Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 337 Kagura’s purpose has always been Kaguya!

Six Paths Immortal.

Why does Akihara Kagura mention the ancient people at this time?

Uchiha Sasuke's consciousness was already in the dying stage, and his brain was gradually unable to think, but he was still a little angry that he was killed from behind by Uchiha Itachi!

Not to say…

Has Uchiha Itachi already relied on Uchiha Shisui's other god's Mangekyō Sharingan to get rid of the control of the Earth Reincarnation?

Not to say…

Did Itachi Uchiha exterminate the clan to save his younger brother?

What exactly is going on?

Along with confusion and confusion, Uchiha Sasuke felt that his consciousness was constantly falling until he completely fell into the abyss. He heard a strange dripping sound in his ears.



Tick ​​tock…tick tock…

The crisp sound of dripping water is somewhat pleasant to the ear.

In a space shaped like a water prison.

When Uchiha Sasuke's consciousness appeared here, he found himself lying in a pool of water and stretched out his palm, wanting to feel the temperature of the water.

"Is this...the world after death?"

"It seems that your era's ethical views on death are different from mine. We don't think this is death..."

An old voice interrupted Uchiha Sasuke's words and seriously advised him: "Don't just say that you are dead...newcomer..."


When Uchiha Sasuke heard that there were other people in this space, he subconsciously turned over and jumped up, staring at an old man who appeared in front of him!

The old man sat with his body stretched out, a circle of pitch-black balls surrounding his body, as if holding up his body, and he was covered with a robe.

"Who are you!"

Uchiha Sasuke's eyes were full of vigilance!

This old man…

Why does it appear here?

Moreover, isn’t he already dead?

The pain of Uchiha Itachi stabbing his body from behind is still fresh in his memory. At that time, Uchiha Sasuke could clearly feel the loss of his life!

"Who are you…"

Uchiha Sasuke thought of a possibility, and remembered Akihara Kagura's whisper before he died, and a touch of fear suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Six Paths Sage... Otsutsuki Hagoromo?"

to be honest.

This is all thanks to the popularization of Akihara Kagura history.

It is precisely because Akihara Kagura used the history of the three major ninja clans to let the world gradually know the real name of the Six Paths Sage and the past story of this sage.


There are some conflicts in these stories.

Some people think that Rokudo Sage is a demon who once destroyed the world. Some people think that Rokudo Sage is a god who created the world. Some people think that Rokudo Sage is a conspirator who will do whatever it takes to rule the world. Some people think that Rokudo Sage is the founder of the Ninja Sect's peaceful era thousands of years ago. .

However, no matter how the world views the Sage of Six Paths, this god from a thousand years ago has finally become famous in the ninja world again, letting the world know the legend from a thousand years ago.

"You actually know my real name..."

The old man's body slowly turned around, revealing his true appearance, and he slowly opened his eyes, which were a pair of immortal eyes known to the world.

Samsara Eye.

This old man is the Immortal of Six Paths.

The Immortal of Six Paths does not look like a normal person. He looks like some alien human beings. He has a pair of small sharp horns growing on his head, a red mark on his forehead, a pair of reincarnation eyes, and a beard growing from his forehead. The chin is very long, and there are six black magatama pendants hanging on the robe, which makes him look quite majestic.

This image…

Indeed, he is not a mortal.

"It is indeed the Immortal of Six Paths!"

Uchiha Sasuke was horrified. At this moment, he figured out why his brother Uchiha Itachi stabbed him in the back!

that is because…

Akihara Kagura guessed that she would meet the Sage of Six Paths!

All this is Akihara Kagura's conspiracy. He knew that he would see the Sage of Six Paths after his death, so he asked himself and the Sage of Six Paths to say a word before he died!

"None of this was beyond that guy's expectations..."

Uchiha Sasuke's palms trembled and clenched into fists. He looked at the old man in front of him and had to believe the truth: "After I died, I really saw the Sage of Six Paths..."

"Newcomer, you are not dead yet..."

The Sage of Six Paths looked at Uchiha Sasuke, frowned slightly, and seemed a little surprised: "How do you know that you will definitely see me?"

"I have no idea."

Uchiha Sasuke took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "But...that guy Akihara Kagura knew, so he used a conspiracy to assassinate me and let me see you at this moment...Why did I appear after death?" See you here? Are you here to take me to the underworld?"


"It's a long story."

The Immortal of Six Paths slowly shook his head and told the story of the past: "Because you have Indra's chakra in your body. Maybe you don't know this name..."

"No, I know!"

Uchiha Sasuke interrupted the Sage of Six Paths. There was a look of shock on his face, and then he slowly calmed down, remembering the various information circulated in the ninja world during this period.


Uchiha Sasuke had expected this.

Because according to the records of the Hyuga clan, only the mysterious and powerful chakra passed down from generation to generation within the Uchiha clan can open the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan...

Uchiha Madara is one of them…

The elder brother of Akihara Kagura's ancestor is one of them...

Being able to open the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan himself is one of them.


Is this also the reason why Akihara Kagura thinks that she can see the Sage of Six Paths?

Uchiha Sasuke narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice: "Indra, he is your eldest son and the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, right?"


The Sage of Six Paths nodded slightly and continued: "It seems that the ninja world still records the history of thousands of years ago. You still remember Indra's name..."

"Asura is your second son..."

Uchiha Sasuke continued to talk about the information he knew, and continued: "Asura's chakra should be spread among his descendants, the Senju clan, right?"

"Do you know this too..."

The Six Paths Sage nodded slowly and said softly: "Yes, but Asura's chakra is not only within the Senju clan, but his chakra also appears in another descendant in this life, and that descendant is named Uzumaki... "


Uchiha Sasuke said the name that Sage of Six Paths wanted to say, and his expression suddenly became dangerous: "Naruto Uzumaki... why aren't you here?"

"He's in another space of consciousness."

The Immortal of Six Paths raised his palm and took the initiative to say: "If you want to see him, I can bridge the two spaces together..."

Another space of consciousness.

Comparing the exchanges between Uchiha Sasuke and Six Paths Sage...

The exchange between Uzumaki Naruto and Six Paths Sage was obviously joyful.

Uzumaki Naruto tilted his head and looked at the Sage of Six Paths in front of him: "Hey, Sage of Six Paths, is Kaguya Otsutsuki your little daughter or your mother?"


The Six Paths Sage's consciousness went blank for a moment.


Why is Kaguya his daughter?

How come the history of the ninja world has become so popular?

" my mother."

The Sage of Six Paths made it clear about his relationship with Kaguya.

Uzumaki Naruto stretched out his palm and gestured back and forth: "Then, that Black Zetsu, that pitch-black thing, is it your dark will? It's the dark thing that wants to resurrect the Ten-Tails. It Saying that he is Kaguya’s will..."


The Immortal of Six Paths frowned immediately and said in a deep voice: "Hei Jue... It should be the will left by my mother... Why do some people think it is my will?"

"There is a record that mentions..."

Uzumaki Naruto returned to Konoha when Uchiha Madara and Akihara Kagura fought for the first time, and even read the content on the bark of the tree there: "It says that Black Zetsu is your dark will, and there is something in your heart. Darkness or something, wanting to rule the world or something..."

When Uzumaki Naruto said this, he even looked at the appearance of the Six Paths Sage: "He doesn't look like that kind of person at all!"

"Because I'm not..."

Immortal Six Paths' forehead jumped, and he retorted in a deep voice: "The historical records of your era seem to be a little too outrageous..."

"There is another kind..."

Uzumaki Naruto immediately mentioned another record of the Hyuga clan. He heard the whole process when Hyuga Hinata was telling the history: "You also have a younger brother who is the ancestor of the Hyuga clan..."


Immortal Six Paths thought of his younger brother, and nodded with a slight smile: "I do have a younger brother, and he inherited his mother's white eyes..."


Uzumaki Naruto had a thoughtful look on his face, as if hesitant: "It doesn't look like a terrible murderer who will kill everyone in the ninja world..."


The Immortal of Six Paths' forehead jumped again.

What's going on with the historical record of this ninja world?

Why is it that the relationship between their family is not recorded incorrectly, or what he has done is incorrectly recorded? He obviously wants to make the world a better place!

Why does this chakra reincarnation of Asura always mention these unreliable histories? The reincarnation of Indra Chakra on the other side is not very reliable either...


Uchiha Sasuke is also referring to these histories.

"It is recorded in the historical records of the Hyuga clan..."

Uchiha Sasuke talked about the historical records of the Hyuga clan: "In order to overthrow Kaguya's rule and seize the power to rule the world, you and your brother Otsutsuki Hamura colluded with the immortals of Mt. Myoboku and jointly sealed Kaguya... "

"In order to rule the world alone, he defeated his younger brother Hamura Otsutsuki, and also killed all those who knew about the original quarrel between mother and son and the killing of brothers..."

"I...have never done this before."

A black line broke out on the forehead of the Sage of Six Paths. His expression management ability was good, and it had not broken down until this moment. He just felt in his heart that the history of the ninja world had been broken...


The Sage of Six Paths listened to the history mentioned by Uchiha Sasuke, and his expression gradually became serious: "The result is the same, but the process and the original intention are different..."

"Many people did die in that war. That was because the battle between my mother and I was so shocking that the whole world was devastated..."

"The reason why I joined forces with Hamura to seal my mother is because my mother used the sacred tree to seize the natural energy of the ninja world, and also because my mother asked humans to sacrifice their lives to the sacred tree..."


Uchiha Sasuke remains skeptical about the Six Paths Sage.

Nothing else.

Because I have been lied to too much.

Uchiha Sasuke couldn't believe what Sage of Six Paths said.

Who knows whether the Sage of Six Paths is also a conspirator with Akihara Kagura? In these historical records from ancient times, the Immortal of Six Paths has never been a good person!

"The look in your eyes is very rude...newcomer..."

The Sage of Six Paths looked at Uchiha Sasuke's eyes and said slightly dissatisfied: "The historical records of your era are a bit too outrageous..."

"It seems..."

"I'm going to tell you the real history..."

The Six Paths Sage sighed and had to tell Uchiha Sasuke the history of this ninja world thousands of years ago: "About a thousand years ago, a tall sacred tree appeared on the planet and became this Planet’s…”

"I've heard enough of these stories..."

Uchiha Sasuke was not interested in these stories and summed it up directly: "The result is always that Kaguya is sealed and you become the actual ruler of this world..."


The Immortal of Six Paths was choked to the point of being speechless.

The god from a thousand years ago couldn't help but fell silent. After a long time, he suddenly laughed a few times: "It seems that Indra's chakra is still the same as before!"

In comparison…

Asura's chakra reincarnation is more obedient.

Because Uzumaki Naruto obediently listened to the story of the past told by the Sage of Six Paths, the coming of Kaguya and what she did, the past when the Sage of Six Paths sealed Kaguya, and the endless fight between his two sons. Thousands of years of history…

Uzumaki Naruto nodded obediently. When he heard some doubts, he immediately looked enlightened. After all, what the Sage of Six Paths told was the real history, which was more interesting than the tree bark of the Senju clan and the wooden sticks of the Hyuga clan. Uzumaki Naruto is convinced...

after all…

Chakra cannot be faked.

The remaining chakra of the Sage of Six Paths doesn't seem like a bad guy.

"In short, this is the story from thousands of years ago."

After the Immortal of Six Paths finished telling his history, he concluded to himself: "The historical records of your era are too outrageous. The results are obviously the same, but the records of stories from thousands of years ago have become so bizarre. , which will make the parties involved feel a little uncomfortable when they hear it..."

"This time the Ten-Tails is resurrected, I have a bad feeling..."

"My mother has never died. She may reappear. She will not let go of the opportunity of the Ten-Tails' resurrection. The ninja world will definitely be in crisis again because of the mother's resurrection..."


Uzumaki Naruto nodded solemnly.

Uchiha Sasuke in another consciousness space also listened to the story forcibly told by the Sage of Six Paths, but Uchiha Sasuke seemed to be somewhat sure of one thing.

"It's not possible, but Kaguya will definitely be resurrected."

Uchiha Sasuke remembered what Akihara Kagura mentioned and said in a deep voice: "Because Kaguya's resurrection should be within Akihara Kagura's expectations..."


The Sage of Six Paths looked at Uchiha Sasuke in surprise.


"He asked me to ask you a question..."

Uchiha Sasuke looked at the Sage of Six Paths in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Sage of Six Paths, have you always been so arrogant?"

"What do you mean by this...?"

Immortal Six Paths didn't quite understand. After he lowered his head and thought for a moment, he seemed to understand something: "Does that little guy think I'm arrogant because I've been watching with cold eyes?"

"it is a pity."

"I just can't help it."

The Sage of Six Paths looked at his body and said softly: "Now I only have a part of the remaining chakra left, living in the gap between the pure land and the real world. Even if I want to solve the crisis caused by my mother's resurrection, in the end The best way is to entrust the power to you, which is a very dangerous thing for you, because the power of mother is very powerful, far exceeding any human being in this world..."

"Is that so?"

Uchiha Sasuke glanced at the Sage of Six Paths and continued to ask in a deep voice: "Perhaps Akihara Kagura can help. Akihara Kagura asked you if you need him to work for you and solve Kaguya's troubles with us. I asked you what you can bring What is he..."


The Immortal of Six Paths actually chuckled, and he slowly shook his head, as if he didn't quite believe in Akihara Kagura, but he said indifferently: "If that powerful little guy is willing to help, then... It couldn't be better, but unfortunately I can't bring him anything. Maybe when I have a chance to see him, I can ask him what he needs..."

"Wait, wait a moment."

After the Immortal of Six Paths finished speaking, he realized something was not right.

The old man's remaining chakra seemed to be somewhat unable to be transferred. He hesitated and said: "According to my observation and monitoring just now, the little guy named Akihara Kagura is the culprit behind the resurrection of the Ten-Tails. He wants to use The Ten-Tails destroyed the world...but he also said he wanted to help deal with his mother who might be resurrected? Then why did he resurrect the Ten-Tails?"

This ninja is a bit outrageous!

In order to save the world, Uchiha Madara became the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, but it led to a potentially greater crisis, so that he, the remaining chakra living here, had to show up and give chakra reincarnation to Indra and Asura. The power of the seal!

this moment…

The Immortal of Six Paths was a little confused.

Uchiha Sasuke knew a lot about Akihara Kagura, and a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes. He might have understood something at this moment!

"Because of his purpose..."

Uchiha Sasuke said a truth in a deep voice, a truth that he got by connecting them together: "It has always been Kaguya."

"There is no conflict at all."

"Akihara Kagura wants to resurrect Kaguya..."

"Use Kaguya's power to destroy and create the world..."

"Because Kaguya's power is the most powerful, right?"

Uchiha Sasuke thought of the information he had received in the past. He thought everything through and told the truth: "But... Akihara Kagura will achieve his goal... He has already planned everything..."

"Because he guessed we would see you..."

"He must have also guessed that Naruto and I are the chakra reincarnations of Indra and Asura..."

"You just mentioned... that you would give me and Naruto the power to seal Kaguya..."

"Before we return to the present world..."

Uchiha Sasuke's heart trembled, and he completely felt that he had fallen into Akihara Kagura's trap again: "Akihara Kagura will definitely resurrect Kaguya directly and let Kaguya help him complete everything..."

"And at that time..."

"We must have returned to this world..."

Uchiha Sasuke raised his eyes slightly and revealed Akihara Kagura's plan: "Just use the power you gave us to help him seal Kaguya."

"Is this such a deep conspiracy?"

The Sage of Six Paths shook his head and sighed helplessly: "The ninjas of your era are really scary!"

"I know very well how deep his scheming goes."

Uchiha Sasuke thought of everything, but found that he had no way to crack it: "Even if I have guessed his conspiracy, I have to do what he expected in the end..."

"Always been this way…"

"Even if you knew you would fall into his trap, it was too late after all."

Five thousand words!

It's a bit late!

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