Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 371: Will Kizaru, who is just trying to be an actor, have to be acted one day?

Above the sea.

While the pirates were in action, the navy had no time to relax.

A warship set off from the Drum Kingdom, carrying General Aokiji, Colonel Smoker and Second Lieutenant Akihara Kagura, and headed straight towards Alabasta;

A warship also set out from Marine Headquarters, Navy Headquarters, carrying Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku and Navy Staff Lieutenant General He, carrying the eternal record pointer to Alabasta, heading towards the desert kingdom.

Admiral Kizaru, who has been sitting at the Navy Headquarters, did not choose to take a warship. Instead, he used the speed of the Shining Fruit ability user to fly over. He had to get to Alabasta first, or at least delay the opponent first.

As for the last Admiral Akainu of the Navy Headquarters...

The general is still on his way from the G1 branch of the New World to Marineland. When the navy marshal leaves Marineland, General Akainu will sit in Marineland instead of the marshal.

There's nothing we can do about it...

After all, the matter happened so urgently...

If we keep waiting for Akainu, the navy may really be unable to catch up with the hot ones. Basically, the big event is over, and Akainu may still be on his way back to Marinefando...

Wulaoxing urged him more anxiously.

The Warring States Period could only choose this tactic of moving troops.

In this case, the two naval admirals Aokiji and Kizaru must be the first to arrive. Their two admirals are enough to hold back the Konoha Pirates;

Even if they fight against the Yonko Pirates, the two admirals may not be able to defeat them, but at least they can stop each other's conspiracy...

As long as the two generals hold them back, when the naval marshal of Sengoku arrives, he will be able to compete with the Konoha Pirates!


still have a question…

There is too little information about the Konoha Pirates.

In order to prevent the situation from getting out of control when he arrived, when Navy Marshal Sengoku boarded the warship, he urgently ordered Lieutenant General Garp, who was patrolling the East China Sea, to immediately return to Alabasta, claiming that a major event that would change the world was about to occur.

"Hahahahaha, isn't that great?"

Garp was still at the 153rd branch base in the East China Sea and ignored the orders of the Warring States Period. He recruited two handymen at the 153rd base and planned to take them back to the headquarters for training.

"Garp, don't be ridiculous!"

Sengoku scolded his friend coldly and reminded him: "Alabasta now is like a powder keg that may explode at any time... The Konoha Pirates want to subvert the world, and Konoha has already rushed there. I want to light the gunpowder!"


Garp munched on donuts and didn't care at all about Sengoku, who was extremely nervous on the phone. He even thought that this kind of thing was not a big problem: "Didn't you already rush back with Kuzan and Porusalino? ?"

"This amount of combat power..."

When Garp said this, he could clearly feel how many people could be suppressed by the combat power of this group of navy executives: "That old guy with white beard can't get any benefits, right?"

"The information is still lacking..."

Warring States' voice suddenly became cold. He knew very well how troublesome the opponent was. He continued in a cold voice: "What we have to do is not to compete with our opponents, but to at least suppress them. You'd better rush over there..."

"You've had enough."

Garp was still biting the donut stubbornly.

"If you insist on thinking so..."

Sengoku's image on the phone immediately calmed down, and he mentioned another matter calmly: "It is said that a pirate named Monkey D. Luffy is also rushing to Alabasta, and I am an old man. It’s enough to catch that little pirate…”


The sound of Garp chewing the donuts stopped, he swallowed the donuts in one gulp, and returned to the previous topic smoothly: "Speaking of which, that guy who has never shown his face is really like what you said. Is it that much trouble?"

"It's trickier than I probably let on..."

Sengoku's voice became calmer and he began to talk to himself, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him: "I heard that Potcas D. Ace, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' second division, may also be in Alabasta. If we can't stop the Konoha Pirates and catch a Fire Fist Ace, I can go and deal with the Five Old Stars..."

"I'll rush there right away..."

Garp felt an unusual headache when he heard it. He sighed and said: "You are the marshal of the navy. You will take young people like Kuzan and Porusalino to solve the troublesome guys. I, an old guy, will go and get Ace." Give those two bastards Luffy a lesson..."

"You'd better go faster..."

Warring States knew his old friend very well. He was a naval marshal who had an overall view and would not argue with his old friend over trivial matters at such a critical moment.

"If it comes too late..."

Sengoku had to remind his old friend, hoping that he would understand the seriousness of the matter: "Either help my two old friends, Crane and I, collect the bodies! Or go to Impel Down to look after Straw Hat Luffy and Fire Fist Ace." thief!"

"Turn around, return to the Grand Line, and rush to Alabasta immediately!"

Garp hurriedly ordered his dog-headed warship to return to the Grand Line. He didn't even rush back to his hometown, and immediately rushed to Alabasta through the windless zone.

After Garp finished the order, a smile appeared on his face again: "Hey, Sengoku, speaking of which, the three of us haven't fought together for a long time, right?"


Warring States snorted dissatisfiedly, and his attitude towards his old friend was revealed: "Don't get close to me at this time, don't forget that we are the navy!"

"You bastard, you must always remember your identity. You are a navy veteran, a veteran who joined the navy to eliminate pirates!"


There was a hint of complexity on Garp's face. He reached out and hung up the phone in his hand. He slowly closed his eyes and lay down on his chair to take a nap.

this moment.

Garp seemed to have gone back in time.

Fire Fist Ace and Straw Hat Luffy are both his grandsons.

However, everyone in the world is busy, some people are dead, and some people are working hard to change the world. Only he, a navy veteran, is still free.

However, as a veteran of the Navy, he also had to perform military duties most of the time, so he could only entrust the two little guys, Fire Fist Ace and Straw Hat Luffy, to Dadan, a bandit in his hometown, to raise them. Speaking of which, his grandfather seemed not to do much for the two little guys. What have you done, not even as much as the wife of the tavern owner in your hometown who takes care of your children...


"Why do you want to become a pirate..."

Garp stretched out his hand to support his eyes. He seemed to be in some pain and depression. His voice became a little older: "This world is indeed so depressed that life is worse than death. I don't know when it will end, but the pirates are raging." At that time, most people didn’t even have any hope of survival..."

the other side.

On the warship of Lieutenant General He.

Warring States looked angrily at the phone bug who was resting peacefully. He didn't expect that bastard Garp would dare to hang up on him when he asked for help!

"This bastard..."


Lieutenant General He comforted Warring States and said softly: "Now, that guy must be feeling very uncomfortable. Don't you still have to report to Wulaoxing?"


Sengoku fell silent, with a hint of dissatisfaction and doubt in his eyes: "I originally thought they would be wary of the Konoha Pirates who might want to subvert the world..."

Maybe Wulaoxing really cares about something...

However, they did not tell him about the navy marshal. They just asked him to deal with the Konoha Pirates and bring back Bucky the Clown.

Anyone suspected of killing the Draco must be executed. Even if Bucky the Clown is just a scapegoat, he must be caught and killed!

"never mind."

Warring States shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Now we must keep the news of our trip to Alabasta secret to avoid any unusual changes in the new world..."

"However, they also gave me the power. After we arrive in Alabasta, if necessary, we can recruit King Shichibukai Crocodile to join the battle."

So many candidates for the war...

Wulao Xing did not accept it, and it seemed that nothing would go wrong.

In fact.

Wulaoxing actually thought about taking over the initiative.

However, the Warring States Period directly requested the dispatch of two admirals of the Navy Headquarters, and even added him as the Navy Marshal to take action together. He also asked Lieutenant General Garp to act together. By the way, he secretly recruited King Shichibukai Crocodile after arriving.

The original intention of the Five Old Stars was that one admiral could not defeat the opponent, and simply dispatching three admirals would be able to defeat the opponent in a crushing manner. However, the Warring States Period actually went further than they thought...

The Admiral was too cautious.

Two generals, a marshal, a naval hero vice-admiral, a naval staff lieutenant-general, a king of the Shichibukai, and even the addition of Smoker is a natural fruit ability user.

A lineup of this level is almost equivalent to a top-notch combat force. The pirates in the New World may even laugh at the fuss made by the Warring States Period!

If this kind of lineup is brought out, even the most powerful Whitebeard Pirates can fight. Even if Gol D. Roger is resurrected, he can only run away when he sees this kind of lineup of the Navy. , not to mention just a new pirate group...

If so...

As the top power holder in the world, the Five Old Stars, there is no need to set foot in the lowly human living area for such a thing. There is only the possibility that there is information about Pluto in Alabasta. This matter is just left to the CP9 agent who has been responsible for searching for Pluto. Department is enough.

On Smoker's warship.

The warship is almost arriving in Alabasta.

Aokiji has received the news sent to him by Sengoku. Admiral Kizaru will land in Alabasta first. Aokiji will be responsible for cooperating with Kizaru to hold back the Konoha Pirates and wait for the three veteran navy commanders Sengoku, Tsuru and Garp. Landing in Alabasta.

News that even Qing Pheasant knows...

Akihara Kagura naturally knew.

"Almost the highest combat power of the navy was mobilized..."

Aoki looked at Akihara Kagura, recalling his embarrassment when he was defeated, squinting his eyes and asked: "For other pirate groups, it may be called a catastrophe; but to deal with that pirate group If so, what will be the result?"

"In terms of results, I may be the final winner..."

Akihara Kagura raised her head with a smile and looked at the white clouds floating in the sky: "The navy failed, the government recruited troops, and I happened to get the natural thunder fruit when the navy's confidence dropped most seriously, so I will definitely be trained by the navy. ?”

"Are you so confident in them?"

Aokiji seemed to be thinking about the possible outcome.

"They are just confident. The Navy may be a little arrogant."

Akihara Kagura shook her head and sighed: "Weakness and ignorance are never reasons for failure, arrogance is..."

"For anyone, the Navy's actions this time are indeed quite terrifying; but for us, the Navy's actions..."

"No, in other words, it is an action organized by the World Government. It will inevitably appear to be a bit too much for the Konoha Pirates..."

"Has General Qing Pheasant himself forgotten..."

Akihara Kagura pointed out one thing to Aokiji and said casually: "The Konoha Pirates are not them, but us. General Aokiji, you are also one of us..."


Qing Zhi subconsciously really didn't want to remember this kind of thing.

"From a time perspective..."

"General Aokiji and General Kizaru are the first echelon to delay the actions of the Konoha Pirates. You are responsible for delaying until the arrival of the three veterans..."

"What both of us should know is..."

"The main force behind this protracted battle is General Kizaru..."

"That is to say..."

"Before the reinforcements such as the Marine Marshal and Vice Admiral Garp arrived, the only target for all of us was General Kizaru. Now he is the only one fighting..."

"How about it?"

Akihara Kagura stared at Aokiji with complicated eyes, and asked slowly: "General Aokiji, do you want General Kizaru to experience the experience of his colleagues who refuse to use their full strength in battle?"


The corners of Qing Pheasant's eyes suddenly twitched.

Is Kizaru, the guy who always looks like an actor, going to be cast?

That colleague who always pursues ‘ambiguous justice’, as if he never needs to perform any task and will never give his full strength...

This time I was finally able to experience it for myself. How did other people feel about his unwillingness to use his full strength in battle?


This kind of thing seems quite touching!

Although Kizaru may face trouble in the mission he wants to delay, once Kizaru finds out that he is defeated and wants to escape directly, it is absolutely impossible for the Konoha Pirates to stop the speed of the Shining Fruit ability user, and it is impossible for Kizaru to fall into What danger…

"If you say so..."

Aokiji's eyebrows were raised, and the laziness reappeared on his face: "Then let Porusalino also feel how it feels in the hearts of his colleagues who are working hard when he refuses to work seriously. …Although I’m similar to him, I haven’t focused on my work for a long time…”

Make up for it!

The participants in the Alabasta incident have been identified. By this time, Blackbeard has escaped, right?

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