Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 401 The overbearing and domineering strong men on the empty island

Shanks very much hopes that the sea can continue to maintain peace.

This is not because he likes to meddle in other people's business, but because he once followed the footsteps of Roger the Pirate King and has always believed in his old philosophy: before Rafd Drew's great secret treasure actually appeared in the world, it would be a disservice to the world to plunge the world into war. Destroy.

In the past, Shanks was looking for freedom fighters who could ascend to the top of the Pirate King and liberate the world. Until he found Monkey D. Luffy more than ten years ago, he instilled the will of freedom into the young Luffy. , also entrusted his arm to Luffy's future;

From that time on, Shanks began to wait while working hard to maintain the balance of the world situation, leading the red-haired pirates to swim up the sea, trying his best to prevent some major events that might trigger war. .

The situation in the New World has always been relatively stable.

The only trouble recently is that the traitor Blackbeard Teach appears in the Whitebeard Pirates, which may give Whitebeard Edward Newgate a reason to take action.

Shanks has been worried about the white-bearded Edward Newgate who is approaching the end of his life. The old man regards the juniors on his ship as very important. He is likely to kill the Whitebeard Pirates before he dies. The younger generations continue to live peacefully, but use up their last lives to start a huge war of the century.

This is what Shanks has always been worried about.

Shanks had always wanted to find time to talk to the Whitebeard Pirates about this matter.

As a result, there was even greater trouble on this sea. A Konoha pirate group appeared in the first half of the Grand Line, causing a crisis that was a hundred times more dangerous than Whitebeard Edward Newgate.

Along the way, the Konoha Pirates caused a major historical incident in Alabasta, which discredited the World Government; they also directly defeated Marijoa, making the deterrence of the Celestial Dragons almost completely gone; and there was another war between the Celestial Dragons. Between hunting games and the Celestial Dragon slave auction, the situation in this sea is basically a pot of boiling water...

In order to prevent the world from becoming too turbulent before Rafdru, Shanks only hopes that his meager face and combat power can prevent the other party from going too far...

to be honest…

Before Shanks came to Sky Island, he thought about his countermeasures.

If the Konoha Pirates are willing to listen to his proposal and try not to cause big troubles on the sea, he can even consider persuading the Five Old Stars to make concessions to the Konoha Pirates;

If the Konoha Pirates refuse to listen to his suggestion and insist on causing chaos in the sea at a time when war should not be caused, Shanks can't help but think of the Valley of the Gods many years ago, and he may have to unite with the World Government and the Navy to clean up Lose the Konoha Pirates...

Just like the Valley of the Gods incident many years ago, Pirate King Roger and the Navy worked together to eliminate the vicious Rocks Pirates. Only the Navy and the World Government blocked the news, so the world has always believed that Vice Admiral Garp did it alone. of…


Just like the reincarnation many years ago.

Shanks held his Western sword Griffin tightly in his palm. He was waiting for the Konoha Pirates' answer, hoping that the incident in the Valley of Gods would not happen again on Sky Island many years ago.

after all…

The opponent is an extremely powerful pirate group.

Even Shanks had to admire the opponent's rise.

"I admire your strength."

Shanks looked up at the golden ark in the sky and continued to persuade softly: "But now is not the time to start a bigger riot on the sea..."

"What does this have to do with us?"

A mechanical voice echoed on the empty island, seeming to have no mercy on the lives of the Celestial Dragons: "We are just killing a group of Celestial Dragons. The Celestial Dragons who are prey on this empty island have no objections. Red-haired Shanks , what do you mean by jumping out?"

"Stop talking nonsense like this..."

Shanks felt like he didn't know how to complain. The corners of his eyes jumped up. The Celestial Dragons on this empty island were once aloof gods, but now they have become prey to be killed at will. How could it be possible? No comments!


Ben Beckman, the vice-captain of the red-haired pirates, had a headache. He vaguely felt that his captain had fallen into someone else's trap, and he quickly stepped forward to remind Shanks.

"Hey, Shanks!"

"Stop talking useless nonsense. Even if they are unreasonable, it will be useless no matter how much you talk about. Many things are well known to everyone..."

the most important is…

The Konoha Pirates side with the majority of the world!

Even if the Konoha Pirates show no concern for the peaceful situation in this world, which is suffering from the brutal rule of the Celestial Dragons, they will definitely stand on the side of the Konoha Pirates...

Ben Beckman believed in the decision of his partner Red-haired Shanks, but he had to admit that the Red-haired Pirates were actually on the opposite side of the world in this action. The more they talked about it, the more they would make mistakes. many…


Ben Beckman looked up at the golden ark in the sky, reached out and lit a cigarette: "What you need is an answer, and the process of getting this answer must be omitted..."

"I see."

Shanks patted his head and quickly realized the problem. His eyes became particularly firm and he spoke in a heavy voice: "I want to prevent more riots and prevent the situation from getting so bad that it becomes unbearable." The extent of the restoration…”

After finishing speaking, Shanks looked up at the golden ark above, and continued in a deep voice: "I hope that before the world government and the navy come to the sky island, Lord Senju Hashirama can end this hunting game..."

Shanks is a very honorable man.

Pirates or navies on the entire sea would give him a face, and even the navy marshal sometimes had to open a convenient door for him.


There are also many people who don't give him face.

For example, Whitebeard Edward Newgate, or the Konoha Pirates.

The captain of the Konoha Pirates, Senju Hashirama, seemed to sigh helplessly. He couldn't even make the decision in his own affairs, so how could he have the right to end the hunting game?

The face of Uchiha Madara, the deputy captain of the Konoha Pirates, simply dropped. A mere red-haired Shanks dared to come here and shout loudly!

Uchiha Madara's body rose into the air and jumped directly from the deck of the Golden Ark. His body landed firmly on the altar!


"It's not your turn to point fingers here..."

Madara Uchiha wore a messy head of hair, revealing a pair of scarlet eyes, and a surging domineering aura suddenly surged from his body!

This domineering force instantly set off a hurricane on the island. Countless clouds and mist were blown away by this domineering force, and even the trees in the forest tilted to one side involuntarily!


"The vice-captain of the Konoha Pirates..."

Shanks looked at Madara Uchiha who suddenly appeared, his face became serious, and the domineering aura in his body surged in an instant!

The two domineering forces quickly started wrestling!

The two strands of domineering energy in the sky are constantly converging towards the center like flowing clouds. The black and red arcs of domineering energy are constantly flashing in the sky. The two strands of domineering energy are constantly squeezing the opponent's space, as if the sky is torn in half!

Everyone on the entire sky island was trembling under the impact of the Overlord Color's domineering energy from both sides. Each and every Celestial Dragon who was the prey fell unconscious directly under the impact of the Overlord Color's overwhelming force...

The guys in the Blackbeard Pirates were also trembling. Only Blackbeard Tikki looked at this scene with unwillingness in his eyes. The red-haired kid who couldn't even be dealt with by him had grown to this point!

This level of Overlord-colored Haki collided, and even Doflamingo, who also possessed Overlord-colored Haki, subconsciously found a place to hide!

"The Yonko-level domineering color..."

Doflamingo stood under a tree, looking up at the two clouds of Overlord color colliding with each other in the sky, his teeth clenched involuntarily!

I am not my opponent...

Whether it is Shanks or Uchiha Madara, their own domineering haki is far inferior to that of the other party. Doflamingo can feel the gap between them most intuitively!


There are many people nearby who possess domineering and domineering looks...

Charlotte Lingling and Beast Kaido, who have been floating in the sky around the empty island, watched Shanks and Uchiha Madara's dominant colors clash, and clearly felt the terror of both sides!

"Well, well, well..."

Charlotte Lingling clenched her fists, suppressing her urge to release her domineering aura: "It's such a terrifying Overlord... I can't even suppress the urge to fight with them..."

"A deputy can also have this level of domineering..."

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts snorted coldly, and black and red arcs of electricity flashed out from his dragon body, wanting to touch Shanks and Uchiha Madara!


Charlotte Lingling interrupted Kaido of the Beasts, and said with a smile: "We are not here to fight... Even if you want to fight them, you have to wait until we get the whereabouts of Pluto and Neptune, don't delay My business..."

"'re still the same!"

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts snorted in dissatisfaction, but had no intention of continuing to take action. He didn't care about giving this old woman face in such a trivial matter.

On top of the golden ark.

Senshou Tobirama looked at the two collisions of domineering energy with a particularly solemn look on his face: "With this level of domineering power, opponents should not be underestimated. He is quite familiar with the use of overlord-like domineering power..."

"Yeah, it's really amazing..."

Senju Hashirama also nodded, not sparing his appreciation, and even had a smile on his face: "Madara has chakra assistance that can adapt to the fusion with Overlord's color, so that he can cultivate the magical power of Overlord's color haki. At this point, the red-haired young man can reach this level just by simply practicing the Overlord color..."


Orochimaru and Red Sand Scorpion looked at the overlord-colored domineering clouds in the sky. They had different thoughts. This was the power they were missing and what they desperately wanted to get!

Aboard the Red Forth.

A group of red-haired pirates were also a little shocked.

"Hey Hey hey…"

"It's a bit too scary..."

Jesus Bu, the sniper of the red-haired pirate group, felt a little uneasy and touched his sniper rifle with his palm: "It can actually compete with Shanks' overlord look..."

"It's probably not what we expected..."

Ben Beckman didn't care much. He had expected this kind of thing. He could clearly feel the gap between himself and Uchiha Madara.


The domineering look of a vice-captain can reach this level...

Ben Beckman looked up at the golden ark in the sky, and his vigilance gradually increased. The captain of the other party, Senju Hashirama, must not be much inferior!

"Mr.'s really scary!"

Red-haired Shanks chuckled and praised, looking at Madara Uchiha opposite him, his palm slowly grasping the hilt of the Western sword as he spoke.

"Your domineering spirit is also very powerful."

"Even Hashirama is not much better than you..."

Uchiha Madara spread his palms and did not hesitate to praise the red-haired Shanks: "Even though I have met many strong men with overlord-colored domineering energy, and I may even meet them again in the future, but you This guy at least has a place..."

"That's really...thank you for the compliment..."

Red-haired Shanks seemed a little bit dumbfounded.

Red-haired Shanks has always been known for his extremely powerful Overlord's domineering power and swordsmanship. Even after Whitebeard became older and became less and less aggressive, Shanks vaguely had the title of the strongest Overlord in the new world. Unexpectedly, One day, I will be praised by others and have a place...


The other party is not lying.

Because red-haired Shanks knows very well that Uchiha Madara and the Marine Marshal and his team once fought and conquered the holy land of Mariejoia. He has already seen many strong men, and he must be aware of the gap between the overlord's color and domineering...


"Your domineering look also proves one thing..."

"Allowing you to participate in this hunting game is Konoha's kindness to the world..."

Madara Uchiha is not tall, but he can tell that he looks down on the world. He snorted contemptuously at the corner of his mouth: "Even if you have this level of domineering, don't be ignorant of good and evil, as long as It’s enough to just accept Konoha’s arrangements obediently…”

"How arrogant..."

Red-haired Shanks couldn't help but sigh.

The expressions of everyone in the red-haired pirate group also changed a bit.


How could it appear so clearly and straightforwardly in one person!

There is often a thin line between human arrogance and self-confidence, and sometimes people can't tell the difference, but they can all see Uchiha Madara's arrogance!

"This is not good."

The red-haired Shanks shook his head and raised the Western sword Griffin in his hand. His steps faltered slightly: "Pirates are the freest men on the sea..."

"I don't like what others arrange for me to do, especially if it hinders our freedom. I prefer to hold my destiny in my own hands."


Just do whatever you want to do...

It’s not someone’s arrangement that you accept!

This is the philosophy Shanks has accepted since he was a child!

"Then let's fight!"

Uchiha Madara's body instantly stepped on the clouds and rushed towards the Red Voss!


"I think so too!"

Red-haired Shanks' eyes flashed!

Shanks stepped on the deck to gain strength, and his figure suddenly rushed towards Uchiha Madara, and the Western sword in his hand flashed in an arc!

A sharp slash, accompanied by strong overlord-colored domineering energy, struck at Uchiha Madara, as if he was going to split Uchiha Madara apart with one strike!

Suddenly I discovered that there are a lot of overbearing and domineering people on Sky Island...

pyA great book!

Book title: I’m really not a succubus

Ninth-level succubus: In addition to being handsome and lively, you are also a thief. You can not only steal other people's property, but also steal other people's energy, memory, thoughts, and even destiny.

Eighth-level succubus: You are more handsome, and you are better at stealing. At the same time, you are also a swindler who makes trouble. Any lie that comes out of your mouth will become the truth.

Seventh-level succubus: You become a robber. Regardless of whether others are willing to steal for you, you can forcefully take anything you want from them.

Level 6 Succubus: You become an arsonist with a sweet heart. Your body fragrance can make any creature intoxicated. No matter men, women, old or young, birds or beasts, they will surrender under your legs.

Third-grade succubus: You are a disaster, and the whole world is in ruins because of you - promotion ceremony, stealing the throne of a country.

First-grade succubus: You have finally grown into a real succubus. The laws and authorities of the world are crazy about you. You fool all things and are above the fate of all time and space - promotion ceremony, charming all living beings and turning the world upside down.

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