Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 395 The clearing operation of the hunting game! Conjecture about the fusion of multiple devi


This is an upward ocean current that continuously rotates through whirlpools on the bottom of the sea. It rolls seawater and everything into the sky like a hurricane. It is also the best way for ordinary people to board the sky island.

The cabin of the Golden Mellie was modified with wings, and under Nami's command, it sailed little by little to the edge of the whirlpool on the bottom of the sea, slowly riding on the upwelling current.

This is extremely dangerous behavior.

If an accident occurs, the Golden Merli will be buried under the sea.

After the Golden Merli rode on the rising sea current, the ship's hull stood upright along with the rising sea water, and soared straight into the sky!


The big raft at the back was not so lucky!

The big raft that the Blackbeard Pirates and Doflamingo are riding on is about to roll down into the sea. Their raft has not been specially modified!

Doflamingo hurriedly raised his fingers, and the threads gathered together to form a thick rope, which suddenly wrapped around the mast of the Golden Merry!

This action immediately caused the weight of the Golden Melly to increase sharply. The small boat seemed to be turned upside down and out of the sea in an instant. After a while, it would be a tragedy of destroying the ship and killing everyone!

Fortunately, Nami, the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, is a genius. This beautiful girl navigator immediately adjusted the bow of the ship and controlled the Merry to ride the waves and continue to rise vertically!

"It's too... too dangerous..."

Chopper was so frightened that tears welled up in his eyes.


Others were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

Nicole Robin's palms tightly grasped the mast to prevent her body from falling, but her eyes looked at the ensign sitting on the chair on the deck.

Even though the Mellie had flipped ninety degrees vertically, everything on the deck was falling, except that the chair under the man seemed to be nailed to the deck. He even sat calmly on the chair, quietly. Quietly looking up at the sky.

"How can it be…"

Nicole Robin felt that this kind of thing subverted her cognition.

Even the body of the red-haired female marine was still standing steadily on the deck. The soles of her feet were like magnets and she could walk as if on flat ground, as if she had long been accustomed to this kind of thing.

"These two navy..."

Nico Robin took a deep breath and suppressed her inner curiosity.


Akihara Kagura lay on the chair and looked at the sky calmly, as if she could see another world above the sky through the clouds.

Above the sky.

This is the world that belongs to the sky people.

All places where sky people live are called sky islands.

There are many places where sky people live in this sea. The places where they live are collectively called sky islands, but each sky island has a different environment.

The Sky Island above Gaya Island is very strange.

This sky island is composed of many parts, one of which is called [Apayado]. It is the land that was washed up on the sky island by seawater eruption four hundred years ago. The land people who originally lived in Apayado also lived there four hundred years ago. In the previous seawater eruption, they flew to the sky island together.

All land symbolizes prosperity.

The people of the sky and the people of the land started a war for hundreds of years to compete for the rich Apayado, and their war never stopped.

Until six years ago…

A man named Enel appears.

Enelu is extremely powerful. He can hear the voices of everyone on this sky island, and he can also rain down thunder and punishment anytime and anywhere, easily defeating the sky and land people.

From then on, Enelu became the ruler of Sky Island in the name of God.


Naturally, you want to get the best.

The rich [Apayado] has naturally become the sanctuary where Enel lives. Only Enel and his envoys can stay here; the other part is called [Angel Island], which is an empty island. The area where sky people live.

Over the years, the residents of Sky Island have all lived under the rule of Enel. No matter they are sky people or land people, they can't challenge Enel's majesty. Anyone who wants to overthrow Enel's rule must Died under the divine punishment of Enel.

Enelu has implemented a strict system on Sky Island over the years, and even collected precious gold from everywhere to build his own Golden Ark [Proverbs]. He disliked that the territory he ruled was too small, and wanted to use the Golden Ark to rush to the sky. The infinite land outside.


Enel's rule was overthrown.

Because a group of pirates claiming to be the Konoha Pirates broke into the Sky Island.

Anyone who breaks into the sky island and is unwilling to abide by the rules set by Enel will definitely be punished by him, and this group of pirates will naturally be no exception.


Enelu kicked the iron plate.

This ruler who claimed to be a god on Sky Island was easily suppressed!

After being repeatedly attacked and humiliated, Enelu released a huge thunder god like a god, but was directly hammered to pieces by a huge wooden man in an instant!

Enel himself was captured.

The god of Sky Island and the Golden Ark [Proverbs] he had built over the years also fell into the hands of the Konoha Pirates and became one of the trophies of the Konoha Pirates.


Enel was reduced to an experimental subject.

The Golden Ark [Proverbs] has become the new vehicle of the Konoha Pirates. This golden ark can fly and can even continue to be mechanically modified.

The trio of Konoha Pirates' mechanical experiments with forbidden scientific techniques were extremely pleasurable. Scientists know better than anyone else how powerful the power of electricity is, especially how practical it is!

Inside the new laboratory of Golden Ark.

The laboratory has been rearranged.

A row of circular biological cabin instruments stood beside the laboratory. Inside were a group of pale-skinned white Zetsus with tubes inserted into their bodies.

no way.

No matter how many experiments there are.

After all, it is not as useful as Bai Jue.

Bai Jue's body is like a blank sheet of paper that has not been covered with any genes.

If you need to experiment with any abilities, you can directly use the known genetic technology to edit Bai Jue's genes. So far, they have been successful.

It comes from Crocodile's rustling fruit ability, from General Aokiji's frozen fruit ability, and from General Kizaru's shining fruit ability.


They got Enel's Thunder Fruit ability again.

It is a pity that these abilities are not as good as those of original Devil Fruit users, and cannot even be integrated with each other. This also means that the fruit abilities are indeed exclusive.

Scientists from the Konoha Pirates conducted separate experiments using White Zetsu and Tianlong people, and all those who had been transplanted with the two genetic abilities exploded and died.


How could they give up?

No matter how weird the devil fruits in this sea are, can they be weirder than people like them who can travel through the world?

Even if these Devil Fruit users are mutually exclusive and terrifying, can they still compare to Senju Hashirama's cell-phagocytic terror?

Orochimaru and Senju Tobirama tested it and tried to fuse all the genes with Hashirama cells. All the cloned cells of other people were swallowed up and assimilated by Hashirama cells. In the end, only a bunch of squirming cells were left in the experiment. Columnar cells…

"Brother's cells are too dangerous..."

Senju Tobirama could only praise his eldest brother.

"But our experiment is not completed..."

Orochimaru sighed for a lifetime, and had to gather the Hashirama cells again, and said softly: "The first generation cells will swallow up all the genes, and in the end we will only get the wood escape blood successor, and it is impossible to obtain their abilities..."

"It's really a pity..."

Senju Tobirama's eyes fell on a petri dish in the corner of the laboratory. There was a figure soaked in seawater and unable to move. It was Enel, the God of Sky Island.

Senju Tobirama frowned and thought about Eniru's Thunder Fruit ability, and put forward an idea in a deep voice: "If it doesn't work, then all the abilities of the White Zetsu army should be replaced by the Thunder Fruit ability. Compared with the flash ability and The freezing ability and Thunder Fruit's ability are more comprehensive, allowing them to awaken powerful knowledge and domineering..."

"Don't give up so early..."

The figure of Shura Dao Scorpion appeared in the laboratory and said softly: "Maybe if you get another person's genes, you can get the possibility of merging the fruit abilities? I know that there is a person who may have two fruit abilities. …”


The eyes of Orochimaru and Senju Tobirama lit up at the same time.

"before that…"

Shura Dao Scorpion tilted his head, but the mechanical puppet's eyes were still dull: "Can you two help arrange the hunting ground first? The players participating in this hunting game will arrive soon. I heard that only the captain Busy alone?"

"We would rather use violence..."

Qianju Tojian frowned and said in a deep voice: "But the eldest brother insists on solving this matter alone, and we really can't interfere..."

Sky island.


With Enelu's death in battle, the sky people and land people reunited, and there was no conflict between the two sides who once fought.

This group of sky and land people were gathered together by the Konoha Pirates. They were all worried about what Senju Hashirama, who had defeated Eniru, wanted to do...

Kill them all?

Everyone was a little nervous and uneasy.


Senju Hashirama knelt directly on the ground!

The captain of the most powerful pirate group on the sea knelt in front of these people and begged them to move: "Please don't stay in Apayado for the time being! It will be very dangerous here soon! Please go to other places." A place to stay for a while! Please!”

Senju Hashirama personally took care of this matter because he didn't want to harm these innocent people. After all, these natives are not evil people...


A group of sky people and land people looked at each other.

The man who had defeated Eniru was kneeling on the ground begging them, which was really a bit confusing, but at least they could see that Senju Hashirama was not a villain.

"Why is it so dangerous here?"

Gan Fuor, the leader of the sky people, stood up. He quickly helped Senju Hashirama to stand up: "Is it because there are enemies coming?"


Senju Hashirama shook his head, and his expression became extremely serious: "We want to use Apayado as a hunting ground, and put thousands of Tianlong people here, so that they can be hunted as prey. There will probably be Many strong men come here to participate in this hunting game..."

"What kind of creature are the Celestial Dragons?"

"Does it sound like a beast in human form?"

Many sky people expressed their curiosity.

Senju Hashirama explained the truth to these people very honestly: "They are the nobles who rule and exploit the entire world. They have been exploiting the entire world with cruel methods. They once treated other humans as prey, teased and killed them. In order to let the world Dare to resist them, we captured many of them and decided to let them as prey..."


The people in the sky and the people on land fell silent.

Cold sweat broke out on everyone's forehead.


Using people as prey…

The Celestial Dragons do not sound like a good thing...


Your pirate group's method of revenge is also a bit scary!

Both the land people and the sky people were so frightened that they shivered, but when they looked at the sincere Senju Hashirama in front of them, they couldn't tell what kind of bad guy he was...

"Hey, get out of here or I'll kill you!"

A flash of scarlet flashed in Uchiha Madara's eyes.

This group of ordinary people have all seen Eniru, the person with the thunder fruit ability. Letting them leave here is already a gift to them. Why do they dare to waste time here?

As a ninja…

Silencing people for information has long been a common occurrence.

Uchiha Madara doesn't care how many people he kills in order to carry out his mission!


Senju Hashirama quickly stopped his friend, threw himself to the ground again, and begged loudly: "Please leave this empty island, I really don't want to kill you!"


The expressions of the sky people and the land people were strange at the same time.


You're a bit weird as a captain!

Do you want to listen to what you are saying!

However, at the request of the sincere man Senju Hashirama and the threat of the dangerous man Uchiha Madara, the sky and land people could only move away from the island at the same time.


There is a huge python named Lord of the Sky on this sky island.

This python liked humans very much. After Orochimaru communicated with the python, he took the initiative to move everyone on his back and swam away from the clouds with these humans.

After all the sky and land people on this empty island moved, the Konoha Pirates finally started their arrangements in Apayado.

They arranged video phone bugs throughout Apayado, and released all the Celestial Dragons they had captured in Apayado.

Except for the slaves left at the Shampoo Islands auction house, those who were casually killed by Uchiha Madara, and those who were consumed by them in their experiments, the rest of the Celestial Dragons are all here...


There are less than a thousand people left.

These are the prey of the hunting game.

Since it is a game, there must be rewards.

The Konoha Pirates found a historical text, a huge golden bell, and a pile of gold on the island of Apayado.

"Let's take this as a reward..."

Shura Dao Xie stood under the stone tablet with the text of history. His eyes stared at the stone tablet that he could not understand at all: "The winner of this game will get the news about the ancient weapon Sea King..."

"As for the time when the game starts..."

"Let's start when the golden bell is rung..."

"When the golden bell of this golden land rings in the clouds, it is the time for this hunt to begin. At that time, turn on all the video phone bugs..."

“When is it going to ring?”

Senju Hashirama looked at the golden clock in front of him and couldn't help but raise his fist. His fist was covered with strong domineering and chakra: "Do you need me to ring it now?"

"Need not…"

Scorpio's eyes flickered.

These people really all have the same personality. Do they want to move whenever they see something new and interesting? When you see a bell, you ring it?

"Hey, Akihara Kagura, can I participate?"

Uchiha Madara looked at Scorpion, with a flash of fighting intent in his eyes: "I heard that there will be many powerful guys participating in this game..."


Shura Dao Xie waved his hand indifferently, and then continued: "However, it is best to be careful not to hurt me. After all, my body is a marine who has obtained the Thunder Fruit, and I am on the empty island as a The home of Thunder Fruit Exhibition..."

"Is that so?"

Orochimaru looked in the direction of the Golden Ark's motto: "Then it seems we are going to imprison Mr. Enel for a long time..."

"Keep an eye on him and don't go too far."

"Once the Devil Fruit user dies..."

"Enel's ability will turn into a new devil fruit..."

Shura Dao Xie nodded, his eyes also fell on the golden ark, and continued to add: "Before I become the marshal of the navy, don't let your new experimental product appear, and you must not let him If he dies, keep him soaked in the sea water first, lest anyone use his knowledge and Haki to discover that he can use the thunder fruit..."

I'm a little skeptical...

Blackbeard's Dark it really called the Dark Fruit? Could it be some kind of fantasy beast or something...

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