Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 330 All the actors are in place!

An old house where a treasure.

As long as this old man is not Akihara Kagura's puppet.

The words of the Third Tsuchikage Onoki obviously inspired many ninjas, and even other mature ninjas couldn't help but nod secretly.

As long as they are doing the right thing, as long as their purpose is to protect the ninja world, no matter what the enemy does, they should never waver in their will!

Following the speech of Onoki, the Third Tsuchikage, the will of stone in Iwagakure Village quickly spread, saving the endangered ninja coalition...

It's a pity.

Their opponents have no interest in entangled with the Ninja Alliance.

The land of thunder.

A huge turtle island.

This turtle is unknown how old it is and has been swimming in the Kingdom of Thunder. Its back has evolved into a huge forest and a complete biological chain.


This is also the place where the Jinchuuriki of Kumogakure Village is tested.

The two most critical Jinchuuriki in this war are here.

This is the place where the Jinchuuriki of Kumogakure Village trains. It is also the reason why Kumogakure Village has always been able to use Jinchuuriki to participate in wars. Every generation of jinchūriki will practice here, and they will reflect their hearts in front of this waterfall. .

Rabbi Kirabi, the eight-tailed jinchuriki, can be called the best jinchuriki in the ninja world. He has been informal since he was a child, and is responsible for leading Uzumaki Naruto to this waterfall. He hopes that Naruto can start the complete tailed beast transformation. In this war can have the strength to protect themselves.

Yamato led a team of ANBU ninjas to protect them. By the way, he was also worried that something might happen to Naruto Uzumaki and stopped Naruto who might go berserk at any time.

During this period of time, Kirabi served as Uzumaki Naruto's teacher, teaching him how to practice under the waterfall until he has practiced until today.


It is also time for Uzumaki Naruto to take the next step in training.

“Behind the waterfall!”

The Eight-Tailed Jinchuriki Ra made a gesture and took the initiative to walk into the waterfall: "Let you see... the trial place of Kumogakure Village!"

The group of people walked behind the waterfall under the leadership of Kirabi. There is a cave behind the waterfall. The waterfall is a natural shelter, blocking all prying eyes.

After the group passed through the waterfall, they saw a building hidden deep in the waterfall. Several tall towers of different sizes were erected inside, and headless statues were located on both sides.

"right here…"

Rabbi Kiri, the eight-tailed jinchuriki, raised his finger and pointed to the depths of the building: "Let's start fighting the nine-tails!"

After saying that, Kirabi walked into the depths.

"Is it right here?"

Uzumaki Naruto followed Kirabi step by step.

"That's right! Idiot!"

Kirabi nodded, and while leading them in, he took the initiative to introduce the place: "This is the place where the ancestral spirits of Yunyin Village are protected. Let's open the door inside, then go in and sit down! Close your eyes! Concentrate. !”


Naruto Uzumaki nodded slowly and followed in.

No matter what happened inside, Uzumaki Naruto would not be surprised anymore.

Because during this period of time, he experienced the return of his companions who became traitorous ninjas, and also met his biological father, the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato. His father, who accepted the reincarnation of the dirty land, taught him the changes in the nature of the Rasengan, and he also worked hard to learn from his father's He learned the sage mode in his body, and when he thought his future would be bright, he saw his most respected brother become the most terrifying mastermind in the ninja world.

to be honest…

Fortunately, Uzumaki Naruto's mentality was strong enough.

If his mentality was weaker, he might not be able to accept the reality.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared next to him through the art of Flying Thunder God, startling everyone present, and everyone involuntarily became on guard!

"it's me."

Uchiha Sasuke stretched out his palm, grabbed Kirabi who was about to draw his sword, and said in a deep voice: "I just came here to inform you that the ninja coalition has been defeated, and Kagura will be there soon. come over…"

"The coalition was defeated?"

Everyone present was shocked!

There are nearly 100,000 people in the Ninja Alliance Army!

Even if there were 100,000 pigs, Akihara Kagura wouldn't be able to kill them all in three days!

"If i remember correctly…"

A drop of cold sweat broke out on Yamato's forehead, and he spoke cautiously: "Today should be the time for the ninja coalition to assemble..."

This has just been assembled...

Has he already lost directly?


Uchiha Sasuke nodded and explained in a deep voice: "The commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, Sanho Hanzo, is Kagura's puppet. He used Sanho Hanzo to directly enter the hinterland of the coalition and defeated a hundred thousand ninja coalition forces by himself. Madara and I Came here to protect you..."

"Brother...where are they?"

Cold sweat also ran down Kirabi's face.

"You know…"

Uchiha Sasuke glanced at Kirabi and said: "At least so far, no one is Akihara Kagura's opponent. Madara thinks he is not Kagura's opponent..."

"And one more thing…"

A tall figure passed through the waterfall and walked in step by step. His voice was cold and he said: "If the ninja world really comes to a last resort, I hope that the two jinchūriki of you can sacrifice yourselves so that I can gain the strength to defeat that guy. …”


Yamato looked at the visitor, a look of surprise flashed across his face!


Uchiha Sasuke frowned and said coldly: " want to take away the Nine Tails in Naruto's body?"

"No, of course not."

Uchiha Madara shook his head, with a hint of contempt on his lips: "I have already tried the power of the Nine-Tails, but the words of the Nine-Tails are not enough to compete with that brat Akihara Kagura..."

"I need…"

"It's the Ten-Tails!"

"If it really comes to the most dangerous point in the ninja world..."

Uchiha Madara looked at Uzumaki Naruto and Kirabi, and said in a deep voice: "You two may really need to sacrifice. I will find an opportunity to take the risk and try to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki. Only the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki can I hope to defeat that brat..."

"Naruto will die..."

Uchiha Sasuke wanted to refuse.

"Death is death..."

Uchiha Madara raised his eyebrows and suggested smoothly: "You can keep his body, since the reincarnation eye is there anyway, and then resurrect him after this war is over..."


Uchiha Sasuke had a vague feeling that something was not right. Thinking about it carefully, there seemed to be nothing wrong with it. Resurrection would not be a problem as long as he had the Rinnegan Eye.


Kirabi immediately wanted to object!

Because Kirabi and the eight-tailed beast in his body, the Eight-Tailed Gyuuki, have always been partners in life and death, he does not want the eight-tails in his body to be used as the material to resurrect the ten-tails!

"Your rejection is invalid..."

"Besides, you can't keep the tailed beast inside you..."

Madara Uchiha stared at the Eight-Tailed Kirabi, tilted his head with great interest and said: "If you attach great importance to the tailed beast in your body, after this war is over, I can also learn from the Six Paths Sage a thousand years ago. The tailed beast inside the ten-tailed body was divided again..."


Kirabi's brows were still frowning.

However, the eight-tailed bull ghost in its body thinks that this kind of thing is not a bad thing. Even Kirabi does not need to die. It can leave and place a tentacle-sized chakra in Kirabi's body to ensure that Kirabi will not be separated from it. Tailed beast died.

On Turtle Island.

While the people inside the waterfall were discussing, Akihara Kagura had already arrived, and even a group of people outside the situation happened to arrive.

A giant clay bird flew down first and dropped a string of bombs on Akihara Kagura's head, seemingly intending to blow him up directly.

"This idiot..."

The Red Sand Scorpion glanced at the giant clay bird and Deidara on the giant clay bird speechlessly: "Besides humiliating him, what else can you do?"

"I don't believe I can't kill him!"

Deidara watched the clay bomb fall next to Akihara Kagura, and puffed up his mouth angrily: "I have hated him since I was nine years old! Art is explosion, ha!"

The clay bomb on the ground exploded instantly!

However, after the explosion, Akihara Kagura still stood on the ground, and even waved to them with interest, as if to invite them to come down.

"Ahhhh! This guy is still provoking me!"

Deidara controlled the giant clay bird to swoop down. A clay doll appeared in his hand, and he rushed down with a grumpy face, trying to throw the clay doll on Akihara Kagura's head: "Let this guy have a taste." My latest piece of art!"

"Thunder Escape..."

Akihara Kagura raised his palm.

A dense ball of thunder and lightning suddenly hit Deidara and the giant clay bird. Deidara's clay bombs immediately failed. The clay doll immediately lost the ability to explode. The giant clay bird and Deidara fell together. On the ground, when Deidara fell to the ground, his face was covered with black marks, and he coughed and spit out a mouthful of black smoke...

This is Deidara's weakness...

Once he encounters a Thunderbolt Ninja, Deidara's explosion will be limited.

"This is the result of not practicing Chendun properly."

Akihara Kagura's words made Deidara furious.

"I'll fight you!"

Deidara angrily wanted to fight Akihara Kagura, his face full of rage: "Xie Dan has always been your person, you bastard must have been laughing at me secretly!"

This is what Deidara is most angry about!

Obviously he joined the Akatsuki organization to deal with Akihara Kagura, but as a result, the Akatsuki organization was full of people from Akihara Kagura, and even the disobedient leader of the Akatsuki organization was driven away...


Deidara was so angry that he almost died!

Especially since his long-time teammate Akasaka Scorpion turned out to be a member of Akihara Kagura, this meant that he, the enemy who wanted to take revenge on Akihara Kagura, had been operating under the nose of Akihara Kagura. Deidara felt that he had I’m too embarrassed to see anyone!

Want to regain my dignity...

We can only die together with Akihara Kagura!


This bastard Akihara Kagura doesn’t even know it yet!

This bastard even asked the Red Sand Scorpion to persuade him to surrender and destroy the ninja world together. Do you want to know more about it? You are the one who wants to take revenge on him!


The Red Sand Scorpion stopped Deidara with one sentence. Chakra threads appeared in his hands, directly controlling Deidara to stop in place, and then looked at Akihara Kagura on the ground: "You... Guy, why are you still in the mood to tease Deidara at this time..."


Akihara Kagura watched Deidara being controlled in place, shook his head and chuckled: "Look at how funny he looks when he is angry..."

"I'll fight you!"

Deidara was immediately so angry that he almost exploded!

Akihara Kagura raised his finger, and a shadow on the ground instantly froze Deidara's body, making him unable to move at all: "Okay, okay, let you bask in the sun for a while, and Scorpion and I will finish our work first. Let’s get down to business…”


Deidara could only look up to the sky and rage.

"Did anyone bring it?"

Akihara Kagura looked at the Red Sand Scorpion with empty hands.

"Almost everyone is here."

The Red Sand Scorpion nodded and took the initiative to speak: "If Deidara didn't want to use your shadow ability to come here, and had to rely on his giant clay bird to fly here, we wouldn't have delayed it for so long..."

As the Red Sand Scorpion spoke, he raised his fingers, controlled the chakra lines on his fingertips, and cut Deidara's giant clay bird into several pieces!

A tall figure rolled to the ground.

It is dried persimmon Kisame.

Kisame Kisaki was not having a good time.

Because after the battle between the Uchiha brothers, Inikaki Kisame wanted to rush back to the base of the Akatsuki organization, but he only saw the base turned into ruins...


There are four more people in the Akatsuki organization.

As a result, three of the four people were members of Akihara Kagura. Akasaka Scorpion, Kakuzu and Hidan swarmed up and captured Kisame Kisame alive. This man was the most suitable person to become a puppet of the Hungry Ghost Path. , because he is very good at absorbing chakra.

As for what’s left of the human world…

Akihara Kagura could only use the ghost lamp full moon that she had collected. The six-path puppet was still useful in this war. At least it could help a lot to stop the top ninja coalition forces who were trying to land on Turtle Island.

"You guy..."

Kisame Inigangaki looked at the black rods inserted into his body one by one, and grinned, revealing his mouth full of shark teeth: "There are so many people hidden in the Akatsuki organization..."

"Your version is a bit behind the times."

Akihara Kagura chuckled, stretched out his hand and patted Kisame's head, imprisoning his soul in his body: "Okay, let's try the reincarnation eye's ability to absorb chakra after a while. It should be better than yours." The same shark muscle is much more reliable..."


Samehada shivered while shivering.


There is also an acquaintance of Samehada Dato.

Ghost Man Yue, a long-dead person, stretched out his palm and patted Samehada, causing Samehada to slowly become quiet.

Heavenly Way·Uchiha Shisui!

The Way of the World·Ghost Lantern Full Moon!

Animal Path·Sansho Fish Hanzo!

Hungry Ghost Path·Dried Persimmon Kisame!

Shura Dao·Scorpion of Red Sand!

Hell Path Hidan!

The Six Paths Puppet appeared a little late.

The only ones that have really come in handy so far are Hanzo and the Red Sand Scorpion, and even Tiandao Shisui is just a tool used to conquer Uchiha.

Other than that…

There are also the first Hokage Senju Hashirama who was reincarnated in the dirt, the second Hokage Senju Tobirama, the fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, and another man who will be reincarnated in the dirt!

This war is too fierce, and it is basically impossible for any living people to participate in it. The Uchihas of Xianglan and Root are not here. Even Deidara will be sent away directly after a while. He will fight with Kakuzu. All stay together.

"Let me see...what else is missing."

Akihara Kagura raised her hand and released a White Zetsu, using the White Zetsu as a sacrifice to channel and resurrect a man: "It's up to you to deal with Uchiha Sasuke... the art of reincarnation in dirty soil!"

A man with scarlet eyes came back to life!

After Uchiha Itachi was resurrected by the dirt, the first thing he did was to look for the whereabouts of Uchiha Sasuke next to Akihara Kagura. His eyes froze when he saw the first person.

"Shisui, how could you..."

Uchiha Itachi's mind went blank for an instant.


Uchiha Shisui didn't expect to have the chance to see Uchiha Itachi. He said with a somewhat complicated mood: "Are you looking for where Sasuke is? I know everything about the night of the genocide. It was my request. Kagura saved some tribesmen..."


Uchiha Itachi lowered his head in pain.

"I know you are hiding another Shisui god..."

Akihara Kagura ignored the exchange between them and took the initiative to say: "Uchiha Itachi, do you still remember what you promised before you died?"

"Now Uchiha Sasuke has chosen Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito. Do you want to consider doing something to let Sasuke be on our side in the upcoming final battle..."


Akihara Kagura waved and took the initiative to say: "Tell this guy everything about us and see what he chooses!"

"Do you want to tell your brother the truth, or do you want to hide everything, overturn all the stories, and sacrifice yourself so that his brother can have a family in the new era of the ninja world in the future..."


Akihara Kagura looked at Uchiha Itachi in front of him, chuckled and continued: "You will definitely sacrifice your reputation, right?"


Uchiha Itachi, who was reincarnated in the dirt, suddenly fell silent, and nodded with a dark expression: "I understand what you mean, and I will do what you say..."

"Don't worry."

Akihara Kagura chuckled, and said with great interest: "I just want you to hang on to Sasuke, so as not to cause him any trouble for me. It just so happens that you also want to see Sasuke's progress, right? He has already opened eternity. Mangekyō Sharingan…”


Uchiha Itachi slowly lowered his head.

This is indeed what Uchiha Itachi wants to see.


"Now let all the actors be in place..."

Akihara Kagura stretched out her palm and formed the hand seal of the psychic technique, her eyes flashed slightly: "Let's start to prepare... Prepare to make our starring Mr. Uchiha Madara the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki. Before that, let him succeed in his other plans to use Obito to resurrect, and then force him into a desperate situation!"

"Let Madara know..."

"All plans fail me..."

"The only thing you can do is become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki!"

I'm thinking…

How to make Uchiha Itachi take the blame...

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