
Hu Bufan really didn't know how to answer Lin Ge's words, so he stepped forward and gave him a big hug, and then said: "Oh. This ghost Zhang Liang has been a ghost for hundreds of years, and he has already treated us badly." We know all the ways to track evil spirits, which adds a lot of trouble to our tracking work, making it very difficult for us to find them."

Guiyan said from the side: "We learned that this guy ran to the world of the sun. Brother Hu was worried that something would happen to you, so he immediately gathered people and horses to rush over."

"With Brother Lin's ability, how can Zhang Liang be so arrogant? I told you that Brother Hu is too nervous and you still don't believe it. Look, was this guy easily knocked down by Brother Lin?" said a ghost officer next to him.

The judge stepped forward and said: "Since Mr. Lin has arrested Zhang Liang, please trouble Mr. Lin and your senior brothers to go to the ghost town with us to recover and receive the reward."

When Si Mu heard this, his face suddenly lit up with joy: "We also have a share?"

The judge nodded and said: "Of course, according to Master Lin, it was the five of you who worked together to take down Zhang Liang, so naturally everyone will be rewarded."

"That's great!" Mao Shanming's eyes lit up, he rubbed his hands and stepped forward.

Qianhe stepped forward with a smile: "Oh, I have taken advantage of my senior brother."

Hu Bufan pointed at Zhang Liang who was pinned to the wall by Lin Ge and said: "Go and two of you lock up the soul of that thing without eyes, and take it down to be punished."


Two ghosts came forward and as soon as the soul cuffs were released, one of them subconsciously wanted to pull out the trident nailed to Zhang Liang. Who knew that as soon as his hand touched the handle of the gun, there was a "chi" sound and the palm of his hand was burned. White smoke.

"Ouch, is this the ghost general's magical weapon?" The ghost commander immediately looked at Lin Ge with a grimace: "Brother Lin, you have to do this yourself."

"Sorry, sorry." Lin Ge took back the trident with one move.

When Lin Ge took out the trident and asked the Little King of Hell to find someone to help repair it, Hu Bufan was present, but the other ghosts didn't know it. When they heard that Lin Ge actually had a ghost weapon, they were a little surprised for a moment.

Hu Bufan slapped the ghost on the back of the head and said angrily: "What's all the fuss about? The three magical weapons that damaged the two generals are all on my brother."

The gang of ghosts were stunned when they heard this, and they were a little flattered when they thought that Lin Ge had burned paper money for them with famous brands before.

After the ghosts locked Zhang Liang's soul, Wen Cai was left to clean up Yizhuang, while Lin Ge and Maoshan F4 went to the ghost town to be sealed.

When everyone arrived at the Ghost Gate, Mao Shanming looked at the gloomy tower, hid behind Lin Ge, and asked cautiously: "Master Tao, is this the ghost town? Tsk tsk. It's so impressive. I didn't expect that I could still be alive." When the time comes, come to the ghost town to have a look..."

"Hey. Isn't this Mr. Lin?" At this time, a hollow and ethereal voice came from above everyone.

Everyone looked up and saw ghostly symbols floating in front of the plaque. They greeted Lin Ge respectfully and opened the city gate wide.

"Master Lin, please come in."

After witnessing Lin Ge's methods during the demon clan's siege, the ghost painting talisman's attitude towards Lin Ge had undergone earth-shaking changes, and he no longer had the arrogance he had before.

Lin Ge looked at the judge on the side and asked curiously: "By the way, are all the guards of your four gates as interesting as this one...?"

The judge shook his head and sighed: "The ghost-drawing talismans of the other three gates are all normal. Only the east gate has some problems. It is said that... when the young Lord Yama ran out of ink when he wrote the last ghost-drawing talisman, he used the paint of the old Lord Hell. I poured some of it in, but I didn’t expect to draw a ghost-drawing symbol that was a bit out of my mind.”


So, has the paint of the old King of Hell expired?

While everyone was talking, they walked towards the ghost city. Black Umbrella let go of Lin Ge's travel bag and floated into the air. They saw the ghost talisman condensed into the shape of a finger and hooked towards Hei Umbrella.

"Shh, shh. Bro, is it fun outside?"

Hei Umbrella opened the umbrella and swayed from side to side, as if he didn't quite understand the meaning of the ghost-drawing talisman.

"I heard that the underworld is very interesting. You should have seen a lot of interesting things while following Mr. Lin, right? Tell me, I'm going to die of boredom here."

Phew, chi.

Phew, chi.

When the black umbrella opens and closes, I don't know what it is "saying".

It seemed that the conversation about umbrellas was very speculative. It wasn't until Lin Ge walked dozens of meters away that Huang Ni reminded him: "Hey, your umbrella has escaped."

Lin Ge:?

Looking back, he realized that the black umbrella hanging on the strap of the travel bag was missing. Lin Ge was a little surprised. This was the first time the black umbrella had left "privately" since following him.

Lin Ge turned around and was about to open his eyes to search, but saw the black umbrella floating in front of the plaque in the distance, "chatting" with the ghost talisman very speculatively.

What's going on?

"Good brother, what's wrong?" Hu Bufan asked when he saw Lin Ge stop.

Before Lin Ge could speak, he saw the black umbrella put away, then flew towards him, and hung it back on the travel bag: "It's okay, let's go."

The group of people arrived at the palace of the city lord and waited for a while. The Little King of Hell and his entourage came into the palace. After listening to Lin Ge and others narrating the process of capturing Zhang Liang, they began to discuss their merits and reward them.

First of all, Lin Ge wanted to "borrow" the soul-suppressing bell, but the Little King of Hell decisively refused. After all, it was a secret treasure of the ghost town, and it was obviously impossible to "give" it to Lin Ge.

However, the Little Hell King promised that if Lin Ge really encountered a monster of the level of the Black Mountain Old Demon, he would have a chance to borrow the soul-killing bell from the underworld.

Moreover, as the biggest contributor to the arrest of Zhang Liang, Xiaoyan Wang gave Lin Ge a token that combined the "Soul Capturing Order", "Ghost Expelling Order" and "Demon Suppressing Order" into one, as the "Black Impermanence Envoy Order" ".

This was the only "honor" in the ghost town, and Hu Bufan and the other ghosts looked on with envy. Because each "soul-seducing envoy" with different positions in the underworld holds different "tokens", the "soul-catching order", "ghost-expelling order" and "demon-suppressing order", as the names suggest, the effects of the three tokens are also the same. Big difference.

The "Soul Capture Order" is often used to chase and capture souls, the "Ghost Exorcism Order" is used to drive local ghosts, and the "Demon Suppression Order" can even order the demons of the underworld to surrender.

At this time, Lin Ge was completely in the position of "Emissary of Souls", but he was enjoying treatment at the level of a ghost general. Even Hu Bufan could only envy him.

Lin Ge took the new "Hei Wuchang Envoy" sent by the envoy. The one and a half foot long black token was engraved with the four characters "Hei Wuchang Envoy", and Lin Ge's name was on the back.

B-level enchanted items, in addition to the three enchanting effects of "soul capture", "ghost exorcism" and "demon suppression", also have a "evil-breaking" effect.

It's a pity that Lin Ge has two pupils and can use the token to "break evil", which can only save a little spiritual energy.

After Lin Ge, Uncle Jiu was named the general agent of Tiandi Bank in Yangjian, while Simu, Qianhe and Mao Shanming served as "sub-agents" in three different areas under the jurisdiction of Little Hell King. In addition, the four People still record their merits in the ghost city, and after death they can choose to be ghosts or underworld, and enter different departments.

However, Mao Shanming gave up his temporary job as a ghost official, and instead asked Xiaoyan for a chance to reincarnate for Dabao and Xiaobao, so that they could have a good pregnancy.

He also figured out that he only had so much ability and couldn't do it if the responsibility was too big, so he might as well practice hard with Uncle Jiu and others and earn more merit.

Later, Lin Ge and Maoshan F4 returned to the earthly world. Because Shi Jian was transformed by Zhang Liang's magic, he had no choice but to ask the ghost city to deal with it, cremated it on the spot, and buried his ashes in the forest.

Lin Ge took advantage of the ghost town to dispose of Shi Jian's body and took away the "origin" in Shi Jian's body. Unexpectedly, there were more "origins" in Shi Jian's body than the royal zombies and thief women combined, and there were actually 100 points.

Although the three bosses add up to only 200 points, which is not as good as a branch in the previous reincarnation world, this is a "difficult level" reincarnation world after all.

Although Lin Ge felt that if he continued to dig deeper, he might be able to dig out other branches, but it was rare for him to have time to practice, so he stayed at Yizhuang with peace of mind. On the one hand, he asked Huang Ni for advice on cultivation matters and took the time to practice; On the one hand, he asked Uncle Jiu for advice on the techniques in "Maoshan Secret Technique".

Time passed by, and when it was time to return, Lin Ge said goodbye to Uncle Nine on the pretext of traveling around the world, entered the dense forest, and chose to "return".

After being enveloped by that familiar power, Lin Ge's vision went dark for a short time. When his vision recovered again, he had returned to the dark space.

Above the head, there is still the familiar "big light bulb"——

Lord God.

[Settlement: The reincarnation world "Zombie World" has an exploration degree of 93% and an overall rating of "S". The current clearance rate of Samsara World: 67%. Additional rewards include reincarnation points x5000 and D-level item redemption coupon x1. 】

[Start detecting the reincarnation status of "No. 89757"——]

[Testing completed. 】

1. Repair physical damage. Price: 0

2. Clear the curse...

Lin Ge casually chose to skip the option of clearing the curse and went directly to strengthening. Including the previous 700 justice value, his justice value now is 900.

Since this time it is not a special copy for "Red Gate", Lin Ge has completed three branches of "Uncle Zombie", "Mr. Phantom" and "Zombie Supreme". Counting the reincarnation points and rewards for killing the boss, this book The second reincarnation earned a full 27,000 reincarnation points, twice the income of "The Grudge".

[Reincarnator "No. 89757" please be prepared. You will be transported to "Lord God Space No. 369" in 10 seconds. 】




When the countdown ended, Lin Ge just returned to the Main God Platform.




In an instant, dozens of blood mist gathered around Lin Ge, condensing into blood mirrors and surrounding him. Immediately afterwards, the "click-click" sound of gunfire and the "dang-dang-dang" sound of bullets hitting the mirror surface were heard.

On the platform of the main god space, dozens of reincarnators were fighting in various areas dozens of meters away from the return area. Bullets were flying, explosives were thrown around, mixed with various magics and skills, and it was chaos.

Lin Ge has returned to space so many times. This is the first time he has seen so many reincarnations gathering together to "fight in groups". And judging from the surrounding "doors", not to mention the green door and the blue door, there are actually Several purple doors!

"Ha, this 369 space is a bit interesting." Having said that, Lin Ge still misses his "No. 7 space" a little, at least he rarely sees this level of melee.

Although there is a "safe distance" of tens of meters when returning, it is difficult to say that this level of melee will not be affected by stray bullets or skills.

Lin Ge has a built-in defense system. Even if this defense system occasionally loses his temper, it will not fail at critical moments. If it had been anyone else, I'm afraid he would have been shot just now.

Since there were several purple sects present in the melee, the return of Lin Ge, the "purple sect", did not play the role of "dissuading the fight". Instead, some reincarnations asked him to leave quickly to avoid being affected.

Lin Ge was "escorted" by Qimei and returned to the door of his private space. He appeared in a chair and sat at the door to "watch the battle" with melon seeds and popcorn in hand.

Lin Ge discovered that the equipment and abilities of these reincarnations are really "a hundred flowers bloom", with technology, magic, fantasy... Marvel, DC, animation... rich and colorful!

"Oh. Why can other reincarnations enter other worlds? My side is either a ghost or a demon, or a ghost plus a demon. Who said that we Taoists can only catch ghosts? We also have underworld technology, okay?" Lin Ge While eating melon seeds, I couldn't help but complain while watching the battle between the reincarnators.

After watching for a long time, Lin Ge also saw some clues. These reincarnations seemed to come from three or four teams, two of which were allied. It seemed that they started fighting because of a conflict during the exchange. I was beating and shaking people at the same time, and as a result, more and more people were beaten, and now I have been fighting for almost half a day.

"Tsk tsk, as expected, 'shaking people' is popular everywhere nowadays... By the way, if I find a team to join, can I get rid of the ghost movie show?"

Lin Ge found that he seemed to have found a way to "break the situation", and suddenly felt that it was time to find a team to cause trouble.

The melee in the main god's space lasted for several hours, and finally ended with one side winning a big victory, and a few reincarnators from the other side escaping back to their private space.

Seeing that there was no chance, Lin Ge returned to his private space and put up a billboard advertising his sale of "Random Scrolls" and "Exchange Vouchers".

However, the business this time was obviously not as good as the previous ones. After a few days, the number of "random scrolls" Lin Ge received did not exceed double digits.

Fortunately, the trident was repaired, and now there is a three-in-one magical weapon called the "Black Impermanence Order". Coupled with the express delivery from Zhang Liang, Lin Ge thinks that the magical weapon is enough for the time being.

The final battle with Zhang Liang also allowed Lin Ge to see that the gadgets he had developed for entertainment combined with Taoism had a place, so he continued to "carve" warheads in his spare time.

During the following rest time, in addition to drawing talismans and making magical instruments (technical version), Lin Ge continued to use "spiritual cultivation methods" to assist in the cultivation of "True Sutra" most of the time.

Although Huang Ni and Huang Shang were surrounded by two great treasures, their step-by-step cultivation method was not suitable for Lin Ge's situation at this time. After all, their cultivation methods were based on "years", and a certain In a sense, Lin Ge lacked nothing but "time".

Lin Ge spent a total of more than 40,000 reincarnation points, spent more than 20,000 on various materials to make magic weapons, yellow talismans, cloth charms, etc., and bought more than 10,000 reincarnation points of medicines, filling the grocery store. In the end, there are 10,000 reincarnation points left to prevent the penalty of "main line failure".

Thirty days passed by in a flash. Lin Ge put on his special talisman travel bag, stood in the living room, and applied to the Lord God for a new "reincarnation."

Lin Ge felt that he thought too much about "Zombie World" this time. It was obviously only a "difficult" difficulty, but in the end it was treated as extremely difficult and a nightmare.

Of course, it is always better to be cautious in sailing the ship that lasts forever.

But this also meant that Lin Ge was restrained in doing things and did not dare to go too deep into the plot. After all, in his opinion, even the old Black Mountain demon had popped up. If he dug out an ancient demon, he would be out of luck.

So in the end, he chose to practice with peace of mind and improve his realm instead of continuing to dig deeper into the branch line.

"Alas." Lin Ge sighed. This was all caused by the special copy of "Red Gate" that made him nervous when he saw the world of ghost movies.

If he hadn't practiced the "Spiritual Cultivation Method", which allowed Lin Ge's spirit to escape a little, he might have been suppressed and gone wrong.

However, Lin Ge felt that it was not good to be so tense all the time. He should try to relax in the next world and stop thinking so much. Proper relaxation of tense nerves can also be of great help in exploring the world.

【A new reincarnation is about to begin! 】

[The world of reincarnation has been matched successfully, and the transmission is about to begin——]




[Target world of reincarnation: "Zero Appointment", difficulty "Nightmare". 】

Lin Ge:......

Lord God, I am qnmlgb!

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