The police station called and asked Chen You and Lin Ge to assist in the investigation because Zhong Fa's body was missing. This is really a wave of ups and downs. Lin Ge can't understand why the plot can continue even though the key character in the plot is gone.

It’s impossible that Uncle Ninth is gone, but Uncle Ten and Uncle Eleven are hidden in Tongzilou, right?

Could it be that Zhong Fa is not dead? Just used some kind of magic to put himself into a state of suspended animation and deceived everyone?


Lin Ge immediately overturned this idea, because not only the forensic doctor, but also he and Chen You had examined Zhong Fa's body before the police arrived, and it was absolutely dead.

He couldn't figure it out, and Lin Ge simply didn't bother to think about it.

Instead of worrying about why Aunt Mei can still refine corpses and where Zhong Fa's corpse went, it's better to think of a way to lay it out.

When the time comes, the soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth. Just like completing the task of "apprenticing to a master", give it a try with all your strength. If you lose, at least you tried your best.

It all depends on people, not to mention that the matter has not yet reached the last moment, who is strong and who is weak, who will win and who will lose is still unknown!

After Chen You hung up the phone, Lin Ge immediately asked: "Master, when will Zhong Fa return to his soul in seven days?"

Chen You frowned and calculated with his fingers: "When the moon is overcast and the sun is overcast, this bastard is so good at choosing a day, why not just pick a day of three? The imp sucks the soul, and the Rakshasa returns to his place. No surprise. , it should be one o'clock in the morning one day later. Damn it, one o'clock in the middle of the night is the time when the evil spirit and yin energy are the strongest!"

"Then we still have two days to prepare." Lin Ge said solemnly.

Chen You hummed: "Get ready? Let's take care of the future life first? You are not from Tongzilou, so why are you staying here? Pack your things quickly and get out as far away as you can!"

Lin Ge asked back: "What about you, Master?"

Chen You took a long drag on the cigarette: "Me? I have lived here for decades, where can I go? When I was a child, I was influenced by my father's efforts to conquer demons and promote righteousness, so I resolutely embarked on the path of a Taoist priest. Who? You know, when it comes to our generation, hehe."

As he said that, Chen You raised his hand and dug into his pajamas pocket, took out a handful of glutinous rice, and spread it out in front of Lin Ge: "The best glutinous rice costs ten yuan a pound. Every Taoist priest in the past has a familiar rice shop. It was cheap to purchase. Rice at that time was very valuable.”

"Taoist priests are obsessed with glutinous rice, and the relationship between Taoist priests and rice shops is passed down from generation to generation... As a result, in my generation, all the zombies are gone, and there is no one to find the Taoist priests. There are no zombies to catch, so I have to switch to frying glutinous rice." "

"Only a fool like you would pay money to become a disciple. Alas. It's not easy to accept a disciple now. If you keep your life, you can also leave a successor for our Maoshan sect. No matter whether the world still needs Taoist priests in the future, at least There is a successor.”

"Let's go, leave this to me."

Lin Ge: ...If you want to take advantage of Master, then I have to be able to leave!

Lin Ge stood up straight, looked at Chen You firmly and said, "Master, if you don't leave, I won't leave either. I know you are worried about the residents of Tongzilou. Although you have the word 'mourning' written all over you, You always have the awareness in your heart that as a Taoist priest, you can 'eliminate demons and defend the Tao'."

"I have firmly believed since I was a child that everything depends on man-made efforts. Things will turn around before the last minute. We have two days, and we can take advantage of this opportunity to make plans to turn Tongzi Tower into our home court. For example, burying the 24th floor with exorcisms , the outer walls, floors, and other places of the Tongzi Tower are covered with 'Imperial Orders' and yellow symbols are plastered on them."

"Master, you are so capable. I will give you two days to prepare. Not to mention a little devil, even if the evil spirits come, you will have to be driven back. Master, cheer up and take advantage of this opportunity. Maybe we can do it again Establish a reputation as a Taoist priest and be powerful in the world from now on!"

Chen You kicked Lin Ge in the thigh angrily: "Go away, don't put a high hat on me, he is a fierce ghost Rakshasa, a fierce god who can't even do anything. Do you think I am the ancestor, and you have arranged the home court in advance? …”

While he was cursing, Chen You's eyes suddenly glanced at the "Five Elements Bagua Tray" hanging on the wall, and an idea came to his mind. It seemed that there was no way to arrange the "home field"?

"The best peach wood is paired with yellow talismans to borrow magic. Use the black dog's blood and rooster's blood to create the Five Elements and Bagua formation in the building. Drive it with the Five Elements and Bagua disk to force the fire to turn into gold..." Chen You counted with his fingers, a happy expression on his face. : "It happens to be Sunday!"

Lin Ge saw Chen You's face relaxed, and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that even Chen You couldn't do anything. Even if he tried his best, he would still be in a dead end. His last breath was just to save "face". The outcome cannot be reversed.

Fortunately, although the situation we will face next is dangerous, it is not a dead end.

"Master, have you thought of a way?"

Chen You nodded: "There is a way. As you said, we need to purchase a large amount of materials, start a forum, and turn the Tongzi Building into our home court."

"Buy, buy, buy!" Lin Ge took out all the remaining money from his "pocket" and put it on the table.

Chen You was stunned for a moment and asked, "Only tens of thousands?"

Lin Ge chuckled and said, "That's all we have for the time being. But, Master, you are rich. You have saved hundreds of thousands, right?"

Chen You:

Just when Chen You was about to curse, he heard a "bang", and Ah Hao and Uncle Yan hurriedly opened the door and rushed in.

"Brother You!"

"Ayou, it's not good!"

The two of them came to Chen You panting. Uncle Yan was panting heavily and couldn't speak. He kept repeating "It's not good, it's not good."

Ah Hao said anxiously: "Brother You, Xiaobai is missing. We searched the whole building, but we couldn't find any trace of Xiaobai."

Uncle Yan immediately added: "It's not just Xiaobai, it's not just Xiaobai! Today, today, there are several families, several families, all saying that their children have not returned!"

Ah Hao added: "I was just about to go home, but when I entered the 24th floor, I felt like I had entered a place full of fog. As I walked, I walked back to the stairwell. Many parents suspected that the building was haunted. But in order to retrieve the child, they organized and forced their way to the 24th floor. We were worried that something might happen, so we came to Brother You to have a look."

Lin Ge looked at Chen You and asked in disbelief: "Master, could it be that the evil ghost... came back early?"

Chen You counted with his fingers, shook his head and said: "No, not that fast. It should be the twin evil spirits of 2442. Now is the Yin time, I am afraid that their resentment will increase a little more and a stronger evil spirit space will be opened. ”

"Let's go and take a look." Chen You got up and went to the kitchen to pull out a few broken boxes. After rummaging through the boxes for a long time, he found a one-foot-long bronze sword.

"Take it." Chen You gave the sword to Lin Ge.

Lin Ge glanced at the bronze sword in his hand. It was a "D-level" enchanted weapon, but the enchantment only had one "evil-suppressing" effect, which was one less effect than the butcher's knife.

Lin Ge thought that he had a butcher knife and was used to it, but he always felt a little awkward holding a bronze dagger, so he asked Chen You: "Master, you gave me the sword, what about you?"

Chen You waved his hand grandly: "I'll do whatever I want."

With that said, he rushed into the bedroom, opened the bed board, and pulled out from under the bed a bronze heavy sword that was nearly twenty centimeters wide and about two meters long, comparable to a black iron sword.

Lin Ge: ...You are so casual.

The four of them came to the 24th floor. Lin Ge and Chen You acted in unison and kneaded the secrets to open their eyes. Sure enough, the gloomy 24th floor was filled with black smoke, and the source was 2442.

"You two wait here, apprentice, let's go!" Chen You asked Ah Hao and Uncle Yan to wait where they were. They were two ordinary people who couldn't help much. If they followed, they might cause trouble. What's more, Li Gui's resentment has a great impact on ordinary people, and Chen You doesn't want the two of them to take risks.

Ah Hao and Uncle Yan looked at each other and saw worry in each other's eyes, but in their eyes, the 24th floor was filled with heavy fog, making it difficult to move forward. Coupled with the gloomy air, it makes people shudder. Especially Uncle Yan, his feet have been shaking since he arrived on the 24th floor.

"Then, be careful then." Uncle Yan calmed down and warned.

Ah Hao also said: "Brother You, if there is anything I can do to help, just ask. As long as I can save Xiao Bai, I'm not afraid of any danger."

Chen You nodded and stepped into the black smoke.


Chen You walked in the front with a bronze epee. Lin Ge took a glance and saw that it turned out to be four "B-level" enchanted weapons with enchantment effects.

After looking at the requirement of "50 strength/100 spiritual power", he immediately swallowed the words "Master, please let me casually".

Arriving at the door of 2442, Chen You silently recited the magic formula, and then hit the door with his palm. With a loud "bang", the door flew out.

Lin Ge: ...With this power, even if you are not a fried rice master, you still have a wide range of employment opportunities. No matter what happens, you can still become a lockpicking master.

Complaints are complaints, Lin Ge stepped into the door of room 2442, cheering up. As soon as he and Chen You entered the room, two white figures in front of them quickly ran over from the ceiling. The hair is disheveled, the complexion is dark blue, and the eyes are white, so scary!

"The sky and the earth are infinite, the universe borrows the law, and all evils will be dispersed!" Chen You held the sword with one hand, took the magic formula with the other hand and wiped it on the bronze epee. In an instant, golden light appeared on the sword, and the bronze epee directly turned into a golden sword. The golden sword!

Lin Ge took another look and found that it had an additional enchantment effect and turned into an "A-level" enchanted weapon!

Chen You raised his sword and slashed, directly splitting a female ghost that was heading towards him into two halves. Hearing a wail from the female ghost, she turned into two black smoke and flew away. When they reached the corner of the wall, the two black smoke merged into one and transformed into a female ghost again.

The target of the other female ghost was Lin Ge. He was already ready to fight back, but he saw Chen You's golden sword sweeping across, forcing the female ghost back, and it was likely that he would be one against two.

It was rare to see Chen You so "motivated". Lin Ge did not try to "steal the limelight" and quickly searched several rooms while Chen You was holding off the twin evil spirits. It was confirmed that except for the twin evil spirits, there were no other ghosts in the room...and no one.

In other words, those missing children were not the work of evil twin spirits.

Back in the living room, Chen You saw Lin Ge coming back and immediately cursed: "You bastard, these two guys are evil ghosts. Come and help me. Qiankun can't survive for long. You just want to take care of my funeral arrangements in advance and inherit." My fried rice restaurant?”

Lin Ge:......

When Chen You was "too fierce" at the beginning, Lin Ge really forgot that these twin evil spirits were fierce ghosts. In the movie, Chen You said many times that they were "difficult to deal with". In the end, he teamed up with Zhong Fa to bring the twins to justice. Evil spirits caught.

However, Lin Ge did not intend to forcefully confront the evil twins, but had other plans, so he retreated to the door, took out a five-pointed star made of yellow talismans, and shouted to the evil twins: "Hey, you two, take a look. What's this!"

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