Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 382 The three surrenders of the Warring States Period and the Konoha Pirates agreed!

Warring States and Lieutenant General He both felt a little heavy.

The Konoha Pirates seem to be too crazy. They actually want to use the historical secrets of the Golden Underground Palace to instigate the relationship between the Navy and the World Government...

If the secrets here are too shocking, it will really shake the dominance of the Tianlong people. The Five Old Stars will definitely slowly find a way to eliminate all the insiders...

The Warring States Period also knew the Five Old Stars very well.

As a political creature, once someone threatens the world government and navy, Sengoku will ruthlessly eliminate any uneasy factors.

Wulaoxing is naturally no exception.

When Warring States and Lieutenant General He were forced to enter the Golden Underground Palace, they finally saw the secrets hidden in the underground palace, which made the two of them break out in cold sweat.

Five old stars…

It will definitely kill people!

Any naval marshal, any naval hero, any naval admiral will eventually become a victim of maintaining the stability of the Draconian rule!

"The goddess Mao creates the world..."

"Twenty kings join forces to liberate the goddess of seal Mao..."

"The eternal king steals the void throne of the king of the world in the name of Im..."

"Is that guy Garp's ancestor actually a divine servant who served the goddess Mao?"

Warring States was unable to maintain the calmness of his Buddhist heart. He started beating wildly. Looking at the golden inscription in front of him, he couldn't believe everything recorded on it!

"This is fake..."

Sengoku is the marshal of the navy and is already ranked at the top of the world's power. He has never known that Mary Joa and even Im, an existence above the Five Old Stars!


Lieutenant General He remained silent and speechless.

The naval staff calmed down the shock in her heart, her eyes remaining on the name of the person who prayed to the goddess Mao on the golden inscription.

"This is the historical truth left behind by Queen Lily of Alabasta..."

The Red Sand Scorpion directly used the name of Lily, the king of Alabasta eight hundred years ago, to prove that the wild history here is true, and even took the initiative to say: "We also wasted a lot of time to find out This name is hidden in history. Perhaps this name has been erased by the world government, but the royal family of Alabasta should have traces of her existence..."


Sengoku and Lieutenant General He felt that they had been hit a bit hard.

If the history here is just that the ancestors of Im and the Tianlong people betrayed the goddess of Mao who created the world, sealed the goddess of Mao in Ravdru, and took the opportunity to seize world power, then the psychology of Sengoku and Lieutenant General He is not the same. unacceptable…

Winner takes all, loser for Kou.

This is the most important principle for how the world works.


No more goddess of Mao...

Sooner or later, the world will be flooded by a tsunami one day...

Sengoku knew more about things than others. He suddenly remembered some of the measures implemented by the World Government. Seven hundred years ago, the World Government began to order criminals from the East China Sea and civilians from non-franchised countries to work as hard labor to build the 'Tajira Wolf' Bridges connect large islands using bridges.


The World Government also foresaw the disappearance of the Great Line, and also foresaw that the magnetic field chaos in this sea would make it impossible for humans to safely set foot on the sea. However, they still wanted to connect large islands with the 'Tequila Wolf' bridge so that humans could rely on Bridges to communicate…

Other than that…

There are also advocates for building a sea train and so on...

The Celestial Dragons may have known for a long time that the world-ending disaster might come. Once the Windless Zone and the Red Earth Continent disappear, the magnetic field of the sea will completely fall into chaos. Neptune species will wander around the world, and the sea will completely become a forbidden area for humans. However, they still remain Can this be used to continue to maintain dominance!

Celestial Dragons…

Plans have long been made for human civilization to no longer be able to connect!

The Celestial Dragons have always been aloof, and have always regarded ordinary humans as inferior creatures, and can deprive them of their lives at any time, because most humans will definitely be killed and injured when the world-ending disaster comes, but the Celestial Dragons can still rely on the plans they arranged in advance. The first mover is still the aloof world noble and the ruler of this sea!


Cold sweat slowly dripped from Sengoku's forehead.

A bit…


What should I do?

Do you want to have a good chat with Wulaoxing?


The Five Old Stars will not pay attention to him.

Once the Five Old Stars know the secret here, for the sake of the stability of the Celestial Dragons and the World Government, all insiders will definitely be eliminated, even the Navy Marshal will not be an exception!

that time…

Nothing will change.

This sea will be as predicted by the golden inscription here. Most ordinary people perished in the world-destroying tsunami, but the Celestial Dragons were able to survive and continue to rule the world...

The original twenty kings…

He had already prepared for his descendants the chance to survive the catastrophic disaster.


What about ordinary people?

Most human countries may be directly destroyed, and countless humans will die in the tsunami. Everything in this sea will return to primitive society. Only the Tianlong people are still enjoying the blessings left to them by the twenty kings. …


There was a twist in Warring States' heart.

All along, the reason why the Warring States Period chose to maintain order was simply in the hope that this order would ensure that most people could survive in the order.


What the Celestial Dragons do will cause most people to perish...

Once one of the defenders of world order, Sengoku's brain was clearly telling himself that now he might also become a factor that disrupts world order.

"Can't sit back and watch this happen..."

Warring States narrowed his eyes and quickly thought of countermeasures: "We must find a way to make the Five Old Stars and the World Government make more changes in order to save the world..."

"Even more naive than our captain..."

The Red Sand Scorpion mocked Senju Hashirama, ignored the captain who wanted to argue, and asked slowly: "You are the marshal of the navy. Compared with the trouble of saving this world, you should find a way to clear up the knowledge. Or continue to suppress the world’s rebellious voices, which is the easiest thing for them, right?”

The Red Sand Scorpion calmly revealed the truth: "If the King of the World had the creation power of the Goddess of Mao, he would not have been secretly hiding in Mariejoia without daring to show his face, and the World Government would no longer have to care about any gaps. It’s a hundred years old, right?”


Warring States heart sank.

"Foolish and naive people need someone to guide them."

Red Sand Scorpion stopped discussing this issue with Warring States, and continued in a cold voice: "Now that you are our prisoner, it is best to do everything as we say..."


Warring States' eyes fell on the Red Sand Scorpion, unable to guess what the other party was thinking, and asked in a deep voice: "What do you want to do? It is not a good choice to cause chaos in the world at this time! If according to the records on the inscription, Humanity has always been in danger of destruction, and now only a strong world government can save the world from destruction!"


The Red Sand Scorpion stared at Sengoku and continued coldly: "We should all know that Your Excellency Sengoku can't figure out how to get the Celestial Dragons who rule the world government to do something that they think is thankless. Right?"

"First of all, it is impossible for them to release the goddess of Mao..."

The red sand scorpion raised his head casually and looked at the golden dome inside the palace: "Once the devil fruit ability user who inherited the will of the liberator Joyboy arrived at Rafdru and unlocked the goddess of Mao. Seal, after the Goddess Mao resurrects, there is a high probability that she will not let go of the humans who have sealed her, right?"

"The legendary god must still love the world..."

Warring States expressed his expectations for the gods.

If humans cannot save themselves, they can only entrust everything to gods.

If the goddess Mao is revived, a god with the power to create the world will also have the power to make the entire world follow a peaceful order.

Warring States silently thought in his heart that he might also find a way to inquire about Joyboy's intelligence information, and try to see if he could encourage a new generation of freedom fighters to go to Lavdru to unlock the seal of the Goddess of Mao...


This kind of thing is indeed very risky...

What if the goddess of Mao doesn't think about continuing to save the world, but instead thinks that humans are ungrateful and directly accelerates the pace of the world's destruction?

Without understanding the goddess of Mao, Warring States could only use this matter as a last resort. He dared to take a gamble when mankind was really facing a crisis!


The Tianlong people definitely don’t dare to gamble…

The world government has been erasing all traces of the existence of the Goddess of Mao...

it is a pity…

With the historical truth left behind by the King of Alabasta eight hundred years ago now revealed, and with the help of the Konoha Pirates, they will no longer be able to erase the traces of the goddess Uno. This sea is really I'm about to go berserk...


What can be done?

Even now I am just a prisoner of the Konoha Pirates.

Warring States was a little confused in his mind. He could only sigh and wanted to continue to use each other to make mistakes: "If you need me to call Wulaoxing, I can cooperate with you and even use the Navy Marshal. I am assisting you in assassinating the Tianlong people, but you must agree to three conditions, otherwise I would rather die here immediately!"

It's said to be cooperation...

In fact, it is just colluding with the other party, or even taking refuge in the other party!

It's just that the dignity of the Warring States Period is still at play. He can accept his own embarrassment, but he doesn't want the reputation of the Navy Marshal to be polluted. He wants to ensure the dignity of a Navy Marshal!

"you say."

The Red Sand Scorpion was very curious about the conditions proposed by Warring States Period.

Warring States looked at the Red Sand Scorpion in front of him and continued in a deep voice: "First, if you want me to cooperate with you, you must find a way to solve the crisis before the world-destroying disaster recorded in history breaks out. This is The most important condition for our cooperation!”


The Red Sand Scorpion doesn't care about this matter.


Warring States had a little understanding of people's hearts and said in a deep voice: "You must support me and the navy at the necessary moment to maintain the order of the world and prevent mankind from being completely destroyed by civil strife before the world-destroying disaster breaks out..."

"You are not extremely evil people..."

When Warring States said this, his voice suddenly became heavy, and he felt a little blocked in his heart: "The secrets of history here have exploded, and the people may face the crisis of annihilation, and the entire sea may be destroyed because of the destruction of the always stable order. Falling into darkness, there is no way I can stop you, but order must be reestablished. Only in this way can we avoid the people from falling into self-destruction before the annihilation disaster comes..."


The Red Sand Scorpion glanced at Warring States in surprise.

The Admiral's mind is not that stupid? Sure enough, the Great Buddha Fruit also gave him a very powerful and thorough thinking?

This old man from the Warring States Period...

You can actually understand human nature!

If a world-destroying disaster really breaks out, humanity may really collapse on its own. The Warring States Period even considered this!

"The second condition...we also agreed."

"Because we took this into consideration before releasing the secrets of history."

The Red Sand Scorpion spread out his palms and continued casually: "If you want to prevent mankind from collapsing before destruction comes, it is enough to let mankind see that there is hope for continued survival. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, Human beings will never give up on themselves, at least there is still hope for Rafdru, right?”


Sengoku sighed, and he could also guess what the Konoha Pirates were thinking: "Will there be another Pirate King like Goldo Roger arriving in Rafdru in this sea?"


Maybe One Piece…

It will also be the hope of this sea.

Only the Pirate King can reach Rafdru and have hope of unsealing the Goddess of Mao.


"The future Pirate King will become the hope of the people."

The Crimson Sand Scorpion stared into Warring States eyes and continued calmly: "If nothing unexpected happens, when all the secrets here are revealed, in order to maintain the rule of the Tianlong people, the Five Old Stars will definitely block the historical truth if they cannot. They use the supreme power of the world government to claim that the history here is false. The power allows them to interpret it at will, trying to cover up their sins..."

"This is also a way..."

Warring States frowned, but quickly shook his head, and continued to question in a deep voice: "However, a fake is just a fake after all, unless they create a real history that is convincing enough. It is a pity that the world government changes and erases it. Apart from history, we have lost the right to interpret history..."

"In comparison..."

"People may be more willing to believe in a new savior."

"Everyone in this world must wait for the truth, and wait for the sea to bring them hope, making them believe that there is still a possibility of survival before the disaster of annihilation comes..."

When Warring States said this, the topic changed and he suddenly raised the last issue of concern: "Third, I need to know the information about the goddess of Mao!"

"The Konoha Pirates have always been seeking to subvert the Celestial Dragons, and they have always been seeking historical secrets that are detrimental to the Celestial Dragons. The existence of the goddess Uno is a top priority..."

Warring States' eyes fell on the Red Sand Scorpion, and he continued softly: "You must have mastered the message of the Goddess Mao, right?"

This is the top priority of the Warring States Period!

Because the goddess of Mao sealed at the end of the great route may be the hope for mankind to avoid the disaster of annihilation in the future!

The Warring States Period needed to know more about the founder, lest his hard work in rescuing people would lead to a greater disaster...


The Crimson Sand Scorpion nodded and continued softly: "But do you want real information or false information?"

A little uncomfortable…

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