After taking the "Nine Flower Jade Dew Pills" given by Lin Ge, Shi Shaojian's breathing gradually became more stable. Shi Shaojian, who was already dying and might die at any time, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Shi Jian stood up, took out a crumpled paper book from his arms, threw it to Lin Ge, and said coldly: "I never take other people's things for nothing, and I will pay you for the book I broke before. These are some new spells I developed. If you like them, keep them. If you don’t like them, throw them away."

Lin Ge: ...As expected of Shi Fengjiao, even thanking people is so unique.

Taking the crumpled paper ball, Lin Ge spread it out and took a look. On it were the production diagrams of the "Thunder Summoning Talisman", "Thunder Gathering Talisman" and "Heavenly Thunder Talisman".

"Thunder Summoning Talisman", after kneading the secret and casting a spell, this talisman can summon a "thunder ball" of lightning and thunder fist with the power of the Great Thunder Technique. It is very powerful and very troublesome to make.

The "Thunder Gathering Talisman", which is the talisman's version of a lightning rod, is stuck there. If a lightning spell attacks, it will be automatically absorbed. However, if it exceeds the maximum limit that the Lightning Gathering Talisman can withstand, it will explode.

"Sky Thunder Talisman", as the name suggests, is a spell that can attract thunder. Its power is extremely terrifying, but the materials and process of making it are prohibitive.

The most important thing is that this Sky Thunder Talisman... seems not to be completed yet?

"Have you finished drawing the Thunder Talisman today?" Lin Ge asked.

Shi Jian said with a cold face: "You are the one lying here after the painting."

Lin Ge: seems to make some sense.

Shi Jian added: "Since this matter was done by Jian'er, I will let him receive the punishment he deserves and give you an explanation. He is seriously injured now. After he recovers, I will take him back and send him to the punishment hall." , several crimes will be punished at the same time. Are you satisfied with this?"

Uncle Jiu heard this and looked at each other with Si Mu and Qian He. Obviously, none of the three expected that the senior brother, who had always had a bad temper, would choose to bow his head at this time.

Then the three of them looked at Lin Ge. It was obvious that Lin Ge had to decide this matter.

Lin Ge didn't believe that Shi Jian's character allowed him to let go of the ghost who bewitched Shi Shaojian. He also wanted to see what Shi Jian would do, so he nodded and said, "That's okay. I believe that with your character as 'Elder Senior Brother,' You shouldn’t do something as villainous as going back on your word, right?”

Shi Jian hummed: "You don't need to use provocation. I said I would send Jian'er to the Punishment Hall, and I will definitely send him there. As for the ghost who tempted him to deal with you, I will also find him and give him to him." You all will explain!"

"That's fine. If that's the case, then I'll forgive Shi Shaojian for your sake, senior brother."

Lin Ge's tone was very irritating, and Shi Jian thought to himself that if you really looked after me, I wouldn't be covered in injuries. But now that he was the one in the wrong, he couldn't continue to cause trouble for Lin Ge.

Shi Jian squatted in front of Shi Shaojian, took out a yellow talisman and put it on his chest, then lifted him up with one hand and put it on his shoulder to leave.

Uncle Jiu stepped forward and said, "Senior brother, it's getting late, why not go to Yizhuang to rest first, and wait until you recover from your injuries before leaving. We are all brothers in the same sect. Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, don't take it personally. "

Although Uncle Jiu was still a little angry at Shi Jian for exposing his real name in front of everyone many times before, he valued the friendship of fellow disciples the most. Since Lin Ge, the person involved, did not pursue Shi Shaojian's responsibility anymore, he was more happy to see his fellow disciples A harmonious situation between them.

Of course, if Uncle Jiu knew that the reason why Lin Ge let Master and Disciple Shi Jian go so easily was just to use their hands to deal with ghosts, he probably wouldn't be in the good mood he is now.

"No need." Shi Jian carried Shi Shaojian on his shoulders and left the village without looking back.

Although Uncle Jiu still wanted to stay, seeing that his senior brother had already decided to leave, he had no choice but to give up. Then he asked Qiu Sheng to find Ah Wei and the security team to deal with the destroyed streets and resettle the injured villagers.

Although Lin Ge had something to do with the situation, as Lin Ge's "senior brother", only Uncle Ninth could shoulder this burden for him.

After all, after solving the Ren family's troubles, Lin Ge didn't take any of the two boxes of gold given by Master Ren, and they were all moved back to Yizhuang.

Uncle Jiu stayed to deal with the compensation for the injured villagers and the destroyed houses, while the others returned to Yizhuang to rest. It was a tiring day, but the result was good after all, and the issue of "extradition" on the Ghost Festival was perfectly handled. A group of people also gained a lot of merit.

Lin Ge returned to the room, released Huang Ni, took out the talisman drawings that Shi Jian had given him as compensation, spread it on the table, and asked: "Almighty Zhijie Xian, come and see if you can perfect this kind of thunder talisman." ?”

Huang Ni stayed in the mark on Lin Ge's hand. As long as she was not in a deep state of cultivation, she would be able to sense what was happening in the outside world.

Therefore, he also knew that Shi Jian had given him a blueprint for making a thunder talisman. He was somewhat interested in it at first, but after taking a closer look, he was disappointed.

Seeing Huang Ni's disappointed expression, Lin Ge asked in confusion, "What? There's something wrong with this drawing?"

Huang Ni shook his head and said: "I originally thought that with Shi Jian's ability, the talisman he designed should be at least a spiritual-level talisman, but now it seems that what he is good at is only cultivation and thunder. This talisman making... …Actually, it’s not as good as the gadgets my sister makes in her spare time.”

Lin Ge sighed helplessly: "Okay, okay, I know your sister is great, please don't show such a proud expression."

Huang Shang's cold snort came from the mark on the back of his hand: "Huh, isn't my sister right? And such a simple 'Heavenly Thunder Talisman' is still incomplete. With such a drawing, I can't even show it." It’s too embarrassing to be seen.”

Lin Ge took the drawing to the mark on his right hand and immediately put on an expression of humbly asking for advice: "Excuse me, Huang Tai Sin, how should I complete this drawing?"

"Think about it yourself." Huang Shang hummed.

Lin Ge looked at Huang Ni for help.

Huang Ni covered her mouth with a smile and said: "Sister, you see that Mr. Lin rarely asks for help, so just help him and let him see your strength."

"whispering sound."

Huang Shang snorted disdainfully and said lightly: "Put the drawing on the table, put your right hand on the drawing, and then you will have nothing to do."

"Okay." Lin Ge immediately obeyed.

Then, a golden light appeared on the back of his right hand, covering the entire drawing. After a moment, Huang Shang said lightly: "It's done. Don't bother me with such trivial matters in the future."

Lin Ge achieved his goal and was too lazy to pay attention to Huang Shang. He raised his hand and saw that on the crumpled drawing, the third talisman "Tian Lei Talisman" that was originally incomplete was not only completed, but Huang Shang was also on the third talisman. There are thoughtful "notes" next to each talisman, and there are even notes on how to enhance the power of the talisman.

"Tsk, tsk, although I don't speak very nicely, I'm still very reliable in doing things." Lin Ge couldn't help but smile.

"What did you say!" Huang Shang said angrily.

Lin Ge smiled and said, "I said that although that old guy Shi Jian doesn't speak very nicely, the things he gave me were pretty good. Of course, this is all thanks to Huang Taixian's modifications."


Huang Ni looked at Lin Ge who was arguing with his "right hand" and suddenly laughed out loud.

Lin Ge took the drawings and asked Huang Ni and Huang Shang some questions about the talisman. Huang Ni pointed out how Lin Ge's "Yingling Soul Chasing" method perfectly matched the talisman.

The two chatted for a long time about the coordination of spells and talismans. As an old monster who has practiced for three thousand years, Huang Ni's experience benefited Lin Ge a lot, making Lin Ge feel like he was stuck in the "realm of scriptures" in several reincarnation worlds. There seemed to be faint signs of a breakthrough.

After Lin Ge gained new insights, he immediately sat on the bed to practice the scriptures. Huang Ni and the little girl got together again and started watching dramas at night.

On the Hungry Ghost Festival, Lin Ge and others extradited all the ghosts within dozens of miles, and Renjia Village returned to its former peace.

More than a week passed peacefully, and Lin Ge and others did not encounter any trace of Shi Jian's master and apprentice in the town. It was not known whether the two had left the village or were recuperating in an inn.

The matters in Renjia Village were settled, and Simu and Qianhe were also preparing to leave. Uncle Jiu kept the two of them for a few more days because it was rare for his fellow apprentices to get together.

Simu was still thinking about his "temporary position", so he followed Uncle Jiu's words and agreed to stay for a few more days. Qianhe was thinking about his Taoist temple, but Uncle Jiu couldn't resist his kindness. In the end, he had to let the four disciples from the east, south, west and north go back to the Taoist temple to watch. He would go back in three days.

During this period, Lin Ge was either practicing under the guidance of Huang Ni, or competing with Jiu Shu, Si Mu, and Qian He. His cultivation, spells, and spells could be said to have improved the most since he entered the main god space. Reincarnation.

In addition, Lin Ge also contacted the ghost city through the "Black Impermanence Token". After contacting Hu Bufan, he found out that he was targeted by ghosts, and that ghosts encouraged Shi Shaojian to come to him and cause trouble, which almost caused Zhongyuan's death. Hu Bufan was told about the failure of "extradition".

When Hu Bufan heard that someone was trying to trick his brother behind his back, he immediately patted his chest and promised Lin Ge that he would help him find the traitor.

Late that night, Lin Ge was meditating on the bed as usual, while Huang Ni and the little girl were watching TV series at the table.

Suddenly, Huang Ni and the little girl stood up alertly and retreated to Lin Ge.

A green crack appeared at the door, and with a burst of green smoke rising, the judge who had previously sent Lin Ge the trident appeared again.

"I've met Mr. Lin." The judge said politely.

Upon seeing this, Lin Ge immediately stood up and got out of bed, and replied in the same polite manner: "I have met the judge. I wonder why the judge came to visit late at night?"

The judge replied: "General Hu has reported the attack on Mr. Lin. After our investigation, we confirmed that the ghost officer who attacked Mr. Lin is named 'Zhang Liang'. He is an old ghost officer who has served in the ghost town for a long time. Because he was promoted to the position of 'Black Impermanent Envoy', I have a grudge against Lord Lin."

"Wait a minute, why did I get promoted to the 'Black Impermanent Envoy' to make him jealous? It's just jealousy, but he did so many things and almost caused the 'extradition' to fail?" Lin Ge asked a little strangely.

The judge sighed: "Master Lin is unaware of something. The promotion system in Ghost City is very strict, and each position has a fixed number of people and requirements. Master Lin was 'parachuted' into the position of Black Impermanent Envoy because of his outstanding military exploits. In fact, If it weren't for the strict rules for promotion, Master Lin could at least be above the competition with his military exploits, and even become a judge."

"But because of the strict rules of the golden body, I can only succumb to the position of 'Black Impermanent Envoy'. According to the initial thoughts of Lord Xiaoyan, what I originally thought was that after Hu Bufan successfully took over the position of 'General', Niutou The position will be vacant, and I will let you, Mr. Lin, take over. In this way, the 'Black Impermanent Envoy' will be vacant again."

When the judge explained this, Lin Ge suddenly understood: "So, the position of Black Impermanence was originally occupied by Zhang Liang, but he didn't expect to be parachuted by me, so he came to trouble me?"

"That's right." The judge nodded.

Lin Ge asked: "What about now?"

"Alas." The judge sighed: "If Zhang Liang can hold his nerve, all he has to do now is wait for Master Lin to be raised up and then replace him. Who would have thought that he would cause such a big fuss? He even... stole the remnant soul of the old demon from Black Mountain that was suppressed by the soul-suppressing bell. Lord Xiaoyan was worried that Zhang Liang would be interested in the remnant soul of the old demon from Black Mountain. Although he had sent General Hu to lead troops to arrest him, for safety reasons , let me come up to remind Mr. Lin, be careful of Zhang Liang escaping to the world of the world and taking action against you."

Lin Ge: for that? It's just a position of "Hei Impermanence Envoy". It doesn't even bring any benefits. It's just a vacant position. You can take it if you like. Are you going to bring the old monster from Montenegro to deal with me?

"Master Lin, are you okay? Your face... doesn't look good. Are you okay?" The judge saw Lin Ge's constipated expression and couldn't help but ask.

Lin Ge asked: "So do you have any clues about Zhang Liang now?"


"Would you like me, the Little King of Hell, to lend me the soul-suppressing bell for two days?"


"No matter what, this is a problem of your management. You can't let me deal with the old Black Mountain demon with my little arms and legs, right?" Lin Ge looked aggrieved.

The judge said: "Then... I can only go back and ask Lord Yama for instructions first. However... the soul-suppressing bell is the most precious treasure of the ghost town, so it should..."

"It's okay, just go ahead and say it. Mr. King of Hell is very generous. It's only an hour. He will definitely borrow it. And I only borrowed it to deal with Zhang Liang. I will return it after catching him. Don't worry, you will return it if you borrow it. I can't borrow it again. I still understand the difficult truth." Lin Ge was just joking, but he didn't expect the judge to really want to "ask for instructions" from the Little King of Hell, so he simply continued the topic.

If you can really "borrow" the Soul Calming Bell and set a precedent, then you might be able to "borrow" it again in other reincarnation worlds where the underworld exists.

After all, judging from the famous brands of Hu Bufan and others, even if the world is different, the consciousness and clones of these people still exist. In other words, the treasure also exists.

The most important thing is that they "recognize" each other's identities in other worlds. In this way, a lot can be done on this.

After seeing off the judge, Lin Ge called Uncle Jiu, Simu and Qianhe and told the three of them the news brought by the judge. Uncle Jiu and others were speechless when they heard it.

Although Lin Ge was "parachuted" into the position of Hei Wuchang Envoy, he also showed "war merits" and was personally appointed by the Little King of Hell. This was really unlucky for someone to hold a grudge against him.

Just when several people were discussing how to deal with the revenge of the ghost Zhang Liang, suddenly, there was lightning, thunder, and violent storm outside the house. The sudden change shocked everyone's expressions and they immediately went outside to check.

Immediately afterwards, the ground shook violently, as if something huge was walking towards the direction of Yizhuang.




Several long and thick bolts of lightning struck from the sky, instantly illuminating the dark forest not far away. A tall giant was seen striding towards Yizhuang.

Even Lin Ge was shocked when he saw the giant's appearance.

Shi Jian!

The giant Shi Jian with his head in the sky and his feet on the ground!

And on Shi Jian's shoulders, stood a bare-chested, skinny old man with a yellow robe tied around his waist and a strange black crown on his head.

"The villain who stole my 'Black Impermanence', come out and die!"

"I will definitely kill you until you never live again!"

"Everything you have now should have been mine! Mine!"

"Come out and die!"

Lin Ge:......

You are such a stupid fool. I can't decide the position. If you don't go to the little King of Hell to cause trouble, come and fuck me! Persimmons are soft when pinched, right?

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