Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 455 How dare you insult General Sakaski, I will kill you!


Even Akainu himself didn't think of it.

One day I will say that others are too cold-blooded...

If it was to eliminate pirates, Akainu really didn't care about sacrificing civilians. When he was responsible for destroying O'Hara, he directly sank O'Hara's refugee ship in order to clear out the archaeologists hiding on the refugee ship.


This sacrifice is different!

Akainu feels that Akihara Kagura seems to be more cold-blooded towards the sacrifice of civilians. It is not a necessary sacrifice to eliminate evil, but directly regards the sacrifice of civilians as a harmless trivial matter!


In addition to not caring about civilians at all, Akihara Kagura saw that the White Zetsu Army of the Konoha Pirates used the power of the Shining Fruit to destroy the Shampoo Islands, and simply proposed to leave with Kizaru, leaving him and Fegaland Greene Saint, and Vegapunk who must be brought back are abandoned...

This lieutenant general…

He is more cold-blooded and ruthless than doing things on his own!

"Attack with all your strength."

Akainu glanced at Akihara Kagura and said solemnly: "Before we bring back Vegapunk, we will never allow the Shampoo Islands to be destroyed!"

"All right…"

Akihara Kagura seemed a little helpless.

On top of the golden ark.

Hundreds of Bai Jue threw countless golden light spots toward the ground!

"Meteor volcano!"

Akainu raised his hand and blasted his fist towards the densely falling golden light spots. The balls of lava fists continuously collided with the falling golden light spots, and explosions occurred one after another!

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

Kizaru used the same move with his hands, a smile on his lips, not caring at all about the dense golden light spots falling from the sky like a meteor shower!

"Hell is in chaos!"

A ball of thunder and lightning appeared in Akihara Kagura's hand!

A ball of electric light suddenly flashed from his hands!

Waves of electric current emerged from his body and flickered around his body. Even the electric current in Akihara Kagura's body had almost overflowed and was still impacting the ground, instantly destroying the stone slabs on the ground and even the nearby houses. !

With the crackling of thunder and lightning...

Akihara Kagura's body slowly floated up from the ground...

Balls of thunder and lightning continued to pour out of his body, as if the thunder fruit ability in his body could not be suppressed. The arc of lightning struck everything around him like a whip!

The thunder and lightning around Akihara Kagura seemed to grow like a big tree. The thunder and lightning kept branching towards the outside, and the dense arcs spread quickly like branches!

Like a big thunder and lightning tree growing in the center of the entire Chambord Islands, countless thunder and lightning spread toward the sky like tree branches. The thunder and lightning that blocked the sky and sun exploded countless falling golden light spots in the sky!

this moment…

Everyone in the entire Shampoo Islands saw this scene!

That dazzling tree of thunder and lightning, at this moment, combines extreme beauty, extreme terror and extreme destructive power!

This scene is so beautiful that it’s thrilling to watch…

Above the sky.

Countless golden light points exploded by lightning...

As the crisis of the destruction of the Shampoo Islands disappeared, the group of exploding golden light points were like blooming fireworks, making people gasp in wonder.

Chambord Islands.

Rip off the door of the bar.

The Straw Hats are all gathered here.

Nami looked at the thunder tree covering the entire Shambaud Islands and the fireworks blooming in the sky. She couldn't help but open her mouth in surprise: "It looks so beautiful..."


Zoro couldn't help but roll his eyes at Nami.

Such a terrifying scene, but Nami only thinks it's beautiful?

"As expected of Miss Nami..."

Sanji held a cigarette in his mouth and said seriously: "Under such a stunning scenery, being able to enjoy the scenery with three beautiful ladies is really indescribably romantic..."


Nico Robin could only smile helplessly.

"The little devil's mouth is really sweet..."

Xia Qi, the proprietress of the extortion bar, also held a cigarette in her hand and praised Sanji with interest, but when she raised her head, her eyes were full of worry.


Zoro simply cursed at Sanji.

"What did you say!"

Sanji was so angry that he immediately glared at Zoro.

"Is this released by the guy named Akihara Kagura?"

Luffy took a deep breath, looked at Rayleigh who was standing next to him, and asked in a deep voice: "Please teach us to become stronger!"

Along the way…

It can be said that their fate with Akihara Kagura has never dissipated.

Because when they were in the East China Sea, Akihara Kagura gave them a heavy blow after they defeated Aaron, making them realize that they were still weak.

And later…

Whether it's Alabasta, Sky Island or Judiciary Island, Akihara Kagura has shown a crushing power, and the opponent's strength seems to be getting stronger and stronger!

where are they?

It seems like this group of them can never catch up with each other!

port area.

Red-haired Shanks boarded his Red Voss.

The Yonko held his Western sword tightly in his hand, looking at the thunder and lightning trees blooming throughout the Shampoo Islands in shock, his face became particularly serious.

Red-haired Shanks originally planned to take action, but he didn't expect that a member of the Navy, Vice Admiral, would resolve the crisis of the destruction of the Shampoo Islands...

"The lieutenant general with the thunder fruit ability has become stronger..."

Ben Beckman stood next to the red-haired Shanks and blew out a smoke ring: "The navy is lucky. In addition to Aokiji, Kizaru and Akainu, there is another monster..."

No surprise.

Just the lightning tree that solved the destruction of the Shampoo Islands was enough to put Akihara Kagura's combat power on par with the three generals of the headquarters!

Above the sky.

The speed of the Golden Ark slowed down.

The Konoha Pirates also seemed a little surprised. The White Zetsu Army under their command jointly tried to destroy the Shampoo Islands, but they were stopped like this.


The Konoha Pirates never lack such tricks to destroy islands!

A black slash that destroyed the world and destroyed the earth struck directly in the direction of Island No. 1!

This time…

It was not the Navy's turn to take action.

Red-haired Shanks and Pluto Rayleigh were separated but they shot at the same time, facing the black slash falling from the sky. The two of them drew their swords at the same time and struck out with a slash, and worked together to stop the attack!

"It belongs to that guy Mihawk..."

The figure of the red-haired Shanks jumped back on the boat, his expression became particularly heavy: "That guy's swordsmanship was originally the strongest in the world, but now that guy's power and domineering have become stronger, and it feels better than ours earlier." It’s even scarier during the sparring session…”

one strike…

Can be so powerful!

After Hawkeye Mihawk obtained chakra, he has been practicing at home, and also tried to attach chakra to the sword to improve his sword power!

After all, compared to domineering, chakra is a slow and all-round improvement to the human body, and it can increase any power system...

"They left..."

Ben Beckman looked up at the sky.

Above the sky.

The Golden Ark set sail again and left here.

The first attack that destroyed the Shampoo Islands was blocked by the navy; the second attack that destroyed the Shampoo Islands was blocked by the pirates; the Konoha Pirates didn't seem to intend to stay and entangle, as if there was something urgent. Same.

"Maybe they have something going on..."

Ben Beckman thought for a second, but could only give his own answer: "After all, there are many people gathered on the Chambord Islands, and it would not be so easy for them to destroy it..."

Three of the Four Emperors of the New World…

Two of the three generals of the Navy Headquarters...

Coupled with the retired Pluto Rayleigh and the Ancient Sage Fegaland Green, a group of senior cadres of the Yonko Pirates and a chaotic group of King Shichibukai and others...

Even if the Konoha Pirates can win, they will definitely waste a lot of time. Those monsters are about to evacuate in a hurry. There must be something important...

"Where could they go?"

The red-haired Shanks couldn't help but frown. After thinking for a while, he shook his head: "I would rather they fight here..."

At least…

He also knows the location of the Konoha Pirates.

Once the Konoha Pirates leave an island and enter the sea, it will not be that easy to know their movements in the future...

Not surprisingly…

The Konoha Pirates will certainly not sail the sea quietly.

Once the Konoha Pirates appear somewhere, it will definitely cause an earth-shattering event. This matter has been confirmed by everyone!

It's a pity...

The departure of the Konoha Pirates did not calm the Shampoo Islands.

The entire Shampoo Islands became even more chaotic after the Konoha Pirates left, because everyone on the Shampoo Islands knew the news!


That genius scientist!

Has been abandoned by the Konoha Pirates in the Shampoo Islands!

If the Konoha Pirates are still there, everyone must worry about the threat of the Konoha Pirates; if the Konoha Pirates leave here, it also means that they immediately lose their deterrence to others!

"Well, well, well..."

Charlotte Lingling drove her Thundercloud Zeus and Prometheus and appeared over Island No. 1. She grinned and said, "Vegapunk, where are you? I heard Did they leave you behind?"

Charlotte Lingling has been looking for scientists, trying to get scientists to help her conduct experiments on human body enlargement, turning the whole world into a world of giants!

it is a pity…

Many experiments have not been successful yet…

Charlotte Lingling still didn’t give up!

"Vegapunk belongs to me!"

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts also quickly returned with the Fire Calamity Embers!

As an ambitious pirate, Kaido Kaido is also very aware of the value of Vegapunk. He does not want to see Vegapunk fall into the hands of others!


"It's better to give Bega Punk to me!"

Charlotte Lingling grinned, holding her big knife Napoleon in her hand, and looked at Kaido with a smile: "Your brain is too slow, you don't understand the use of Vegapunk, hahaha..."

"Old woman!"

"Your brain is so old that it can no longer be used!"

Kaido's forehead was furious, and he rushed directly in the direction of Charlotte Lingling. The two Yonko immediately fought directly over the Shampoo Islands!


The domineering color is rolling in!

The black-red arc seemed to tear the sky apart!

After the Konoha Pirates left, the two Yonko jumped out again, as if they didn't care about the rest of the Shampoo Islands!

"It seems we can't leave yet..."

Red-haired Shanks shook his head with regret.

If Kaido of the Beasts and Charlotte Lingling fight here, the Navy and the Ancient Saint Fegaland Green will definitely join the battlefield, and a war surrounding Vegapunk will definitely break out here. His character must want to see this happen...

the other side.

A group of King Shichibukai and Pirate Supernova were also hesitant.

The group of pirate supernovas were completely frightened and immediately wanted to leave the Shampoo Islands. They did not want to participate in the battle to enter the strong...

The seven warriors under the king are even bolder.

Doflamingo watched the battle between Kaido and Charlotte Lingling. He only thought about it for a few seconds. He didn't have the guts to watch the battle on Island No. 1, so he immediately decided to take people to other islands in the Shampoo Islands. See if you can fish in troubled waters and get Vegapunk!

The navy on the ground is also gathering.

The admirals were also watching Kaido and Charlotte Lingling in the sky.

"Hmph, those pirates are also coveting Vegapunk..."

Akainu looked at the cracked sky with a cigar in his mouth, and said coldly: "We must not let Vegapunk fall into their hands. Let people search for Vegapunk's location immediately!"

"Someone has been sent."

Akihara Kagura slowly moved her fingers and frowned slightly: "There are still three Yonko on this island, and even the entire red-haired pirate group. Even if we find Vegapunk first, they It is very likely that they will put aside their prejudices and attack the navy with all their strength..."

"No problem."

Akainu looked up at the sky and said solemnly: "I will deal with Kaido, Porusalino will deal with Charlotte Lingling, the ancient sage Fegaland Green will guard against the red-haired pirates, Akihara Kagura you To deal with Yan Liangjin and others..."


Ancient Saint Fegaland Green snorted disdainfully.

Although the commander of the Knights of God knew very well that Akainu's combat strategy was correct, having a dog give orders to his master made him a little unhappy after all.

"You don't need to order me..."

Ancient Saint Fegaland Green wiped the knife he had snatched and scolded him nonchalantly: "Pay attention to your attitude. Dogs should not order their masters..."


The scene suddenly became silent.

Although most people like to use the Celestial Dragon's dogs to humiliate the Navy, the Navy still thinks that what they are upholding is justice, but they didn't expect that a Celestial Dragon would say this...


Akainu's face became particularly ugly.


Kizaru's lips curled up into a slight smile. He didn't care at all about the humiliation of the Ancient Saint Fegalande Green, and seemed to be a bit self-indulgent.

after all…

Kizaru is not a good-looking man.

Especially Kizaru knows which side he is really on. To him, the humiliation of the Ancient Saint Fegaland Green is just the cry of a dying man. To Kizaru, he quarrels with people just for this little bit of saliva. I can't do it either...


There's no way to argue in name...

The Navy does in a practical sense depend on the World Government for its sustenance.


Kizaru didn't think Akihara Kagura would care either.

After all, Akihara Kagura is the mastermind behind the Konoha Pirates. She once treated the Ancient Sage Fegalande Green as a slave, so she shouldn't be angry at such a villain's shouting...

"How dare you insult an Admiral!"

Following Akihara Kagura's soft drink, a black lightning suddenly flashed across!

The Ancient Saint Fegaland Green watched in astonishment as a figure rushed towards him. He could only hurriedly raise the long knife in his hand to resist!


The long knife in his hand was cut off by black lightning along with his left arm!

Ancient Saint Fegaland Green looked at his empty shoulders in disbelief, and at the Vice Admiral who had cut off his arm in disbelief!

What a joke!

How dare a navy take action against the Tianlong people?

The Ancient Sage Fegaland Green was almost killed by Akihara Kagura!

Even though the Ancient Saint Fegaland Green hurriedly defended himself, one of his arms was cut off. Just like Red-haired Shanks, his left arm was cut off. The severed arm fell directly to the ground, and blood spurted out from his shoulder in an instant. !


Kizaru widened his eyes in surprise.

Although the Ancient Saint Fegaland Green is very dangerous, Kizaru has no intention of stopping him...

that is…

This is a bit surprising to Kizaru...

Akihara Kagura would directly attack the Tianlong people here...


There was also a hint of disbelief in Akainu's eyes. When he saw Akihara Kagura trying to take action again, he quickly shouted in a deep voice to stop Akihara Kagura!

Akainu's figure instantly appeared next to Akihara Kagura, raised his hand and grabbed Akihara Kagura's wrist, stopping Akihara Kagura from continuing to attack, and shouted angrily in a deep voice: "Lieutenant General Kagura, are you here? Do you want to take action against your boss?"

This lieutenant general…

It's really a big disaster here!

He was just scolded, and he was already used to this kind of thing. He didn't expect that Akihara Kagura would directly help him, and even cut off one of the arms of the ancient saint Fegalande Green!

It’s over…

Vegapunk has yet to recapture…

Something big is definitely going to happen this time!


Everyone knows...

I'm a fan of a lot of people.

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