wrong.

Not to mention that the BGM makes people have the illusion of listening to the music on a hook, but the sound after each lyric is very wrong.

Lin Ge just felt that something was wrong with the bgm, but Chu Beibi had already become uncomfortable, and her whole body started to twist like a cat.


In the extremely ambiguous BGM, the scene once fell into embarrassment. Especially when Chu Beibi performed a Sakura Country-style action movie on the ground alone, the expressions of the people around her suddenly became weird.

Wang Defa asked tentatively: "Mr. Lin, what's the origin of your gramophone? It's more effective than those little white pills."

"Random BGM can have a beneficial effect on the target. I thought I could wake her up with the help of BGM, but this situation is purely accidental." Lin Ge said.


Sun Kun suddenly yelled, slapped his forehead and said, "I'm just saying this song sounds so familiar to me. A few years ago, I would play it on a loop several times every day."

Hearing that Sun Kun used to listen to it every day, and then seeing Chu Beibi happily exercising alone, everyone's expressions became even weirder.

Sun Kun quickly said: "Don't get me wrong, this BGM is from "Once Upon a Time: Iron Potion Fighting the Centipede", haven't you seen Brother Jie's movie?"

Most of the people present have watched this old movie, but it has been so long that many of the plots have been forgotten.

Sun Kun immediately said: "In the play, Huang Feihong led his disciples to open a Baozhilin branch. Early in the morning, Baozhilin was playing drums and practicing dance. The girl next door came up with a professional special version of General Order... Wow, you guys actually Don’t you even know this?”

After listening to Sun Kun's explanation, everyone suddenly realized that this was an exclusive BGM for a certain profession. No wonder it had such an effect.

Zhang Liang stared at Chu Beibi who was enjoying herself, and said with a red face: "Uh, that, this, uh."

Sun Kun said disdainfully: "A grown man can watch as much as he likes, and speak whenever he wants. He's stammering and hesitating. Tsk, it's all so dark, and you like it too. Tsk, tsk."

Zhang Liang's face turned red when Sun Kun thought about it: "No, that's not what I meant... I just wanted to say, well, one person... I'm afraid, she can't do these moves."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then looked at Chu Beibi in surprise. Based on the frequency of her shaking at this time, it seemed that... it really didn't look like a person amusing himself, but like she was interacting with other people.

Chu Beibi is currently trapped in a dream world, and the only one who can interact with her is a demon that was burned beyond recognition by the fire.

"F*ck." Sun Kun was stunned, his outlook completely shattered.

Lin Ge was speechless. He finally understood why this BGM and "Three Heroes of the East" were both buffs to increase combat effectiveness. When he saw [Female's combat effectiveness +100%, no physical consumption], he felt a little strange. Because... this comment is obviously missing a ", comma" after the three words "one's own daughter".

In any case, this BGM had an effect. Although the process was a little off track and the speed was too fast, it at least allowed Chu Beibi to temporarily save her life.

"What should we do now?" Zeng Cha asked Lin Ge. At the same time, he winked at Lin Ge and asked him to look at Zhao Jingjing who was standing aside.

Lin Ge turned his head and took a look, and he saw that something was wrong with Zhao Jingjing's state. This characteristic little song was obviously very powerful.

At this time, Sun Kun suddenly asked: "Boss Lin, does your phonograph play BGM in a loop?"

Lin Ge shook his head, Zeng Cha looked at Sun Kun and said helplessly: "Brother Sun, although you used to play this BGM on a loop, I can see that you like it very much, but at this time... you should focus on business!"

Sun Kun reminded: "That's not what I meant. Boss Lin, I think if you want to save Chu Beibi, you'd better think of other ways. If I remember correctly, this BGM seems to be less than two minutes. If it can't be played in a loop , once the bgm ends, will she be killed by Freddy?"

Obviously, no one knows what will happen once the BGM ends after two minutes.

Lin Ge frowned. In the movie "A Nightmare on Elm Street", people trapped in a dream world may be awakened by the outside world. But Sun Kun and Zeng Cha both tried just now, splashing water and slapping them, but they couldn't wake up Chu Beibi. Obviously, either this world cannot wake people up from their dreams, or it is not "powerful" enough!

"Help me hold her hand!" Lin Ge said and walked towards Chu Beibi.

Sun Kun was surprised when he heard this: "Boss Lin, do you want to come in person?"

These words were met with Lin Ge's cold gaze. Sun Kun was immediately trembling with fright. He quickly stepped forward and followed Lin Ge's instructions to pull Chu Beibi's hand away and press it on the floor.

Lin Singer raised his hand, and a silver needle appeared directly, and he pierced Chu Beibi's fingertips. At the same time, he said to Zeng Cha who was aside: "Pinch the person."

Connecting the ten fingers to the heart, plus pinching the person's middle, this directly increases the "strength".

When all ten fingers of Chu Beibi were inserted with silver needles, her voice turned into a scream, and at this time, the BGM of "General's Order" also stopped.



The moment the bgm stopped, several wounds appeared on Chu Beibi's shoulders and arms, as if cut by sharp blades, and blood flowed to the ground instantly along the wounds.

Zhao Jingjing on the side screamed in fright, covered her mouth tightly, and stepped aside in horror.

At this moment, Chu Beibi suddenly opened her eyes and screamed in horror: "Don't kill me, please don't kill me, I will obey you in everything, don't kill me!"

"Miss Chu, it's us, wake up!" Zeng Cha held Chu Beibi's hand with one hand, released his other hand from pinching Renzhong, and then patted the other person's face, trying to wake her up.

"Monster, devil! I saw him!" Chu Beibi exclaimed.

Lin Ge raised his hand and wiped it, and the silver needles inserted into Chu Beibi's fingertips disappeared instantly. He asked several people to help Chu Beibi to sit down on the sofa. Zeng Cha also very considerately took off his coat to cover Chu Beibi. For a moment.

Sun Kun glanced at Zeng Cha, his eyes full of disdain, and muttered: "Hypocritical, making it look like you didn't see it just now."

Lin Ge didn't care about Chu Beibi's condition at this time. He just wanted to know the information about Freddy. He took out a healing spray and threw it to Chu Beibi: "The healing spray can stop the bleeding when you spray it on the wound. How did you enter the dreamland?" , tell me the situation so far word for word. If you don’t want to die in a dream next time, it’s best to recall the details as much as possible, otherwise I can’t guarantee whether I can save you next time.”

"Okay, okay," Chu Beibi held the spray, still a little shocked. The horror she just experienced far exceeded the trauma on her body.

After treating the wound with the healing spray Lin Ge gave her, Chu Beibi calmed down and carefully recalled what happened after Lin Ge gave her the file.

According to Chu Beibi, she originally thought that she was weak, so she wanted to know the plot as much as possible and avoid dangers. Moreover, she didn't have any problem of falling asleep when reading a book.

Chu Beibi did look at it carefully at first, but gradually she found that she could not concentrate. Then the purple talisman on the file was crooked, as if she had hallucinated after eating poisonous mushrooms. When she looked up, she found that all the reincarnators around her were gone, and she was the only one left in the spacious hall.

Chu Beibi screamed and stood up, the lights in the hall flickered, and then the surrounding furniture and walls began to decay at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Bright red blood flowed under the sofa, and the sound of marbles rolling down the stairs was heard.

Chu Beibi screamed and wanted to escape from the house. As soon as she rushed to the door and opened the door, she saw a thin man wearing a gentleman's hat and a striped red sweater standing at the door.

This man's face seemed to have been burned by fire. His unrecognizable face was covered with wrinkles and scars caused by the fire. It looked terrifying and disgusting.

The man raised his right hand, wearing a pair of gloves with sharp scissor-like blades, and approached Chu Beibi with a grin.

Devil, Freddy.

Chu Beibi screamed in fright and ran back into the house, while Freddy chased her calmly, like a hunter who likes to play with his prey in front of the entrance.

Just when Chu Beibi was blocked by Freddy in the corridor on the second floor, watching the devil approaching her step by step, suddenly, a burst of charming BGM sounded.

However, somehow, the moment Chu Beibi heard the BGM sound, the fear in her heart disappeared, and then she seemed to become much more pleasing to the eye when she saw Freddy's terrifying face. And the weirdest thing is that at this moment, Chu Beibi felt that her hormones were completely ignited, and the occupational diseases buried in her heart were also violated, and she actually jumped towards Freddy.

Then when Chu Beibi and Freddy were fighting, the BGM stopped abruptly. At the same time, Chu Beibi felt a heartbreaking pain in her ten fingers.

The severe pain pulled Chu Beibi out of her dream. When she opened her eyes again, everything was back to before. If it weren't for the wounds and severe pain on her body, Chu Beibi would even think it was just a dream.

After listening to Chu Beibi's story, everyone's expressions, including Sun Kun's, became extremely strange. They really couldn't imagine how Freddy's grimace could become so "pleasing" that it could be offended.

Lin Ge's expression was solemn. What he was thinking about was not Chu Beibi's battle with Freddy, but the "intelligence" revealed in Chu Beibi's words.

First of all, Chu Beibi was pulled into the dream world by Freddy. According to her, there was no "sign" and she was pulled in suddenly.

Secondly, after entering the dream world, Freddy can control the environment of the dream world at will, and has the ability to "teleport", "pass through walls", and "lock on prey".

Guns can cause damage to Freddy, but under Freddy's "power", this damage has almost no effect in reversing the situation.

Finally, BGM's sonic gain ability can enter the dream world, but conventional means cannot wake up people trapped in nightmares.

"Wait a minute, isn't this the 'ghost land'?"

After Lin Ge analyzed the information revealed in Chu Beibi's words, he found that it was almost the same as the ability of "Domoto Shizu".

It's just that Domoto Shizu's dream ability creates a relatively comfortable environment most of the time, which makes people ignore that he can also create a terrifying environment.

Qimei's domain can devour other people's ghost domains and evolve new abilities. After annexing Domoto Shizu's abilities, Qimei's ghost domain can also achieve the effect of creating a dream world.

In other words, just by releasing the realm, Qimei can easily drag people into the ghost realm without warning, and into the dream world she created.

"If it's a 'ghost realm', there can be no warning." Lin Ge's seven ghosts all have their own ghost realms, and he is very familiar with ghost realms.

The ghost sisters who were the first to show their ghost realm abilities. Although their "evil spirit space" cannot create an environment, it is an independent space.

The little girl's "paradise", Qimei's "blood mist", and even the "internal and external worlds" of the three sisters Alessa, the opening of each ghost realm has certain "signs", or... rules.

For example, in the "evil spirit space" of the ghost sisters, when the ghost realm spreads out, there will be heavy fog. The little girl is a thick black fog, and Qimei is a blood fog.

When the three sisters Alessa open the "internal and external world", they must also follow the order of "fog world" → "dark world".

This time "A Nightmare on Elm Street" is only on "Hard" difficulty. Lin Ge guessed that Freddy's strength should be between the red ghost and the fierce god, and the highest would not exceed the fierce god.

Otherwise, even if only Kinmen Samsaras can participate in this guidance mode, if it were not for a "professional counterpart" like him, it would be difficult to guarantee that the six new Samsaras would not be wiped out.

However, this also gave Lin Ge new doubts.

It stands to reason that the main god who can copy the reincarnated person will not care about the "life and death" of the reincarnated person, so why bother to come up with a thankless "guide mode"?

And also let the reincarnators of Kinmen escort these newcomers?

Lin Ge felt that there should be some key clue here, but he couldn't figure it out for a while, so he simply stopped thinking about it and turned his attention back to Freddy.

"If you think about it carefully, from the beginning of reading the file I gave you to the first time you entered the nightmare, there was nothing unreasonable or unbelievable? For example... white, black, red 'fog'? Or maybe it was not originally The things in this room?" Lin Ge looked at Chu Beibi and asked again.

Chu Beibi thought about it carefully and shook her head.

Lin Ge frowned. It was obvious that he couldn't get any clues from Chu Beibi. He thought over and over again and felt that the only way was to experience it "in person".

"You guys come here." Lin Ge asked the six reincarnations to sit down together on the sofa, took out six evil-suppressing charms and put them on their chests.

Then, Lin Ge took out another handful of incense, rubbed it in his hands, lit the incense with his skills, and gave three sticks of incense to each of the six people. He warned: "I decided to try it after taking a nap. Take the incense and wait until it goes out." Don't make any move. If I don't wake up after the incense goes out, prick my finger with a knife."

Everyone was still wondering what Lin Ge wanted to do. When they heard that he planned to go to bed to find Freddy, they were immediately surprised. They lamented that Lin Ge was really a talented person and brave... Before others saw Freddy hiding, he unexpectedly Take the initiative to join in!

After Lin Ge finished speaking, he sat cross-legged at the coffee table and recited the "Calming Mantra" to get rid of distracting thoughts, trying to make himself fall asleep as soon as possible.

Tick, tick.

Tick, tick.

The hands of the pendulum clock hanging on the wall in the living room were beating, and the newcomers felt that the atmosphere suddenly became depressing, and their hearts were in their throats.

At this moment, with a soft "chichichi" sound, all the talismans attached to the chests of the six newcomers ignited. They were so frightened that they slapped their chests in panic and patted away the burning talismans. The incense in the hands of the six people also burned to the bottom in the blink of an eye at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"No, Freddy is here, wake up Mr. Lin!" If Zeng Cha and even the six rookies wanted to save their lives, they had to hug Lin Ge's thigh tightly.

However, the six of them looked at the ground and saw that it was completely empty, with no sign of Lin Ge.

Lin Ge was also deeply surprised. Normally, he would quickly fall asleep as soon as he thought about weapons, but why he was getting more and more awake today.

He sat up in confusion and looked back at the six people on the sofa. He wanted to materialize a sledgehammer and let people knock him out, but when he saw it, he was stunned!

The six pedestrian reincarnations headed by Zeng Cha were breathing evenly with their eyes closed. What was strange was that the breathing rates of six different people were exactly the same!

Apparently, they fell asleep at the same time!

"What the hell?"

Lin Ge was shocked. Was it because he was not pulled into the dream, but instead these six people were pulled into the dream by Freddy? Those who wanted to sleep did not fall asleep, and those who did not want to sleep were destroyed. Now... they are out of luck!

I'm really sorry, I overestimated myself... My wife went back to her parents' house for a few days due to business, and I thought I was holding a little magical beast that lived for a thousand years, but it turned out that this guy went to bed later than me, got up earlier than me, and had more energy than me... After a day of tossing, I could only code while he was taking a nap or at night... I'm sorry, the updates in the past few days may not be stable, it will be fine after these few days pass. [Originally, double updates were supposed to resume this week, but they can only be postponed for a few more days] Orz will give you a tip first.

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