Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 458 That guy is learning Kaido’s fighting style!

Chapter 458 That guy... is learning Kaido’s fighting style!

"This is…"

"Overlord and domineering!"

Many people saw the collision of two domineering colors!

No one would have thought that the battle between Hyakushou Kaido and Akihara Kagura would awaken the overlord's domineering energy in the vice-admiral's body!

Many people also saw Kaido of the Hundred Beasts being punched away by Akihara Kagura, and also heard Akihara Kagura's impassioned declaration about the navy!

Any navy who hears Akihara Kagura's declaration and sees Akihara Kagura knocking away a Yonko with one punch will involuntarily feel the urge to sacrifice his life for justice!

"It's really exciting..."

Kizaru tilted his head slightly, glanced at the figure standing on the ground, and felt a helpless smile in his heart: "It would be great if Sakaski really said that..."


Others don't know the truth.

Even Akainu, who was far away on the other side, would not know that another famous aphorism that made the Celestial Dragons gnash their teeth was slapped on his head.

At least everyone here thinks that Akainu must be very determined, and that general will definitely eliminate all evil in the sea, including the evil Tianlong people, in the name of justice!


Kaido of the Hundred Beasts stood up and walked towards Akihara Kagura step by step. He stared at the Vice Admiral in the distance and said in a low voice: "Have you even awakened the domineering haki? This is not the case in the navy. See more…”

The overbearing color and domineering energy on the sea are like the crucian carp crossing the river.

However, it is not very common in the navy. So far, the only navy known to have overlord-like domineering energy is Admiral Buddha Sengoku, an old man who advocates the justice of ruling the world...


Akihara Kagura is obviously a newbie.

Because the overlord's domineering energy in this guy's body is still being released to the outside world, and it is obvious that he has not learned how to control his overlord's domineering energy...

"You're not bad either..."

Akihara Kagura calmly accepted Kaido's praise and walked towards Kaido step by step: "There are not many sea emperors on the sea..."


Kaido exhaled a stream of hot air from his nose, not feeling the slightest bit happy about Akihara Kagura's praise. After all, as long as there are more than one Sea Emperor in the sea, that's enough!

next moment!

Two surprisingly huge people rushed toward each other again!

A huge electric current emitted from Akihara Kagura's body. This electric current hovered around him, instantly turning his body into the form of a huge thunder god!

The thunder god's fist is wrapped with dark armed domineering energy!

Dark and shiny Haki also appears on Kaido’s arm!

The fists of Kaido and Thor collided instantly!

The armed Haki collided instantly, and the black and red arcs of the Overlord Haki collided continuously on their fists. A more terrifying shock wave swept through the island again, and the two simply fought in close combat with fists!


Kaido of the Hundred Beasts punched the thunder giant in front of him one punch after another!

The strength of the Vice Admiral's Armed Color Haki is astonishing. It can actually withstand the intensity of his Armed Color Haki, and even the Overlord Color Haki Coil can compete with it!

The fighting momentum here is amazing!

So much so that other parts of the island have also paid attention to this area, and many people have noticed the Vice Admiral who can compete with Kaido!

Rip-off bar.

A flash of surprise flashed in Pluto Rayleigh's eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He glanced at the Straw Hats beside him, then looked at Xia Qi beside him, chuckled and said, "It seems that the Navy There are also rising stars here!”

"This kind of fighting power..."

Xia Qi was holding a cigarette in her mouth, blowing smoke rings while looking at Rayleigh and couldn't help complaining: "Can't we be called a rising star anymore? We obviously came out of the East China Sea with Luffy and the other brats, but how could he be like this?" We’ll get to this point soon…”

This level of combat power…

Even in the days of Goldo Roger it had a place!

In fact, to be serious, if there was not a Konoha pirate group among the pirates, the situation in the world would definitely tilt towards the navy because of the appearance of Akihara Kagura!

no way…

A general-level combat power...

Even a general who can compete with the Four Emperors...

Although Xia Qi knows in her heart that the Straw Hats are also very good, their growth rate is too slow, far less than the growth rate of Akihara Kagura!

"Let's train Luffy quickly..."

Lei Li understood what Xia Qi meant and just chuckled and continued: "After all, the Thunder Fruit is the most powerful among the natural fruits..."

"But, the Thunder Fruit is easily restrained by Luffy's fruit ability. It seems that these two little guys are still like old enemies..."

so similar.

One is the Thunder Fruit, which grows very fast and can immediately form combat effectiveness. He will definitely become a naval admiral. At Akihara Kagura's age, he might even become a navy marshal!

It looks like a rubber fruit, but its current growth rate is very slow. Once it awakens, it possesses extraordinary combat power.


Luffy didn't understand what Rayleigh meant at all, and quickly explained: "Rayleigh, my ability can't restrain that guy Kagura!"

"It's just that you haven't dug it out yet..."

Rayleigh shook his head, reached out and patted Luffy on the shoulder. He raised his head and looked at Thor and Beast Kaido, who were fighting in the center of the battlefield: "We... hmm? How is this possible!"


A flash of surprise suddenly flashed in Lei Li's eyes!

The center of the battlefield.

After the initial confrontation, Akihara Kagura's Thunder God Titan began to be beaten when the battle situation became stable...

After all, with the strength of the Armed Color Haki and the accomplishments of the Superior Overlord Color Haki possessed by Hyakuju Kaido, he almost quickly took over the advantageous situation and suppressed the battle of Akihara Kagura!


Akihara Kagura is not without the power to fight back!

The giant thunder god on the battlefield punched Kaido of the Beasts. A domineering black and red arc of electricity wrapped around its fist. The powerful attack power shocked Kaido of the Beasts!

"That studying..."

Rayleigh, who had been observing the battlefield, was a little shocked.

Rayleigh always thought he was familiar with the use of Haki. He could very keenly see that Akihara Kagura was learning in the process of fighting!

"It's normal..."

"That navy brat's Haki is quite outstanding. It's not impossible to use the Haki to observe how Kaido uses Overlord's color entanglement..."

Xia Qi was not surprised by this, and said casually: "The ability of the Thunder Fruit has an extraordinary increase in the hegemony of seeing and hearing. The hegemony of seeing and hearing of any person with the ability of the Thunder Fruit is second only to Roger's ability to listen to all things." Voice…"

Xia Qi is an intelligence expert and knows a lot of information.

Therefore, Xia Qi also has a certain understanding of Thunder Fruit, or in other words, most Devil Fruits.

the other side.

Red-haired Shanks is extremely stable.

Because when the Sea Emperor saw the Ancient Saint Fegaland Green, he had already decided to give up robbing Vegapunk.

The World Government and the Celestial Dragons were already in an extremely disadvantageous situation, and even to contend with the Konoha Pirates they needed help from him, the Emperor of the Sea.


Only Vegapunk can possibly solve the troubles of the Konoha Pirates.

After red-haired Shanks thought about the pros and cons, in order to keep the sea in a balanced position, and in order to allow the World Government to have a stronger combat power to check the Konoha Pirates, he planned to let the World Government control Vegapunk take away.


Who can tell him...

What happened to the Old Saint Fegaland Grimm?

"Your arms..."

The red-haired Shanks looked at the empty shoulders of the Ancient Saint Fegaland Green, and a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes. How long had they been separated?


His arm is broken too?

The red-haired Shanks looked at the location of his broken arm and then at the Ancient Sage Fegalande Green, with a series of questions in his mind that he wanted to ask.

The Fegaland family…

Are they all destined to lose their arms?

"Bitten by a dog..."

Ancient Saint Fegaland Green snorted coldly.


The red-haired Shanks knew very well the attitude of the Celestial Dragons towards the navy, and he quickly looked in the direction of the vice-admiral who had awakened the domineering domineering energy on the island.


They all heard it too.

The Vice Admiral will follow Sakaski in his pursuit of absolute justice and will rid the world of any evil, even the Draco...

"Hmph, that guy Sakaski..."

The face of Ancient Saint Fegaland Green was unavoidable with murderous intent, and his annoyance and anger towards the navy reached its peak: "And that brat named Akihara Kagura..."


Red-haired Shanks couldn't help but frown.

This is not very good...

At this time, the world government and the navy were at odds. Once they split, wouldn't it mean that the already stretched combat effectiveness would be reduced again...

"Dragon people..."

The red-haired Shanks looked at the Ancient Saint Fegaland Green, sighed, and persuaded: "I am no longer the world's nobleman in the past..."

if not…

Sakaski did not dare to say anything about clearing out the Celestial Dragons...

Ever since the Konoha Pirates made the status of the Celestial Dragons plummet, it was only a matter of time before the World Government had dissatisfaction with the Celestials, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly...

Red-haired Shanks just sighed in his heart. In the past, Akainu, who had been restrained by himself and Doflamingo, two pirates with the identity of Draco, was able to blatantly say that he wanted to eliminate the Draco. Already…

"The master is always the master."

Ancient Saint Fegaland Green dismissed this argument, with a gloomy look on his face: "A dog... will always be a dog. A dog that bites its owner can only be beaten to death."


The red-haired Shanks looked at the Ancient Saint Fegaland Green who didn't really want to listen to advice. He could only shake his head slowly and had no comment on his statement.

at this time…

The navy has become suspicious of the Celestial Dragons...

He actually thought he could suppress the whole world!

The eight hundred years of rule over this sea have made Mariejoia's Celestial Dragons obsessed with the glory of the world's nobility. Have they forgotten how to face adversity...

"Hey, Shanks..."

Ben Beckman called up the red-haired Shanks and said in a deep voice: "Look at the situation over there, has there been any change..."


The red-haired Shanks followed Ben Beckman's words in surprise and looked over. He saw that the Thor Titan and Kaido of the Beasts on the battlefield had already fired real fire!

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts punched the Thunder God Titan in the face!

The hand of the giant thunder god was wrapped with black and red electricity formed by the convergence of armed color Haki and Overlord color Haki, which instantly penetrated Kaido's shoulders!

it turns out…

Able to break through Kaido's defense!

That is one of the strongest defensive bodies in the world!


The red-haired Shanks was still a little surprised by what Ben Beckman meant, but suddenly realized something was wrong, and his eyes became serious: "Wait a minute! That lieutenant general didn't lose even in a fight with Kaido. Well! Didn’t that guy just awaken his domineering domineering energy?"


"It's not like this…"

Ben Beckman shook his head, his eyes lowered slightly, holding his cigarette tightly with his fingers: "I watched all this with my own eyes. When the Vice Admiral was fighting Kaido, he learned how to The overlord color and domineering entanglement..."

"From the moment the overlord's domineering energy awakens in the body to the time when Kaido learns the overlord's domineering energy to wrap around and attack, it takes no more than ten minutes from beginning to end..."

"This kind of talent..."

"That Vice Admiral is also an out-and-out monster..."


Red-haired Shanks was silent.


This talent is even more amazing than the natural Thunder Fruit.

Who can learn the fighting skills of a Yonko while fighting a Yonko? You can’t say that Hyakju Kaido is a good teacher of overlord color and haki, right?

This kind of joke is not funny at all!

The audience present noticed all this, and Kaido, who was at the center of the battle, was even more keen. He clearly felt that Akihara Kagura was getting stronger!

This young getting stronger and stronger!

The fighting skills of using the overlord's color and domineering energy are also becoming more and more mature!

"Are you kidding..."

Kaido Kaido looked at the wounds on his body in disbelief.

Kaido Kaido has always been extremely proud of his defense power. His powerful defensive body will not fall to death even if he falls from a height of 10,000 meters. Even his body that has not been injured so far was unexpectedly attacked by Akihara. Kagura tore open easily!

Shoulders…waist and abdomen…arms…

The three wounds penetrated by black and red lightning all remind Kaido of the Beasts that his indestructible body is no longer worth mentioning in front of Akihara Kagura...


Might lose!

How could I lose!

"He's obviously a brat who has just awakened to his domineering aura..."

Kaido's body instantly entered the Orc state, roaring loudly and rushing towards the Thunder Giant, as if he wanted to tear the opponent into pieces!

next moment!

Kaido's body changed again, becoming a huge dragon!

"Rising Dragon Flame Bagua!"

A ball of flame burned on Kaido's dragon body, and he rushed towards Akihara Kagura like a flaming dragon. The dragon's forehead suddenly hit the thunder giant's body!

A ball of flame suddenly appeared in the body of the God of Thunder on Akihara Kagura. Thunder and flames continued to flash on Akihara Kagura's body, converging into a flame giant flashing with thunder and lightning, and his size became even larger!

Akihara Kagura also condensed a ball of black-red flames in her hand, and instantly rushed towards Kaido in the form of a dragon. The huge flame giant directly collided with Kaido in the form of a dragon!

A huge explosion resounded throughout the world!

The flames after the collision between the flame giant and the flame dragon shot straight into the sky!

The 100-meter-tall flaming giant raised his hand and grabbed the neck of the flaming dragon in mid-air. He threw the flaming dragon from the sky and smashed it straight to the ground. The overwhelming flames instantly rose from the island!

Teacher Kai...

I'm talking about Kaido-sensei...

Happy New Year, everyone!

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