After Mao Xiaofang set up the evil exorcism array again around the Feng Shui tree, the group returned to Fuxi Hall.

The first thing Lin Ge did when he returned to Fuxi Hall was to "tactfully" remind Ma Danna about the Bagua Mirror and the playback technique.

Ma Danna was also very happy and agreed to give Lin Ge a Bagua mirror, so she gave him the one she often used.

Although the Bagua Mirror given to Lin Ge was the same as the D-level Bagua Mirror in the two boxes of "treasures" made by Mao Xiaofang, it had the added enchantment effect of "Development Technique".

When the user consumes spiritual energy to perform the "Appearance Technique", the Bagua Mirror can reveal what happened within one month in the location where the evil energy remains.

Although in modern times where the streets are full, this spell seems useless, but in an era without surveillance, it is a good way to obtain clues.

However, this spell also has two disadvantages. One is that it can only capture evil spirits and illuminate the corresponding movements. The other is that the longer the development lasts, the greater the spiritual energy consumed. If you want to "fast forward" midway, a large amount of spiritual energy will be consumed. .

This also reflects from the side how strong the spiritual power of Ma Danna, the thirty-ninth generation descendant of the Ma family.

Even though his current strength is not as strong as Mao Xiaofang's, he is only seventeen or eighteen years old. In a few years, he will be able to chase the Zombie King all over the street!

Although this "Appearance Technique" consumes a lot of spiritual energy, for Lin Ge, it is always good to know one more technique and one more method.

Lin Ge sat at the table in the room, staring at the yellow rice dumplings on the table and lost in thought.

Although I don't know why Lei Gang was able to get the blood demon's soul without lifting the dragon vein seal.

But no matter what, now that the blood demon's soul is in his own hands, Lei Gang's next plans will be affected to some extent.

Now that he has turned his passivity into an advantage, if Lei Gang wants to resurrect the Blood Demon, he must snatch the Blood Demon's soul from their hands.

Waiting for the opponent to attack is far better than searching for Lei Gang all over the world.

What's more, Lin Ge also prepared a big surprise for Lei Gang. Once the other party takes action, an "alarm" will sound.

"The Dragon Vein Stone was not contaminated in the original drama, and Lei Gang, the early boss, did not see the Blood Demon in the finale."

"The blood demon finally got into my senior brother's body, and they both died together before the blood demon was eliminated. Now the blood demon has chosen Lei Gang. Although the soul is in my hands, I still have to guard against the possibility of possession." Lin Ge frowned. , in his opinion, the Blood Demon is already difficult enough. If Mao Xiaofang gets involved again, it will be difficult to win this battle.

"I don't know if there is any good way to prevent being possessed by ghosts." Lin Ge flipped through "The Secret of Maoshan", trying to find a solution.

The Golden Light Curse, one of Maoshan's "Eight Divine Curses", has the effect of killing evil spirits, but the premise is that you must first "activate" the Golden Light Curse to protect your body before being possessed by a ghost.

No one knows what means the Blood Demon will use to possess him, and when he will take advantage of the situation. Unless he wears the Golden Light Curse 24 hours a day, it will be difficult to completely prevent the Blood Demon's possession problem with this method alone.

After all, Lin Ge believes that what needs to be done is not how to prevent the blood demon's possession, but how to "fight" the blood demon out without dying after it is possessed by the blood demon.

If someone of Ah Chu or Xiao Hai's level were possessed by a blood demon, they would be possessed, and at worst they would be beaten out.

But the one who is possessed in the play is Mao Xiaofang. When it comes to Taoism and physical skills, Lin Ge is definitely no match for Mao Xiaofang, let alone being possessed by a blood demon.

"It's difficult."

Lin Ge flipped through "The Secret of Maoshan" and rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache.

"Sacrificing spirits, offering sacrifices to souls, summoning souls, inviting ghosts, ghost sacrifices... they are all about 'inviting' ghosts, isn't there anything about 'driving' ghosts away?" Lin Ge sighed.

There is a certain reason why forbidden techniques are forbidden techniques.

This kind of magic that consumes Yangshou to temporarily obtain power from evil ghosts is inherently dangerous. If the ghost completely takes over the body, it will be irreversible.

Especially the forbidden technique "Ghost Sacrifice", which sacrifices ten years of Yangshou, can even "borrow all the power of the red-clothed ghost", which can't help but be strange.

In Taoism, borrowing power from ghosts is inherently evil.

Naturally, "driving out ghosts" is based on the premise of not being possessed by evil spirits. The main purpose is not to be possessed.

If you are possessed, there are only two ways, one is to use magic to "beat" out the possessed ghost, and the other is to die with the ghost.

There is no word "driving".

This is why, in Hong Kong ghost movies, those who are possessed are usually supporting characters or protagonists, and they will never be the "magic" who exorcises ghosts.

Otherwise, the "mage" will be possessed and the director will not be able to continue filming.

"Fighting" is the only method, but the prerequisite is that you can beat it. Li Gui, Hong Yi can still give it a try, but Blood Demon is a great demon and has no chance of giving it a try.

"It's difficult, it's difficult."


Lin Ge suddenly had an idea in his mind and had a bold idea. Although dangerous, it might be able to solve the problem of blood demon possession.

However, this method requires some ghosts to test. Although Lin Ge can catch ghosts, he can't do it alone.

Lin Ge looked out the window. It was a dark and windy night, which was a good time to catch ghosts. Then he got up and went to Madonna's door and knocked on the door.

"Ma girl."

Ma Danna was still studying the "magic weapons" given to her by Lin Ge and did not rest. When she heard the knock on the door, she opened the door and came out.

"Master Lin, do you have any questions for me?"

Lin Ge glanced at the firearms on the table and asked with a smile: "It's so late, are you still studying magic weapons?"

Ma Dangna nodded: "These magical instruments are well made. I want to try to take them apart to see if they can be imitated. The small magical instruments are okay, but the big ones are too sophisticated. I have studied them for several nights, but it is difficult to understand their mysteries. When I think that this is a magic weapon made by Master Lin, I admire it very much."

Lin Ge smiled and said: "It's not difficult to dismantle the gun, it's not difficult to assemble it, and it's not even difficult to manufacture some precision equipment."

The difficulty is that there is no such technology now.

Of course, Lin Ge couldn't say the last sentence. Not to mention that it would be troublesome to explain. Now he really had no way to help Ma Danna solve it.

"I can help you draw several disassembly and assembly drawings for your study, including some production ideas for precision equipment."

When Ma Danna heard this, her eyes lit up: "Is it really okay?"

Lin Ge said: "It's not a big problem. I'll help you with the painting tomorrow."

Ma Danna held her hands in her hands, her face was serious, and she said with the reverence for her elders: "Master Lin's kindness to the Ma family, Danna will definitely remember it in her heart. If there is any use for Danna in the future, just ask."

[Affected by the charm value, the favorability of the plot character "Ma Danna" increases. 】

Lin Ge coughed lightly and smiled slightly: "Isn't it a coincidence? Miss Ma is here tonight because she has something important to ask for help."


A small forest twenty miles away from Gantian Town.

"Master Lin, when we go to catch ghosts, is it necessary to go so far?" Ma Danna was extremely puzzled. There are no ghosts in this world, so is it necessary to go to the wilderness?

When Lin Ge suggested that the dark and windy night was suitable for catching ghosts, Ma Danna didn't think much about it. The other party wanted her to help, so she followed him out.

As a result, the two of them walked further and further away. They had been walking for almost an hour, and Lin Ge didn't seem to have any intention of stopping.

Fortunately, Ma Danna had been practicing since she was a child, otherwise she would not have been able to walk such a long mountain road.

Lin Ge said: "Miss Ma doesn't know something. In order to ensure the peace of Gantian Town, I will walk around the outskirts of the town when I have nothing to do. I have already subdued all the ghosts within a radius of twenty miles of Gantian Town. Even if there are The fish that slipped through the net have long been far away from Gantian Town. Now, if you want to catch ghosts, it is harder than catching a game. You can only go to the mountains twenty miles away to find it."

Ma Danna nodded with admiration: "Master Lin is a righteous man, and Dana is ashamed of himself. Dana must learn from Master Lin and follow Master Lin as an example to eliminate demons, defend the law, and support justice."

"Wherever, without the Ma family guarding the north, the country would not be as peaceful as it is now. What I have done is not one ten thousandth of what the Ma family can do." Lin Ge started the business promotion mode and promoted the Ma family to the sky.

Ma Danna blushed slightly and scratched her head. I really want to ask, Master Lin, are you really talking about the Ma family and not the Tianshi Mansion?

"Master Lin, there is evil ahead." Ma Danna stopped Lin Ge, took out a talisman and threw it forward, pinched the talisman with one finger, and the talisman emitted a golden light, illuminating a dark shadow in front of her.

Lin Ge took a look with his eyes and saw that it was just an E-level evil ghost. He was a little disappointed: "It's late at night, kid, please don't wander around."

After saying that, he threw a soul-sealing talisman to seal the evil ghost.

Lin Ge reached out and took back the soul-sealing talisman that sealed the evil ghost, and then folded it into a lucky star.

Ma Danna praised: "Master Lin's technique is good. This ghost-sealing method is simple and convenient, and it is much more convenient than the Ma family's double-rope ghost-binding technique."

Lin Ge smiled and said, "It's a coincidence that I also learned how to use the lucky star on this talisman from a friend named Ma."

"Oh? We are so destined. I wonder if Master Lin can introduce that friend surnamed Ma to Dana?"

"I will definitely introduce you to me if I have the chance."

"Thank you."

The two continued to go up the mountain, and not long after walking, they encountered several E-level evil spirits. After Lin Ge caught two, he exorcised all the rest.

Ma Danna asked curiously: "Master Lin, aren't you going to catch him?"

"Three little ghosts are enough. Now we need some big ghosts. It is best to have strong ghosts with strong grievances and have harmed others." Lin Ge said.

Ma Danna thought for a while and then said: "Master Lin wants to catch ghosts, but Danna has a way to find them."

"Thank you."

Ma Danna took out a stack of yellow talismans and threw them into the air, formed a seal with her hands, and recited the soul-calling spell. Immediately afterwards, the yellow symbol turned into several golden lights and flew around.




For a moment, it was as if a ghost had been poked into its nest, and the roars and screams of evil ghosts echoed all over the mountains and plains, causing birds and beasts to scatter in all directions, making people terrified.

Lin Ge silently gave a thumbs up. He was indeed an exorcist expert, so efficient!

Ma Danna looked around, observed for a while, and immediately took out the mahogany sword from behind: "Master Lin, go this way!"


The two of them chased up the mountain, and there was a lonely grave halfway up the mountain. And on the path leading to the solitary grave, there were actually several bones lying upside down. Presumably a passerby accidentally entered the solitary grave and died. And this happened to be the evil ghost that Lin Ge was looking for.



A rough, treacherous and shrunken laugh came from the lonely grave.


"A woman."

Suddenly, a black smoke erupted from the solitary grave, exploding like a smoke bomb and instantly covering the entire mountainside.

Lin Ge tried to sniff lightly, frowning slightly: "The resentment is quite strong."



Black smoke condensed two meters above Madonna's head, turning into a twisted, pale man's face, smiling ferociously.

"Uncle, you can't afford to offend this woman." Before Lin Ge finished speaking, the evil ghost turned into a giant hand and grabbed Ma Danna.

"Drink!" Ma Dannuo shouted coldly, wiping her fingers across the sword body, and the mahogany sword was instantly illuminated by a golden light.

However, Ma Danna did not "stab" with the sword, but "draw" it.

The golden mahogany sword struck Li Gui's face with a "snap", causing the black smoke where his resentment had gathered to tremble and almost disperse.

"Lin, soldiers, fight..."

"Etc., etc!"

Lin Ge quickly stopped him. Even if he didn't hesitate to use mana, his ultimate move would still be cooled down, right?

Besides, if you just unleash the dragon, wouldn't this fierce ghost who isn't even in red be gone?

"Conquer, conquer. This will be of great use to us in dealing with the blood demon and evil dragon in the future. Calm down, calm down, Miss Ma." Lin Ge advised.

Ma Dangna nodded, twitched her waist with her backhand, took out a wrapped piece of yellow talisman and yellow cloth, threw it into the air, and re-formed the seal.

The yellow cloth scroll flew into the air and unfolded automatically. The golden light in the center of the exorcism seal shone brightly, making the ghosts wail repeatedly.


Ma Danna raised her hand and pointed, and the yellow cloth was rolled up again, and the ghost was included in it. Then he stepped forward to catch the scroll and tied it with red rope.


"It's amazing, I admire you."

Lin Ge raised his hands and clapped. Although he could "conquer" this evil ghost, he could only use physical transcendence. Naturally, he couldn't seal a evil ghost as easily as Ma Danna.

Ma Danna handed the ghosts to Lin Ge and asked if there were still more ghosts to catch. Lin Ge said it would be best to come with two or three more.

Ma Danna nodded and continued to catch ghosts for Lin Ge.

The two worked hard for most of the night, and finally caught the amount Lin Ge needed. When we returned to Fuxi Hall, it was already midnight and it was almost dawn.

Lin Ge left a note in the lobby, simply stating that he and Ma Danna went ghost hunting last night and would rest until noon so that Ah Chu wouldn't have to ask him for breakfast.

After a day's rest, Lin Ge gathered everyone in the backyard after dinner.

Lin Ge first asked Mao Xiaofang to set up a line of defense for him in the backyard to prevent evil spirits from escaping. Then he asked A Chu and Xiao Hai to stand guard on two sides to hold the "defense line."

As for the two theatergoers, Black Rose and Xiao Xiami, Lin Ge repeatedly told them that it was okay to watch the theater, but not to act rashly or else they would be responsible for the consequences.

Seeing Lin Ge's prepared look, Mao Xiaofang asked in confusion: "Junior brother, what are you planning to do?"

Lin Ge said bluntly: "I want to test the effect of the golden light spell and whether it can be possessed by other ghosts if it is possessed by a ghost."

Mao Xiaofang was surprised and said: "Junior brother, you are just testing the power of the golden light spell. This makes evil spirits possess you... What is the purpose of such a dangerous method?"

Lin Ge said: "The fundamental reason why Lei Gang became a demon is that he was possessed by the blood demon. If the blood demon possesses a few of us, it will be dangerous if there is no proper solution."

Although the blood demon is only one of the factors that makes Lei Gang become a demon, even if there is no blood demon, Lei Gang will become a demon with his flying head in the plot.

Now that the plot has changed, Lin Ge doesn't need to explain too much. He can just throw the blame on the blood demon.

Mao Xiaofang was puzzled: "But... hasn't the blood demon's soul been sealed by Miss Ma and given to you, junior brother, for safekeeping?"

Lin Ge couldn't say, based on his previous reincarnation experience, the calmer he was now, the greater the danger would be.

After all, there is still more than a week left, and this feeling is very much like the days of waiting for the arrival of the evil ghost Rakshasa in "Zombie".

Although Black Rose has been "influenced" by Mao Xiaofang and has not become a demon for the time being, if Lin Ge is allowed to live peacefully until the end of reincarnation, he will even doubt whether he will return to the main god space. Then the big light bulb will come. Self-explosion surprise.

It is less reliable to expect the Lord God to be "merciful" than to expect the Patriarch to appear.

Anyway, the peaceful days have forced Lin Ge to become suspicious. Everything should be treated as if Lei Gang was resurrected, the evil dragon was born, and the blood demon was unsealed!

If you guess right, you have a chance to win, but if you guess wrong, you will have to work hard for a few days.

Lin Ge said: "Brother, don't forget the blood mist on Lei Gang's body. No one knows whether this is the blood demon's only soul. It's always better to take precautions before things happen. It's better to think about it later than when something goes wrong. The solution is stronger."

Mao Xiaofang thought for a while and then nodded: "Junior brother is right. It's just... it's too dangerous to be possessed by a ghost. Why don't you use my body to experiment!"


Brother, you are the highest level here. If you are really controlled by a ghost, who can do it to you?

"Senior brother, don't worry. I'm familiar with being possessed by ghosts. You'd better let me do it. Please help me, senior brother and Miss Ma, to protect me."

Although Mao Xiaofang was worried, he finally nodded.

Lin Ge took out the soul-sealing talisman and released all the low-level resentful ghosts caught last night in one breath. As soon as the soul-sealing talisman was released, these resentful ghosts immediately turned into black smoke and tried to run away.

As for Lin Ge and Ma Danna yesterday, these ghosts couldn't escape, let alone Mao Xiaofang now.

In a matter of seconds, several resentful ghosts were captured and blocked in the center of the yard.

Lin Ge stood in front of these resentful ghosts and said: "Some ghosts are left in the world because of their obsessions, and some are left in the world because of their resentment... Now I need your help to conduct some tests. It's done. Let's go." You leave or are sent to the afterlife, who is for it and who is against it?"

From last night to now, these resentful ghosts have been beaten twice. Who dares to object now and just stay where they are and nod.

Lin Ge took a step back with satisfaction, picked up the magic formula, and recited the Golden Light Mantra.

"Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of all things."

"Cultivation for hundreds of millions of kalpas will prove my magical power."

"Inside and outside the three realms, only the Tao is supreme."

"There is golden light in my body, which reflects my body."


"The golden light appears quickly and protects the real person."

In an instant, Lin Ge was covered with a layer of golden light, completely enveloping him, just like the scene in "Zombie" where a certain ancestor appeared and gave him a golden light.

After Lin Ge turned on the Golden Light Spell, he found that his spiritual energy was gradually decreasing, and as time went by, the decrease rate became faster and faster.

"The blue-free version of the Golden Light Curse that Grandmaster renewed is still more useful." Lin Ge sighed and hooked the first resentful soul on the left.


"Come and try possession."

Although he knew that the golden light spell could prevent evil spirits from possessing him, theory was not as good as practice. Trying it now would give him an intuitive understanding.

The resentful soul was shocked when he heard this. With your golden appearance, what's the difference between letting me possess you and killing me directly?

Lin Ge seemed to have guessed what the resentful soul was thinking, and said directly: "Hurry up, my spiritual energy can't withstand the torment. Don't worry, with my senior brother protecting you, you won't be scattered. Do you want to continue to be a lonely ghost, or go to the afterlife? .”

The resentful soul gritted its teeth and turned into a column of black smoke that crashed towards Lin Ge. However, as soon as it entered the range of one meter, the golden light from Lin Ge's body burst out, instantly dispersing the black smoke.

Upon seeing this, Mao Xiaofang waved, grabbed the black smoke in his hand, and then wrapped it with a yellow talisman to protect the other party's soul.

Lin Ge released the golden light curse and waved to the second resentful soul: "Try the possession first."

The resentful soul was very surprised. Is there such a good thing?

Although he didn't know what Lin Ge wanted to do, the resentful soul just now was indeed protected by Mao Xiaofang on the side.

Now "life" is in the hands of others. You have to listen whether you want to or not.

The resentful soul turned into a black smoke and flew into Lin Ge's body. Since Lin Ge did not resist at all, the resentful soul easily completed its possession.

The moment the possession was completed, black vein-like lines immediately appeared on Lin Ge's face, covering his entire face in an instant, and his eyes turned white, which was extremely terrifying.


Lin Ge relied on his own consciousness to break free from the shackles of the resentful spirit, but this was only an E-level resentful spirit, and it would be difficult to get rid of it after possessing it.

No wonder there are very few methods of "driving" ghosts recorded in "Secret Techniques". After all, even Taoist priests at the level of Lin Ge's "Wine Sacrifice Feather Guest" cannot break free from the possession of E-level resentful souls by themselves, let alone Not to mention ordinary Taoist priests.

Besides, this is still E-level. If the level were higher... I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to maintain my will at this time, and I'd be completely controlled.

From this point of view, "Ghost Sacrifice", as a forbidden technique, can still remain "awake" even though it can completely borrow power from the red-clothed ghost, which may shorten its life span by ten years.

"Heaven and earth, Xuan, Zong, Wan, Qi, basic, root."

"Extensive cultivation, hundreds of millions of kalpas, prove my magical power."


Lin Ge recited the Golden Light Spell word by word, trying to see if he could use the "Golden Light Spell" in this state.

"Gold, light, speed, appearance, cover, protection, truth, people."

Lin Ge finally completed the Golden Light Spell, and a burst of golden light shot out from his body, directly "shocking" the resentful soul that possessed him.


The golden light covering Lin Ge only lasted for a few breaths before shattering and disappearing.

Lin Ge suddenly felt weak and half-knelt on the ground. It felt like his life and aura had been drained away after using Ghost Sacrifice.

Mao Xiaofang reached out again, grabbed the resentful soul, and sealed it in the talisman. At the same time, he looked at Lin Ge with a worried face: "Junior brother, are you okay?"

"It's not a big question." Lin Ge took a few deep breaths and slowly stood up.

Then he looked at the third and fourth evil ghosts. This fourth evil ghost was much more powerful than the first three. It was grade D and had resentment. It had probably harmed many people.

Lin Ge pointed to the third one: "You, try to possess it first. Then you, try to steal the body."

The two evil spirits looked at each other and nodded to Lin Ge.

The third evil ghost turned into black smoke and flew into Lin Ge's body. Lin Ge tried to resist, but without the blessing of the golden light spell, it had little effect.

After being possessed by the evil ghost, the fourth evil ghost also turned into black smoke, flew towards Lin Ge's body, and crashed into Lin Ge's body, making him feel as if he was about to be exploded or torn apart.

The two evil ghosts were fighting for control of Lin Ge. Even though the third evil ghost was much weaker than the fourth evil ghost on the outside, when they were both inside Lin Ge's body, they were equally competitive in fighting for control of his body.


Lin Ge couldn't think of opening the golden light spell anymore. As soon as he said two words, he felt that the spiritual energy in his body was drained.

The whole person knelt down, with bulging veins all over his body, and his face was already covered with black blood lines, looking extremely terrifying.

"Junior brother!"

"Master Lin!"

Mao Xiaofang and Ma Danna wanted to step forward to help.

Lin Ge tried his best to raise a hand and stopped him: "Don't worry. Wait for them and grab them."

He wanted to see whether in the end it was the weak ghost who gained control of the body or the strong ghost who gained control of the body.

One minute.

Two minutes.

The blood vessels on the back of Lin Ge's palms that were resting on the ground had bulged, and with a few "pops", blood sprays exploded.

First the hands, then the body.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Ge had turned into a "bloody man". His state makes others worried. Once his willpower relaxes a little and the evil ghost completely takes over his body, it will be difficult to "evict" the evil ghost.

In the end, the weaker evil ghost defeated the stronger evil ghost and successfully gained control of Lin Ge's body.


"Ma girl!"

Lin Ge immediately shouted to Mao Xiaofang and Ma Danna.

Mao Xiaofang had been prepared for a long time. When he heard Lin Ge's call, he stepped forward and put the yellow charm on Lin Ge's vest.


The yellow talisman exploded with a golden light, but it only shook out half of the evil ghost in Lin Ge's body, but did not shake it out completely.

Ma Danna stepped forward and joined forces with Mao Xiaofang to "fight the ghost" again. Mao Xiaofang put the yellow talisman on again, and Ma Danna directly hit the yellow talisman with her sword!



The two of them worked together, the golden light surged, and the evil ghost was "beaten" out. Then came the D-level demon, and two black smoke flew out, but now the black smoke of the stronger D-level demon was lighter and weaker.

Mao Xiaofang flew out two yellow talismans, trapping the evil ghost.


Seeing that the evil ghost was driven away from his body, Lin Ge breathed a sigh of relief, his consciousness gradually faded, he fell to the ground and passed out.

Ma Danna supported Lin Ge, who had passed out. Seeing this, Ah Chu and Xiao Hai quickly stepped forward to help carry the person into the hall.

When Lin Ge woke up, it was already half an hour later, and Mao Xiaofang treated his wounds. He tried to move his body, but his whole body ached.

"Junior brother, do you feel better?" Mao Xiaofang asked with concern.

Lin Ge said: "I didn't expect that my body wouldn't be able to survive just two low-level evil spirits occupying it. If it is possessed by the blood demon, I'm afraid the only way is to die together."

"Sigh. After all, he is a great demon. If he were easy to deal with, he would not have been sealed before, but would have been eliminated." Mao Xiaofang sighed.

Lin Ge nodded: "Everyone worked hard with me to test today. Let's have a good rest today. We will continue tomorrow."

"Are you going to continue?" This time, not only Mao Xiaofang, but also Ma Danna, Ah Chu and others looked shocked.

"Of course, we haven't found a solution yet, so we naturally have to continue testing."

Mao Xiaofang and others could not defeat Lin Ge, so they could only wait until his body recovered completely before accompanying him for the test.

Lin Ge's physical recovery was slower than he expected, and it took him three days to recover.

However, there were still four days before the end of reincarnation. Lin Ge was worried and pulled everyone into the hospital for testing early in the morning.

When they heard what Lin Ge was going to test this time, Mao Xiaofang and Ma Danna couldn't sit still.

The previous test with two evil ghosts nearly killed Lin Ge, but this time he actually wanted several evil ghosts to fight for control of his body.

Among them, there is also a fierce ghost with a lot of resentment!

"No, absolutely not!" Mao Xiaofang immediately stopped Lin Ge's dangerous behavior.

Lin Ge vowed: "Senior brother, don't worry, I'm 98% sure this time, it's very stable. Trust me."

Mao Xiaofang:......

In the end, Lin Ge fought hard and said that even without the help of Mao and Ma, Lin Ge would still be able to test.

In the end, Mao Xiaofang nodded in agreement. After all, the three of them went crazy together, so it was better to let Lin Ge go crazy alone.

This time, Lin Ge possessed four evil spirits at once. Just when he was about to lose his strength, he released the evil spirits.

As soon as the evil spirit entered Lin Ge's body, it immediately occupied his remaining consciousness. Seeing four evil ghosts and one fierce ghost "fighting" fiercely in Lin Ge's body, when Lin Ge's consciousness dissipated, he tried his best to break off a small piece of chocolate and swallowed it in his mouth!

"Hee hee hee--"


"Play with me!"

A familiar voice sounded, and Lin Ge's consciousness... completely dissipated!

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