Aunt May.

The resident of Tongzilou, Uncle Dong’s wife, and a key figure in the plot.

The plot of the movie "Zombie" is actually very simple. It tells the story of Uncle Dong who saw the "little ghost" in the stairwell when he went out to throw out the garbage one night, and he lost his footing and fell down the stairs. After Uncle Dong died, Aunt Mei asked Uncle Jiu for help in trying to resurrect Uncle Dong.

However, Aunt Mei didn't know that all this was Uncle Jiu's conspiracy.

A few years ago, Uncle Jiu was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. In order to survive, he did not hesitate to use evil methods to survive. When using the little ghosts he raised to survive, he noticed the twin evil spirits of 2442 and tried to use them to survive for himself. .

The evil ghost has a soul but no soul, but having a "soul" is not enough. If he wants to survive, Uncle Jiu must find a way to refine a zombie with a soul but no soul as the carrier of the evil ghost.

So he came up with the idea of ​​Aunt Mei and Uncle Dong. Although they had no children, they were very loving. Uncle Jiu took advantage of this and manipulated the kid to kill Uncle Dong, and then tricked Aunt Mei into letting him use Uncle Dong's body to refine the body.

Finally, the soulless twin evil spirits possess the soulless zombie Uncle Dong, and then use evil methods to extend his life.

However, Uncle Jiu underestimated the power of the Zombie King, overestimated his own strength, and ended up dying tragically. In the end, of course, the matter was settled by Chen You and the protagonist Ah Hao joining forces to die together with the zombie king.

According to Lin Ge's plan, becoming an apprentice to Chen You is the first step, and the second step is to become familiar with several key figures in the plot to facilitate the subsequent plot.

However, after living in Tongzilou for more than a week, Lin Ge rarely met Aunt Mei. He even found out the house number of Aunt Mei's house from Uncle Yan and deliberately visited her house, only to catch the couple out shopping.

This made Lin Ge very confused. Chen You and Uncle Yan were both key figures in the plot, but he could contact them at will. Why did he always feel that there was an invisible force in people like Aunt Mei and Uncle Dong? , preventing them from meeting.

After ordering the meal, Aunt Mei was about to find a place to sit down when she noticed Ah Hao sitting alone in the corner, so she sat over and started chatting with him.

Aunt Mei is a "good old lady" in Tongzilou. She often helps neighbors repair old clothes, so she has a good reputation.

Watching Aunt Mei and Ah Hao chatting, Lin Ge took advantage of the "eye of the sky" time to observe carefully and found that there was nothing wrong with Aunt Mei.

Ah Hao, on the other hand, perhaps because of what happened in the afternoon, had a bloody mark on his neck from the rope, and there was a vague black aura all over his body.

"If Uncle Ninth wants to continue his life, in addition to the Zombie King, he also needs evil methods to extend his life..." Lin Ge recalled the few scenes of Uncle Ninth in "Zombie". Is there any key clues? However, a movie can clearly It's really hard to remember the plot, so how can I remember all the details clearly?

"Among the Maoshan secret arts, there are some lost secret techniques that can absorb the lifespan of others and use it for one's own use." Lin Ge sighed, but it was a pity that Chen You, as the Maoshan orthodoxy, could not record those evil spells in the book. .

In the movie, Uncle Jiu is able to raise a kid to keep him alive, which is obviously because he has mastered some kind of evil method.

However, the only rather evil secret method recorded in "Maoshan Secret Technique" is the "Transportation Formation" that uses seven spiritual objects to reverse the world and change fate against the will of heaven.

"Don't look at it. If you are possessed by an evil spirit, you will be unlucky for at least a month." At this time, Chen You came behind Lin Ge, smoking a cigarette, and said in a slightly impatient tone.

Lin Ge took advantage of the situation and asked: "Master, it is recorded in Taoism that contamination with evil objects will affect one's luck. If you want to reverse your luck, you must eradicate the source. Doesn't that mean that if the twin evil spirits are not solved, he will Are you going to be unlucky forever?"

"Ha." Chen You sneered and said, "It's a pity that you were born a few decades too late, otherwise you would have been a master who will be remembered forever. If you like to meddle in other people's business so much, I think you might as well mind yourself first. I've calculated your luck. I am one of those unlucky people who can eat instant noodles without any seasoning packets. If you want to help others, if you have the ability, you might as well help yourself first."

Lin Ge asked: "I read in the book that there is a secret technique called 'Seven Spiritual Objects' that can transport people. Does it really have the miraculous effect of changing fate and reversing destiny?"

Chen You hummed: "Of course it works. Do you know why this secret technique was lost? If a person with a bad destiny wants to change his destiny, the seventh of the 'Seven Spiritual Objects' needs to collect a good destiny." The 'heart' of a person. This is what is called murdering oneself... If you dare to do such a thing, get away as soon as possible."

Lin Ge pondered for a while and then asked: "Since there is a spell of 'killing people to save oneself' to change one's fate, naturally there are also evil spells that can take people's lives. Master, I was thinking... Since Uncle Ninth knows about the existence of the twin evil spirits, And why do you keep letting new tenants move in and adding more people to their lives in vain? What good does this do to him?"

Lin Ge's words instantly woke up Chen You. He frowned and said, "You take the things you bought from the paper shop and bring them back. I'll go talk to the new neighbor and go to his house in the evening." If I don’t understand what that guy Zhong Fa is thinking, I can only find a way to save those twin evil spirits.”

[Trigger the hidden plot "Go Home". 】

[Task goal: Move the items purchased at the paper shop back to Chen You's home before twelve o'clock in the evening. 】

[Note: This hidden plot is only valid before twelve o'clock tonight. If it is not completed, the hidden plot line will disappear. 】


As the Lord God's reminder sounded in his mind, Lin Ge couldn't help but be stunned and subconsciously glanced at the clock in the store.


There are still 23 minutes left. It’s only fifteen minutes from here to Chen You’s house. Can this also trigger a hidden mission?

So far, Lin Ge has triggered a total of two hidden plots, one is "Apprenticeship" and the other is "Butcher's Knife".

These two hidden plots forced Lin Ge to face danger. It can even be said that without "full charm", it is unknown whether he could become Chen You's disciple so easily.

And in Gou Deqi's house, if Gou Deqi's favorability level was not fully improved, Lin Ge even suspected that Gou Deqi's grandpa Zeng would immediately turn into an evil ghost and cut him into pieces for spying on the Gou family heirlooms.

Now, the third hidden plot is coming...

And this is after the plot officially begins.

At this time, Aunt Mei's meal was ready. She picked up her things and got up to go home. Chen You was about to step forward to chat with Ah Hao when he heard Lin Ge say: "Master, it's already late today. Let's just close the stall and go home together. We'll deal with the twin evil spirits during the day tomorrow."

Chen You glanced sideways at Lin Ge and asked, "Are you afraid of going home alone?"

Lin Ge:......

Chen You continued to finish the attack: "After what happened in the afternoon, you lost your courage? Weren't you very courageous before? You still dared to run to the 24th floor in the dark... Okay, stop talking nonsense and go back quickly. Remember , don’t run to the 24th floor these days.”

It seemed that Chen You didn't plan to go home now. Lin Ge looked at the time and saw that there were still 20 minutes until the end of the hidden plot.

give up?

Lin Ge obviously won't give up on "hidden plot" just like that. After all, reincarnators cannot help themselves in the infinite world.

If you can give up this time, what about next time?

Only by constantly getting stronger, stronger, and stronger can we calmly deal with all dangers!

Lin Ge picked up a large bag of things he bought at the paper shop, got up and walked quickly towards Tongzilou.

Lin Ge walked into the elevator. All his equipment was in the [Inventory], ready for use. The only pity is that I didn't take "Chicken Master" with me.


The elevator arrived at Chen You's home floor. As the elevator door opened, the corridor outside was dark.

Lin Ge made a decisive move and used his "Sky Eye" to look towards the corridor. There was no black smoke, not even gray smoke.

It doesn't look like there's anything "dirty" in the hallway.

Lin Ge did not let down his guard and lifted the big bag. At the same time, he took out the shotgun from the [Inventory] and hid it under the big bag.

After stepping out of the elevator, Lin Ge glanced around.

"Xiao Lin, the light on the 22nd floor is broken. I originally planned to repair it today, but it seems that there is a problem with the main switch." At this time, Uncle Yan's voice came from the corridor diagonally opposite on the 23rd floor.

Lin Ge followed the voice and looked over, and sure enough he saw Uncle Yan standing in the corridor on the 23rd floor, leaning his head and shouting to him.

Lin Ge responded and chatted for a few more words before Uncle Yan left.

Chen You's home is at the end corner of the 22nd floor, the first room past the stairwell.

Although Lin Ge learned from Uncle Yan that the corridor light on the 22nd floor was just broken and not caused by ghosts, he still did not relax his vigilance.

After all, the task is completed simply by moving the things back to Chen You's house, which proves that this short journey of more than ten meters is full of dangers.

fifteen meters

Ten meters.

five meters.

Just as Lin Ge was passing by the stairwell, he noticed a white shadow flashing past the corner of the upper floor of the stairs.


With a sneer, a terrifying face flashed away.

He looked like a child less than ten years old, with pale skin, white eyes without pupils, and a sinister face.


Seeing the "little ghost", Lin Ge immediately thought of Uncle Jiu. But the kid didn't take action against him, he just disappeared in a flash.

"Are you trying to lure me to the stairwell?" Lin Ge thought to himself. The hidden plot only required him to move his things home, and there was no requirement to chase the kid.

No matter what, let’s complete the task first.

Just as Lin Ge reached for the door handle, he heard a soft "swish" sound coming from the darkness in the stairwell.

Immediately afterwards, a thin rope was put around his head, strangled his neck, and instantly dragged him towards the stairwell.

In the dark stairwell, a black figure jumped down from the handrail of the stairs, and with extremely quick movements, kicked Lin Ge in the chest.


Lin Ge fell heavily to the ground. Severe pain came from his neck, making him realize that his skin had been torn by the thin rope.

The black figure stepped on Lin Ge's face with another kick. The strong dizziness made Lin Ge's eyesight go dark and he almost fainted.

The severe pain did not panic Lin Ge. He remained calm and sober. He immediately took out the "Butcher's Knife" from the [Inventory] and slashed across it. The original intention was to force the figure in the darkness back, but he didn't want to accidentally cut the string.

The string was cut by Lin Ge, allowing him to finally breathe normally. The man in the darkness was startled and reached out to grab Lin Ge's face.

The moment Lin Ge cut off the string, he rushed towards the door of Chen You's house without any pause.

The black shadow reached out and grabbed Lin Ge. Although it didn't catch his body, it caught his calf and immediately pulled him behind him.

However, Lin Ge had already touched the weapon that had just been dragged into the stairwell and dropped at the entrance of the stairs. While the opponent grabbed his ankle, he determined the opponent's exact position, turned aside, and pulled the trigger of the shotgun: "Go to hell!"


There was a gunshot, and the fire from the shotgun instantly illuminated the dark stairwell, allowing Lin Ge to see that the man who attacked him was wearing an old Tang suit.

Uncle Jiu, Zhongfa!

As the gunshot rang out, Uncle Jiu let go of Lin Ge and ran upstairs.


Lin Ge immediately stood up and loaded the shotgun again. Although Uncle Jiu should have been injured, he did not get hurt and even chased him upstairs.

The mission goal is just to bring things back to Chen You's house. He is now only a few meters away from the door of Chen You's house.

Lin Ge raised his gun to guard the upper level of the stairwell to prevent Uncle Jiu from taking action again, and at the same time retreated towards the door at the back.

Suddenly, Lin Ge suddenly felt a biting chill coming from his feet, as if he had stepped into ice.

When I lowered my head and took a look, my hair stood up in shock!

I saw two little guys of seven or eight years old with pale skin and white eyes, holding his feet on one side and the other on the right.



The cold laughter echoed in Lin Ge's ears. He subconsciously wanted to pull out his feet, but found that his feet seemed to be frozen and he could not move at all!


Lin Ge instantly put the shotgun back into the inventory, then took out two yellow talismans with "Evil Suppression Talisman" written on them and pasted them on the foreheads of the two imps.


With two ear-piercing screams, the two brats hugged Lin Ge's feet tightly and twisted them violently. Lin Ge lost his balance and fell towards the lower level of the stairwell. But as the yellow talisman took effect, he found that he had regained feeling in his feet.

While Lin Ge was chanting the magic formula, he bit his finger and used the "blood seal" to press it on the yellow talisman attached to the foreheads of the two brats.

The "Blood Seal" successfully made the kid reveal his true form, and he was able to attack them at this time. Unable to avoid the shotgun bullet hitting his own foot, Lin Ge took out the "butcher's knife" and chopped it directly on the kid's head.


The kid was chopped through the head, screamed and disappeared into two streaks of gray smoke.

[Kill "Imp (Level F)" and obtain 50 reincarnation points. 】

[Kill "Imp (Level F)" and obtain 50 reincarnation points. 】

Lin Ge struggled to stand up while holding on to the wall. There was a shocking blood mark on his neck. The blood flowed down his neck and had stained his white shirt red.

Recalling that when I shot Uncle Jiu just now, the shot was aimed at the other person's head. I didn't expect that it couldn't kill him.

Although it is unclear whether Uncle Jiu escaped because of his own ability or because of his "being a key plot figure".

But Lin Ge remembered this grudge.


Lin Ge coughed up a mouthful of blood and spit it on the ground beside him. He raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes turning cold.

"If you want me to die... then I will kill you first!"

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