Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 306 You are the most qualified among the people here this time


Lin Ge took a long breath and slowly opened his eyes. After twenty days of practice, there are faint signs of breaking through to the "small level of achievement".

However, seeing that the sixty-day rest period specially provided for reincarnations in Kinmen was about to pass halfway, Lin Ge decided to strengthen himself and enter the "Guide Mode" first.

Arriving under the main god's ball of light, Lin Ge began to exchange.

[Reincarnation point: 1019436]

Looking at the seven-digit reincarnation point, this feeling of getting rich overnight made Lin Ge feel good.

It's a pity that reincarnators don't have the option of "ransom", otherwise Lin Ge really wants to try whether the Lord God will really send him back to reality after paying the reincarnation points.

Of course, from the perspective of the Lord God, a black-hearted capitalist, it is very likely that the reincarnation points will be collected, and then some cool operation of "erasing memory" will be performed, and the reincarnators will continue to work.

Jokes aside, Lin Ge believes that he needs to "spend all" of these one million reincarnation points as soon as possible, because with his situation, he doesn't know when he will be replaced by another reincarnation number. The more reincarnation points left, the more he will lose. more.

The first thing to be redeemed is the "Five Thunder Zhengfa (Yin Five Thunder)" that was decided before. There are two modes of redemption, one is to redeem "cheats" for self-cultivation, and the other is to redeem "skills" for direct learning.

The Yin Wulei in the Dacheng realm costs 20,000 reincarnation points, the Xiaocheng realm requires 10,000 reincarnation points, and the entry-level only requires 20,000 reincarnation points.

However, skills are different from mastery. Skills cannot be upgraded through practice. To upgrade the "entry-level" Yin Wu Lei to the basic level, it requires 50,000 reincarnation points, and to upgrade from the basic level to the small level requires 80,000. In other words If you change to the lowest level and then upgrade, you will need 150,000 yuan to reach the Xiaocheng state, which will cost you 50,000 more reincarnation points.

Lin Ge simply replaced the Yin Five Thunder from the "Dacheng Realm". Firstly, the "Yin Five Thunder" is not weak. Although its power is not as strong as the Yang Five Thunder, its field effect is slightly better than the Yang Five Thunder. Secondly, reincarnation The most lacking thing in the world is time. Lin Ge doesn't have time to repair the Thunder Department's Zhengfa and the scriptures. How can he still have time to exchange for the "Yin Five Thunder" secret book and practice it himself.

[Exchange successful, reincarnation points -200000. Acquire the A-level skill "Five Thunder Zhengfa (Yin Five Thunder, Dacheng Realm)". 】

As a white light descended from the main divine ball and enveloped Lin Ge, Lin Ge felt that there were some more "memories" in his mind.

This feeling was almost like entering the world of reincarnation for the first time, when the Lord God poured basic information about the world of reincarnation into his mind.

The difference is that, as if Lin Ge had learned the "Raise the Dead, Flesh and Bones" spell, the "Yin Wu Lei" skill of the Dacheng Realm has been added to the skill bar.

After the exchange was completed, Lin Ge returned to his private space and used the "Star Plate" to scan the "Five Thunder Zhengfa (Yin Five Thunder)" to see how much source it would take to erase the mark of the Lord God.

"200... So it seems that it is a ratio of 1:1000?" Lin Ge looked at the numbers displayed on the astrolabe thoughtfully. This is not expensive, nor is it cheap.

200 origins, if placed in the comprehensive world view of "Zombie World", would be about 4 "zombie bosses", but if placed in the dead zones of "Sweet Home" and "Silent Hill", it would be the difficulty of the evil god.

"If the guide mode can also obtain the origin, maybe it can erase the main god mark of the 'Yin Wu Lei' before the official reincarnation."

Lin Ge returned to the main ball and began to make other exchanges.

In terms of weapons, Lin Ge has a trident and a fire sign, both of which are A-level spiritual weapons, so there is no doubt about their power. Secondly, in terms of defense, apart from the Five Elements Bagua Pan, there is only Chen Qing's "Heritage" auspicious suit. In comparison, the defense is weaker.

In the past, Lin Ge was unwilling to redeem in the main god space because once his identity was exposed, the exchanged items would be wasted. Now that the marks can be erased through the astrolabe, it is natural to make a large purchase.

Lin Ge still decided to redeem the S-class voucher for a weapon.

As the saying goes, the best "defense" is "offense". As long as the opponent is defeated, the effort of "defense" will be saved.

And this weapon must not only be used by oneself, but also preferably by the two sisters Huang Ni and Huang Shang.

After the battle with the evil god in "Silent Hill", Lin Ge also discovered a big problem, that is, although Huang Shang is strong, a powerful individual also needs the support of spiritual weapons.

If Huang Shang had a handy weapon in "Silent Hill", even if the evil god had devoured the origin of the entire world, he wouldn't have had to rely on the power of thunder and punishment to contain the opponent. Huang Shang could have solved it by himself.

However, although S-level equipment exchange coupons can be used to directly exchange for a weapon, erasing the imprint of S-level equipment requires at least 500 reincarnation points.

The props in the main god space are both "S-level", and there is a certain gap in price. The cheapest S-class equipment sells for 30W reincarnation points, and the most expensive one reaches seven figures.

In other words, to erase the Lord God's mark on the equipment, you must consume the exchange coupons and prepare sources ranging from 300 to 1000+.

Lin Ge now doesn't even have enough origin to wash away the mark of "Yin Wu Lei", so how can he still have the origin to clean the equipment?

"Wait a minute, the equipment and props in the Lord God's space are fakes that are 'copied' from various worlds. They are essentially things 'made' by the Lord God, so they are marked."

"What if it's raw materials?"

Thinking of this, Lin Ge spent a hundred reincarnation points to exchange for a piece of iron ore, and then returned to his private space to scan the astrolabe and found that there was indeed no need to consume the source to erase the mark, because there was no mark at all.

According to the clues currently available, the Lord God is constantly devouring other worlds, turning those worlds into reincarnation worlds and putting them into "boxes".

The main god copies the items in the box into the exchange list by consuming the source. It is possible to mark a magical weapon like Ganjiang Moye because it is produced by the main god after all.

But the copied raw materials have not been "created", so they are not imprinted?

Thinking of this, Lin Ge had an idea in his mind, so he spent thousands of reincarnation points to try, exchanged some rare materials, and then checked with the astrolabe. Sure enough, there was no "mark"!

In fact, it should be a matter of course that the raw materials are not imprinted. After all, the most lacking thing in the world of reincarnation is "time". Even spells are directly exchanged for "skills" instead of cheats for practice. How many reincarnations will choose materials? Going to research and build equipment yourself?

However, this is not a problem for Lin Ge.

He is indeed short of time, but he is not short of people who can make equipment.

In "Two Eyes", in order to pave the way for his sister, Huang Ni created countless magical weapons for Zhenxian Temple. At that time, they used ordinary materials.

And since the Lord God’s Space has copied thousands of worlds, there will naturally be no shortage of peerless materials!

Thinking of this, Lin Ge immediately returned to his private space and entered the astrolabe to discuss building equipment with Huang Ni.

"Build equipment?"

Huang Ni was a little surprised when he heard Lin Ge's plan. He thought about it and said, "Although helping you build equipment is not a problem, have you ever thought about building a peerless magic weapon? You must first refine the materials. This is just one step." There are a lot of things to prepare. For example, furnaces and forging equipment. The rarer the materials to be extracted, the more advanced equipment is required."

Lin Ge was stunned for a moment and said: "Wait a minute, don't you immortals make equipment with a few gestures, use spiritual energy to lift the materials up to the sky, and then it's done in a few or two times?"

Huang Ni said expressionlessly: "Watch less fairy dramas."

"You were chasing immortals yesterday..."

"Cough, cough." Huang Ni coughed twice, interrupting Lin Ge, and continued: "To create a peerless magic weapon, in addition to equipment, a lot of materials are also needed. For example, the one you got in the True Immortal Temple before C-level blade, do you know how much iron ore I consumed to extract the crystal iron needed to make an iron sword with a sharp edge effect?"

"How much?" Lin Ge asked subconsciously.

Huang Ni raised his hand to make a "1" sign and said: "1 ton."

Lin Ge:......

"A sword and a ton of iron ore?"

"Yes, this is still a magic weapon. If it is a spiritual weapon, it will require more."

However, Lin Ge thought about it again. This iron ore seemed to cost a lot, but the weapons produced were as sharp as clay. Slashing people and slashing guns was like cutting tofu. This is absolutely impossible in reality. Divine weapon.


At this time, hearing the conversation between Lin Ge and Huang Ni, Huang Shang stopped practicing, opened his eyes and said, "What you think is quite beautiful. You need to borrow magic power from your sister, and you need your sister's help in fighting. Now you even need weapons." Sister, help you forge it...just go and dream about it!"

Lin Ge smiled and said: "It's not to help me forge weapons, but to help you forge weapons. In "Silent Hill", it was very difficult for you to deal with the evil god with bare hands. That's when I thought of asking Huang Ni to help forge a weapon for you. You Don’t you want to carry a magic weapon made by your sister with you?”

"I..." Huang Shang was speechless for a moment.

Lin Ge: ...Small, can’t I cure you?

Huang Ni looked at the two of them, shook his head helplessly, obviously no longer surprised by this situation, and then said: "I can make a list for you first, you go and see how big the price is compared to the direct exchange of finished products. gap, and then decide whether to build your own equipment.”

"In fact, in the long run, although we now have an astrolabe that can erase marks, it is all based on the consumption of the source. As the basis for maintaining a world, the source is not that easy to get. So I think even if you exchange it for one It’s not a bad idea to have top-quality forging equipment, after all, it will come in handy in the future,” Lin Ge replied.

Huang Ni thought for a while, nodded and said: "That's true...then you can exchange it for an alchemy furnace, and I can try to refine some recovery elixirs."


Huang Ni wrote a list for Lin Ge. It listed in detail some of the rare treasures that Huang Ni and Huang Shang had heard about during their respective travels, as well as... some treasures that they had seen in the drama while watching the drama.

Lin Ge's expression became a little subtle when he saw "familiar" materials such as underground flint, fire unicorn scales, a thousand-year ice spring, colorful crystal mother, meteorite from the sky, and the blood of the devil.

...Huang Ni accidentally exposed her drama-seeking nature.

Lin Ge returned to the main divine ball and calculated the price according to the list given by Huang Ni. After comparison, he found that an S+ level "immortal sword" worth 300,000 reincarnation points was converted according to the material list given by Huang Ni. It requires about 200,000 reincarnation points, and in comparison, it "saves" 100,000 reincarnation points.


The fairy sword forged by Huang Ni's hands does not need to consume its source to erase the mark of the main god. This is by no means comparable to a hundred thousand reincarnation points.

Seeing this, Lin Ge no longer hesitated. First, he spent 80,000 reincarnation points to buy Huang Ni a set of "God's Forging Furnace", plus "God's Forging Felt", "Selecting Hammer" and other tools, and spent a total of ten thousand. Fifty thousand reincarnation points.

Then, Lin Ge bought all the materials on the list. After buying them, he realized that he had spent 450,000 reincarnation points!

Of course, the most expensive one among them is the Nuwa Divine Stone called "Heihan", which sells for 150,000 reincarnation points.

According to Huang Ni, the materials for refining and forging are counted in "tons". What role can this palm-sized black stone have, but since Huang Ni wrote it, he bought it.

Lin Ge spent another 80,000 reincarnation points to buy a piece of "Fairy Purple Gold", which Huang Ni said was the material used to forge the "Purple Gold Furnace" to make alchemy.

Finally, after spending another 20,000 reincarnation points to buy some rare medicinal materials, Lin Ge returned to the small world in the astrolabe with dozens of tons of minerals.

Looking at the mountains of ore in front of him, Huang Ni asked with a strange expression: "...Have you bought all the materials on the list?"

"Didn't you ask me to buy it?"

"But didn't I ask you to choose the one you like and then buy it based on the materials below? Why did you buy them all? Are you going to play Wan Jian Jue?"

"...Where is the picture on this?"

"Turn over and take a look..."

"..." Lin Ge turned over the cloth in his hand. The first side was marked "①②③..." and a lot of material was written on it. On the back, corresponding pictures were drawn and "annotations" were made.

Seeing this, Lin Ge said silently: "I can only say that your ancient people's writing habits are really awesome. Can't you just write the material behind the annotations?"

"Three thousand years of habits, just change it?" Huang Ni asked.

"...You're right. What should I do now? I'll ask the Lord if I can return it?" Lin Ge said slightly speechless.

Huang Ni replied: "That's not necessary. I'm going to use the Nuwa Divine Stone as the basis to build a 'sword box' for you, containing fairy weapons with multiple attributes to help you deal with various situations."

"Of course this is better." Lin Ge said.

At this time, a faint word floated from the side: "...Didn't you say you were building a portable spiritual weapon for me?"

Lin Ge pointed to the mountain of ore and said: "I have emptied at least several worlds of ore. Not to mention giving you a sword, I can even give you a suit of immortal armor."

"Hey, are you going to fight?" Huang Shang asked.

"Brother, what are you doing?" At this time, Chen Qing came to Lin Ge with her four little ones, and curiously asked him what he was doing and why he moved so many mountains here.

After Lin Ge briefly explained the situation, Chen Qing volunteered and said: "Sister Ni, why don't you teach me forging and alchemy? I can help you and help my brother... Otherwise, after being fished in, you will spend all day long. I feel bad about playing."

Alessa smiled: "I suspect you are talking about us."

"Don't ask me to help!" Dark Alesse picked up the little girl and ran towards the seaside. She was the one who took action in every fight in "Silent Hill". Now she just wants to fish.

In the end, Bai Sha and Alessa stayed with Chen Qing and joined Huang Ni's forging team.

There is no doubt about Huang Ni's forging prowess. In "Double Eyes", he could use ordinary ores to forge a sharp-edged magic weapon that can cut through iron as well as mud. Now he can use hundreds of thousands of reincarnation points to forge a sword box with all attributes. It is a no-brainer. I know it must be an "immortal weapon" level that transcends spiritual weapons.

If you say you're not looking forward to it, that's definitely a lie.

However, Lin Ge had more important things to do, and obviously had no chance to stay in the astrolabe to "observe" Huang Ni's forging of the magic weapon.

Back under the main divine ball, there were only 22W of the one million reincarnation points left. Lin Ge decided to make up for the attributes of the clone first.

[Strength 27 (+4); Agility 22 (+3); Constitution 26 (+1); Spiritual power 97 (+24)]


1. Basic attributes.

1-50, price: 500/point

51-100, price: 1000/point

100+, price: 10000/point

Lin Ge supplemented the three basic attributes of strength, agility and constitution to 50, five times the attributes of ordinary people, which is enough to cope with most situations.

The aura is already as high as 97. Every point above 100 requires 1W, so only 3 points were replenished in the end.

A total of 40,500 reincarnation points were spent to supplement the attributes.

Although this attribute is added to the number of the clone and will be drained once the identity is exposed, Lin Ge's cultivation is currently damaged and his strength is not as good as before, so he needs attributes to make up for it.

Then, Lin Ge spent another 10,000 reincarnation points to exchange for level 1 "Detection" and 5,000 reincarnation points to expand the [Inventory] from 50 to 100 spaces.

Although he now basically puts equipment and props into the astrolabe for storage, he does not dare to put things with the Lord God's mark into the astrolabe.

I picked up a lot of reincarnation equipment in "Silent Hill", plus the ones given by Hei Changzhi, the [Inventory] has long been in crisis, and it is obvious that this reincarnation point cannot be saved.

"There are still 165,000 reincarnation points left..." Lin Ge couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If he really wanted to use these reincarnation points, he couldn't help but spend a million or more.

Lin Ge decided to exchange for some more "quick" skills.

First, I spent 8,000 reincarnation points to exchange for the C-level Qing Gong skill "Ti Yun Zong". While learning the basic Qing Gong, my agility attribute increased by 10 points.

Although Lin Ge was assisted by Qimei's blood mist, in case Qimei was unable to move away from other enemies or was restricted by the nightmare effect, Lin Ge would be safer with the additional movement skill.

Then, Lin Ge spent another 20,000 reincarnation points to exchange for the B-level skill "Lion's Roar Skill".

There are two modes of "Lion's Roar Skill". One is to use spiritual energy to roar like a beast to achieve the effect of sonic attack.

And the other one is also the basic reason why Lin Ge exchanged the lion's roar skill.

"Reiki Amplification".

Lin Ge plans to combine the "Lion's Roar Kung Fu" with the "Eight Great Divine Curses". By consuming spiritual energy through the Lion's Roar Kung Fu, the power and amplification range of the divine curses can be increased several times.

This is not an effect that can be achieved with a loudspeaker.

In the end, Lin Ge exchanged some basic recovery medicine, scented wax paper candles and other "miscellaneous items", spending several thousand reincarnation points, leaving 132,000 reincarnation points.

He plans to wait for Huang Ni to build the "Sword Box" for the remaining reincarnation points before deciding what to exchange for them. For example, the "Sword Controlling Technique" with 100,000 reincarnation points can not only fly with the sword, but also maximize the power of the sword box. Or the purely offensive skills "Ten Thousand Sword Art", "Sword God", etc., and the auxiliary "Xian Fengyun Taishu"...

After the strengthening was over, Lin Ge returned to his private space, ready to try the "Guide Mode".

【"Guide Mode" is about to begin! 】

[The world of reincarnation has been matched successfully, and the transmission is about to begin——]




[Target reincarnation world: "A Nightmare on Elm Street", difficulty "difficult". 】

Lin Ge was shrouded in a white light. After a brief blur of consciousness, he found himself on the green belt next to the highway. The gloomy road seemed particularly silent at night.

There were four men and two women lying on the green belt, a total of six "unconscious" reincarnators.

There was an invisible "cover" surrounding Lin Ge and the six reincarnators.

Lin Ge was no stranger to such a scene. After all, he would experience it every time he entered the world of reincarnation.

But the strange thing is that the "30-minute" countdown has not started counting down this time, and the surrounding reincarnators show no signs of waking up.

Just when Lin Ge was confused and considering whether to wake up the six reincarnators, the cold mechanical prompt of the Lord God rang in his mind.

[As a "guide", your task in this reincarnation is to guide the six new reincarnations to adapt to the world of reincarnation as soon as possible and survive the reincarnation. 】

At the same time as the main god's prompt sounded, an interface similar to the "exchange" appeared in front of Lin Ge's eyes, which displayed the basic information of the six reincarnations.

Zeng Cha, a company employee, died suddenly while working overtime. Good at programming and likes to exercise. Physical fitness, potential?

Wang Defa, a coal mine owner, died in a car accident. He is good at drinking and likes beautiful women. Physical fitness f, potential f

Zhang Liang, a sprinter, died of cardiac paralysis. Good at sprinting and likes to exercise. Physical fitness, potential?

Sun Kun, a street gangster, died in a fight with weapons. He is good at killing people and likes to fight. Physical quality d, potential c.

Chu Beibi, a female anchor, died of kidnapping. Good at makeup and likes to dance. Physical quality e, potential e.

Zhao Jingjing, a clerk, died in a car accident. I am good at nothing and like to follow dramas. Physical fitness f, potential f.

[The difficulty of this reincarnation is "difficult", and there is a 70% chance of a "stalker" appearing in the leader mode. At the time of settlement, for each surviving new reincarnation player, the justice value is +10 and the reincarnation point is +1000. 】

? ? ?

Justice value?

When Lin Ge heard these three words, he even thought he heard them wrong. If this is just a "fake justice value" used by the Lord God to deal with it, then the value is too low.

If it is "real", wouldn't it be the origin? ?

Before Lin Ge could recover from his surprise, he heard the Lord God continue to prompt:

[Justice value increases the favorability of plot characters, increases the chance of triggering hidden plots, and can be used to strengthen one's own attributes and improve positive attributes. 】

[The "leader" directly or indirectly causes the death of a new reincarnation player, with a sin value of +10 and a reincarnation point of -1000. The sin value will reduce the favorability of the protagonist's plot characters and reduce the probability of triggering the hidden plot. When the sin value reaches 1000 points, the leader mode will be turned off and the player will become a "stalker". 】

"It seems that this is indeed the 'origin'... No wonder the clone's strength has improved so quickly. It turns out that it relies on the origin specially provided by the Lord God to improve itself." Lin Ge couldn't help but think in his heart, if this is the case, wouldn't he be able to In the leader mode, earn new reincarnators and hunt down plot characters of both sides, two sources?

[Note that the task of the guide is to guide the new reincarnators to adapt to reincarnation as quickly as possible. If you interfere too much in the development of the plot, it will cause drastic changes in the plot. 】

[When the leader’s interference value is lower than 50% during settlement, the settlement reward will be doubled. 】

[In this reincarnation, the main task of the new reincarnation is: Survive on Elm Street for seven days. 】

[The distribution of the guide task has ended, and now the safe time countdown begins: 29 minutes and 54 seconds]

Obviously, this is a "routine broadcast" that the Lord God will make every time the leader mode is turned on, telling the leader the rewards of this reincarnation, as well as the information and tasks of the new reincarnations.

To put it bluntly, the guide is the old man in the main god's space who leads the new people, cultivates the potential of the new people for the main god, and improves their "survival rate".

"So it seems that the Lord God doesn't copy just because he wants to?" Lin Ge frowned and thought, if copying was easy, there would be no need for such a model of old and new.

Although Lin Ge is not interested in "being a nanny for newcomers", he is very interested in the origin.

"As long as the newcomers survive until the settlement period... In other words, just knock them out, tie them up and hide them in one place for seven days to ensure they don't die?"

This plan may work in other reincarnation worlds, but...

"Tsk, it's a pity that I encountered "A Nightmare on Elm Street"." If Lin Ge remembered correctly, "A Nightmare on Elm Street" should be a very old American horror film.

The plot is also very simple. It tells the story of a kindergarten gardener who was cornered in an old factory and burned alive by his parents because he abused his children.

As a result, the gardener was burned to death, accepted the power of the nightmare and turned into a demon to come back for revenge. He entered the dreams of the town residents while they were asleep and brutally killed them.

The gardener's power comes from the "fear" of the town residents. The more fearful the town residents are of him, the stronger his power becomes.

And in the dream world, the gardener is almost "invincible". The protagonists relied on the protagonist's aura several times to drag him out of the dream world before successfully killing him.

"Dream World? Isn't this Qimei's home turf?" Lin Ge didn't think that a devil with a difficult difficulty could be the opponent of Qimei who had transformed into a fierce god.

However, it was not difficult for Lin Ge to survive for seven days. It was rare to find a way to ensure six "new heads" to the maximum extent and successfully get the full reward.

What's more, Lin Ge is still a little "greedy" and wants to try to keep the interference value below 50% and successfully get the "double reward".

Just when Lin Ge was thinking about how to minimize the impact on the plot and maximize the survival of the six newcomers until the settlement period, among the six newcomers, there was a company employee in a white shirt and black pants, about thirty years old. "Zeng Cha" woke up first.

Zeng Cha worked overtime for a week in a row. When the project modification plan proposed by Party A's father was about to be completed, a small window suddenly popped up on the computer screen.

"Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to"

Zeng Cha thought his colleague was joking with him, so he didn't care. He casually clicked "YES" on the small pop-up window. As a result, he felt a huge pain in his heart and lost consciousness.

Cold, shaking...

Feeling the cold touch of green grass on the green belt, Zeng Cha suddenly jumped up from the ground when he woke up, and then looked around nervously, at the scene of the office before coma, and the silent road and small town in front of him at night. The pictures overlapped.

"Where am I?" Zeng Cha rubbed his forehead and looked around.

"Yes, you are the most qualified among the people who came this time." At this time, a plain voice came from behind him.

Zeng Cha turned around and saw a black-haired young man in casual clothes, leaning against a telephone pole with his hands folded, a faint smile on his face.

"Who are you? Where am I..." Before Zeng Cha could finish his words, he noticed that besides him and the young man, there were three men and two women lying on the ground.

Lin Ge raised his hand, pointed at his head, and said, "You can try to think about it. I believe it should have implanted relevant information in your mind."

Zeng Cha frowned, obviously feeling that there were some more memories in his mind that did not belong to him. While he was digesting these memories, the other reincarnators also woke up one after another.



The first thing that the heavily made-up woman did when she woke up was to display the lion's roar skill that Lin Ge spent 20,000 reincarnation points to redeem. It made everyone's ears hurt and woke up Zhao Jingjing and Wang Defa who were not yet awake.

"Holy shit, what happened!"

"where am I?"

"This is where……"

"I, I, I was, was I kidnapped?"

"Hey, who are you?"

The scene fell into chaos for a time. Lin Ge originally wanted a few people to digest the "memories" in their minds like Zeng Cha did, but several people led by Sun Kun did not listen to him at all, and instead regarded him as a kidnapper.



With the sound of a gunshot, several people suddenly fell silent. Zhao Jingjing and Chu Beibi covered their mouths tightly, not daring to make a sound.

Lin Ge shook off the Glock 17 pistol in his hand and smiled faintly: "As expected, the 'gun' is the most intimidating. Okay, now you can quietly digest the extra memories in your mind, right? By the way. , let me emphasize, I don’t have a good temper, so try not to make me angry.”

Several people looked at each other and tried to integrate the memories in their minds. The athlete Zhang Liang asked tentatively: "Is this some new type of deception? Hallucinogens?"

Lin Ge was too lazy to talk nonsense with these people and said straight to the point: "Rookies, has anyone seen the old movie "A Nightmare on Elm Street", and who hasn't?"

Zhao Jingjing raised her hand weakly: "Yes, I'm sorry, I, I haven't seen it."

"I've seen it," Zeng Cha said.

Lin Ge said calmly: "Tell them about the plot."

Although Zeng Cha didn't understand Lin Ge's intention, since the other party had a gun in his hand, he still obeyed and told everyone about the plot of "A Nightmare on Elm Street".

After hearing this, Wang Defa had an incredible look on his plump face: "You want to tell us that this is the world in the movie?"

Lin Ge raised his hand and pointed his gun at the road sign marked "Elm Street Town" in the distance, and said: "Believe it or not, you can treat this as a nightmare or a situational variety show, but I advise you. One sentence, if you still have doubts, just think more about the memories in your mind... I believe you still remember what your situation was like before entering here, right? Do you think your 'death' was all fake?"

Lin Ge's words caused everyone to fall into silence, and the six reincarnators also had completely different expressions.

Zeng Cha frowned, seeming to be thinking about something. The two women, Zhao Jingjing and Chu Beibi, were leaning against each other, with only fear on their faces. Zhang Liang and Wang Defa seemed to be a little out of sorts, as if they were doubting the authenticity of the incident. On the other hand, the street gangster Sun Kun looked excited.

"The world of reincarnation, the main god space? Can you use reincarnation points to exchange for all fantasy objects here? Hahaha, I have been in Zonghenghai City for two and a half years, and I haven't seen any storms! Outside, you can kill people, here you can kill ghosts, and you can still make yourself Becoming a superman, isn't this a dream world?" Sun Kun said somewhat crazily.

Before Lin Ge could throw cold water on him, Zeng Cha spoke first and said, "It's not that simple. If this is really the world of A Nightmare on Elm Street, then we will be in danger."

"Why, why?" Zhao Jingjing asked fearfully.

Zeng Cha said in a deep voice: "Freddy, who has the power of nightmares, can enter the dream to kill the target. He is immortal in the dream. As long as he enters the dream, he will become his plaything. The only way is not to sleep, but ...How can a person not sleep?”

"Is it that exaggerated?" Wang Defa muttered in a low voice.

"Can't he be killed with a gun? He...he has a gun. He should be able to do it, right?" Zhang Liang said, looking at Lin Ge who was leaning on the telephone pole.

Zeng Cha shook his head: "I don't know about this. After all, in the movie, the director deliberately avoided the existence of the government and the police. And every time the protagonist 'kills' Freddy, it will happen again at the end of the movie. Run out and show your face. So I don’t know if I can kill him. Instead of thinking about how to kill Freddy, I think it’s safer to think about how to avoid seeing him.”

Zeng Cha's words undoubtedly cast a haze over everyone's hearts. After a long silence, Zhao Jingjing asked Lin Ge tentatively: "Brother, can we... follow you?"

"Yes, as long as you don't hold back." Lin Ge was already thinking about finding a way to tie the newcomer to his side. At this time, someone offered to do it, and he was naturally happy to accept it.

He has no interest in being a nanny, and he doesn't mind earning less rewards if the newcomer doesn't obey.

After the newcomers briefly introduced their situation, everyone asked Lin Ge, the "old man", about his experience in facing reincarnation.

At this moment, with the sound of glass breaking, the protective cover shattered, and everyone felt a gust of cold wind coming.

Reincarnation officially begins.

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