Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 463 Five Old Stars: Let Porusalino serve as marshal of the navy!

Akainu has an extremely strong character.

The admiral never flinched when faced with any problem. He never hung up the phone even when the Warring States Marshal was scolding him, and stood by with a cold expression to listen.

It wasn't until Sengoku finally got tired of scolding that he ordered them to escort Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, and then directly returned to the Marine Headquarters, Marineland.

"I'll settle the score with you when I come back!"

Sengoku, the naval marshal, finished scolding Akainu angrily, but then changed the topic and directly resisted Akihara Kagura's attack on the ancient saint Fegaland Green: "Okay, I will report this matter to the fifth elder. Xing explained, don’t say anything to outsiders that it was your order. The dignified naval headquarters commander actually ordered his men to attack the Tianlong people. How much trouble will it cause if you tell me!"


The atmosphere within the Navy is not bad.

Admiral Akainu took the blame for the trouble caused by Vice Admiral Akihara Kagura, and Marshal Sengoku also took the blame for Akainu.

after all…

Akainu is talking too hastily!

Sengoku was a little worried that something would go wrong during the confrontation between Akainu and the Five Old Stars, which would lead to a complete separation between the Navy and the World Government, and he could only help these subordinates wipe their butts.


Warring States had to come here in person.

However, the navy marshal had no intention of apologizing to Ancient Saint Fegalande Green. He directly explained the current situation to Saint Satan and Saint Nasshoulang calmly, and even pierced the arrogant self-esteem of these Celestial Dragons.

"Satan Saint."

"Saint Nashouro."

"I already know everything."

"The blame for this matter does not lie with Akainu, nor does it lie with Akihara Kagura."

Warring States stood in Pangu City's office and said in a deep voice: "This is because this group of senior naval officers and I have mentioned that the main task of ordering them now is to try their best to maintain the stability of the World Government's participating countries. There is no need to I waste precious military power on trivial things like protecting the Celestial Dragons, and because of me, they don’t have enough respect for the world’s nobles..."

"Is protecting the world's nobles a small matter?"

Saint Satan raised his head and stared at Warring States with squinted eyes.

"Since Bucky the Clown assassinated the Celestial Dragons, the entire sea has long lost its respect for the world's nobility, and even people in the CP department are defecting..."

Warring States looked back at Saint Satan coldly, and said in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "Nowadays, pirates are assassinating the world's nobles on the sea every day. The navy's military power can no longer protect every world noble. Therefore, Marie Joa is not Have all the world’s nobles who have been traveling around been recalled to Mariejoia?”

this matter…

Everyone knows it.

However, for the sake of the face of the Tianlong people, this kind of thing is not easy to talk about but can only be done secretly in private. Very few people will tell these problems to the Tianlong people face to face.

Nowadays, who doesn’t know that the navy can’t protect the Tianlong people?

Don't say it's the navy...

Not even the Five Old Stars and the Knights of God can protect the Holy Land Marie Joa!


Such words...

How could you just say it like that!

"Warring States!"

Saint Satan's voice became a little dull, and he scolded in a cold voice: "You have to be clear about one thing. The purpose of the World Government's navy is to protect the safety of the world's nobles!"

Such words...

In fact, it cannot be told to the public.

Even though the entire navy's top brass know in their hearts that the navy's first purpose is to protect the Tianlong people in order to gain support from the world government, but in order to recruit more people to join the navy, the banner of the navy's top brass is justice in the sea. Most navy soldiers are more concerned about Eliminate the pirates and protect the tranquility of the sea, rather than being willing to wipe the butt behind the Tianlong people.

This is the face of the Navy.


The Celestial Dragons have no taboos about these.

Because the Tianlong people never consider the face of the navy.

When Saint Satan said these words, he still regarded the navy as a group of subordinates that could be used and discarded at any time, with disdain and anger on his face.

"Yet the Navy failed in its duty here!"

"Not only did your subordinates fail to protect the world's nobles, but some even dared to attack the world's nobles and the commander of the Knights of God, Fegaland Green, the ancient saint. This is an offense to God. It's all because of you, a navy man. The marshal is ineffective in running the army!"

"If it weren't for the fact that the Navy has had hard work without merit over the years, and if it weren't for the fact that Saint Nashoulang interceded for you, we would have already planned to order the World Government to abolish the Navy department at this time!"

This is pure nonsense...

In the past, if the world government wanted to abolish the navy department, it would have to shake its rule; at this stage, if the world government really abolishes the navy department, it is simply destroying itself...

"Warring States..."

Saint Nashoulang held his long sword and said quickly: "Don't blame us for being angry about this matter. The impact of this matter is too bad..."


Buddha's Warring States nodded, his eyes fixed on Saint Satan in front of him, and he didn't care about the cold eyes of the other party. He suddenly said: "I understand, the reason for the conflict between the navy and the ancient Saint Fegaland Green. It's all because I failed to convey the order to the subordinates and caused misunderstanding among my subordinates. In this case, I am willing to take full responsibility for this matter and resign from the position of Navy Marshal..."


Saint Satan and Saint Nashoulang had a look of surprise on their faces.


Why did it come to this!

Although Saint Sartan and Saint Nashoulang were extremely dissatisfied with this matter, after analyzing the current situation of the navy, they believed that the most suitable naval marshal at present is still the Buddha of Warring States. This position must not be moved. ah!

to be honest…

If it were in the past, Saint Satan and Saint Nasshouro wouldn't care if the Sengoku would resign, and the three navy generals could be among the highest combat powers of the world government...


Not so good at this time!

First of all, the attitude of the three admirals of the Navy Headquarters, Aokiji, is too mild. After the O'Hara incident, he always obeyed the orders of the World Government; not to mention the attitude of Kizaru, a naval admiral who fishes every day. , the world government no longer has to ask the navy to do anything...

The only one who is relatively reliable is Akainu.

Even though Akainu did extreme things in the past, the Five Old Stars still believe that Akainu is the most reliable, at least much better than Aokiji and Kizaru...


Akainu's extreme behavior directly reached the head of the Celestial Dragon. He was only scolded by the Celestial Dragon and ordered his men to cut off the Celestial Dragon's arm...

no matter what…

Akainu definitely can’t be a navy marshal anymore!

Akainu is now just a mere admiral, but he dares to order his men to attack the Celestial Dragons. When he takes the position of marshal of the navy, he might dare to directly rebel and attack Mariejoia!

Let’s discuss… Let’s discuss…

Sengoku is still the most suitable admiral.

Saint Satan leaned on a crutch, waved his hand towards Buddha's Warring States, and scolded in a deep voice: "Don't talk about resigning as marshal of the navy. As long as you deal with Sakaski and the one named Akihara Kagura, Guys, we can get over this..."

"Kill them."

A murderous intention flashed in Saint Satan's eyes.


The corner of Sengoku's eye twitched.

Has this old guy sat in the position of the Five Old Stars for too long, thinking that Akainu and Akihara Kagura are the kind of people who can be brought up to replace them at any time?

These two subordinates...

Both Akainu and Akihara Kagura actually have the potential to become marshals of the navy, and both can become the flag leading the navy in the future!

Akainu is indeed extreme in his actions, but he dares to take responsibility; not to mention Akihara Kagura, his combat ability and mind are the smartest among the navy today!

"This is impossible!"

Sengoku quickly waved his hand and rejected Satan Saint's proposal. His attitude was even more severe, as if the person standing in front of him was not his superior: "Both Sakaski and Akihara Kagura are indispensable to the navy. Personnel, it is impossible for me to deal with them at this time, even if I resign as marshal of the navy, I cannot do such a thing!"


Satan Sheng looked at Warring States as if he were looking at a madman.


Warring States looked at Saint Satan and felt like he was looking at a madman: "Have Saint Satan forgotten that the Konoha Pirates, the Goddess of Uma, and the people standing behind them are still watching all this? At this time, we are expending huge efforts to deal with our own people..."

"We will deal with those monsters in Konoha..."

Saint Satan's expression froze, and he forced himself to look confident.


Warring States expressed disbelief.

Not only Sengoku didn't believe it, but Saint Nashoulang standing nearby also didn't believe it. Even Saint Satan, who said this, felt a little less confident in his heart.

Konoha Pirates.

It is truly the most terrifying enemy of the Tianlong people in the past eight hundred years.

In the past, the reason why Saint Sartan and Saint Nashoulang thought they could handle all crises was because they had Im Saint as their trump card.


Today's Immortal is not very reliable...

Even Im Saint, who has been sitting on the throne among the flowers, is no longer confident that he can solve the crisis in Konoha, and is still deceiving the two five old stars with false history...


Saint Satan cannot show his cowardice.

Especially the face of the Tianlong people cannot be lost.

"All right."

"I believe that the world's nobles have the ability to deal with the Konoha Pirates."

Warring States sighed, but did not expose the majesty that Saint Satan had pretended to be in the end. Even if he didn't know how many trump cards the Tianlong people had, he still didn't know how much the Tianlong people treated the Konoha Pirates today. Embarrassed?

The Holy Land Mariejoia was breached by the Konoha Pirates. Three of the Five Old Stars were killed on Sky Island. A group of noble Celestial Dragons were treated as prey for hunting games. The high-ranking Commander of the Knights of God was treated as a lowly person. Slave auctions, the back gardens of the world's nobles such as the Shampoo Islands were used as rest areas by the Konoha Pirates...

It’s all here…

Why are you pretending...

The Konoha Pirates have used the Tianlong people's faces like rags to mop the floor. They basically did everything that could insult the Tianlong people. The Tianlong people actually tolerated it and even hid when they saw the Konoha Pirates. Let’s go, don’t provoke anyone if you can avoid it…

The Celestial Dragons endured to this extent...

Are they still the same group of world nobles who immediately dispatch the navy admiral if someone is attacked by a civilian?

Even now, even the matter of Akihara Kagura cutting off the arm of the ancient sage Fegalande Green can only be handled by him as the naval marshal, instead of sending their own people to take action...

"Tell me..."

Saint Satan's anger was suppressed by the threat of the Konoha Pirates, and he said in a deep voice: "How should we deal with this matter?"

"There's no way I could handle them."

Warring States could only shake his head. He was not so afraid of the powerful Tianlong people today, and said calmly: "Sakaski is one of the three strongest generals trained by the Navy in the past decades. He has set a great example for the Navy. Thanks to his great contributions, Sakaski’s combat effectiveness is obvious to all, and he may be the strongest among the three of them..."

"Akihara Kagura..."

"This is my most promising recruit before."

"Akihara Kagura's strength surged when Vegapunk defected, and she awakened the Overlord's Haki in the Shampoo Islands. She single-handedly captured Kaido and Charlotte Lingling. Above Kaski…”

"If they were to be kicked out of the Navy..."

"The navy's high-end combat power is basically missing half..."

"This is under the most optimistic scenario, because Akainu and Akihara Kagura already have a large number of supporters within the navy, especially Akainu, who is very popular among naval officers. For the sake of the current situation and the future of the navy, , I can't possibly handle them..."


The corners of the eyes of Saint Satan and Saint Nashoulang twitched at the same time.

"What's more..."

"Everything I said is true."

"This matter was not their responsibility in the first place."

Warring States looked at Satan Saint and Nashou Lang Saint, and even said harsh words: "I mentioned to them when the situation was critical, that they no longer need to follow the order to protect the Celestial Dragons, and do not need to care about the lives of the Celestial Dragons. Everything is based on the stability of the world government..."

"This is all my responsibility."

"Because of my attitude towards the world's nobles, they did not respect the Tianlong people enough, and this bloody conflict occurred. I will take full responsibility for this matter."


The veins on Saint Satan's forehead were exposed, and he said coldly: "Since everything is your fault, and you no longer respect the power status of the world's nobles, there is no need to continue to sit in the position of marshal of the navy, and quit immediately Navy!"

This bastard…

He refused to step down even if he was given a step!

For the sake of two subordinates, he refused to bow his head!

"Satan Saint..."

Saint Nashoulang frowned.


This is different from what they negotiated!

No matter what, we can't let Seng Guo resign!

If Warring States were to resign at this time, who would come to power and become the marshal of the navy?

"We promoted Porusalino to marshal."

Saint Satan's eyes were cold. He picked up his phone and called Porusalino. He glanced at Sengoku coldly and said disdainfully: "The navy is just a dog raised by the Tianlong people. I don't want to If you want to be a dog, there are many people who want to be a dog..."

Something might happen tomorrow...

It should be a little later...

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