Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 432 This lieutenant general’s combat effectiveness is not quite right!

Akihara Kagura.

The Vice Admiral has never been a big shot.

Many people are not even impressed by this vice-admiral, but he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-admiral by virtue of his natural Thunder Fruit ability.

At least in the Sky Island battle, Akihara Kagura's performance seemed not to be very good, and she still needed the protection of Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku before she could participate in the battle...


This doesn't mean he is weak!

At least Sabo and Akihara Kagura knew this after their fight!

"Ace, Luffy, be careful..."

Sabo waved the steel pipe in his hand and held it backwards, and reminded in a deep voice: "The opponent is very strong, don't underestimate our opponent..."

"I know!"

"This time...I will win!"

Luffy looked extremely serious.

Because since going to sea, Luffy has fought against many people, and the confrontation in Cocosia Village in the East China Sea left a deep impression on him!

"rest assured…"

Ace raised his palm, and a ball of flame appeared in his palm. He grinned and said, "I will deal with this guy. This time Aokiji won't be by his side..."

Last time in Alabasta, Aokiji and Akihara Kagura arrested him, but Ace still remembers that revenge!

"Don't be careless!"

Sabo shook his head and reminded his two sworn brothers: "The opponent is very good at domineering and physical skills! It is not an easy opponent to deal with!"

"I know, I know…"

Ace tilted his head slightly, smiled and said: "Anyway, our goal has been achieved. Sabo, you take Luffy and go first. If this guy is difficult to deal with, I will just stop him..."

"What is domineering?"

Luffy tilted his head curiously.


Ace and Sabo's eyes twitched at the same time.

It seems…

Their younger brother didn't understand the system of Haki yet.

But the two brothers didn't have time to say anything to Luffy, because they still had the most difficult enemy standing in front of them, and they had to take Luffy out of here immediately!

"I'll take Luffy and go first!"

Sabo immediately grabbed Luffy's wrist!

Just when Sabo was about to escape with Luffy, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and landed at their feet, stopping their progress!

"fire punch!"

Ace raised his hand and released a ball of flames towards Akihara Kagura!

"Is this the only temperature?"

Countless electric lights suddenly burst out from Akihara Kagura's body, and his body rushed through the flames with his head raised, flying towards Ace!


This guy's body is not afraid of fire!

As soon as Ace's expression changed, he was about to release more intense flames again!

However, Akihara Kagura's body had already rushed out of the fire, raised her hand and clasped his neck, and hit him hard with a chokehold, slamming him to the ground!


Luffy's voice immediately became tense!


Sabo didn't care so much and flew towards Akihara Kagura!


While Garp and Shanks were still fighting, they looked back at the execution platform and saw Fire Fist Ace being knocked down by Akihara Kagura!

"Don't worry, I'm fine..."

Ace's body instantly turned into a flame, burning the entire execution platform. His body was quickly reunited in the flames!

The entire execution platform collapsed in an instant!

After Ace regained consciousness, a stream of blood seeped out of the corner of his mouth!

Even if the natural burning fruit allows him to dodge all physical attacks, he will eventually be attacked by armed haki!

The three brothers who had been staying on the execution platform jumped to the ground one after another. The execution platform collapsed behind them and threw up a large amount of smoke and dust!


Sabo looked at Ace and Luffy beside him and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when he wanted to say something, Akihara Kagura's figure instantly appeared in front of them and hit Ace in the face!


Ace's head tilted to one side involuntarily!


Just as Sabo had time to say a reminder, Akihara Kagura's figure appeared behind him and hit him in the lower back with an elbow!

"It's not a good habit to talk in battle..."

Akihara Kagura's voice was somewhat calm. After attacking Sabo, his figure disappeared again and suddenly appeared next to Luffy, kicking him in the neck!

Luffy's neck made a strange arc. His head fell to the ground first, and then his rubber body bounced away and fell out!


Akihara Kagura watched Luffy being kicked to the ground by him, and slowly turned back to look at the three brothers who were knocked to the ground by him, and added: "This is for you..."



Ace and Sabo were shocked at the same time!

The two brothers ignored the injuries they had just received, and hurriedly swooped in Luffy's direction, landing next to Luffy!

"Ah, I'm fine, it's just a little painful..."

Luffy rubbed his neck and twisted his head.


He has a rubber body.

He can withstand any kind of blunt blow.

"Don't let your guard down!"

Sabo immediately assumed a fighting stance again!

Akihara Kagura raised his palm, and lightning and armed Haki instantly gathered in his hand, turning into a ball of pitch-black thunder and lightning!

"Armed Color·Yin Escape Thunder Sect!"

A black branch-shaped thunder and lightning suddenly flew towards the three brothers!

"Yan Shangzhang!"

Fire Fist Ace immediately raised his hands and erected a huge wall of fire to block the black lightning flying towards them!


The wall of fire cannot stop it!

The domineering black lightning suddenly penetrated the wall of fire!


Sabo gritted his teeth and rushed forward, throwing the steel pipe in his hand directly, attracting lightning to attack the iron water pipe, and flew back with his two sworn brothers!

The fork-shaped black lightning immediately wrapped around the steel pipe, and only some of the forks hit the ground. Pieces of floorboards were instantly blown into pieces, making people's eyelids tremble at the sight!

"You can actually add armed domineering energy to your natural abilities..."

Sabo couldn't help but tremble in his heart when he saw this scene, and his face became more solemn: "The opponent is not weak, maybe he has the combat power of a general..."


Sabo also thought of a way.

If they can't break through Akihara Kagura's blockage, let Luffy, the rubber fruit user, try to open the way, because the rubber ability can be immune to lightning attacks...


Thunder and lightning with armed domineering...

Even if Luffy has the rubber fruit ability, he still can't tell whether he can withstand it...

"Use the way we fought when we were kids!"

Fire Fist Ace clenched his fist, flames rose from his fist, and said softly: "Saab, let's go!"


While Sabo verbally agreed, he warned Luffy, the weakest among them: "Hey, Luffy, when you find a chance, escape first! Ace and I will follow immediately!"

next moment!

Sabo didn't wait for Luffy's response and rushed forward with Ace!

Akihara Kagura was not afraid at all, fighting the two brothers single-handedly, and even seemed to be somewhat comfortable, suppressing the two of them with her own power!

"The guys from the Whitebeards rescued Luffy..."

"But he was stopped by the Vice Admiral..."

A group of pirates from the red-haired pirate group noticed this scene. One pirate turned to look at the sniper Jesus Bu on the side and said loudly: "Can you find a way to give him a shot? Cover them and escape!" "


Jesus raised his gun and took aim!

However, the next moment, Jesus Bu gave up the attack, scratched his head and said: "It feels a bit troublesome. The opponent's speed is a bit too fast. I'm worried that it might hit the two little guys next to it, which would be bad. …”

"Hey, you are a sniper!"

Lucky Lu turned around and laughed.

Although they were still joking, they also realized the problem...

Ace, Sabo and Luffy are obviously unable to break through Akihara Kagura's blockage, and may even be suppressed at any time. This is only possible if external forces intervene!

Akihara Kagura twisted Sabo's wrist with one hand, threw her hand and hit Fire Fist Ace, knocking them to the ground together with Luffy who was trying to leave!

"Dragon Hook Claw!"

Sabo didn't even bother to pull up his brother. He slapped his palms on the floor for strength and jumped directly into the air. His fingers were bent into dragon claws, and the jet-black armed domineering energy was attached to them!

Sabo swooped down from the sky and grabbed Akihara Kagura's forehead with one claw!


Ace jumped into the air at the same time, his fingers suddenly raised a cross, and a ball of flames produced a long line of fire from his fingertips and shot towards Akihara Kagura!

"Rubber rubber...rubber tomahawk!"

Luffy also directly raised his leg and threw a blow towards Akihara Kagura!

"Armed Color Release."

Akihara Kagura raised his palm.

next moment!

A surge of armed domination was released in an instant!

Whether it was Ace and Sabo in the sky, or Luffy on the ground, the three brothers who wanted to attack were knocked away by the incoming armed Haki!


"There is something wrong with the opponent's strength..."

Sabo lay on the ground, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. His face was very ugly, and he only felt extremely weird, because he had never felt such a surging armed domineering force!

Even if Monkey D. Dragon used the armed color Haki released against him, it could not compare with the impact of the armed color released by Akihara Kagura!

All the time…

Sabo thinks his strength is useful enough...

His mentor, Monkey D. Long, has personally admitted that his combat prowess can even deal with a naval admiral, and there is no problem in escaping from the admiral...


How is it possible that not even a Vice Admiral from the Navy Headquarters can break through!


He was still being pressed and beaten!

Every time the opponent attacks, he cannot dodge, and even a casual blow from the opponent can severely damage him. Is the opponent too strong or his own too weak?


Ace and Luffy have no idea about this.

The two people were lying on the ground, covered in blood, as if they had been severely injured by this move, and they were a little embarrassed even trying to get up...

"It seems that the strength of the three of you brothers is not very good..."

Akihara Kagura spread his palms, and jet-black thunder gathered in his hands. The jet-black thunder was like a sharp blade: "Your luck doesn't seem to be very good...Armed Raikiri!"

Everyone could see how dangerous the black thunder and lightning in Akihara Kagura's hand was. Someone would definitely be injured or even killed by this blow!

"Those three brats..."

Garp waved his fist to block the red-haired Shanks, but his eyes were still focused on the battlefield of Ace and others. His mood was particularly complicated.


If he lets red-haired Shanks pass at this moment...

The Vice Admiral of Akihara Kagura is definitely no match for the red-haired Shanks. The three brothers will definitely be able to escape, but this is contrary to his naval justice...

at this time…

The navy's justice prevented Garp from withdrawing from the battlefield...


That move of Akihara Kagura is very dangerous!

No matter who the blow falls on, the other person will probably die!

The Raikiri in Akihara Kagura's hand had already been charged up, and his figure suddenly rushed forward, as if the pitch-black Raikiri was about to penetrate the three brothers!

next moment!

A big blue bird fell from the sky!

Phoenix Marco suddenly joins the battlefield!

This man has been observing the battle from the side because Fire Fist Ace claimed to personally rescue his sworn brother and did not want Marco to get involved!

Now that the war situation is at a disadvantage, Marco can no longer stand by and watch. He must rescue Ace and Luffy as soon as possible, end this war as soon as possible, and let the Whitebeard Pirates on the other side withdraw from Marinevando immediately to avoid a more serious conflict with the navy. Big war!

However, just as Marco's figure attacked Akihara Kagura from behind, Akihara Kagura seemed to be able to see the blue phoenix flying from behind, and suddenly turned around and charged forward!

"I've been waiting for you for a long time..."

The jet-black lightning in Akihara Kagura's hand instantly penetrated the body of the big blue bird, and he said softly: "I have been staring at you with the Haki of seeing and hearing for a long time... The captain of the first division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco the Phoenix. "


The cyan phoenix slowly transformed into Marco's appearance.

The man with the pineapple haircut had blood oozing from the corners of his mouth. He lowered his head in disbelief and looked at the wound that had penetrated his abdomen...

"Hurry up and save people!"

Red-haired Shanks was horrified!

If Marco of the Whitebeard Pirates died here for their sake, it would be hard for him to explain to Whitebeard, especially now that Whitebeard is also in trouble!

These people are all entangled...

Who can rush to save people now?


Ace's face turned pale!

He didn’t want Marco to get involved in what happened today!

To Sabo and Luffy, Ace is a sensible older brother; and to Ace, Team 1 Captain Marco is also like an older brother in his heart!

"The strength is pretty good, the navy..."

Marco grinned, not caring about his wounds at all. The blue flames on his body revived, quickly healing the wounds in his body, and a smile appeared on his face again: "But if you think this can solve me, you still A little too young..."

If you want to win him...

At least there needs to be an admiral from the Navy Headquarters!

Marco's legs suddenly turned into slender bird legs, and the sharp claws on his legs kicked towards Akihara Kagura. His hands instantly turned into wings again, and he used the force to fly back!

"I'll stop him, you go first."

Marco looked at Ace and the others with gentle eyes, chuckled and said, "This guy is not weak, he is not something you three can deal with right now..."

After finishing speaking, Marco looked back at Akihara Kagura, with a look of seriousness and seriousness in the eyes of the dead fish: "It seems that the three vice admirals arranged by the navy on Judiciary Island are a bit of a trap, obviously you guy It looks like that blind guy already has general-level combat power, otherwise he wouldn't bully Ace and the others like they were crushing him..."

"What is my strength..."

"It should be just as normal..."

Akihara Kagura's fingers became active, and she said casually: "It's good to use you to judge. Maybe you can't defeat those monsters on the sea, but you should be able to defeat the first team leader of the Whitebeard Pirates." Just pick it up at your fingertips…”

"So confident..."

Marco couldn't help but chuckle.


"Already very humble..."

Akihara Kagura's eyes swept around the battlefield, watching the navy's morale gradually rise, and it seemed that the situation was gradually stabilizing. His eyes looked at the three Ace brothers on the other side who were still struggling to get up, and then looked at Mal again. Ke: "Even if you come, you can't change anything..."

Today’s homework... finally passed two thousand words...

There is only one day tomorrow, and the training class is over... I will go home the day after tomorrow... I will go back and code hard the day after tomorrow...

too difficult…

After taking this class and writing a bunch of original scraps, I firmly believe that I can write Naruto well...

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