Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 319 Mr. Hei Jue, the Immortal of Six Paths is actually still there, are you afraid?

This is a good question!

Hei Jue also wants to ask this question!

Who left the bark of the Thousand Hands Clan, who modified the content on the bark, and why were the contents recorded on the bark so outrageous!

Black Zetsu actually knows it very well.

The Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagoromo was indeed not a good son, nor even a good father. However, no matter how unfilial his character was, he would not have left such outrageous historical records on the bark of the Senju clan!

to be honest.

Black Zetsu actually wanted to admit that the bark of the Senju clan was the same as the history originally recorded on the stone tablet of the Uchiha clan. This would save him a lot of effort.


Why does this little guy Akihara Kagura seem to know nothing about this?

Hei Jue's heart was full of hesitation. There was really no one behind this little guy, or was it that he didn't know all this at all and just got a bark?


Black Zetsu thought for a while and decided to try to deceive Akihara Kagura's trust first: "The history recorded on the bark of the Senju clan is indeed exactly the same as the history originally recorded on the stone tablet of the Uchiha clan. Both were tampered with by the Sage of Six Paths. History…"

"The Sage of Six Paths noticed my existence, and didn't want anyone to discover that I was Kaguya's will, so he used a method of confusing history to rewrite my identity, claiming that I was his split dark will, so that I would never be able to become a ninja. of trust…”

Black Zetsu had to admit this in order to make the tree bark of the Senju clan, the wooden sticks of the Hyuga clan, and the stone tablets of the Uchiha clan consistent with the history he told.

This is a lie and a temptation.

However, when Hei Zetsu used these deceptive words to test Akihara Kagura, he suddenly felt that what he said seemed reasonable!

Because of the existence of the bark of the Senju clan...

You can really confuse history, you can really confuse your own identity!

That piece of tree bark belonging to the Senju Clan was deliberately targeting me. That false and outrageous history made me the Dark Will of the Six Paths Sage. No one in the ninja world would believe me or value myself as the Six Paths Sage. The dark will of!

Records on tree bark…

It will indeed make the ninja world wary of the resurrection of the Ten-Tails!

Because the records on the bark constantly remind me that the Dark Will of the Six Paths Sage wants to rule the ninja world with the help of the Ten-Tails, this will definitely arouse the vigilance of those who read the contents of the bark!

That bark…

It can indeed completely erase the authenticity of Kaguya’s resurrection!

Hei Jue suddenly thought of the Sage of Six Paths. That guy was indeed powerful and possessed great wisdom, and he was not even constrained by his personality.

Six Paths Immortal…

He will only do what he thinks is right!

He doesn't care at all what happened to ruin his reputation!

The existence of the stone tablets of the Uchiha clan and the bark records of the Senju clan can indeed perfectly achieve the idea of ​​​​Sage of Six Paths!

That is the common ancestor of the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan. It is the innate idea of ​​ninjas to do whatever it takes to do things!


still have a question…

There is a time that doesn't match up...

After the death of the Immortal of Six Paths, he modified the stone tablet; even if the Immortal of Six Paths was aware of his existence during his lifetime, he would not have guessed that he modified the stone tablet, right?


The possibility of modifying the stone tablet myself...

Is he also part of Six Paths Sage's plan?

Just when Hei Zetsu was a little doubtful and he was deceived by himself, Akihara Kagura found a direction for Hei Zetsu with one sentence and even gained Hei Zetsu's trust.

"Mr. Black Zetsu."

"I made up what's on the bark."

Akihara Kagura's words made Hei Zetsu's brain shrink, but he did not take into account Hei Zetsu's thoughts and continued on his own: "The history on the bark of the tree has been tampered with by me, and the stories left on it are indeed six paths. The story of the immortal sealing Kaguya..."


Black Zetsu's body trembled.

Originally, it was almost being deceived by itself!

As a result, the bastard Akihara Kagura actually told it that he had just deceived it. This bastard had also tampered with the history left by the Sage of Six Paths just like it. It was in vain that he was still speculating on whether there was someone behind this bastard!

"I saw the original content on the bark..."

Akihara Kagura glanced at Black Zetsu and said calmly: "It records stories from the ancient times. The Sage of Six Paths actually noticed you that Kaguya left behind, and also knew that you had deceived his son Indra. That piece of bark is his back-up..."

After Akihara Kagura finished speaking, she reached out and picked up the fishing rod by the lake, and continued casually: "But I noticed your existence, so I specially modified the story, hoping to make you and Uchiha Madara completely fall apart, so that You are abandoned by the whole world..."


Black Ze's heart was about to collapse.

This bastard…

How dare you say such a thing!

His thousand-year plan was ruined, and Uchiha Madara, who had finally deceived him, fell out with it. All this was the conspiracy of this bastard!

What the fuck...

Why is there a bastard like Akihara Kagura in the ninja world?

If Otsutsuki Kaguya had not given birth to the Sage of Six Paths, the ninja world would not have been born a bastard like Akihara Kagura. Why would there be such a person in the ninja world...

Human beings have too many tricks...

Black Zetsu felt like he had lived for a thousand years and had seen countless conspiracies and conspiracies, but he was not as sinister and despicable as the bastard Akihara Kagura!

I told all my lies...

I even finished the story...

He even convinced himself that it was the Six Paths Immortal's conspiracy, and it was all the Six Paths Immortal's calculations. This bastard told himself at this time that those were all fake!

Is this still a fucking human?

Is this something that humans can do?

No matter how evil his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki is, she is far less despicable and insidious than Akihara Kagura. The despicability of this bastard is so despicable that it makes people mentally shattered!


Black Zetsu felt very uncomfortable. At this time, his mentality was even more aggrieved than when he was wrongfully accused of being the Dark Will of the Sage of Six Paths in Konoha.

"This reason..."

Akihara Kagura glanced down at the fishing rod, lowered her head and said: "Wait until we resurrect the Ten-Tails, and then we will tell you the real secret on the bark!"

"Forgive me for not daring to say it at this time. The person who left the bark has been monitoring the ninja world. Unfortunately, he can't appear for the time being. He can only come through another way. The Otsutsuki clan is indeed magical and can even be called It’s immortality…”

"Perhaps he has seen us. That person is closely related to the Kaguya you mentioned. Only Kaguya can deal with that person."

This is Kaguya's last test before resurrection.

The chakra of Sage of Six Paths actually still exists.

Maybe the Sage of Six Paths is Kaguya's son, or maybe the Sage of Six Paths was once the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, gathering all the chakra in the ninja world...

Even if the old man dies...

Chakra still lingers on the edge of the ninja world and the underworld.

Akihara Kagura wants to test whether the chakra of the Sage of Six Paths can come to this world. If it can come, he can immediately jump back and make the Sage of Six Paths his boss. He can help seal Black Zetsu or something...


If the Six Paths Sage's chakra can still be used, I can probably only use the Mangekyo Sharingan to try to escape into the limited Tsukuyomi world...


Most likely…

The chakra of the Sage of Six Paths is unlikely to appear.

Because Kaguya's name appeared countless times during this period, the Sage of Six Paths never appeared, not even during the Thousand Years War in the Ninja World...

The Six Paths Sage's chakra may need to sense some kind of existence as an anchor before it can come, or it may be that he doesn't have much remaining chakra and needs to save it until the most dangerous time in the ninja world, so that his children can seal Kaguya. the power of…

Akihara Kagura didn't feel too panic...

Hei Jue was extremely panicked after hearing this!


Hei Jue's eyes were horrified and startled!

this moment…

Black Zetsu’s brain is going to explode!

this moment…

Countless possibilities flashed through Hei Jue's mind!

Black Zetsu stared at Akihara Kagura, trying to get the answer from his mouth: "You mean, the enemy from outside the chasing after him? It's still that person..."

After all, an enemy from outside is chasing us...

Or that bastard Sage of Six Paths is not dead at all!

"Just as you guessed."

Akihara Kagura put away the fishing rod, caught a fish, and said solemnly: "If I want to destroy the ninja world and create a new world, that person might show up to stop me. I think I will become a ten The tail jinchuriki may not be able to deal with him..."

"That's why I want to know the truth from your mouth..."

"Only the legendary goddess Mao..."

Akihara Kagura naturally told the truth: "Only with the power to compete with him can I successfully complete the plan of destroying and creating the world."


Black Jue's body trembled completely. It had already thought of what was originally recorded on the bark of the Thousand Hands clan!

Recorded above…

It is the secret that the Sage of Six Paths still exists in some form...

Black Zetsu's body was about to explode, and fear even spread in its brain, making it afraid to speak Kaguya's name!

"Will he...prevent us from resurrecting...her?"

"Can't stop..."

Akihara Kagura stretched out the fishing rod in his hand, the sharpness in his eyes revealed: "But once a person is resurrected, it is recorded on the bark that he can also seal the person again..."

"so what should I do now?"

Hei Jue immediately became confused and panicked: "Then what should we do? What should we do..."

"Do not worry."

Akihara Kagura comforted Black Zetsu and took the initiative to say: "If the Ten-Tails is not resurrected, I guess he will not appear... We can resurrect the Ten-Tails first, and then gather all the chakra in the ninja world, and the rest will not matter. Something we can get involved in.”


Hei Jue's mood forcibly stabilized.


How could it be forcibly stabilized!

Hold on…

This bastard is probably kidding himself!

Don't be anxious at this time, the plan is almost at its last minute!

Although Uchiha Madara's chess piece is no longer there, Akihara Kagura will obviously become his new chess piece. At this time, he must not mess up his position, and let Akihara Kagura believe that Kaguya is enough to destroy the Six Paths Sage who exists in another form...

"As long as mom is resurrected..."

Black Zetsu's body was trembling a little, and it tried to calm itself down: "As long as mom is resurrected, everything will be fine... Everything will be solved... Mom is the most powerful person in the ninja world... No one can surpass mom!"

This is fake!

What Akihara Kagura said is false!

There's no way that bastard Six Paths Sage is alive!

The Immortal of Six Paths was already dead, and I watched him die with my own eyes!


Hei Jue really couldn't deceive himself this time...

Because Akihara Kagura mentioned this possibility and said that this incident was recorded on the bark of a tree, Black Zetsu did not think that Akihara Kagura might be lying...


The Otsutsuki clan is really amazing...

The Immortal of Six Paths may not be unable to exist in other forms...

After all, Otsutsuki Kaguya can still exist in other forms even if she loses the Ten-Tails, and even her will still hangs over the ninja world and has never dissipated...

This only proves that mom is invincible!

No one in this world can prevent my mother from resurrecting. Even if the Immortal of Six Paths exists, it is impossible to defeat my mother. As long as my mother can be resurrected, everything will not be a problem!

The only thing Black Zetsu is worried about right now is whether the Sage of Six Paths who exists in another form will stop them before Kaguya Otsutsuki is resurrected...


"Mr. Black Zetsu..."

"Since Kaguya is invincible..."

Akihara Kagura looked at Black Zetsu and continued proactively: "If I choose to take refuge in you and Lord Kaguya, will she allow me to destroy the world and create a new one?"

"Of course...of course."

Hei Zetsu tried his best to relax, and grinned with an unattractive smile. He no longer dared to call Kaguya's name: "My mother and I will definitely support you...Don't mention your mother's name at this time... "

[System Prompt]: [You have a new superior (Hei Jue), and you will be rewarded with a big gift package for newcomers to open new features! 】

[Spiritual fusion (you can use Yin-Yang Escape to blend into the enemy's body and control the enemy's body and actions.)]

This ability is irrelevant to Akihara Kagura...


He finally caught up with Kaguya's line.

It's a pity...

Until this moment, the remaining chakra of the Sage of Six Paths Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo has still not arrived. Perhaps he really does not have much chakra left. The Sage of Six Paths in history gave away a lot of his chakra...


It really only appears at the most critical times...

It is not convenient for Akihara Kagura herself to see him, because the Sage of Six Paths hides in the gap between life and death, and can only see him on the edge of life and death...

"That person left a record on the bark of the tree and monitored everything in the ninja world, but he hasn't appeared yet. He must be arrogant..."

Akihara Kagura picked up his fishing rod, picked off the fish on the fishing rod, and threatened Hei Zetsu: "Maybe he believes that he can solve the problem of resurrection again..."


Black Zetsu quickly stopped Akihara Kagura. It only hoped that its plan could proceed as expected: "Don't mention mom's name again at this time until she is resurrected!"

Everyone go to bed early!

I took a look and found out that the Sage of Six Paths only appeared once in this world, when Senju Hashirama touched the body of Madara Six Paths...

The chakras of Indra, Asura and the nine tailed beasts gathered together, and only then could the Sage of Six Paths sense their appearance...

It feels like the Immortal of Six Paths can monitor him, but he can't come to him normally...

But the real purpose is to seal Kaguya...

As long as Kaguya absorbs all the chakra in the ninja world and absorbs the chakra of Indra and Asura, the remaining chakra of the Six Paths Sage will trigger a mechanism and appear to seal his mother.

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