Lin Ge didn't care whether Deng Zixuan believed it or not. He only knew that if he continued to linger here, he would soon be able to enjoy a delicious dish of "gathering of ghosts and having a party with rice dumplings".

Qiqi frowned slightly: "Did the program team arrange a new task for Jiahui to scare us in this way? It's just that the shot you just made..."

Lin Ge replied decisively: "Special effects, look at Jiahui just after being shot, she is still walking like flying. These are fireworks and hanging wires. However, if we don't leave quickly, the program team will think of new ways to scare us later."

With that said, Lin Ge prepared to walk downstairs.

"Hanging wire? How can there be any wire in this place?" Deng Zixuan was speechless. He recalled Jiahui's terrifying look just now and was about to retort.

But Qiqi looked like "That's it", nodded and said, "That's right. Then let's leave quickly."

Deng Zixuan:? ? ?

Do you believe this too?

Lin Ge was walking in front, holding a Suppression Talisman in his hand to avoid sudden high-energy scenes, and was ready to take out the butcher's knife at any time.

Neither of them paid attention to Deng Zixuan. Deng Zixuan quickly got up, picked up the camera at his feet, and followed downstairs.

However, Lin Ge focused on guarding against evil spirits, but ignored one detail. When Deng Zixuan came to find Jiahui, he clearly placed the camera at the door of the sacrificial house. At this moment, a camera appeared strangely at Deng Zixuan's feet.

Lin Ge had already determined that the ghosts here had a strong reaction to sounds and would attract evil ghosts from an area. Although the Earthbound Spirit has regional restrictions, it does not mean that there are no ghosts like the Demon Rakshasa here who can ignore the restrictions.

To be on the safe side, Lin Ge decided to temporarily replace his gun with a knife, at least until he could figure out how the evil spirits in the walled city behaved.

The three of them went down the stairs. The reason why Lin Ge chose to go down was because there was a group of ghostly laughter coming from the left side of the second floor, and there were high heels on the right side. There was the laughter of an old man going up the stairs, but there was no movement downstairs.

There are only two possibilities downstairs. One is that the evil ghost downstairs is too weak and does not dare to compete with these big guys for business; the other is that the evil ghost downstairs is too strong and does not bother to associate with these minions.

No matter what the reason is, there is at least a 50% chance of encountering a low-level evil spirit, and he can leave the second floor immediately to avoid being attacked from three sides.

Returning to the first floor, Qiqi looked at the dark corridors on both sides and felt the cold wind blowing. She unconsciously looked at Lin Ge and asked, "How do we go?"

Unknowingly, she had regarded Lin Ge as the backbone of the team, seemingly forgetting that she was the "host".

Lin Ge found that after going down to the first floor, the movement of the evil spirits could no longer be heard, which once again confirmed the law of earth-bound spirits.

Lin Ge currently has two ideas. One is to advance step by step, clean up the evil spirits in one area and then move to the next area to search for clues in the "ancient book pages"; the other is to continue to follow the "plot characters" to avoid interacting with the evil spirits. Face to face with ghosts.

However, both plans have considerable drawbacks. First, no one knows what level the most powerful evil ghost in the walled city is. If it encounters the Rakshasa level, it will be difficult to escape; and following the plot characters Walk……

Lin Ge glanced at Qiqi, who had completely handed over the "hosting power" to him, and then looked at Deng Zixuan, who was trembling with fear, and sighed in his heart. Expecting these two guys to take you to find the "ancient book pages" is obviously hopeless.

The unreliability of these two people made Lin Ge vaguely "guess" in his mind. Among the three teams, these two should not be the "protagonist team".

The only ones left are Jiahui and Peipei. It makes no sense for the protagonist team to kill one of them when they come up. Jiahui shouldn't be the protagonist either.

Then it can only be Pepe.

Lin Ge decided to find Peipei first, and then suggested: "Since the program team has teamed up with Jiahui to scare us, I think we can consider finding Peipei's team first. Join forces with them, exchange the information in our hands, and strive to find the map as soon as possible. "

Deng Zixuan muttered: "How can we exchange information..."

Qiqi nodded affirmatively: "Good idea, then let's go to Peipei first and work with them to find clues."

Deng Zixuan:......

"Lin Ge, why don't you hold the camera and I'll go to the rest area." Deng Zixuan felt a little redundant. Of course, the main reason was that he had been really frightened these few times and his heart couldn't bear it.

Qiqi patted Deng Zixuan's shoulder seriously and joked: "You don't have to feel redundant. After all, we still need someone to carry the camera..."

Deng Zixuan was angry: "Don't expect me to clock in for you next time you're late!"

Lin Ge ignored the bickering between Qiqi and Deng Zixuan. He noticed that among the row of rooms on the left corridor, there was a room in the middle with a weak light on, which stood out.

"Is there anyone?"

Lin Ge first thought of the sacrificial room on the second floor. It was obviously carefully decorated and the Buddhist music on the radio "saved" them.

If you can get in touch with Taoist priests in this world, you may be able to directly understand the laws of the evil ghosts in the walled city.

Lin Singer has too little information. First, the ghosts here react strongly to sounds, and second, they are also restricted by the earth-bound spirits... In the world of reincarnation, only by mastering more information can we carry out targeted operations. layout.

"There's a light on in front." Lin Ge reminded: "Go and have a look, maybe it's a clue left by the program team for us."

"Okay." Qiqi nodded and walked towards the house.



Qiqi knocked lightly on the door, but there was no response. She noticed a piece of old and yellowed notebook paper in the crack of the door, so she took it out and shined a flashlight on it.

"...The moment the door opened, a strong stench immediately poured out, making me gag on the spot!"

"Later I asked the little girl if there were any adults at home, and she said her mother just finished cooking and felt unwell and was resting inside."

"I walked in and saw a blackened body lying on the bed."

"The corpse was stinking and rotting, the mouth was bloody and bloody, the pillow was dyed red with blood, and corpse water dripped from the bed to the ground..."

"According to investigation, the husband of the deceased is an unlicensed dentist in the Walled City."

"He has disappeared recently and is a serious suspect."

"We have contacted the social welfare unit to follow up on the girl's situation."

"This... seems to be connected to the content of the first piece of paper we found." Qiqi thought of the torn piece of paper they found when they first entered the city.

"Dentist?" Lin Ge took the note and read it again, recalling the psoriasis advertisements he saw at the entrance of the alley, and indeed saw an advertisement for "He's Dentist".

Lin Ge opened the door, and a damp smell suddenly hit his nose. He had smelled this smell in "Zombies", in the room with the corpse in the bathtub.

Judging from the smell, the resentment is not strong, and it should be a low-level evil ghost.

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