Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 393 The first players of the hunting game, Doflamingo, Marshall D. Teach

Chapter 393 The first players of the hunting game, Doflamingo, Marshall D. Teach

Doflamingo is a smart man.

Wu Laoxing mentioned the hunting game and the Celestial Dragons, and even asked him to assist the navy in rescuing the Celestial Dragons in the hunting game. He could probably guess something...

Have the Celestial Dragons who once held hunting games finally become the hunted prey? Maybe it was the fault of those crazy guys from the Konoha Pirates?


Sometimes being too smart is not a good thing.

Doflamingo's attitude of "I know some information but I just don't want to tell it" seemed to the Five Old Stars to be deliberately mocking them!

"Don't act stupid here!"

The Five Old Stars immediately exposed Doflamingo's thoughts and said coldly: "Doflamingo, we already know that you have been invited by the Konoha Pirates to rush to the sky above Gaya Island. Island to participate in a hunting game against the world’s nobility…”


Doflamingo's eyes twitched.

The Konoha Pirates are going to hold a hunting game against the Celestial Dragons? The sky island above Gaya Island is actually the place where the Konoha Pirates are going to hold a hunting game?

Not good…

Something went wrong!

I just went to Magic Valley Town on Gaya Island to deal with the defeated Bellamy Pirates, but why did I end up going to participate in a hunting game against the Celestial Dragons!


I didn't get an invitation from the Konoha Pirates!

"You have misunderstood."

Doflamingo chuckled lightly and took the initiative to tell the truth and explained: "One of my men was in the Demon Valley Town on Gaya Island. They lost to a rookie pirate named Straw Hat Luffy, so I plan to go to Magic Valley Town." Yadao will deal with them..."

"Straw Hat Luffy?"

Wulaoxing's eyes were shocked at the same time.

That rubber fruit capable person Straw Hat Luffy is also on Gaya Island? Could it be that he was also invited to participate in the hunting game organized by the Konoha Pirates?


Now is not the time to worry about that!

They can put this news aside and not mention it!

The most important thing now is to learn the complete information about the hunting game from Doflamingo. Does this bastard think they will believe such a clumsy lie?

How could there be such a powerful pirate group in a small place like Gaya Island? They were just a bunch of trash, worthy of a king, Shichibukai, personally going out to deal with them?

Not going to participate in the hunting game?

"Don't use those lame excuses..."

Wulaoxing's attitude was very resolute and he continued in a cold voice: "Tell us immediately all the information about the hunting game you are going to participate in. Don't forget that you are also a Tianlong..."

"It's a coincidence..."

Doflamingo's eyes twitched.


there is a problem…

what is going on!

Why did the Konoha Pirates hold a hunting game so close to Gaya Island? It was a coincidence that I happened to rush to Gaya Island!


What kind of Heavenly Dragon are you?

When these old bastards kicked me out of Mariejoia, they never mentioned what kind of bullshit Draco they were!

"Just think of it as a coincidence."

The Five Old Stars didn't care about Doflamingo's sarcastic attitude. They only cared about the information Doflamingo had: "Now tell me all the information. As long as you can help the navy rescue the world nobles in the hunting game, We agreed to all the conditions you proposed..."


Doflamingo felt a little depressed and seriously discussed with the Five Old Stars: "Since it is a coincidence, do you think I will know about the hunting game?"

If he knew the information, he would definitely tell the Five Old Stars without any care. Doflamingo doesn't care much about betraying the Konoha Pirates!

The issue is…

I really don’t know the information!

Doflamingo has wronged many people in his life in order to seize power and territory. He never thought that one day he would be wronged!

"Do you still want to lie here?"

"It seems that you want to betray your own people..."

The voice of the Five Old Stars immediately became cold, and he even warned in a stern voice: "Doflamingo, don't forget that everything you have now is with our tacit consent. Of course, what we give you can be taken away at any time! "

"'s not..."

Doflamingo was a little incoherent and explained in a deep voice: "I will find out the information about this hunting game and tell you what is going on..."

"Find out..."

Wu Laoxing felt that Doflamingo, the bastard, was deliberately stalling for time, and reminded him in a cold voice: "Don't forget, in this world, the weak do not have the right to choose sides. We can destroy your Dressro at any time." Sa…”

"Fufufufufu... you are really old fools..."

Doflamingo smiled helplessly. He didn't know how to explain it to the five old bastards: "What do you want me to say so that you can believe this is a coincidence? Give me a few days and wait until I find out about the hunt. I will inform you of the game information immediately, is that okay?"


The five old stars couldn't help but look at each other.

"Maybe this really is a coincidence?"

Warring States frowned and hesitantly raised his doubts.

"Then we are waiting for your news."

Wulaoxing directly hung up the phone in his hand.

One of the old men immediately took the initiative to express his distrust of Doflamingo: "Gaya Island is not an important place. That is a bastard who has no profit and can't afford to be early. How could he rush there inexplicably..."

"It's nothing more than trying to fool us..."

"Or delaying time..."

"Maybe he also wants to leak secrets to the Konoha Pirates. There is no pirate in this sea that he dare not collude with. He even has contacts with Kaido of the Beasts, let alone the Konoha Pirates..."

The five old stars immediately passed their short meeting with a high vote of distrust. They did not think Doflamingo was really a coincidence!

if not…

How could that guy tell some inside information about hunting games? They just colluded with the Konoha Pirates and wanted to benefit from each other!

"It's time to clean him up..."

"Let's get rid of him when this incident is over..."

"The Konoha Pirates are more dangerous than the Beasts Pirates, and no one will be allowed to collude with the Konoha Pirates!"

The Five Old Stars have a very firm attitude towards the Konoha Pirates. This is also what Im-sama means. Uncontrolled power will never be allowed to appear on the sea!


The power of the Konoha Pirates is out of control!

Gaya Island, Magic Valley Town.

This small town seems a bit lively.

Because Bellamy, who was entrenched on this island, was defeated by a newcomer named Straw Hat Luffy, which once attracted the attention of many pirates.

The Straw Hat Pirates suddenly became the new stars of Demon Valley Town.

However, the Straw Hat Pirates don't care much about this. Straw Hat Luffy is just here to take back the gold nugget that Bellamy stole. The owner of the gold nugget is an uncle who wants to help their pirate group fly to the Sky Island.

After the Straw Hat Pirates left Alabasta, a new member, Nicole Robin, was added. During their voyage, they discovered a ship that fell from the sky. They came to Gaya Island to inquire about the empty island in the sky because of curiosity. information.

Of course.

The pirates in Magic Valley Town have never seen an empty island.

However, the pirates here know that there are sky islands in this world. After the Alabasta incident revealed the historical truth about the origin of mankind, everyone in the world knows that sky people do exist, and even sky people evolved from land people.

Fortunately, there was an uncle who had been looking for the land of gold on Gaya Island. He knew some news about the empty island and was willing to help them land on the empty island.

This uncle's name is Montblanc Kulikai, and he is a descendant of Montblanc Nolando, the great liar who claimed to have found the land of gold on Gaya Island four hundred years ago. He has always believed that his ancestors were right.

For this reason, Mont Blanc Kulikai has been staying on Gaya Island for a long time, just to find the land of gold, so he knows the weather of Gaya Island very well: "There will be rising sea currents recently. Just let your pirate ships enter." If the current rises, you will definitely be able to enter the empty island..."

"I hope our luck will be better..."

Nami, the navigator on the ship, could only sadly hope that there wouldn't be any great danger this time, and it would be better to have a near miss.

Fly to the sky island…

The risk of such an action is too high.

However, what the Straw Hat Pirates never expected was that while they were looking for a way to board the Sky Island, there were others who were also eager to board the Sky Island.

for example…

The wrongly accused Doflamingo.

Doflamingo himself just wanted to come to Gaya Island to deal with Bellamy's group of defeated men. Unexpectedly, he was wrongly accused on the way. He came to Gaya Island to participate in a hunting game.

In order to clear my name...

In order to give Wu Laoxing an explanation...

Doflamingo had to hurry up and hurry up, eager to find out the information about the hunting game from Gaya Island Demon Valley Town.


A little pirate like Bellamy is obviously a waste.

Although he has been entrenched on Gaya Island for so long, he doesn't know anything about game hunting, and he hasn't even found any trace of the Konoha Pirates.

"What a useless piece of trash..."

Doflamingo was sitting in the bar of Magic Valley Town, looking at Bellamy in front of him, wishing to execute him immediately: "Forget it, help me prepare and accompany me to the Sky Island..."

Since it’s to investigate information…

Naturally, you also need to board the sky island above Gaya Island.

Doflamingo couldn't find any information here, so naturally he had no choice but to go to the Sky Island to explore the information. He could only use the ability of the Thread Fruit to entangle the clouds in the sky and fly, but he had no flying ability.


There are ways to board sky islands all over the world.

There must be a way to board the sky island in a place like Gaya Island.


"I don't know how to get to Sky Island..."

Bellamy lowered his head in fear. As a local snake entrenched in Demon Valley Town, he didn't even know this little thing. He was so scared that he knelt on the ground and shivered.

"have no idea?"

Doflamingo was so angry that he couldn't speak. Instead of being angry, he smiled and said: "Fur, fu, fu, fu... Then I don't know, what's the point of keeping you alive in this world, Bellamy?" …”

"Straw Hat Luffy!"

"The Straw Hats are looking for a way to land on Sky Island!"

Bellamy remembered that when the Straw Hat Pirates first came to Magic Valley Town, they were looking for a way to board the Sky Island: "They must have found a way to board the Sky Island!"

"But I remember you lost to them..."

A shadow appeared on Doflamingo's face, a thread appeared on his fingertips, and he asked Bellamy with a sinister smile: "How do you get them to explain how to get to the Sky Island? Furafurura…Bellamy, are you going to kneel on the ground carrying the Don Quixote flag and beg them to tell you?”

"I...I won't lose again!"

Bellamy gritted his teeth and expressed his stance to Doflamingo.

However, Doflamingo chuckled, but did not believe him at all. He just raised his finger, and a thread appeared on his fingertip!

"I don't believe you anymore...Bellamy..."

Doflamingo's finger slowly pointed at Bellamy, and a cruel smile flashed across his face: "Fufufufu... I didn't expect that I was going to meet that little pirate named Straw Hat Luffy in person... "


"Maybe I can help you?"

At this time, a laughing voice appeared in the bar of Mogu Town, and a fat black man with an unshaven beard walked in: "I didn't expect to meet a big shot here... Thief hahaha... Wang Xia Shichibukai... Tang Quixote Doflamingo..."

"Fufufufufu... I didn't expect that either..."

Doflamingo's eyes fell on the other party, and the corners of his mouth curled up: "The person the Whitebeard Pirates have been chasing will appear here... I heard that the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' second division Fire Fist Ace is still on the way to hunt you down..."

As the most well-informed Doflamingo in the underground world, he naturally knew that Fire Fist Ace of the Whitebeard Pirates had been tracking down a man named Marshall D. Teach...

Never imagined…

This man will appear here...

Marshall D. Teach actually came to Magic Valley Town because he heard that this Magic Valley Town was home to many powerful pirates, and he specifically came here to find his hunting targets.

Marshall D. Teach is planning to become King Shichibukai so that he can implement a larger plan. He must also give a suitable meeting gift to the Navy and the World Government to show that he is powerful enough. Becoming King Shichibukai…

Only King Shichibukai…

Only in this way can he carry out his bigger plan!

The trend of the Great Pirate Era has long been clear. The Yonko Pirates and the Shichibukai have already carved up all the pirate power in this world.

Marshall D. Teach has realized that the quality of the men he recruited is not very good. Men of this quality cannot allow him to realize his dream. He needs some more numerous and more powerful companions to achieve world domination. dream!

after all…

Marshall D. Teach has stayed with the Whitebeard Pirates for more than twenty years. His purpose is not just to find a few companions to adventure around the world. He wants to become the king of the entire world and replace Whitebeard as the new one. Emperor of the sea!

Your own strength is important...

The power of his subordinates must not be weaker than others!

Marshall D. Teach looked at Doflamingo in front of him, with a flash of greed in his eyes. He was eager to obtain Doflamingo's identity!

Only the King Shichibukai who has been conferred by the World Government can have the right to enter the impel city, a tightly guarded underwater prison under the rule of the world government. He wants to find more powerful pirates from that impel city to join his command!

Only in this way…

Only then can you occupy a place in the sea!


"I just heard everything..."

"You were on Gaya Island to inquire about Sky Island and the Konoha Pirates..."

Marshall D. Teach spread his hands and asked with a sinister grin: "It seems that the Konoha Pirates are on Sky Island, right?"


Doflamingo's small sunglasses reflected the candlelight in the bar, and he also showed a sinister smile: "Are you very interested in their affairs?"


Marshall D. Teach nodded slowly.

In this world…

Who is not curious about the Konoha Pirates?

That pirate group caused huge incidents in Alabasta and Marigio, causing the entire sea to fall into restlessness!


Marshall D. Teach is also a little envious of the other party's power!

If there is a chance, Teach also wants to get the fruit ability of that pirate group. He does not know the information of the Konoha Pirates, but he is sure that the opponent must have a powerful devil fruit ability, otherwise it would be impossible to create such a big one. Trouble!

Teach really wanted to find out why Doflamingo wanted to find out the information about Sky Island and the Konoha Pirates. He guessed that it might be an order from the World Government. The World Government would definitely not let the actions of the Konoha Pirates go!


Maybe it's an opportunity!

Because he might be able to use this matter to get the world government to agree to become the King of the Shichibukai, so that he can carry out his next plan!

Above the bar.

Two men in navy clothes stood on the roof listening to all this.

Neither Doflamingo nor Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach found the two eavesdroppers in the bar.

It is Akihara Kagura and Koso.

"These two people..."

Xiang Ling frowned and sensed the scent of the two pirates.

Xiang Ling's perceptive ability can not only sense the breath of the other party, but also the good and evil and psychological fluctuations of the other party. She can clearly perceive the evil in the two pirates in the bar: "They...have the ultimate evil in them." Evil...beyond anyone I've ever seen...even Orochimaru is inferior..."

"Fragrant phosphorus."

"You can't just see the evil in them."

Akihara Kagura shook his head and took the initiative to teach his subordinates: "Whether it is Doflamingo or Marshall D. Teach, they are all people who can achieve their goals by any means, and their will is stronger than anyone else. firm…"

"On their bodies..."

"There is a possibility of becoming the Pirate King..."


"If you want to become a king..."

"It doesn't work to play both sides..."

"We still need to go through a painful and difficult trial..."

Akihara Kagura shook her head with emotion and said softly: "Then let's settle on these two people and let the Konoha Pirates start clearing the area. Capture the experimental subjects that should be caught and drive away those who should be driven away immediately. Put the Tianlong people as the prey of the hunting game, and let the two of them serve as the first players of the hunting game..."

"I heard that Mr. Madara and the others bought video phone bugs in the Shampoo Islands..."

"A grand global live broadcast just happened to be launched on Kongdao, so that people all over the world can see this real-life hunting game..."

"Anyone who wants to participate can also rush to Kongdao as soon as possible to participate..."


Xiang Ling frowned, seeming hesitant: "Second Lieutenant Kagura, if the Celestial Dragons live a miserable life as prey in hunting games, there will probably be people in the world who will sympathize with those Celestial Dragons because of this..."

"Does this... have anything to do with us?"

Akihara Kagura raised her eyebrows and waved her hand nonchalantly: "If someone sympathizes with the Tianlong people and accuses us, let them see the Tianlong people. As long as they see the living Tianlong people, they can see the dead ones." The Celestial Dragons…”


No one can sympathize with the Celestial Dragons...

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