Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 413 The Four Emperors were completely defeated! There is someone stronger than Madara Uchiha

Four demon-god-like jet-black Susanoos stand...

People all over the world saw the performance of a complete Susanoo. The two Yonko's combined efforts finally defeated a Susanoo with one full blow...


Four such terrifying combat powers appeared!

Charlotte Lingling and Kaido Kaido feel tremendous pressure!


Drops of sweat fell down Charlotte Lingling's face. She looked at Kaido involuntarily and gasped slightly: "Is it fake? Kaido..."

"it is true."

Kaido shook his head, having to dispel the illusions of his former companions.

Whether it's Kaido Kaido or Charlotte Lingling, the domineering energy in the two people's bodies was completely exhausted by the attack they just made. Even though they both have terrifying resilience that is beyond ordinary humans, they also know this battle well. We have reached the most difficult moment...


"It's your turn."

Uchiha Madara raised his palm.

next moment!

The four tall Susanoo raised their samurai swords and slashed them down!

Charlotte Lingling and Baiju Kaido hurriedly dodged, but four sharp slashes cut the ground directly under their feet, and pieces of land fell from the sky!


Kaido opened his mouth and spit out a cloud of flames, allowing his feet to float in the air, but he could only watch Charlotte Lingling's figure fall!

"Don't worry…"

Charlotte Lingling stepped on the clouds and flew again!

next moment!

Four Susanoos flew up at the same time!

These Susanoos formed a team in twos and started fighting with the two Four Emperors. Two Susanoos directly surrounded Kaido of the Hundred Beasts, and two Susanoos surrounded Charlotte Lingling!

The flying slashes in the sky and the domineering black-red arcs seemed to make the entire Apayado sky a forbidden land that ordinary people could not set foot on!

The few Celestial Dragons in the hunting ground didn't seem to be useless. They jumped into the air and tried to escape from the sky island, but their bodies were directly crushed by a flying slash!

These people who have been affected are still like this...

Not to mention the two Yonko who were at the center of the battle!

The will of the four Susanoos was completely concentrated in Uchiha Madara's body, as if they were one body without any flaws, forcing Charlotte Lingling and Kaido to reach a dead end in an instant!

A Susanoo spread its wings and soared into the sky. The katana with a domineering aura in his hand suddenly slashed across Charlotte Lingling's chest, leaving a long scar on her body and blood. The rain was instantly thrown into the air!

Another Susanoo also struck out with a sword in a moment, and the overlord's domineering attack hit Charlotte Lingling's back. The Yonko opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body was directly knocked away by the blow. , fell on the ground of the empty island!

"This guy…"

Charlotte Lingling was lying on the ground in a panic, and when she was about to get up to fight back, two huge samurai swords slashed down diagonally!


The two tall Susanoos slashed down with the katana in their hands, and the blades met with a trembling sound, and fell in front of her!

One of the Four Emperors, the captain of the Big Mom Pirates, and the Queen of Totland of All Nations, Charlotte Lingling, was defeated and captured!

the other side!

Kaido of all beasts is even more embarrassed!

In order to be able to move flexibly in the air, Kaido of the Hundred Beasts had to transform into the form of a dragon, constantly trying to launch natural disasters to destroy the Susanoo in front of him!


Two Susanoo statues soared directly into the sky!

A Susanoo flew over Kaido like thunder, waving the katana in his hand and scratched a long wound on his dragon body!

This wound...

Almost from the dragon's head to the dragon's tail!


Kaido in dragon form is furious!

However, the other Susanoo directly swung the katana in his hand, and the dozens of meters long katana directly pierced Kaido's body, pinning the Yonko in the form of a dragon to the ground!

One of the Four Emperors, the Admiral of the Beast Pirates, and the Protector of Wano, Kaido, was defeated and captured!

"This world...has completely changed..."

Big News Morgans stared at this scene with his eyes wide open, his heart was beating loudly, and he was trembling with excitement at seeing the arrival of a new era!

"A new era..."

"A new era that cannot be stopped..."

Big News Morgans kept the camera in his hand, taking photos quickly, trembling and muttering to himself: "A new era that even Whitebeard cannot stop..."

If the Konoha Pirates raise their arms and shout, the most terrifying force on the sea will immediately appear, a force affiliated with the new King of the World!

The world government and navy are powerless to stop it!

Among the pirates, three of the Four Emperors were captured by the Konoha Pirates, and only one Whitebeard was left alive. How could he withstand the overwhelming trend of Huanghuang!

New world.

Whitebeard Sea.

Whitebeard Edward Newgate is perfectly sober.

The old man still had an infusion bottle tied to his arm. He saw with his own eyes the defeat of Charlotte Lingling and Kaido, and saw the fate of these two former partners.

to be honest…

There is something sad about the death of a rabbit or a fox.

As the mighty Emperor of the Sea and a former member of the Rocks Pirates, white-bearded Edward Newgate also sighed in his heart when he saw his former companions defeated and captured.

"That guy... is so strong..."

Diamond Jozi, the captain of the third division of the Whitebeard Pirates, clenched his fists and looked at his father who was sitting in the chair and was obviously getting older.

That pirate group defeated the World Government, defeated the navy, defeated the red-haired pirates, defeated Kaido of the Beasts, defeated Charlotte Lingling...


Their father seems to have become very conspicuous.

It is impossible for the Konoha Pirates to let go of the Whitebeard Pirates, because the Whitebeard Pirates are still the 'strongest' pirate group in the world, although everyone thinks that everyone who knows this strongest name has long been eliminated by Konoha. The pirate group replaced them, but they were still afraid of Whitebeard's name and dared not speak out...


There have always been more competitive ones.

The vice-captain of the Konoha Pirates seems to be a militant person, and naturally he will not give up the fight against Whitebeard. They will inevitably face the challenge from the Konoha Pirates.


Although Diamond Jozi is determined enough and still willing to have full confidence in his father to defeat all enemies, he is still a little scared in his heart.

other side…

This is not a simple thing!

"Gula la la...Jozi..."

Whitebeard looked down at his adopted child. His crescent-shaped beard trembled from his laughter. His face always seemed to be calm and confident: "Are you worried that they will challenge me and lose confidence in me?"

"No, dad is the strongest!"

Jozi laughed immediately and loudly declared his persistence!

Their dad…

He is the strongest man in this sea!

However, when Jozi and a group of pirates cheered loudly and continued to watch the video phone bug, Whitebeard's smile slowly faded.

The tall man lowered his head and glanced at the infusion tube on his arm, and then at the supreme sharp knife Cong Yunqie standing next to him, his expression became slightly complicated...

In fact…

Uchiha Madara showed great strength.

Whether it was the terrifying power displayed by Uchiha Madara or the arrogant and confident look in Uchiha Madara's eyes in the images, Whitebeard felt tremendous pressure.


Whitebeard is old.

Ever since he got older, disease and aging have been tormenting his body, and he has even taken action less and less over the years...

Time is like a dealer sitting at the gambling table, watching each and every one of them take the chips it gave them to gain the power to roam the sea, and watching each and every gambler who once killed everyone at the gambling table. Little by little, the chips it gave him continued to lose on the gambling table...


Whitebeard is the one who lost to time.

"This kind of thinking can only comfort myself..."

Whitebeard clenched his fists, his eyes became firm again, he looked up at the sky, thinking about his old rivals and friends: "Roger, even in our time, this A pirate group is enough to compete with us..."

Chambord Islands.

Image of the phone bug's square.

All the spectators watching all this seemed extremely quiet.

Perhaps it was because they were shocked by the battle between the two Yonko and Uchiha Madara, perhaps because they were shocked by the defeat of the two Yonko, or perhaps because they witnessed the arrival of a new era.

"A rather formidable opponent..."

Riley held up his glasses, the smile on his face had long since disappeared.

"It's really scary..."

A woman with a cigarette in her mouth appeared next to him, puffing slowly beside him: "Just the vice-captain has this kind of power. Even if the Rocks Pirates unite, they can't be like them." The opponent…”

This woman's name is Xia Qi.

The former captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates, the former emperor of the Amazon Lily Kingdom, and a pirate that caused a headache for the navy, now lives in seclusion on the Shampoo Islands, where she stays with Pluto Rayleigh.

"I didn't expect you to make such a judgment, Xia Qi..."

Reilly was a little surprised by Xia Qi's judgment, but nodded thoughtfully and said: "If we go by their behavior all the time, whether it is the Alabasta incident, the Mariejoia incident or what happened on the Sky Island, It’s true…”

"Do not misunderstand."

Xia Qi shook her head and interrupted Pluto Rayleigh's words. Her eyes became sharp: "I am not because of the deputy captain of the Konoha Pirates..."

"That is?"

Rayleigh looked at Xia Qi in surprise, and his expression suddenly became serious: "Did you get the news about the captain of the Konoha Pirates?"


Xia Qi shook her head again. She reached out and took off the cigarette from her lips, and said calmly: "The Konoha Pirates secretly stored dozens of Celestial Dragon slaves at the slave auction house. I originally planned to steal some. Sold on the black market…”


The corners of Rayleigh's eyes twitched.


Do you want to make this kind of money?

But there is definitely a market for Draco slaves on the black market.

There are many civilians who have been killed by the Celestial Dragons all over the world, and many powerful people have also become slaves of the Celestial Dragons. All of them hate the Celestial Dragons so much that they spend money to buy a Celestial Dragon slave to take revenge. Definitely willing to spend the money…


"I met a woman."

Xia Qi's eyes fell on Pluto Rayleigh, but she didn't mention a woman again, and asked calmly: "Rayleigh, have you ever felt fear?"


Reilly felt as if he had nothing to fear.


Sometimes I am still afraid of Xia Qi.

But this kind of fear is definitely not related to the fear Xia Qi said.

"Then do you think I will have it now?"

Xia Qi put out her cigarette and asked Lei Li again.


Lei Li felt that Xia Qi's courage no longer had anything to fear.

"I'm scared."

Xia Qi no longer looked at the screen of the video phone bug, but instead looked in the direction of the slave auction house. Her breathing became a little heavier: "There is a mysterious woman in the Konoha Pirates who has not been exposed. I saw her at the slave auction..."

"Xia Qi?"

Lei Li felt that something was not right with Xia Qi in front of him.


Xia Qi slowly turned her head and looked at Lei Li in front of her. Her fingers were still holding her cigarette. She didn't feel that the cigarette in her hand was being extinguished by her, and she just put it into her mouth. Her finger movements were a little stiff.

"In the end what happened!"

Reilly's eyes revealed concern. He held Xia Qi's hand tightly with his palm, reached out and took off the extinguished cigarette from her mouth, and comforted her in a deep voice: "Don't be afraid, Xia Qi, I'm here, with me." No one can hurt you here..."


Xia Qi didn't seem to lose her mind. Her eyes regained their previous sharpness and she continued: "Don't worry, I'm fine. That woman just looked at me and I quit..."

"She didn't attack me..."

"I didn't show any hostility..."

"That look made me dare not have any will to resist her..."

Xia Qi took a deep breath, calmed down her mood again, and talked about her feelings at the time: "You know my sixth sense is very accurate. My sixth sense tells me that if I dare to be reckless there, I will be greeted by The only outcome will be to be killed by her with one blow..."

"That woman..."

"It makes me feel that she is more powerful than the vice-captain of the Konoha Pirates, compared to Roger, compared to Whitebeard, and anyone I have ever seen. She is more powerful than them!"


Rayleigh was silent and speechless.

This man has never seen Xia Qi evaluate anyone like this. Xia Qi's sixth sense is so accurate that she can predict what may happen in the future through a person...

If Xia Qi said so...

Then the other party may really have this power.

Shampoo Island No. 1, inside the slave auction house.

Otsutsuki Kaguya was sitting in front of a coffee table in the auction room. In front of her was a screen with a video of a phone bug, which was playing what happened on Sky Island.

When the hunting game started, the person in charge of the slave auction house personally arranged everything for her so that she could sit comfortably inside and watch the hunting game on Sky Island without having to crowd with other people.

"Would you like some pastries?"

The person in charge of the slave auction house walked up to Kaguya tremblingly.


Otsutsuki Kaguya nodded, glanced at him lightly, and then asked softly: "The woman who just came in didn't come over to make tea, why did she just go out?"


The person in charge of the slave auction house seemed to be frightened out of his wits. He knelt down quickly and explained tremblingly: "I'll go down and check right away!"

I didn’t even dare to send anyone over!

The people of the Konoha Pirates are so scary. I have always done everything in order to show my sincerity, but I don't dare to neglect at all. How come someone dares to sneak in!

Especially now…

Another addition to the Konoha Pirates' record...

It's too late for me to please the mascot of the Konoha Pirates. If something without eyes sneaks in, I have to go back and investigate!

"It doesn't matter."

"The hunting game will be over soon."

Otsutsuki Kaguya took a slow sip of tea, looked at the screen, and said calmly: "They should be able to come back here soon, and I don't have to stay here anymore..."

Okay, all the digging in front is done!

Only to find out that there is an extra alliance leader...

Thanks to the leader of Mr. Qitian...

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