Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 294: Stretch your head over here and I’ll make sure you die without pain!

Mall ruins.



There was a strange sound under the rubble pile, and then, a bloody hand stretched out from the crack in the stone and pushed away the gravel pressing on it.



Chen Qing sat up from the ruins, breathing heavily. At this time, the pain of being burned to the soul was still lingering in her mind. Life was worse than death, as if she could be driven crazy at any time.

"elder brother."

Chen Qing's expression fell into despair. Lin Ge's ruthlessness made her fall into despair.

At this time, Chen Qing's severed left arm had grown back. She tried to move it, but it didn't seem to have changed much. But in fact, only she knew that Fu Jiang would probably use this arm as an opportunity to... The resurrection was completed within her body.

Chen Qing knew how dangerous this matter was, but she only had three trump cards in her hand, Hou Mao, Sadako, and Tomie.

There is only one monkey hair left, and he is still in the state of "suppressing" Fu Jiang. Using it will undoubtedly push himself to a dead end.

As for Sadako...

Judging from the past few reincarnations, although releasing Sadako can relieve the current pressure to a certain extent, as the saying goes, "It is easier to invite a ghost than to send a ghost away." Every time Sadako is released, it will definitely cause greater trouble.

At that time, she had been targeted by a group of reincarnations. After much thought, the safest option was to use "Fujiang", a power that could be used repeatedly, to lure them away.


The danger was taken away, but it caused even greater trouble.

Chen Qing sighed, moved away the rubble, and found her schoolbag on her back among the rubble. She wasn't going to give up just like that, she had to struggle no matter what.

"Brother said that I have to drag a few backers with me even if I die. Sigh. If I can't survive, I will give this life back to my brother and treat me as if I have not survived the reincarnation of "The Grudge"."

Chen Qing walked towards the ruins with her schoolbag on her back. She was still wearing a ghillie suit at this time. As she walked, her figure continued to blend into the surrounding environment.

"100W reincarnation points... The Lord God is so generous. No wonder even I can't resist the temptation. Sigh, if I commit suicide now, can the Lord God give me 100W reincarnation points? Then I will spend 100W reincarnation points to resurrect. Wouldn't it be a net profit? 90W?" Chen Qing muttered as she walked away.

At this moment, a roar of motorcycles came from the distance, and then Hei Changzhi, who transformed into the Ghost Rider, rode towards the distance on a Harley motorcycle whose wheels were wrapped in flames. The speed was so fast that it created an afterimage, leaving burning flames and scorch marks on the ground where the motorcycle passed!

"Stinky woman! Still chasing me!" Chen Qing didn't know whether her ghillie suit could evade the opponent's "eye of judgment". For safety reasons, she rushed directly to a two-story building across the street.

Chen Qing took out an "air cannon" and put it on her right hand. When she rushed to the door, she raised her hand and pointed at the door and shouted "bang". A violent air flow suddenly exploded from the air cannon, which directly distorted the metal door. Deformation.

Chen Qing got into the house through the twisted door and ran directly to the second floor. As she ran, she read, "I don't believe you can still ride a motorcycle in the house!"


There was a loud noise, and the metal door was knocked out by the Harley motorcycle. Then Hei Changzhi rode the burning motorcycle into the living room and made a gorgeous side drift to the stairwell.


"If you can, go upstairs!"

Chen Qing cursed loudly, rushed up the corridor on the second floor, and ran towards the window not far away.

However, two seconds later, Hei Changzhi caught up with him on a motorcycle. Chen Qing was surprised to find that the original Harley motorcycle had turned into an extreme sports mountain bike.

"Wow! You're a scumbag! The motorcycle is even deformed!" Chen Qing swooped, smashing through the glass of the second-floor window and falling to the street, then ran towards the opposite house.

At this time, she heard a "swish" sound piercing the air behind her, and then a chain burning with flames flew out of the second-floor window and rolled towards her.

As Chen Qing ran, she put a crumpled yellow talisman that was mostly stained red with blood on her forehead, pinched the talisman and recited the spell: "Emergency is like a law!"


The moment the soul chain wrapped around Chen Qing, she disappeared from the place with a "swish", and then appeared in the corner of the stairwell of the previous two-story building a few seconds later.

Chen Qing tiptoed towards the basement, only to hear the sound of "crash" breaking the glass from upstairs, followed by the sound of a motorcycle landing. It was obvious that Hei Changzhi had chased him to the street. But soon the roar of motorcycles came from the gate, and it was obvious that the other party was chasing after him again.

"You lingering stinky woman, even the invisibility spell and the instantaneous spell can't get rid of you!" Chen Qing already understood that the other party must have some ability to lock her position, and it should be related to the previous soul search.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Qing put another bloody talisman on her forehead, and then picked up a talisman.

At this time, the strength of her soul dimmed. Compared with the few remaining clones that were causing chaos in the distance, her body was more like a "clone".

"Hurry as the law dictates!"


Chen Qing calculated the right time and moved to the ruins of the shopping mall again at the moment Hei Changzhi entered the house. At this time, because the strength of her soul weakened and the strength of the soul of the distant clone increased, Hei Changzhi's induction was disturbed, and it was unclear for a while which one was Chen Qing's "body".

After Hei Changzhi informed his teammates of the situation through the intercom, it didn't take long for Lin Ge and Jiwotou to rush over, and with them came several teams of reincarnators.

Obviously, through the previous battles, these reincarnations knew that this three-person team was not only powerful, but also had special means to lock the target.

Follow them, and you might be lucky enough to "pick up the slack".

As for the fight, even if several teams of reincarnators lose to these three people, they can still skin them. Usually, the biggest fear of such a small reincarnation team is attrition.

Of course, these reincarnations were not stupid. They followed, but not completely. They still kept a certain distance from Lin Ge's team.

The reason why they followed here was because Lin Ge and Jiwotou had eliminated all the "Chen Qing" in the block over there, so they could only follow here to "try their luck."

Seeing more and more reincarnations gathering across the street, Chen Qing, who was hiding in the ruins, felt a little anxious. She originally thought that the "soul-killing method" that weakened the soul strength could lure Hei Changzhi away, but she didn't want him to keep guarding the street. , until Lin Ge and others had almost finished all the clones and came over to join them.

Obviously, Hei Changzhi knew that although Chen Qing's spell could "teleport", the distance would not be too far, so he waited in place just to be on the safe side.

There are still a few clones released by Chen Qing, and these are all "finger and toe" level clones. Even if the strength of his soul is weakened, he is not much weaker than these clones.

Seeing that the duration of the "soul-killing method" was about to end, Chen Qing was left with the choice of letting Sadako or Tomie go. The difference was whether he would die later or be possessed later.

But no matter whether you choose Sadako or Tomie, these two eldest sisters are only at the level of "fierce gods". To other reincarnations, fierce gods are scary, but to Lin Ge, they are completely "professional counterparts"... What's more, There are two "same majors" on the side, Hei Changzhi and Jiwotou.

"It's over, it's over, even the gods can't save it now, woo woo woo." Chen Qing was about to cry. She thought hard in her little head, but couldn't figure out how to solve the situation in front of her.

At this moment, Lin Ge across the street took up the magic spell and threw a golden talisman into the air. The golden talisman flew into the sky and immediately turned into a golden light cover, covering the entire ruins of the mall. Apparently, he had discovered that Chen Qing's true body is hidden in these ruins.

"You should pay attention to other reincarnations. Anyone who dares to steal someone's head will be killed!" Lin Ge glanced at the surrounding reincarnations and coldly snorted: "Whoever dares to step into the scope of the golden light shield will be shot to death!"

"Who the hell do you think you are!" At this time, the reincarnator who was closest to Lin Ge and the three people suddenly cursed when he heard Lin Ge's arrogant remarks.

Lin Ge snorted, not even bothering to look at him, and walked directly towards the ruins of the shopping mall.

And with the roar of a motorcycle, Hei Changzhi rode his motorcycle directly towards the reincarnation. With a swing of the soul-locking iron chain, the reincarnation instinctively hid. Just as he was about to chant magic, he saw a cold light coming, and the darkness The long knife drew a crescent-shaped blade and wiped his neck!

The reincarnator was beheaded, and his "companion" who was just about to help retreated in horror. He swallowed subconsciously, as if he was considering whether to take action.

When Hei Changzhi was dealing with this team of reincarnators, Jiwotou once again summoned his ghost shadow to guard around the golden mask. Just as Lin Ge said, he would control the ghost shadow to kill anyone who dared to move.

Seeing Lin Ge approaching step by step, Chen Qing, who was in the ruins, sighed, silently emerged from the rubble, and looked at Lin Ge: "Brother."

"Little girl, you're quite capable of running. If you hadn't been carrying something as fierce as a god, I might not have been able to find you." Lin Ge looked at Chen Qing and said with a smile.

At this moment, Chen Qing was in a dead end. Although she still had a trump card, facing a "professional counterpart" like Lin Ge, all her struggles were in vain.

Of course, it was more of the despair and pain in his heart that made Chen Qing lose her resistance to Lin Ge.

"Brother. Since you want to kill me too, then... just take this life and pretend that I haven't lived through "The Grudge" and haven't met you. But... if you can leave this hellish place alive, Please go to Linshui Palace to visit my mother for me. You don’t need to tell her that I am dead, just visit for me." Chen Qing said with a lonely look.

Lin Ge frowned slightly and looked Chen Qing up and down, with a little doubt in his eyes: "Grudge? Linshui Palace? I remember that Linshui Palace is the ancestral temple dedicated to Mrs. Linshui. Could it be that you, little girl, are with the mistress?" Is there some connection between you and me? It’s a pity that although you and I are both members of the Taoist sect, we are now on opposite sides. For the sake of being one of us, stick your head over here and I guarantee that you will die without any pain!"

When Chen Qing heard this, she suddenly cried and said: "Brother, I'm going to die. Before you die, you still pretend that you don't know me. Is that interesting? Alas... I..."

Chen Qing was about to complain about Lin Ge's "unfeeling". Suddenly, a strange feeling came over her, and then Chen Qing's sense of danger sent a frantic warning. In an instant, all the cold hair on her body exploded like a hedgehog. Normally, only extremely dangerous situations would lead to such a violent reaction!

"Brother! Be careful!" Chen Qing shouted towards Lin Ge.

With a loud "boom", the pile of rubble under Lin Ge's feet collapsed, but at this moment, the Yinwu Thunder Formation spread out under his feet, and the rapidly spreading turbid water lifted him up and quickly transferred him to On the high platform on the other side.

The surrounding rubble piles, collapsed walls, as well as the streets not far away, other buildings... the walls began to fall off as if they were corroded, and the metal railings, telephone poles, street lights... were also rusting at a speed visible to the naked eye. change. In the blink of an eye, the entire town became dilapidated and decayed as if it had been abandoned for hundreds of years.

At the same time, the originally dark sky quickly turned into darkness. After a few seconds, the sky became completely dark. This means that the other world... has arrived!



Suddenly, waves of babies crying came from the houses around the ruins of the shopping mall, but the sounds sounded very strange and miserable.

As the surroundings fell into darkness, the reincarnators took out their lighting tools one after another, but they were surprised to find that the flashlight that could be used as a searchlight now illuminated less than one meter. One meter away, the light seemed to be suddenly "blocked".

"What's happening here?"

"The other world?"

Before the reincarnations could recover, they saw a child running out of the surrounding houses who looked like he was between two or three to five or six years old. His body was like charcoal, and there were red burning cracks on his body. , as if demons crawled out of hell, crying like miserable howls, there were thousands of them!

In the ruins of the shopping mall, the monsters that had been killed by the mage's Dragon Breaking Slash were also resurrected one after another, and their number even increased several times.

There were dozens of butchers with big knives in their hands.

They roared, howled, waved their weapons, locked on the "living breath" of the reincarnations, and launched a crazy attack on them!

The reincarnations were affected by the other world, and the visual distance was shortened to one meter. Chen Qing was also affected, but she immediately swallowed a few pills of rebirth and turned her attention to danger perception.

In an instant, Chen Qing's "world" changed from darkness to blood red, and then she could sense the monsters around her: "Ha, it seems I won't die for a while, bye, brother!"

Chen Qing closed her eyes and ran towards the other side of the ruins. When Lin Ge heard the movement, he immediately controlled his Yin Wu Lei Domain, which was like asphalt sludge, and turned into giant hands of turbid water, grabbing Chen Qing.

But at this time, Chen Qing was like a loach, burrowing in and out of the rubble in the ruins. Coupled with the monsters in Silent Hill, Lin Ge failed to catch it several times.

Although Chen Qing can turn on "Map Perspective" in a short time, it consumes a lot of her spiritual energy. Even with the blessing of "Spiritual Cultivation Method" and "Aura Restoration Agent", it cannot last for too long.

Chen Qing could only escape from the most dangerous area first, and then think of a way. If it didn't work, she would retreat from "accurate perception" to ordinary perception.

After all, after entering the other world, these monsters have strong killing intent, and even ordinary perception can clearly sense the location of the monsters.

It's just that there are still reincarnations such as Lin Ge present, so Chen Qing chose "accurate perception" just to be on the safe side. After all, if someone accidentally bumps into the reincarnation, he will be in trouble.

I don’t know if I am lucky or if these reincarnations are too unlucky. The most difficult "inner world" in Silent Hill has become Chen Qing's protective umbrella, helping him get rid of these reincarnations.

Although Lin Ge still maintains the state of the Sky Eye, even with the Sky Eye, the visibility is only a few meters higher than that of ordinary reincarnations. It is impossible to catch Chen Qing.

Lin Ge was infuriated by the monsters that kept pouring out from under the ruins. He formed a Dao Seal, cast the "Golden Light Curse" instantly, and recited the Pure Land Curse!

On the other side, Hei Changzhi, who originally fought against the reincarnations, and Jiwotou, who was on guard near the golden cover, also gave up on dealing with the reincarnations. It was not that they wanted to take advantage of the advent of the other world to clear a wave of reincarnation points, but the surrounding people. There are simply too many monsters, so many that even with their "professional counterparts" strength, they feel tremendous pressure.

The point is, you can't kill all of these monsters. No matter how much you kill, more monsters will immediately appear from the surrounding buildings, giving people the impression that those buildings are like "monster manufacturing factories."

While the reincarnator was distracted from pursuit, Chen Qing relied on danger perception to avoid the monster and ran to the golden cover released by Lin Ge.

Chen Qing found that her right hand could easily pass through the golden cover, but when her left hand passed through, it was blocked by an invisible barrier, and there was also a severe burning sensation.

She could pass, but part of "Fujiang" was blocked. On top of that, Sadako’s videotape is also difficult to get past.

Obviously, as Lin Ge said, the other party locked her position with the ferocious spirit she carried and took action against it.

Fortunately, when Chen Qing was being chased by Hei Changzhi before, she didn't forget to leave a few more "instant charms" around. Although a few were used up, there were still some left in the yard of the two-story building across the street at this time. Several pictures.

Chen Qing immediately made up the magic formula, switched places with the instantaneous talisman left in the courtyard, and then fled into the building, ran all the way upstairs, and jumped from the second-floor window to the street behind the house.

Relying on her spiritual perception, Chen Qing discovered that there was no "safe" place in the town at this time. There were monsters everywhere, and there were quite a few of them.

It is also uncomfortable to maintain a state of mental perception at this time. It is like a person who is afraid of heights, standing on the edge of a cliff, with only an area the size of the sole of his feet on all sides. No matter where he goes, he may fall into the abyss at any time!

In this state, Chen Qing kept running away, running away, running away. In less than half an hour, her spirit collapsed several times. The horror of the world here was far beyond her imagination.



Chen Qing's eyes were distracted, as if she was about to faint at any moment. She dragged her heavy steps and felt that her consciousness was gradually dissipating. This is still the first day. If the duration of the inner world is increased by one hour every day according to the "Hell Effect", then even if she is not killed by the monster, she will be tortured by the sense of danger and go crazy.

40 minutes.

50 minutes.

Finally, light slowly began to appear in the sky, and the corrupted world around him returned to the white color of the outside world. The streets were filled with dense monsters, as if they had suddenly disappeared from this world. On the first day, the world will only last for an hour. Once the time passes, it will return to the appearance of the outside world.

Chen Qing didn't know how she survived this hour. If in the previous reincarnations of the world, her sense of danger made her feel like she was standing on the edge of a cliff, then now he seemed to have fallen off the cliff.

Chen Qing fell to the ground. While her sense of danger allowed her to avoid monsters, it also made her feel a fear that other reincarnators would never be able to touch.

The source of these fears is the abandoned hospital in front of them.

The strange thing is that when Chen Qing was in the outside world, she just wanted to rely on her sense of danger to avoid the monsters wandering around and find a safe place.

Since the entire town was full of monsters after entering the other world, she could only rely on her sense of danger to avoid them, but she was inexplicably attracted to this hospital.

However, this hospital made her feel unprecedented danger and terror!

At this moment, the roar of motorcycles came from the distance again. Apparently, Hei Changzhi, who had previously locked Chen Qing's soul through soul searching, followed the soul's breath and chased after him again.


Chen Qing calmed down, took out a handful of recovery medicine and stuffed it into her mouth. She climbed up from the ground, dragging her almost exhausted body towards the hospital.

However, the moment Chen Qing walked into the hospital, her soul aura seemed to be blocked. Hei Changzhi, who was chasing her all the way, noticed that her soul aura had disappeared and was extremely surprised.

She thought Chen Qing had used some method to dissipate the soul's aura, but because she was too far away, she couldn't even capture where the other party "disappeared".

Hei Changzhi could only ride a motorcycle and patrol around constantly, trying to find traces of Chen Qing.

After Chen Qing entered the hospital, she immediately felt like a hedgehog with explosive hair. Her sense of danger kept warning her, but listening to the sound of motorcycles disappearing, she realized that this place could block Hei Changzhi's pursuit. In desperation, she could only try to explore here first.

"Could this be the location of the big boss of Silent Hill? I shouldn't be so unlucky. I just found a place to hide and saw the big boss?"

Chen Qing relied on the recovery medicine to recover some of his mental and physical strength, and at the same time he also resumed his habit of casual thoughts.

The silence in the hospital was eerie. Although it was now separated from the other world, the hospital under the surface still had a rotten atmosphere.

This place seems to have been abandoned for decades, but unlike the shopping mall, after the shopping mall entered the outer world, the degree of decay was not as bad as in the eyes of the hospital. At most, it looked like it had been abandoned for a few years.

As for the hospital, it was just a rusty door lock and equipment lying on the floor. It seemed that this place was like the junction between the outside world and the inner world, and it was slowly turning this place into the inner world forever.

"Boss in the hospital, I am just a weak little girl. In order to avoid being chased by a group of reincarnations who were blinded by the reincarnation point and lost their minds, I had no choice but to hide in your territory... Please, please, don't kill me, I'm still young, I still want to go back and inherit my mother’s legacy. I am very familiar with the Mistress, and I will introduce you to her next time..."

Chen Qing cautiously explored the depths of the hospital. Suddenly, a cold breath gathered behind her, and with the laughter of "hehehe", a pair of cold hands covered her eyes.

"Hee hee hee--"

"Guess who I am." (End of chapter)

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