Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 442: Is Master Im hiding something from us?

The anxiety in Fujitora's heart finally came to an end.

Because the Konoha Pirates revealed that there was a more powerful person behind them, many people in the sea were uneasy, even the Emperor of the Sea and the Five Old Stars were no exception.

Many people haven’t even figured it out yet…

Really rational people have long thought that the fate of the world is in the hands of one person.


As the first person to guess the true identity of Akihara Kagura, Fujitora must want to ask about the fate of the world and Akihara Kagura's attitude towards the world.

This exchange of words between Fujitora and Akihara Kagura also allowed Fujitora to know how Akihara Kagura, the man behind the scenes, currently views the sea:

Although the world has become rotten and filled with too much sin and filth, because there are still some people like Fujitora, this sea is not hopeless.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

Fujitora bent down slightly, showing a humble posture.

"Follow your own heart!"

Akihara Kagura waved her hand, not caring about Fujitora's attitude, and just continued: "Speaking of which, the top brass of the Navy seem to have misunderstood and thought that you were someone sent by the Konoha Pirates. They did not dare to remove you from I am being kicked out of the navy, and I don’t dare to hurt you. I just want to get information from you about the person behind the Konoha Pirates..."

"I understand."

A smile appeared on the corner of Fujitora's mouth, as if he understood something, and chuckled: "You can do more things with different identities. If I am a member of the Konoha Pirates, it may be more convenient..."

"Then from today on, you can call yourself a member of the Konoha Pirates."

Akihara Kagura raised his hand and patted Fujitora's arm from behind, leaving a black leaf-like mark on his body.


Fujitora subconsciously raised his palms, feeling the extra power in his body. This was a power that made both his soul and body jump for joy!

This is…

Is it the power of those monsters of the Konoha Pirates?

It is the existence of this power, this power that is more suitable for the body than Devil Fruit and Haki, that allows the Konoha Pirates to dominate the rest of the sea!

Compared to this power...

The bigger gain is the recognition from Akihara Kagura!

This means that from now on Fujitora can bear the name of the Konoha Pirates, act under the orders of Akihara Kagura, and bear the will of the two gods Akihara Kagura and Uno Goddess!

this moment…

Fujitora knew what he was getting!

He received a gift from the gods, which was enough to give him a more legitimate name and identity, stronger power, and stronger support, giving him more confidence to change this world full of pain!

"I am really ashamed that I have not accomplished even a single step."

Fujitora suppressed his inner excitement, slowly lowered his head, and bowed respectfully to Akihara Kagura: "The only thing I can do is to wish you a happy and happy life in the Navy. joy…"

"Just do what you want to do."

Akihara Kagura waved her hand towards Fujitora, signaling Fujitora to go about his own business, and finally said: "Before you leave, you will probably be summoned by the Warring States Marshal. My impression of this Navy Marshal is actually pretty good. "

"Is that so?"

Fujitora showed a hint of surprise, his face full of emotion and happiness: "I couldn't be more lucky. The justice of the world has also been favored by adults."

This is…

The luckiest thing ever.

Because the Navy still represents justice after all, that's why Fujitora chose to join the Navy when the Navy was conducting a global recruitment campaign to represent the justice in his heart on the sea.

Compared to Fujitora...

The ruler of the sea thinks that justice is nothing more than a lackey.


In the Pangu City in the center of this holy land.

Saint Satan was sitting on the sofa, his brows were furrowed, and Saint Nashoulang, who had been standing next to him wiping his sword, looked a little unhappy.

"Those monsters in Konoha..."

"There is someone more powerful than them behind the scenes..."

"That person even landed on the final island of the Grand Line earlier than Goldo Roger, and released the goddess of Mao sealed there earlier..."

"The goddess of Mao may not exist..."

Saint Satan looked back at his colleagues and said in a deep voice: "We are not asking Lord Yimu. There is no goddess of Mao in the world. Those histories are all fabricated lies to fool those untouchables..."


Saint Nashoulang stopped his movements and looked at Saint Satan sharply: "Saint Saint, Master Im...could he be... starting to be scared too?"


Saint Satan was shocked.

Theoretically speaking, this is not impossible!

Who knows if the King of the Celestial Dragons, whom they have always respected, may also be afraid of the Goddess of Mao and fear that they will know the truth, so he keeps claiming to them that there is no Goddess of Mao?

"There is no need for those monsters of the Konoha Pirates to lie..."

Saint Nasjuro stretched out his hand to hold down his sword, and said in a deep voice: "Let's not talk about the goddess of Uo for the moment, but the person who stands behind the Konoha pirates and supports their unscrupulous actions, the omniscient Yi Lord Mu should know the other party’s news, right?”

"other side…"

"He must be a person with a long life..."


Saint Satan was silent and speechless.

Even though they are the most powerful people in the world government, they still rely on Im-sama for some ancient secrets. Their thinking has surpassed that of most people in the world, and they still cannot figure out who is the person behind the Konoha Pirates. …


The answer to this matter can still only be known from Master Im's mouth.


Lord Im still did not give them an accurate answer, but ordered them to force Begapunk to find ways to revive the power of ancient technology as soon as possible. This is another reason why they think Lord Im is afraid.

"Lord Im..."

"There must be something hidden from us that we don't want to know...The king will also be afraid."

Saint Satan took a deep breath, his white beard trembling a little, as if to calm down his fear of saying disrespectful words: "But no matter what, we can only follow the orders of Lord Im..."

"Whether it's the Konoha Pirates..."

"He is also the person behind the Konoha Pirates..."

"And the goddess Mao who once created the world..."

"These are existences that we people cannot solve. All we can do is believe in Lord Im. Only Lord Im can solve these troublesome people..."


No matter what, they can only believe in Lord Im.

No matter what Imu-sama hides from them about the goddess of Uo and the people behind the Konoha Pirates, they can't ask too much, because Imu-sama is their last support.

The two remaining five old stars were extremely worried, not only about some unknown things, but also some troublesome problems that were constantly presented to them.


"The matter in Impel Down City has been found out..."

"It is said that the Blackbeard Pirates obtained a warrant leading to Impel Down City from Spangdine, and caused trouble after sneaking into Impel Down City, which led to Impel Down City being breached by the Revolutionary Army guys, and CP0 also As a result, we suffered heavy losses..."

"The battle on Justice Island is embarrassing enough!"

"That idiot Spangdine is still being used!"

"Since he is already dead, let's directly charge him with colluding with the revolutionary army, and let their dead father and son be responsible for the failure of the Judiciary Island battle plan!"

"That's all we can do..."

After all, this battle on Judiciary Island caused some embarrassment to the navy and pirates, and the World Government also suffered a huge loss of face, without gaining any face or dignity.

We even have to find someone who takes the blame...


As the decision-maker, Wulaoxing must not take the blame.

The Navy cannot take the blame. The generals who fought were also very brave. In particular, Vice Admiral Akihara Kagura performed very well. He once captured the captain of the first team and the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, as well as A cadre of the revolutionary army.

If so...

Then we can only blame Spangdyne.

The Five Old Stars are relatively good at this aspect, and directly ordered the World Government to issue a notice about the betrayal of CP9 Chief Spandam and CP0 Interim Commander Spangdyne to the World Government, taking responsibility for the failure of this battle. It's all blamed on the father and son.

"And the Navy..."

"Sengoku proposed to transfer Vice Admiral Akihara Kagura to the Naval Science Force. He wanted to ask Vegapunk to help him. Is it possible for the Vice Admiral's Thunder Fruit to develop more abilities..."


"Vegapunk has already expressed his curiosity about the Thunder Fruit."

"What's more, we met the young vice admiral when we were on the empty island. His natural thunder fruit ability is enough to hold the position of a general. He even showed that he can compete with the general in the battle on Judiciary Island..."

after all…

Akihara Kagura's performance is really good.

The most important thing is that Akihara Kagura is more trustworthy than others.

First of all, this Vice Admiral was promoted from within the Navy, and he is undoubtedly trustworthy in terms of status. His step-by-step improvement was completed within the Navy.

Whether she obtained the Thunder Fruit on Sky Island or received special training from Zefa at the Navy Headquarters, Akihara Kagura's strength was achieved under the attention of the Navy's top brass.

In comparison…

The Green Bull who was promoted in the world conscription is a negative example.

"The green bull promoted from the world's great conscription..."

"That guy is a spy planted by the Konoha Pirates..."

"Let the World Government issue a wanted order immediately, and the green bull's wanted order will be ignored whether he lives or dies!"

"I've known about that bastard for a long time. He has similar abilities to the captain of the Konoha Pirates, Senju Hashirama. He is indeed a spy of the Konoha Pirates!"

"That bastard must be killed..."

"He actually allowed the other party to occupy the position of lieutenant general..."

This is a shame for the world government and a wake-up call for the world government!

These two five old stars have completely determined one thing. People promoted from the world conscription are definitely far less trustworthy than those promoted from within the navy!

Chambord Islands.

In a small, white room.

Green Bull, who was forced to defect, looked at the newspaper as if he was struck by lightning.

As a strong man who is loyal to the World Government and the Celestial Dragons, Green Bull has always believed that he will become a general of his headquarters in the future and stand at the top of the world!


But I didn’t expect…

He was framed and became a traitor...

It even fell into the hands of the Konoha Pirates...

When the Konoha Pirates returned to the Shampoo Islands, they threw him directly into this small room, extracted blood from his body, and even conducted various human experiments on him...

"Today's news is interesting, isn't it?"

Orochimaru walked into the room holding a tray. He looked at the green bull who was tremblingly looking at the news paper, and licked his tongue sinisterly.

"Come here to draw blood first..."


The green bull looked at Orochimaru with some despair.

"Your Sensen Fruit ability is pretty good..."

Orochimaru held the thick needle and said with a smile: "It can be fused with our captain's Wood Release. It seems that we can create more Wood Release users..."


Green Bull gritted his teeth and asked his question.

Why did the Konoha Pirates want to rescue him, but then brought him back as a so-called spy, making him a traitor in the eyes of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons!

"We just want to torture the lackeys of the Tianlong people..."

Orochimaru drew blood with a smile, and said nonchalantly: "According to the last experiment, I found that you can survive without nutrients, just like a real plant. It seems that your fruit ability is really good..."

This also means…

The green bull's ability may be able to achieve eternal life!

Compared to Green Bull, a miserable experiment, another group of prisoners of the Konoha Pirates had a pretty good life. The CP9 agents were exiled to the Shampoo Islands.

This group of agents soon became the training partners of the Konoha Pirates, and had to accompany the Konoha Pirates to practice the Sixth Form of the Navy, which is another unique training system on the sea.

Of course…

The escaped CP9 agents were also wanted by the World Government.

Even in the World Government's press release, this group of CP9 agents, together with their dead leader Spangdam, were listed as one of the reasons for the failure of the Judiciary Island combat plan.


Most people no longer believe news about world government.

People on this sea are more willing to believe the news from the president of the World Economic News Agency, ‘Big News’ Morgans, because that is the real news breaking point!

Morgans has been continuously reaping the dividends from the actions of the Konoha Pirates. Konoha, this super pirate group that is constantly making big news, was once the new favorite of the World Economic News Agency.

The Judiciary Island incident will definitely not be missed...

What's more...

The Judiciary Island incident produced a real news breaking point!

In order to get the exact information, 'Big News' Morgans even came to the Shampoo Islands in person, hoping to interview the Konoha Pirates and get some information from the Konoha Pirates, so that it could be published in the newspaper Sales sell higher!


The people of the Konoha Pirates seem to be very shy about the person standing behind them, never mentioning that person's name, and are rarely even willing to speak about it.


It doesn't matter!

If there is not enough news, Morgans can forge it himself. It is also very good at forging news, and has even concocted many big news stories in the past!

If the Konoha Pirates weren't so popular, any big event could be reported continuously from every angle for half a month, and they might still need to continue to fabricate big news!


Some Draco attracted its attention.

Because the Konoha Pirates' Celestial Dragon slave auction is about to be held.

The world's nobles who were once aloof and acted unscrupulously have now become humble slaves at the auction house. The curiosity of this contrast in status is obviously more interesting than the unreachable mastermind behind the scenes...

Not to mention anything else...

Just the people who come to the auction can write a lot of breaking news!

【The King of Dressrosa! The former world noble! 】

[Flamingo Donquixote Doflamingo claims that he will participate in the Draco slave auction! 】

I took a look...

It was discovered that there were many, many Celestial Dragons...

In eight hundred years, nineteen families that originally had many people, without any restrictions, how many people can be born...

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