Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 447 Bucky the Clown’s Road to Wealth


Saint Satan among the Five Old Stars couldn't help but be a little stunned.

Originally, Saint Satan was still angry that Kizaru neglected his responsibilities, and asked Vegapunk to create a thunderstorm conspiracy, and took the opportunity to escape with Big Bear and others...


In the blink of an eye, something happened that shocked him.

Unexpectedly, Akihara Kagura, the victim of Vegapunk's conspiracy, got a blessing in disguise. In addition to her own Thunder Fruit ability, she also mastered other Devil Fruit abilities...

"Recover Vegapunk immediately!"

Saint Satan's brain was stunned for only a second, and he immediately reacted again. He realized that Bega Punk had an even more terrifying value!

"Hurry up and get him back!"

Saint Satan's voice was urgent and nervous, and he ordered in a deep voice: "Now I order you to lead the fleet to hunt down Vegapunk immediately. This technology that allows humans to possess multiple Devil Fruit abilities must be controlled by the World Government. In my hands!"


The genius scientist exceeded their imagination...

He can even create new technologies that violate the rules of the sea!

No matter what, Vegapunk cannot be allowed to leave the control of the World Government. Whether it is the recovery of ancient technology or more new research results, it cannot be separated from Vegapunk's brain!

Saint Satan hung up the phone rudely and unreasonably, as if he had no time to chat with Kizaru and mobilize more combat power to recover the escaped Vegapunk.

"it is finally over…"

Kizaru looked at the hung-up phone bug in his hand, and then at the paper full of words in his hand, and finally heaved a sigh of relief with satisfaction.

"It's not the end..."

"This is just the beginning."

Akihara Kagura looked back at the sea in the distance, and said casually: "Let's go, let's chase them until they reach the Chambord Islands..."

"Don't you need to report to Marshal Warring States or Saint Satan?"

Kizaru looked at Akihara Kagura curiously and asked subconsciously: "If we go to the Shampoo Islands, they will definitely consider it carefully..."

"How to report?"

Akihara Kagura looked at Kizaru more curiously: "Are we going to tell them that we know that Vegapunk and Big Bear escaped to the Shampoo Islands? They asked you how you knew the other party's destination. Tell them, in fact Is he an accomplice of Vegapunk’s escape?”

"Did the other party reveal their destination in advance before escaping?"

Kizaru stroked his chin and continued to ask.

"General Kizaru..."

Akihara Kagura glanced at Kizaru, with a gleam in his eyes: "Shouldn't it be that we don't know the other party's destination, so we can only keep pursuing the other party in the direction of escape, until we chase all the way to the Shampoo Islands, and then Report this matter to the Warring States Marshal and Saint Satan, forcing them to make a quick judgment in a very short period of time?"


The corners of Kizaru's eyes twitched.


Is this a serious subordinate?

As the boss of someone like Akihara Kagura, it’s really hard...


He can also be considered a subordinate of Akihara Kagura.

Kizaru mourned for a second of silence for the Five Old Stars and Marshal Sengoku, and immediately ordered the fleet to turn around and chase in the direction where Vegapunk and others escaped.

Chambord Islands.

More and more pirates are gathering here.

For example, Trafalgar Law, nicknamed "Surgeon of Death", leads his Heart Pirates. This pirate is also a supernova of the extremely evil generation.

For example, the great pirate Bucky, nicknamed ‘The Clown’, led his Bucky Pirates to the Chambord Islands. His identity is a super heavyweight among a group of newcomers!


What I never expected is...

The first thing that Clown Bucky did when he arrived at the Shampoo Islands was to set up a stall in the bustling area of ​​the Shampoo Islands No. 1 and sell the identity chips of the Celestial Dragons directly here, because he was the one who hunted the Celestial Dragons on the Sky Island. winner.

For the sake of his own face, Bucky the Clown exchanged his winner for his former good friend Shanks, but his Draco chip was not confiscated. He even held the most Draco chips in the entire ocean. Pirates, this is a reward given by the Konoha Pirates to those brave men who choose to participate in hunting the Celestial Dragons.

Of course…

These Draco identity chips cannot be wasted.

It can even be said that this is the only selling opportunity.

Anyone who wants to get a Celestial Dragon chip to participate in the Celestial Dragon slave auction held by the Konoha Pirates must have a Celestial Dragon identity chip as a ticket.

Business is good for Bucky the Clown.

Many people who wanted to participate in the Draco slave auction had to come to Clown Bucky to buy Draco identity chips, which made Clown Bucky make a lot of money.


There are also some guys who don't have long eyesight.

Because more people who come to Shampoo Islands are pirates.

Eustace Kidd, the captain of the Kidd Pirates, came to Bucky the Clown's booth, grinning and wanted to take away a Draco identity chip. This guy looked like he was in a circus. The Clown Pirates have no intention of giving any money.


"You haven't paid me yet!"

Tamer Mochi angrily scolded Eustace Kidd.

Ever since the Clown Pirates became more and more famous on the sea, many people walked around when they saw them, but they had never seen anyone dare to provoke them!


Kira, the vice-captain of the Kidd Pirates, knocked Mochi away with one punch!

"Hey Hey hey…"

"This is not very polite..."

The captain of the Hawkins Pirates watched this scene and frowned subconsciously, feeling that Kidd, who was also a supernova, was really a bit dishonest.

"We are pirates..."

Kidd looked at Hawkins disdainfully, and his eyes fell on Bucky the Clown, his eyes full of provocation and fighting spirit. He didn't care how much Bucky's reward was!

"You little brat!"

Bucky the Clown stretched out his hand and rolled up his sleeves, planning to have a big fight with this newcomer and teach this newbie a lesson!

"Calm down!"

Mr.3 Gardick knows the details of Bucky the Clown.

The bounty for the captain of my family is indeed very high, but the captain's strength does not match the bounty, which is probably only tens of millions of beli!

For a supernova pirate with terrifying strength like Eustace Kidd, Mr3 knew how much trouble he was in. He was not something they could match!

"Want to do something?"

Eustace Kidd showed a big smile. He wanted to test the opponent's level and challenge those pirates who were stronger and had higher bounties!

If this is not the case...

Why did you choose to go to sea in the first place?

Eustace Kidd’s target is the Pirate King!

Kidd raised his palm and manipulated the magnetic force to quickly gather the objects on the street in his hand. He looked at Bucky the Clown in front of him, and the fighting spirit in his eyes became more and more intense!

The Superman-type Magnetic Fruit allows him to manipulate magnetism, impart magnetism to objects, and use the magnetism to gather these objects around him in battle. It also makes him extremely powerful and dangerous, and the Navy gave him an excessive bounty!

"Are you going to fight?"

Hawkins frowned and began to divine for this battle. Cold sweat suddenly began to flow from his forehead: "The probability of Kidd, a bastard, winning... turned out to be 0... It should be said that the opponent is worthy of being a big pirate on the sea? "


next moment…

A gentle voice appeared here.

A red-haired man stood behind Kidd and persuaded with a smile on his face: "It's better to pay honestly, newcomer..."

"That is…"

" Shanks!"

The other pirates present subconsciously took a few steps back!

Because they didn't even see when red-haired Shanks appeared!

A person’s name, the shadow of a tree…

Especially in recent times, the battles involving red-haired Shanks have been broadcast live all over the world. No matter which battle it is, it is enough to make people horrified...

At least…

Everyone here saw the scene where Red-haired Shanks was fighting, and no one thought that they could compete with the opponent. Even though most of the battles in which Red-haired Shanks participated were defeated or ended in a draw...

"You guy..."

Kidd gritted his teeth and felt the pressure from behind. He slowly turned around and stared at the red-haired Shanks in front of him. He wanted to punch the opponent's smiling face directly!

"The newcomers nowadays are really rude..."

"I actually want to snatch something directly from my senior's hand..."

Ben Beckman of the Red-haired Pirates appeared here with a cigarette in his mouth and said slowly: "I will not allow anyone to embarrass my friends of the Red-haired Pirates..."


On the sky island, the red-haired pirates owe Bucky a huge favor.

That was a favor worth an ancient weapon. From a moral point of view, it was enough for the red-haired pirates to sacrifice their lives in order to repay the favor.

"Pay quickly, newcomer..."

The red-haired Shanks stood behind Kidd and urged him, then smiled and waved to the clown Bucky in the stall: "Hey, Bucky, we meet again!"

"This bastard..."

Kidd could only curse in his heart.

next moment!

The supernova's eyes suddenly became determined, and he punched the red-haired Shanks in the head: "I just don't want to pay, what can you do!"

Even though Kidd thinks he is not as strong as red-haired Shanks, he doesn't want to lose face in public. In this case, how can he have the courage to become a strong man!

"It's really troublesome..."

Red-haired Shanks' eyes narrowed instantly!

A surging overlord-colored domineering energy was instantly released from his body. This domineering energy accurately struck in front of Kidd, knocking Kidd's body away in an instant!

Kidd flew backwards and fell to the ground, rubbing his temples with a splitting headache. He lay on the ground and looked up at the red-haired Shanks with gritted teeth!


Kira rushed towards Kidd!


The next second...

Kira fell to the ground in a bit of embarrassment!

Kidd struggled to stand up, and a powerful overlord-like domineering energy suddenly burst out from his body, but he didn't know how to apply this domineering energy at all. The domineering energy spread directly to the surroundings, including many weak pirates who were watching here. They fainted and fell to the ground!


"Do you actually have a domineering aura?"

The red-haired Shanks couldn't help but chuckle, but his smile looked a little regretful: "But no matter who you are, you still have to pay for things..."

The figure of the red-haired Shanks appeared next to Kidd in an instant. The Western sword Griffin in his hand was not even unsheathed, but the sword came with a domineering and domineering blow on Kidd's body!

A newcomer who has just awakened his domineering power...

Whether it is the application of Overlord's domineering power or the level of Overlord's domineering, it is definitely far from being comparable to the red-haired Shanks...

Kidd didn't even have time to see the movements of red-haired Shanks. His body fell directly to the ground. He seemed to see stars in his eyes and passed out...

The Kidd Pirates were shocked...

When these captains saw their captains, they were all knocked down in the hands of red-haired Shanks. They quickly took out a box of money and placed it on Clown Bucky's stall, and left in embarrassment with their captains...

Since Kidd's lesson, the pirates here have obviously become more honest. When buying things at Bucky's stall, they have honestly prepared money in advance.


Bucky the clown rushed out angrily, his body torn apart, he grabbed Shanks's collar with both hands, and directly cursed: "You bastard is nosy! I plan to take care of that blind boy." !”


This bastard actually dared to appear in front of him!

Does this bastard know how much he paid to save him on the empty island? It was an ancient weapon...

Since Mr. Galdic once knew some information about ancient weapons, he supplemented the knowledge of ancient weapons for Clown Bucky during this period. Clown Bucky always remembered that he was 'forced' by his subordinates to rescue the red-haired Shanks out of loyalty. Everything comes from anger!

Bullshit loyalty!

I and this bastard are sworn enemies!

"I'm here to give you money..."

The red-haired Shanks smiled, not at all angry at Bucky the Clown's rudeness, and even a little helpless: "Okay, Bucky, put your stall away first, let's talk about something serious. thing…"

"I have nothing to talk about with you!"

Bucky the Clown was still holding his shoulders angrily, looking at red-haired Shanks disdainfully: "My thing costs five billion Baileys!"

"I'll buy everything here."

Red-haired Shanks took out a treasure map from his arms and said with a smile: "In addition to five billion Baileys, I will give you an additional treasure map..."


Bucky the Clown's eyes lit up instantly.

It’s obvious…

The deal was struck immediately.

The people of the Buggy Pirates were not unambiguous, and directly packaged all the Draco identity chips to the Red-haired Pirates, and the group of pirates happily left with the money and treasure map.

"This is a lot of money..."

Bucky the Clown frowned while flipping through the treasure map, and was a little confused about Red-haired Shanks' generosity: "Where did you get so much money, you bastard?"

This shouldn't be the case...

Where did this bastard Shanks get so much money?

"this one…"

Shanks touched the back of his neck with some embarrassment, and replied with a smile: "I got two treasure maps, and I dug out one of them..."

"Here's another one!"

Bucky the Clown’s eyes instantly shined again!

The treasure map in his hand contained a treasure worth five billion Baileys. Bucky the Clown didn't even want to watch the fun and immediately wanted to leave the Chambord Islands to dig for treasure!

"Yes, it is…"

The red-haired Shanks looked at the back of Bucky the Clown with a smile.

In fact.

This is part of the money given to him by the World Government.

Because the World Government also knows that Red-haired Shanks will definitely participate in the Celestial Dragon slave auction, it hopes that Red-haired Shanks can reduce the impact of the auction.

According to the rules set by the Konoha Pirates, blocking the number of people participating in the auction is also a standard to reduce the impact of the auction, and can also prevent more people from participating in the competition.


This plan is not convenient for outsiders to know.

Shampoo Land The high point of Island No. 1.

A golden ark is swimming in the sky.

Orochimaru stood on the boat and watched everything below. He saw through the red-haired Shanks' plan at a glance, and said with a smile: "Someone seems to be trying to reduce the number of people participating in the auction. Is there any way we can deal with it?"

"It doesn't matter."

The Red Sand Scorpion appeared next to Orochimaru and said in a cold voice: "The leaked tickets are enough. Everyone who should get the chip has already got it. Bucky the Clown was not the only one who participated in the Sky Island Hunt. A group of people…”


Another group of people…

For example, the Blackbeard Pirates.

During the Judiciary Island incident, this pirate group used Spandyne to sneak into Impel Down City in advance and gathered many powerful pirates. The current Blackbeard Pirates Group can be said to have greatly increased in strength!

I'm watching anime again...

When Bucky the Clown appeared, he didn't seem to be trying to steal anything, he just wanted to steal the treasure map that Nami had stolen!

This guy also scolded others for not being serious pirates who burned, killed, and looted!

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