There is inexhaustible food and resources in the refrigerator, but these things cannot be taken out of the private space in any way, and they do not have any attributes or special effects.

Lin Ge briefly imagined the layout of the room in his mind and changed it to the style he liked. Then he walked to the sofa, took off the travel bag and put it aside. He also took out the Five Elements Bagua Disk from the [Inventory] and put it on the On the coffee table.

"Huh." Lin Ge sat on the sofa, glanced at the Five Elements Bagua plate, and sighed: "Master, I don't know whether you will choose to show off your skills in the infinite world, or whether you will choose to return to "Zombie" and become a fried rice chef. "

"You must help me successfully earn enough 100,000 reincarnation points, otherwise I will have to accompany you on the plate."

Although Lin Ge and Chen You only spent two weeks together in "Zombie", he could tell that this cheap master was really good to him.

The two of them were not only masters and disciples, but also friends who shared hardships and experienced life and death.

What's more, when Lin Ge became a disciple, he immediately learned the secrets of the sect, without any hidden secrets, and spared no effort to train him.

In any case, Lin Ge felt that it would not be a bad thing if he could save 100,000 reincarnation points alive to resurrect Chen You.

Then, Lin Ge took out the pencil from his backpack, put it on the coffee table and bowed: "Sisters, it's not that I don't save you, it's that my master passed away unfortunately. In the end, you also saw that in order to preserve my master's soul, , I won’t hesitate to conflict with Yin Cha.”

"Don't worry, once I resurrect Master, I will save you as soon as possible. Moreover, during this period of time, I will concentrate on practicing "Maoshan Secret Technique" and strive to achieve the Taoist practice that can send you to death as soon as possible. At that time, I will join hands with Master to give you Arrange a luxurious afterlife package so that you can be sisters again in the next life. You can rest peacefully in the pencil and the ingot candle will take care of it."

The pencil was motionless and motionless. I don’t know if he fell into a deep sleep or because he was unable to cause harm to Lin Ge in this absolutely safe place.

"It's agreed." Lin Ge asked tentatively.

Carrying a "time bomb" on his body, Lin Ge did not dare to completely relax even in this absolutely safe space.

Sighing, Lin Ge picked up the remote control and turned on the TV to watch some old movies.

Since he couldn't be sure what kind of world he would be reincarnated into next, he could only increase his reading as much as possible.

As long as it's movies, TV, novels, animations and other resources from Lin Ge's reality, he can play them directly on the TV as soon as he thinks about them. If you want to see content you don’t understand, you can also search by category through the remote control panel.

Lin Ge took out some food and drinks from the refrigerator and ate while watching a movie.

The private space has all the furniture and appliances, and even various types of game consoles. Although it cannot be taken out of the private space, it can be used here at will.

While Lin Ge was eating, Master Ji poked his head out of his travel bag from time to time, took some food back into his backpack and continued eating.

At this time, Lin Ge noticed a rectangular digital clock on the TV wall directly opposite the sofa. No matter how Lin Ge changed the decoration style, it was still in that position.

Digital clocks don’t show time, but—

[Distance to next reincarnation: 29 days, 23 hours and 17 minutes]

You can enter reincarnation in advance, but you cannot delay it. Once this time is exceeded, even for just one second, it will be instantly wiped out by the Lord God.

After carrying out a mission for thirty days, and then being able to "leisurely" for thirty days, Lin Ge felt like a "mercenary".

After a day of completely relaxing rest, Lin Ge took out a pen and paper the next day and began to formulate detailed intensive training.

He first renovated the room into a bedroom and gym, and then performed 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10 kilometers of running every day.

Then practice "Maoshan Secret Technique" for at least six hours a day, and read for 2-3 hours to prevent yourself from encountering the world of reincarnation that you are not familiar with.

Most of the time, Mr. Ji spends time sleeping in bed. Occasionally, he goes to the gym and chases Lin Ge for a few laps.

After the last twenty days of training, Lin Ge's attribute growth has been limited, but Chicken Master has become stronger.

Lin Ge's training was not without effect. The lowest physical constitution increased by 2 points, and his strength and agility increased by 1 point each.

Although Taoist training has reached Level 5, the improvement in spiritual power is very limited, only increasing by 3 points.

In any case, after twenty days of training, Lin Ge "saved" 3,500 reincarnation points in attribute enhancement.

Lin Ge decided to enter reincarnation one day early to avoid problems on the last day. Before entering, he needs to undergo a wave of strengthening and redemption.

In the past twenty days, Lin Ge also tried to open the door to observe the situation in the main god's space, but he saw several reincarnations.

Among them, there are those who carelessly go to the main god to strengthen exchanges regardless of whether there are other reincarnations in the square, some who are hiding in private spaces like Lin Ge to observe, some She Niu who builds relationships with people and talks about forming a team, and some who are afraid of entering the main god's space. I just hid in the house and never came out...

Lin Ge saw with his own eyes a fat man with a smile on his face, who was still talking about forming a team with a tall and thin man. As soon as the other man turned around, he immediately took out his gun and killed the other man to grab something.

The main god space is like a small society, with all kinds of people, full of intrigues.

Lin Ge opened the door and observed for a while, making sure that there were no other reincarnators and no other "doors" appeared, then he went out and went under the main god to exchange for strengthening.

The main god space and the private space are two different worlds. You cannot hide in the private space to use abilities or shoot in the main god space. The door is that invisible barrier that blocks all abilities, so you don't have to worry about opening a crack in the door to release a dirty gun.



[Current reincarnation point: 17544]

The Lord God projected a screen in front of Lin Ge to facilitate his operation.

Lin Ge played a lot of games when he was a student. His favorite game at that time was Resident Evil, so he knew how important a gun with infinite ammunition was in that kind of world.

He searched for firearms based on keywords and found that ordinary firearms are not expensive. "E-level" has an enchanted "infinite bullets" Uzi, ump9, vector, etc., which only cost one or two thousand reincarnation points.

On the contrary, some mahogany swords and money swords with only one enchantment effect are sold more expensive than ordinary firearms.

Although firearms with unlimited bullets are very affordable, the disadvantage is that they have no "bullets" and cannot be enchanted by bullets like shotguns.

But to engrave the "Tianshi Suppressing Talisman" on the firearm, Lin Ge's moral character is not enough.

Lin Ge thought about it and decided to exchange it for an ump9 with unlimited bullets. Then he continued to use the Type 97 shotgun engraved by Chen You, and bought shotgun bullets separately.

No. 12 shotgun bullets were very cheap. The price was "10 bullets/point". Lin Ge bought 1,000 rounds in one go.

[Exchange for "ump9 (e-level, enchantment effect 1 'infinite bullets')", reincarnation point -1500. 】

[Exchange for "No. 12 Shotgun Bullets" x1000, reincarnation point -100. 】

[Exchange "Glock 19 (Pistol)" x1, reincarnation point -50]

[Redeem "Glock 19 pistol magazine (15 bullets)" x10, reincarnation point -50]

[Exchange for "yellow paper (talisman paper without anything written on it, 1 hundred sheets per unit, integrated type)" x99, reincarnation points -9]

[Exchange "Yuanbao Candle (F level, set, 1 unit, 10 sets)" x99, reincarnation point -9]

"Pen, ink, paper and inkstone", "engraving tools", "altar table", "offering platform" x2...

After Lin Ge redeemed it, except for "ump9" which used 1,500 reincarnation points, the total of these miscellaneous items was less than 300.

[The items exchanged have exceeded the number of items held in the "inventory". Please choose to expand the inventory or send the items to the private space. 】

Lin Ge chose to send the items to his private space, and then continued browsing "Redeem".

The basic things are ready, and the next step is to exchange some relatively rare "enchanted equipment".

Since he had just experienced "Zombie" and was relatively "familiar" with this world, Lin Ge started looking at the enchanted items in the "Zombie" world.

When I saw that the bathrobe and flip-flops worn by Chen You were "enchanted equipment" worth thousands of reincarnation points, I suddenly became a little uneasy.

"I told you earlier, I told Master to give me a set!" Lin Ge felt that he had missed out on 100 million.

Looking at the purple talisman used by Zhong Fa and the "Five Elements Bagua Plate" worth 10,000 and 100,000 respectively, Lin Ge felt that the prices were outrageous.

"Suddenly I feel that it is not unreasonable to list 'detection' separately for enhancement." Lin Ge said with emotion.

Since there are butcher knives and bronze swords, Lin Ge has no shortage of weapons for the time being, so he will focus on other parts of the equipment.

Finally, after careful selection, I spent 5,000 reincarnation points to "customize" a D-level suit - a bulletproof suit.

[Bulletproof suit (level D, enchantment effect 1 "Auto-repair", enchantment effect 2 "Attribute increase", four-piece set)]

Suit: shirt (white), jacket (grey check), trousers (grey check), leather shoes (black). For each piece worn, the suit's defense effect +1

Enchantment Effect 1 "Automatic Repair": After the suit is damaged, it can consume energy for quick repair, or wait for time for automatic repair.

Energy 100/100 (Note: Energy will be restored over time)

Enchantment Effect 2 "Attribute Amplification": Strength +3; Agility +3; Constitution +3; you can choose one of the basic attributes +10.

(Currently selected: +10 spiritual power)

Rating: Worn by John Wick and Harry Hart.


One suit saves the time of matching equipment one by one. Just the attribute bonus is enough to "recover the money".

Finally, Lin Ge decided to exchange for some more throwing objects, explosives and recovery medicines. After all, breaking his leg in "Zombie" almost killed him.

G4 grenade, price: 3 pieces/100 points;

Flashbang, price: 3 pieces/100 points;

High explosive bomb (remote detonation, timed detonation), price: 1/100 points;

Molotov cocktail, price: 1/10 points.

In the end, Lin Ge bought 3 sets of G4 grenades, 2 sets of flash bombs, 3 high-explosive bombs, and 10 Molotov cocktails.

[Redeem "First Aid Spray (Level F, +10 HP/time, 3 times)" x3, which consumes 300 reincarnation points. 】

[Redeem "Hemostatic Bandage (Level F, stop bleeding immediately, +5 life, times 10)" x3, consume 300 reincarnation points. 】

[Exchange for "Hui Ling Powder (e level, +50 spiritual power value after taking one dose)" x10, which consumes 500 reincarnation points. 】

In addition to these recovery items with special effects, Lin Ge also spent 100 reincarnation points to buy a medical kit and some common medicines just to be on the safe side.

Since Lin Ge bought too many items, the 10-slot inventory was no longer enough, so he finally spent 2,000 to open a 20-slot backpack.

[Current reincarnation point: 6644]

"Money is not enough in the real world, and it is not enough to come to the reincarnation point in the infinite world. Alas." Sighing, Lin Ge returned to his private space and began to sort out his belongings.

After returning home, Lin Ge set up two "enshrinement tables" on the wall on the left where he could see the TV, one for the Five Elements Bagua plate and the other for the pencils.

While burning some ingot candles, I burned incense to offer sacrifices.

"Tomorrow we will enter reincarnation, and you and my master and apprentice will fight side by side again. Master bless you, master bless you..."

"Sisters, eat well, drink well and rest well. Even if you don't come out to help, don't cause trouble. Please, please."

Lin Ge returned to the sofa and played a movie. He opened the [Attribute Panel] and considered whether to strengthen his attributes. When he saw the "Lifespan" column, he was stunned.

"Me, fuck?"

[Reincarnation Number 486: Lin Ge]

Status: Cursed.

In the world of "Zombie", you use "Ghost Sacrifice" to be possessed by twin evil spirits, and you are cursed by the huge resentment of the twin evil spirits.

Monthly lifespan -1

Current lifespan: 45

[Occupation: Taoist priest, experience value 1711 (obtained after exorcising demons and protecting the Tao, and can be used to improve Taoist skill levels)]


"Taoist Priest: Beginner": When wearing this title, the power of Taoist magic weapons will be +10%, and the spiritual attributes will be +5.


Strength 10 (+3); Agility 9 (+3); Constitution 9 (+3); Spiritual Strength 22 (+10)

HP: 120/120

Aura value: 320/320

[Special attributes: (maximum value "10")]

Lucky 2

Charm 10


"Maoshan Secret Technique·Introduction": Level lv5, 3147/10000 experience required for upgrade.


"Maoshan Magic·Introduction": Level lv5

Technique 1 "Eye of the Sky"

Technique 2 "Blood Seal"

Technique 3 "Stabilizing Spell"

Technique 4: "Control the Spirit and Chase the Soul": Consume 100 spiritual power points to control objects with spiritual energy (yellow talisman, peach wood sword, bronze sword...) to chase the target. For targets with "negative attributes", cause double spiritual damage and double damage.

Forbidden Technique 1 "Ghost Sacrifice": Use oneself as a sacrifice, consume lifespan (10) and invite evil spirits to possess you, greatly improve your own strength in a short period of time, and inherit the abilities of the possessed evil spirits. During the state duration stage, health, spiritual power, and Yang Qi will continue to be consumed.

(Note: If the opponent's mental power far exceeds your own, the immobilization spell has a certain chance of causing a "backlash" effect.)

"Fu Zhuan·Introduction": level lv5


"Exorcist Talisman", "Burning Talisman", "Evil Suppressing Talisman", "Fixing Talisman".

Throwing Talisman

Engraving (Only the mastered spells can be engraven. The engraving of spells that are not fully mastered will be incomplete and have a certain chance of causing backlash.)

[Reincarnation Point: 6644]

"Monthly life expectancy -1?"

Sisters, don’t mess with me!

No wonder it costs 100,000 reincarnation points to purify the curse. Who can withstand the loss of one year of life per month?

Now there are only three ways in front of Lin Ge. First, resurrect Chen You, send the two sisters away quickly, and remove the curse; second, save 100,000 reincarnation points and find the Lord God to purify the curse; third, raise the Taoist skills to lv10 as soon as possible and be promoted. "Basic", learn the method of salvation, and personally send the two sisters away.

But no matter which one, Lin Ge can't do it in a short time.

"Alas." The most important thing right now is the second reincarnation. Lin Ge can only adjust his mentality and prepare for reincarnation.

Lin Ge organized the [Inventory], classified the items, and stuffed some commonly used items into the travel bag.

For example, I took a large stack of yellow talismans and made a comfortable nest for Mr. Ji in his travel bag. Mr. Ji could lie down comfortably. If you want to use the yellow talismans, you can also take them directly from the backpack.

Finally, Lin Ge put the Five Elements Bagua plate on the altar into the [Inventory] and looked at the pencil on the other altar.

Bring it or not?

Lin Ge was a little confused for a moment. Take them. These are twin evil spirits. Maybe the bosses in the world of reincarnation are not as powerful as these two. Without Chen You's support, it would not be easy for them to kill themselves.

If you don't bring it, who knows what the difficulty of the next world will be. If you bring it, at least you will have a trump card to fight for your life.

"For safety's sake, I won't bring it with me." Lin Ge closed his eyes and came to the digital clock, applying to enter the next reincarnation.

【The second reincarnation is about to begin! 】

【warn! 】

[It has been detected that the reincarnation of "No. 486" is cursed. If you stay away from the cursed object, you will suffer the backlash and die! 】

Lin Ge: wqnmlgb!

I saw him rushing to the altar, grabbing the pencil and stuffing it into his backpack.

[The world of reincarnation has been matched successfully, and the transmission is about to begin——]




[The target world of reincarnation: "Hong Kong Secret Records", the difficulty is "extremely difficult". 】

Lin Ge:…….

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