Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 378 One Piece crewmember Bucky the Clown personally confirmed that the contents of this hist


Crocodile was so angry that he vomited blood.

The King Shichibukai stood up, waved the golden poison hook in his hand and wanted to resist, but was kicked to the ground by his opponent Madara Uchiha!

"Be a little more well-behaved!"

Uchiha Madara stepped on Crocodile's body, lowered his head and looked down at the face with horizontal scars, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "You are more powerful than that, but you are no longer good at fighting..."

Uchiha Madara is a warlike person.

This man who has experienced countless battles can see through Crocodile's problems at a glance. Perhaps Crocodile has ravaged weak pirates too much, and he seems to have little chance to compete with powerful pirates, leading to Crocodile's behavior. When a guy is fighting, he will subconsciously think that his opponent is still weak.


Crocodile's eyes were a little gloomy, his yellow sand body was rapidly dehydrating, and he wanted to be able to use the power of the sand fruit again!


The people of the Konoha Pirates have very strict rules for how they handle things.

Uchiha Madara didn't seem to care much about Crocodile's intention to resist again. He actually raised his foot and let Crocodile go: "This guy is not very strong, I leave it to you!"


Among the Konoha Pirates, two figures quickly landed next to Crocodile, and the two figures directly held down Crocodile's body!

The two figures took out a scroll, which seemed to be able to store things. They took out a needle and several glass bottles from the scroll.

This scene gave Crocodile a chill in his heart!

"What do you want to do!"

Crocodile watched angrily as the other party inserted the needle into his body and tried to find a way to extract bottles of blood from his body!

These bastards...

They were actually taking his blood!

Mr1 Daz Bonis has experienced all this a long time ago. He couldn't help but tremble when he saw this scene, because he knew that the two people drawing blood were both scientific experiment madmen...

"Huh, do you also need to collect boring power?"

Uchiha Madara sneered and looked at the two scientists, Senju Tobirama and Orochimaru, with disdain as they drew Crocodile's blood. He did not look down upon their attempts to study natural abilities through experiments.

"Don't be too harsh on Crocodile..."

The Red Sand Scorpion seemed to find that Orochimaru and Senju Tobi had drawn too much blood, and said softly: "After all, Crocodile can open this golden underground palace and discover the secrets hidden in it, which can be regarded as a contribution to overthrowing the Tianlong people in the future. people…"

After saying that, the Red Sand Scorpion walked towards the golden inscription step by step, as if he wanted to see the secrets hidden in this world. Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama also stood beside him.

have to say.

This inscription is quite interesting.

At least the cyclical evolution and degradation between sky people, land people and fish people in this inscription is quite curious.


They saw a familiar name on the inscription.

"The goddess of Mao has arrived..."

Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama frowned at the same time.

At this moment, both of them seemed to recall some not-so-good memories. They both knew that starting from this sentence, everything that followed must be nonsense.


This inscription is really very readable...

Uchiha Madara even felt that the history in this inscription was a bit true.

This thought came to Uchiha Madara's mind, and the corners of his eyes twitched for an instant, and he immediately pushed this thought out of his mind!


forget about it…

Don’t think about it any more…

No matter how true this history seems to must be fake...

Only the name in this inscription must be true, the rest must be made up by that guy Akihara Kagura. That guy Akihara Kagura has always been good at forging history...


Everyone in this world has been deceived.

The Scorpion of Red Sand and Madara Uchiha simultaneously looked at Nico Robin, who was lying in front of the golden inscription and was almost in a state of mental collapse. They had been hiding nearby, as if this woman was some kind of archaeologist studying ancient times?

Akihara Kagura…

It’s really all bad things...

They actually deceived real archaeologists with false history.

"If you don't know if the content above is true or false..."

The Red Sand Scorpion knelt down and looked at Nico Robin, who was a little collapsed and confused: "Go to the end point recorded above...Raff Drew and take a look, won't you know?"

When the Red Sand Scorpion mentioned the name [Ravdru], he seemed to emphasize it with emphasis, which made Nicole Robin's face suddenly change after hearing all this!

"I remembered!"

A flash of light suddenly appeared in Nico Robin's pupils. She seemed to have thought of something and wanted to reveal all of this in a hurry!


There is a flaw in this!

The final island had no name at first!

No one has ever arrived at the final island of the Grand Line. The Pirate King Goldo Roger arrived at the final island and named the island Lafdru. The name of that island has never appeared in historical documents. But in the past twenty years, it has gradually become known to the world!


Nicole Robin was still a little hesitant...

Because the name of the island may have been erased by the World Government in eight hundred years, and it may not be that Goldo Roger brought the name of the island back to the world...

As Crocodile said, the world government has eight hundred years to erase and modify history. Whether it is history eight hundred years ago or history nine hundred years ago, the world government has a lot of time to erase it. and modified…

As an archaeologist, Nicole Robin must find tangible evidence instead of relying on her own conjectures...


This guy talks so easily...

If you want to know the truth, go to the final island of Rafdrulu. However, over the years, only the pirate group of One Piece Goldo Roger has reached the end...

Just when Nicole Robin sighed in her heart that she might not be able to reach Rafdru in her life, a wild and sharp voice appeared in this golden underground palace. It was recognized in the world that she had reached the sea of ​​Rafdru. The thief appears!

"Golden Palace!"

"Hahahaha, we found it!"

"Everything in this golden palace still belongs to Uncle Bucky!"

Bucky the Clown, with a group of his subordinates, and with the support of Mr.3 Gal Dino, found this golden palace floating in the desert!


Bucky the Clown has arrived.

This golden palace is very conspicuous after it emerges from the desert.

Bucky the Clown is no ambiguity either. This pirate who looks a little funny has a perseverance and determination that ordinary people can’t match when searching for treasures. No matter how big the storms and sand disasters appear in the desert, no matter how many difficulties there are, he can’t stop him from coming here!


Bucky the Clown gets a big reward!

The pirate group that rescued him from the navy did not deceive him. There was actually a golden underground palace left by the King of Alabasta eight hundred years ago in this desert!

"Bucky the Clown!"

Crocodile's eyes suddenly showed a sharp edge!

Although he didn’t know why Bucky the Clown would appear here, he was convinced that Bucky the Clown’s appearance would change the situation. This pirate with 730 million Baileys was said to be a waste. This guy who appeared might change his attitude towards him. Unfavorable situation?

Crocodile squinted his eyes and looked at the group of pirates who swaggered in. He looked at the clown wearing a pirate hat and a red nose...


Crocodile was finally disappointed.

"Finally found it. Someone actually dared to find this place before Uncle Bucky..."

When Bucky the Clown came in with his men, he saw someone in this golden underground palace, and he was already planning a good fight!

When you become a pirate, you just want to steal treasures!

For the sake of this golden underground palace, you will definitely have to fight with the people inside who can take the lead. The value of this golden underground palace is worth fighting for!


Clown Bucky slowly walked into the depths of the palace, and saw that the people who entered first were people he knew from the Konoha Pirates.

"Why are you... why are you here too?"

Bucky the Clown's eyes widened involuntarily, and the smile on his face suddenly stiffened.


Do you want to compete with the Konoha Pirates for treasure?

Bucky the Clown loves finding treasures.

It just so happens that the entire underground palace is made of gold. You can imagine the precious value it contains. This is a treasure that many great pirates may not be able to keep...


But myself...

How can you snatch the treasure from your savior...


Bucky the Clown looked at the entire glittering golden palace. He gritted his teeth tightly, but his whole body collapsed quickly, and he was about to lead his men away from here.

"Little ones...let's go..."

"Captain Bucky!"

A group of pirates looked at their captain in astonishment.

Even if the other party is their savior, we are all pirates. Facing a palace made of gold, do we still need to talk about morality at this time?

Even one of the pirates was a little anxious and said hurriedly: "Captain Bucky, we found this place with great difficulty. How could we just..."

"Shut up!"

Bucky the Clown cursed his subordinates angrily, as if he wanted to use this incident to curse his subordinates and vent his frustration!

"You bastard!"

"I'm Bucky!"

"How dare you question my order, you bastard!"

Bucky the Clown slapped his subordinate on the head and cursed angrily: "The other party is the benefactor who saved us from the navy, and even took the initiative to tell us about the treasure here. How dare you think of coming out and fighting with them?" Stealing gold!"

Once he meets someone he recognizes, Clown Bucky's mentality will become completely different. It just so happens that the Konoha Pirates rescued him and shared the treasure trove...

Bucky the Clown has good intentions towards the Konoha Pirates. Even if he is unhappy about the gold being taken away by the Konoha Pirates, he will immediately and subconsciously accept this happening.

A mere golden underground palace…

Just look for other treasures by yourself. Sooner or later, if you dig out all the treasures buried in the entire sea, you will definitely be able to surpass the golden underground palace in front of you!

"Yes...I'm sorry..."

The pirate quickly bowed his head and apologized to his captain.

"never mind…"

Bucky the Clown's body also stooped. He didn't want to accept the blow of reality but had to accept the reality in front of him: "They have discovered this place first, so congratulations to them for finding the King of Alabasta first." Gold, the gold here is left to our savior, and we will look for other treasures in the sea..."

"Captain Bucky!"

A group of pirates looked at their captain and cried in emotion.

Even Mr. 3 Gal Dino was changed by Bucky the Clown's behavior. He saw Bucky the Clown's obsession with treasures along the way. He didn't expect that the other party was so loyal!

"Captain Bucky."

Red Sand Scorpion took the initiative to stop the other party and explained calmly: "What we want is this golden monument. We have too few people and we can't take away other gold. You can take the other gold from this golden palace." Walk…"


The figure of Bucky the Clown rushed over quickly, his tongue stretched out, saliva flowing from the corner of his mouth, and tears of emotion even appeared in his eyes: "Are you really going to share the gold here with us? ?This is worth a lot of money..."


The Red Sand Scorpion did not laugh at Bucky's image at all, but his voice was still mechanical and calm, and he praised softly: "The hero who killed the Celestial Dragon deserves to own the entire golden palace."

"Hahahaha...Actually, I didn't do anything big..."

Bucky the Clown scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, but he accepted the compliments given to him by the Scarlet Sand Scorpion without any shame. On the spot, he took responsibility for the assassination of the Celestial Dragon that he had always wanted to shirk. On the body.

"You came just in time."

The Red Sand Scorpion's eyes fell on the golden inscription beside him, and asked softly: "The whole sea knows that Captain Bucky was once a member of the Roger Pirates, and followed the Pirate King Goldo Roger to the Grand Line. The destination of Lafdru was once a great pirate who conquered the entire Grand Route..."


Bucky the Clown laughed awkwardly loudly.

This kind of thing…

How can he justify such a thing!

At this time, I have to say that I actually never reached the end of the Great Line, but got sick and got off the ship early when I reached the end...


The other party is praising him for conquering the Grand Route...

Bucky the Clown could only laugh in embarrassment. He felt that telling the truth that he had not arrived at Lovedrew at this time would make his face fall to the ground!


How can I say this without losing face?

"Hahahaha... you also know about this... hahahaha..."

Bucky the Clown was still smiling arrogantly and awkwardly on his face, but in his heart there was a fearful devil trembling, fearing that he would be abandoned and despised by everyone after the truth that he did not board the Grand Route's destination, Raff Drew, was revealed!


"We have a problem..."

The Red Sand Scorpion pointed to the golden inscription in front of him and introduced the content of the golden inscription: "This is the golden inscription left by Queen Neferutali D. Lily of Alabasta who founded the world government eight hundred years ago. It records the history of a hundred years of blankness and the truth about Ravdru, the island of the end..."


Bucky the Clown looked pretending.

Don’t ask me…don’t ask me…

While Bucky the Clown was looking at this golden inscription and thinking about how much gold this tall golden monument contained, he silently muttered in his heart: "Don't ask me... definitely don't ask me... don't ask me about Rafdru. …”

"Captain Bucky."

"You once arrived in Ravdru..."

The Scorpion of Red Sand first defines the identity of Bucky the Clown in one sentence, and then emphasizes the important identity of the person who left the golden inscription: "The seal about Ravdru left by the King of Alabasta eight hundred years ago. Is the thing about the Goddess of Mao true?"


Bucky the Clown's heart suddenly beat a little fast.


How do you know such a thing?

Bucky the Clown felt helpless and furious, hating his sick self for putting himself in such an embarrassing situation at this moment...

If once exposed...


Why was it exposed?

Bucky the Clown's mind came alive quickly. He has always had an extraordinary talent for how to save his own face!

This golden monument... looks very valuable...


This golden monument was left by the King of Alabasta eight hundred years ago. He was one of the twenty kings. He must know what is hidden in Ravdru!

What is said on this golden monument must be true!

As long as you disguise yourself well, no one will find out that you are lying!

Bucky the Clown pretended to look at the golden inscription in front of him, not knowing that his actions at this moment symbolized the authority of a One Piece crew member, and the personal testimony of a person who had arrived at Rafdru...

While looking at the golden inscription, Bucky the Clown tried his best to suppress the shock in his heart when he saw the content recorded on the golden inscription. He was afraid that someone would discover that he, a crew member of the Roger Pirates, had never been to Ralph Drew at all. secret…


"The recorded content is very detailed..."

"But this golden monument should not is indeed not as huge as the golden monument of Rafdru that records history...The golden tablet of Rafdru is taller than this..."

Bucky the clown pretended to be calm and nodded and made up random things, thinking constantly in his mind whether his answer was wrong. However, when he saw the inscription, it was recorded that Raff Drew sealed a goddess of Mao instead of a treasure. At this time, the loss in his eyes still flashed...

"Rav Drew..."

"There is indeed a goddess of Mao sealed..."

Bucky the Clown tried his best to think about all the women he had seen. His fingers pinched his chin tightly, trying to express through the women he had seen that he had really seen that one. The goddess sealed in Ravdru!



I can't stand it anymore...

In order to maintain my glorious image, I have to continue to make it up...

Clown Bucky felt that he had never had a moment when his thoughts were so divergent in order to save his face. At this moment, he seemed to be possessed by a spiritual light, and he actually thought of Shiro, whom he had seen on the ship of the Konoha Pirates. Send a woman!


The woman with long white hair...

More in the image of a god than any woman Bucky himself had ever seen!

There's nothing we can do about it...

Bucky the Clown has never seen a god and doesn’t know what a god should look like...

"That goddess of Mao..."

"There is long white hair on the head..."

Bucky the Clown took a deep breath and continued to make up his lies. He even stretched out his arms in an exaggerated manner: "Obviously she has lived for more than a thousand years, but she doesn't look like a woman at all." The old man looks cold and emotionless..."

Clown Bucky looked at the Konoha Pirates and seemed indifferent. He could only hold his fists and decided to sacrifice the idiot he hated most in the past: "When idiot Shanks saw her, he was immediately frightened by her glance. Don’t dare to move anymore…”

"Stop talking nonsense!"

An immature young man wearing a straw hat stood at the door of the Golden Palace. He pressed his straw hat with his palm. His body was just a black shadow under the sunlight. He just spoke in a cold voice, interrupting Bucky the Clown's performance. : "Shanks is so powerful that he won't be scared by others!"

Even if no one can see clearly the appearance of the person coming, they still know who is standing at the door of the palace.

Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Monkey D. Luffy!

This sixteen-year-old new pirate made his declaration to everyone who was watching Rafdru: "Bucky, don't tell your story casually, I won't believe what you say. With these, I will go to the end of the Grand Line, Raff Drew, to see the truth of this world!”

"I will become the Pirate King!"

One link linked to another ~ linked to each other ~

Bucky said...

Most people would believe it, right?

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