Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 385 World Economic News Agency’s actions

among the flowers.

This is a tall palace.

Deep in this palace, there is a throne that symbolizes the King of the World.

Eight hundred years ago, the twenty kings who created the world government left the throne empty and did not allow anyone to sit on the throne. At this time, there was a figure standing on top of it.

The weird thing is...

Wulao Xing didn’t say anything.

The group of old men knelt down respectfully towards the dark shadow sitting on the Void Throne, quietly listening to the orders given by the other party.


The King of the World is hidden deep within Mariejoia.

This is a deeply hidden figure in the World Government. The World Government and the Five Old Stars have always used Im's guidance to clean up the factors that are uneasy about the world.


To avoid being known to the world…

Im also does not allow anyone to know its existence.

Anyone who is aware of its existence will also be completely eliminated.

The King of the World sat quietly on the Void Throne, quietly listening to the Five Old Stars reporting on the golden underground palace in Alabasta, shrouding everything in darkness.

"As you said..."

"Is Mu's existence...already known?"


The five old stars looked at each other and lowered their heads again.

"I'm afraid that's the case..."

Wulaoxing did not dare to lie about this matter, so they could only mention their remedial measures: "We will immediately send the navy to comprehensively intercept and hunt down all pirates who know about it..."

"But there is another problem..."

An old man could only whisper their difficulties: "The strength of the Konoha Pirates that emerged is the same as that of Rocks in the past. Sengoku and his two generals were unable to capture them. There are still leaks of information. The possibility…”

Another old man raised his head and spoke his thoughts in a deep voice: "I think we can use the Demon-Slaying Order to destroy Alabasta and bury all existence first, but the marshal and the two generals are also insiders..."

An old man also raised his head and expressed his different opinions: "Doing this may also arouse the vigilance of those pirates, and alert them to spread the news of Lord Im. Even if we destroy Alabasta, it will not help..."

" can only be remedied..."

The shadows on the Throne of the Void fell silent, a finger gently tapped the seat of the Throne of the Void, and the voice suddenly spread out: "That's all... Mu also wants to know... Lily's words... what is truly hidden in the land of Alabasta." secret…"

"We...don't know yet."

An old man lowered his head and carefully reported the report: "After all, the information in the underground palace involves Lord Im, we dare not handle it without authorization..."

"No problem."

The shadow sitting on the Void Throne didn't care about all this. He waved his attitude to the Five Old Stars first: "Let Mu know...Lily's words...the rest of them will be cleared one by one."


Wulaoxing lowered his head and did not dare to continue talking.

The rest of the people cleaned up one by one...

Apparently this also includes the Admiral and the Marine Marshal!

If the secrets recorded on Alabasta's golden inscription are too shocking, are they also among those being purged by Im?


They had to do it too.

In order to bring back the secrets of Alabasta, the Five Old Stars planned to go directly to the golden underground palace in Alabasta.

If those blank histories are too shocking, the Five Old Stars can also use their power to clear out the knowledgeable Buddha Sengoku and the two naval admirals!


Wulaoxing won't have to worry about this problem soon.

World Economic News Service.

The news industry throughout the sea is extremely developed, and all of this depends on the news agency's president, Morgans, a person with the bird fruit albatross form ability.

As a leader in the journalism industry, Morgans has always been in the form of an orc, seeking information all over the world, even risking his life to find out the news. Many major events are often reported first by his newspaper. Directly detonating the entire sea...


Morgans is also known as 'The Big News'.

Morgans also knows very well that the news industry offends people, but he doesn't care about it, he only cares about the big news he creates...

As a media practitioner, Morgans has always hoped that his newspaper could be extremely influential and easily disrupt the situation in the sea...

For example, the assassination of the Celestial Dragon.

Morgans reported the news immediately after receiving it. He knew that this kind of news would definitely set off the sea, and the fact was that the news newspaper of that issue was sold out as he expected...

Enjoy a sweet treat...

Naturally, he is eager for the second sweetness.

During this period of time, Morgans had been feeling that there was still something big going on, and he was swimming around on the sea, hoping that there would be another issue of really big news.


Morgans also learned a piece of news from a news bird.

The last time about Bucky the Clown's assassination of the Celestial Dragons, it turned out to be the world's greatest swordsman, King Shichibukai Joracol Mihawk who secretly passed it to him. This made Morgans feel that Mihawk's There are still secrets in his body that can be discovered, so he secretly wants to lurk around Mihawk.

have to say…

The boss of this news agency is quite desperate.

However, Joracol Mihawk never returned to his home. He just took a small boat and went straight to the new world in the second half of the Grand Line, leaving Morgans who had been squatting near his home directly behind. null…


Morgans received new news!

The news agency staff delivered to him big news that would shock everyone's eyes more than Bucky the Clown's assassination of the Draco. Once this news was revealed, it would be enough to completely detonate the world!

The whole world…

It will definitely be completely detonated!

Morgans couldn't help but be very curious about what news would set off the sea. He hurried back to his company and couldn't wait to open a strange scroll.


Morgans was frightened.

Because the story described in this scroll is a bit too shocking. A random message can become a newspaper headline, enough to detonate the entire ocean. What's more, the content inside also involves the establishment of the World Government eight hundred years ago. man of!

"We're in big trouble..."

"Is this fake?"

Morgans was sweating profusely as he looked at the scroll in his hand.

Although he is a bold person, he also knows that if the contents of this scroll become news, he, the president, will always worry about being assassinated...


Another person also sent the same message.

Sand Crocodile, King Shichibukai, Crocodile.

Although Bucky the Clown, another insider, had never thought of this level, Crocodile's mind was very flexible. He knew the nature of the world government well and directly sent the secrets of Alabasta's golden underground palace to the World Economic News Agency. .

The World Government will definitely dethrone him as King Shichibukai, and will definitely send a navy admiral to hunt him down. Crocodile simply did not stop doing anything, directly revealed the World Government's background, and first found a person for the World Government. Big trouble!

Compared to that scroll...

Crocodile's contribution is very organized.

['Big News' Morgans, anyone who knows about the blank history of a hundred years will definitely be dealt with by the world government. Now you are also an insider...]

"Threate me! We will not be threatened like this!"

Morgans held Crocodile's letter and loudly ordered his employees: "Work overtime immediately! We must send out big news as soon as possible!"

"One article..."

"News that can really set off the entire world!"

Morgans' heart trembled with excitement. It seemed as if he saw the scene where his news newspaper caused heated discussions around the world: "Whether it is the peaceful land of the four seas or the end of the great route, everything will be affected by this news. Shocked by the report!”

"The blank hundred years of history will be presented in our hands! The secret of Rafdru will be revealed by us! The resurrection of the goddess of Mao will begin from our pen! The whole world will be changed because of it Trembling with our news coverage!”

Morgans is sure of this!

It is absolutely impossible for anyone to ignore this newspaper!

Everyone will definitely buy its newspapers, read the big news from its newspapers, and read the big events that happened in Alabasta!

"Aren't you going to verify it?"

A news agency employee cautiously raised his doubts.

"What else is there to verify? Report it first!"

Morgans angrily stopped his employees.

In order to create a big event, Morgans would do anything like fabricating news, not to mention that this was a news contribution from Crocodile and the mysterious man!


Morgans is not without brains.

The news reporter from Alabasta did send out part of the news, including the news about King Shichibukai Crocodile's attempt to usurp the throne. However, Crocodile disappeared soon, and no one knew his whereabouts. whereabouts…


The Straw Hat Pirates also left Alabasta.

The clown Bucky and his men who had been responsible for the soy sauce also left.

The atmosphere in Alabasta did not relax after these pirates left. Instead, the atmosphere in this desert kingdom became more and more tense!

Naval warships were constantly mobilized from all over the place, and tens of thousands of naval forces landed directly on this desert kingdom, helped to quell the rebels in Alabasta, and declared martial law directly within the kingdom. , it is strictly forbidden for anyone to leave Alabasta!


Something is definitely wrong in Alabasta.

The World Government is very likely to do something to Alabasta. Once they realize that the World Economic News has some secrets of Alabasta, they will definitely not be able to let the World Economic News go. Morgans simply plans to release them. Super big news!


The sooner the better!

If the speed is too slow, it will inevitably arouse the vigilance of the world government!

However, Morgans obviously underestimated the spy infiltration of the World Government, and there was an agent lurking in its newspaper office!

Just as these news contents were distributed to various employees for sorting, a newspaper employee looked at the assigned contents in his hands in horror!

A hint of sinisterness flashed across the employee's face, and he stood up suddenly, raised the gun in his hand, and pointed it at Morgans: "Morgans, in the name of the World Government, I order you to stop issuing this issue immediately. news!"

"Are all the people from the World Government lurking here?!"

Morgans' eyes narrowed, and he suddenly rushed forward, waving his wings and knocking over the lurking agent!

"do not be afraid!"

Morgans stood in the center of his newspaper office and looked at his frightened employees. A fierce look suddenly appeared on his face: "If we don't publish this news, we won't be able to survive. The world government will definitely think Find a way to clean us up! Only if the whole sea gets the news, can we survive!"


One employee was still a little worried.

"rest assured."

Morgans comforted his employees and said softly: "The world government has too much time to take care of itself. How can it have time to take care of us..."


There was even a hint of pride on the bird-like head of Morgance in the form of an orc, and he said nonchalantly: "The world government will still need something from us!"

Morgans moved quickly.

Because if the speed is a little slower, the world government may come to your door.

The ocean has isolated the close connection between islands, but it cannot block the birds flying in the sky. Groups of seagulls flew out from the World Economic News Agency.

This group of sales seagulls from the World Economic News Agency delivers news newspapers that can affect the entire world. They bring the past history and the unknown future to the world.

The second half of the Grand Line.

This is a sea area called the New World.

A small boat moved forward slowly against the waves.

The world's greatest swordsman, Joracol Mihawk, was sitting on the boat, holding a glass of red wine steadily in his hand. His elegant life was not affected by the bumpy ocean with strong winds and waves.

This is a leisurely trip.

Mihawk plans to go to the new world to find red-haired Shanks, and chat with this old friend about Monkey D. Luffy. By the way, he also wants to secretly find out if Shanks has ever heard of a weapon. An existence called the Konoha Pirates...

after all…

This pirate group forced Mihawk to join...

Mihawk must know what kind of organization he has joined, right?

A seagull landed on the bow of his boat, sold him a newspaper, and then flew off again, seemingly in a hurry to complete its work.

"Is there any other new news?"

Mihawk squinted his eyes and opened the newspaper in his hand.


The red wine glass suddenly fell on the boat!

The fragile wine glass broke into pieces, and the red wine spilled on the board of the ship!

"Those guys..."

"Are you going to turn the whole sea upside down?"

The world's greatest swordsman looked at the headlines in the newspaper in disbelief. He couldn't believe what he saw in the newspaper. He felt as if he had come to the new world too early!

If I had known earlier...

You should go to Alabasta yourself!

[The truth hidden behind the great secret treasure Raff Drew! 】

[Eight hundred years ago, the last words of Queen Neferutali D. Lily of Alabasta, one of the twenty kings who founded the world government, were exposed! 】

I'll have an orgasm tomorrow...

Write well...

We broke up two days ago. I’m really not used to it these two days, so I’ll get back to my groove right away…

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