Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 450 The Tianlong auction begins!

Except it's a little extreme...

Akihara Kagura's battle plan is really excellent.

If the navy's goal is to exterminate the pirates on the Shampoo Islands, once this combat plan is successfully implemented, the navy's victory rate can be greatly improved.

It's just that the purpose of the navy is to snatch Vegapunk. In addition to Vegapunk, they also want to rescue a group of Celestial Dragons who were auctioned as much as possible.

If Akihara Kagura's battle plan is carried out, the bodies of these hostages who should be rescued by the navy may be very familiar.


There was even some regret on Akainu's face.

"Yeah, what a pity..."

The look on Akihara Kagura's face was even more regretful than Akainu's.

Since the navy cannot directly attack the Shampoo Islands, it can only wait for the World Government agents on the island to initiate action and cause chaos at the Draco slave auction as a signal for the navy to take action...


They don't have to wait too long either.

Island No. 1.

There were many people sitting scattered in the slave auction house.

The participants or spectators of this auction are all famous figures in the sea, and the least of them are the supernovas of the extremely evil generation.

Whether it was the Shichibukai, the Four Emperors, or the kings of the underground world, they were all sitting quietly in the venue, waiting for the auction to begin.

"There are a lot of people..."

The red-haired Shanks glanced at the people around him, his brows still furrowed tightly. He didn't know whether he should expect more people or less people...

If there are many people...

Meaning it might get even more confusing here in a while.

If there are few people...

If you want to buy Tianlong people, it will go more smoothly.


Ben Beckman suddenly shouted in a deep voice. He turned his head slightly and looked at the corner of the auction venue: "Look at the surrounding situation!"


Red-haired Shanks turned his head slightly.

A group of white monsters slowly emerged from the ground at the edge of the auction venue. These white monsters looked a bit ferocious, but they all stood obediently and watched the participants here, as if they had seen some prey. !

"What it is!"

Someone also noticed this scene and looked at the white monsters emerging around them in horror: "What exactly do the Konoha Pirates want to do!"

"Do you want to kill all our opponents here?"

A supernova looked at the group of white monsters with an unhappy face, and stood up directly to make trouble: "Those bastards don't think they can cover the sky with one hand on the sea!"

Just as the supernova was shouting angrily, trying to summon others to take action, one of the white monsters suddenly stretched out a pale finger, and a laser beam flew out from its fingertip, instantly killing the monster. Supernova body penetration!

The whole place was in an uproar instantly!

Many people stood up impatiently!

However, the four emperors and the seven warriors under the king who were present were still sitting calmly, but their faces were a little heavy because they recognized that ability!

The power of the Shining Fruit!

This fruit ability is the ability of Admiral Kizaru of the Navy Headquarters. How could anyone else be able to use it? It seems that these white monsters are not as simple as they seem!

"Please be patient and calm."

"These are the guards of the slave auction site. They are responsible for maintaining the order of this auction and preventing anyone from causing chaos here. Once someone wants to cause trouble at the venue, they will immediately kill the troublemaker. Our auction will be closed immediately. here we go…"

The new person in charge of the slave auction house came out tremblingly and loudly asked the pirates present to quiet down. His face was pale with fear and his legs were still shaking.

no way…

There are so many big names in this auction...

In addition to this group of scary big shots, what frightened him even more was the upcoming auction. This slave merchant who had also done many evil things also knew very well that after the Tianlong slave auction ended, there was a high probability that he would be punished. Assassination by the World Government…

The World Government cannot kill those monsters of the Konoha Pirates...

Isn't it possible to kill him, a mere merchant selling slaves?


He did not dare to disobey the orders of the Konoha Pirates.

Because the last person in charge, Disko, just said the wrong thing, and his head was chopped off by the Konoha Pirates!

The person in charge of the slave auction house carefully moved to the stage. He looked at his former boss Doflamingo, eagerly hoping that Doflamingo would stand up and say a word to save him from death. Rescued from the clutches of the Ye Pirates...


"Anse, let's start quickly..."

"Being able to auction Tianlong people is the pinnacle of your life..."

Doflamingo sat there with his sunglasses on, and even had a smile on his lips. He expressed the hope that the auction would start as soon as possible. He still remembered this merchant who often brought slaves in the past, but he didn't care about this slave merchant at all. of life and death.


I don’t want to reach this pinnacle of life at all!

The person in charge had tears hanging from the corners of his eyes, and he was so frightened that he might cry at any time. He could only pick up the hammer tremblingly: "Okay, our slave auction will officially begin. Let's take a look at the sales today. The slaves…”


A red curtain suddenly opened!

A row of hard steel cages appeared behind the curtain!

These cages are all filled with imprisoned Dracos. Their bodies are all tied with chains, and they are also put on clean and tidy Draco costumes. Their heads are also thoughtfully put on bubble hoods. If they hadn't The environment we live in is like that of a noble world!

These Celestial Dragons subconsciously opened their eyes and looked at the pirates at the auction. Some of the Celestial Dragons had undisguised anger and hatred in their eyes, some of them had confusion in their eyes, and some had expressions on their faces. fear…


They are the guests at the auction...


They are the masters of this world, raising and using people from all races in the world as slaves. Never thought that one day they would end up in this situation!

"Fufufufufu... they are all big shots!"

Doflamingo smiled a little arrogantly, and his identity allowed him to mock these former prisoners of his own race here without hesitation: "This world is really interesting... the same race that rejected me from returning to Marigioa, It’s actually here!”


A group of Celestial Dragons looked at Doflamingo angrily.

"My kindred..."

"My most respected cousin!"


Doflamingo looked at one of the Celestial Dragons, and the smile on his lips grew wider and wider, as if he couldn't suppress the joy and joy in his heart!

"I will definitely buy you, and I will take you back to Don Quixote's hometown of Dressrosa, so that you can enjoy the treatment of a loser in the royal family..."

"Let you taste it..."

Doflamingo adjusted his sunglasses, the smile on his face became more and more arrogant, but his voice became lower and lower, as if he was suppressing his anger: "Back then, I was driven out by you like a dog. What does it feel like to be Marie-Joy..."


The Tianlong man's eyes twitched.

"It seems there is a great big shot!"

After Doflamingo finished taunting his relatives, he looked at a cage in an exaggerated manner, and said with a playful smile: "Fufufufufu... This is not the commander of the Knights of Mary Joa, Fegaland Green. The Ancient Saint! The Green Ancient Saint has the power to deal with the life and death of the Celestial Dragons, why are they here! I thought the Konoha Pirates were lying to me!"


The face of Ancient Saint Fegaland Green looked a little old.

The eyes of the old Celestial Dragon slowly moved. His eyes did not fall on the arrogant Doflamingo. He just scanned the other people in the field...


There are really a lot of familiar people...

There are even some enemies who were in the Valley of the Gods back then...

Now, I didn't expect that these enemies were guests, and I was a prisoner dragon who was about to be humiliated, which made this aloof world noble even more angry!


His anger quickly subsided.

When the ancient saint Fegaland Green saw the red-haired Shanks, he slowly lowered his head and suppressed his full anger in his heart, leaving only the embarrassment of being humiliated!

Those bastards...

He actually treated himself as a slave for auction!

Even in front of red-haired Shanks! How embarrassing this is!

What's even more embarrassing is...

The auction process is about to begin.

"The first lot..."

"The Nobles of the World in the Holy Land of Mariegioa."

"Coming from the Topman family among the Celestial Dragons, Saint Topman Brut is fifty-three years old, 1.9 meters tall, and weighs 95 kilograms..."

Following the host's voice, a cage was slowly opened, and two guards from the auction house pushed a strong Tianlong man out of the cage.

One of the guards held the chain in his hand, and the other guard pushed the Tianlong man forward to the side of the host table and showed it to everyone present.

"As we all know..."

"The Topman family is also prominent among the Tianlong people..."

While introducing this slave, the host carefully tried to please the Konoha Pirates: "It is said that the legal martial god among the Five Old Stars, Saint Wuchuli, was born in the Topman family. Of course, Saint Wuchuli is in He was killed by Madara-sama and Hashirama-sama in the Battle of Sky Island..."


This muscular man named Topman Brut Saint stared angrily at the guard who was showing him off, and then looked angrily at the group of auctioneers in the audience!

These bastards...

How dare you buy Celestial Dragons as slaves here!

"I am a descendant of the Creator!"

Topman Brut Saint roared loudly and raised his arms. The chains rattled in his movements. His eyes were full of undisguised murderous intent: "Sooner or later I will kill you guys." Anyone who dares to insult God..."


Two guards kicked him in the back of the knee!

This Tianlong man knelt straight on the ground!

"Brut Saint was also a big customer of our slave auction house."

The host wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and continued to introduce: "Brute Saint is very powerful. Before being arrested by the Konoha Pirates, he killed at least nearly 700 people in the Shampoo Islands, including of course There are more than two hundred children, women and the elderly, and the others are all grown-up strong men, including several pirates with a bounty of more than 30 million beli..."

"One hundred million beli!"

A big pirate roared out his offer, with no concealment of murderous intent on his face: "I will crush him to ashes and avenge my wife and children!"

Because he was once an aborigine of the Shampoo Islands, but when his wife and children were shopping on the street, they were spotted by the Celestial Dragons and wanted to take them away. They killed his son, and because of him His wife cried for the death of his son, so this Celestial Dragon man shot his wife in displeasure!

This scene…

He still can't forget it!

No matter how much he pays today, he will never let this bastard go!

It was from his hometown that he got the news that this Celestial Dragon named Brut Saint would be auctioned by the Konoha Pirates. This pirate disbanded his pirate group and rushed back to his hometown to participate in the auction, just to take revenge by killing his enemies. !


Many people present fell silent.

Some people have seen the cruelty of the Celestial Dragons, and some have personally experienced the atrocities of the Celestial Dragons. They can understand the bidders' hatred of the Celestial Dragons...


Red-haired Shanks hesitated for a second.

this moment…

He doesn't know what to do anymore...

If he didn't bid, perhaps before the chaos came, this Tianlong man would probably be killed on the spot by the angry man. This kind of behavior violated the deal between himself and the Five Old Stars, but it was not easy for him to find it. This opportunity repaired the rift with the Five Old Stars caused by the Judiciary Island incident...


If you bid on your own...

This is what stops a man's revenge.

"This is a Celestial Dragon..."

Doflamingo smiled and glanced at the man bidding, raised his hand and shouted out a price: "Isn't this kind of price too shabby? Two hundred million beli..."

"Three hundred million Baileys!"

The big pirate glared at Doflamingo unceremoniously. He didn't care about Doflamingo's status as the king of the Shichibukai. He would do anything for revenge!

even though…

Including his own life!

"Four hundred million beli."

A woman's clear voice silenced the big pirate.

"Eight hundred million Baileys!"

The man's voice was still extremely angry and firm!


The woman's voice suddenly stopped.

Perhaps it was because there were many other Celestial Dragons behind her, including some really big shots, but she seemed to not care about such an inconspicuous Celestial Dragon and was unwilling to spend more money.

This woman…

He is one of the agents of the World Government.

Judging from the current situation, these Tianlong people may need tens of billions of Baileys. Saint Wuchuli among the Five Old Stars is already dead. Naturally, his people are not worth spending more money and energy to save. They should Keep the funds that are not very abundant to snap up the tribesmen of Saint Satan and Saint Nashoulang...

"Eighty million Baileys, deal!"

The small hammer in the host's hand suddenly fell. He looked at the final bidder and pointed at the man kneeling on the ground: "Now you are free to choose what to do with your slave..."

"Thank you..."

The guest even expressed his gratitude to the businessman.

There seemed to be a trace of relief in the eyes of this big pirate. He looked at the Draco slave who was sent over, and smiled with tears in his eyes.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

next moment.

Laughter and screams echoed throughout the auction room.

No one expected that the first bidder today would be so crazy that the Celestial Dragon slave he had just bought was cut to pieces by him on the spot...


What’s even more unexpected is!

After that man killed the Tianlong people, he actually committed suicide on the spot with a spatula!

No one could have imagined that this man would die like this!


Revenge against the Celestial Dragons is what keeps him alive...

If it were not for the belief in revenge, the man might not want to live long ago...


Red-haired Shanks watched all of this and just sat there in silence.

this moment…

Red-haired Shanks didn't know how he felt anymore.

"Let's auction the second place..."

The host watched a group of Bai Jue clean up the mess, not daring to look at the tragic scene at all, and carefully called out the name of the second auction item: "Don Quixote Saunders Saint..."


"Saint Sanders is my close cousin..."

A playful smile appeared on Doflamingo's lips, and he said as if nothing had happened: "For the sake of my father, I can't let my relatives fall into the hands of others, fufufufu..."


The eyes of a group of people jumped.

It’s not like you didn’t hear it just now, it would be the worst if your close cousin fell into your hands!

Merry Christmas Eve…

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