Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 317 That man can destroy Konoha, referring to any power he uses at will

Hokage Tower.

Inside the Hokage's office.

The office was full of people, and everyone looked solemn.

Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, sat at the main seat in the conference room. Her palms were folded together, her brows were furrowed tightly, and her face was unusually ugly.

Even Nara Shikaku, the jounin squad leader who was standing in the position of Tsunade's deputy, looked a little sad, showing no sign of the joy of having just been promoted to become the Hokage's assistant.

after all…

The current situation is too serious!

Even during the Third Ninja War that year, when Konoha was once besieged by the four major ninja villages, Nara Shikaku, as a strategist, was still able to take his time...


The enemy is just a group of defecting ninjas...

Nara Shikaku had to let his brain run at high speed.


Tsunade looked at Kakashi Hatake, who came to report the information, and said softly: "Let's talk about the information you brought back first, about Akihara Kagura..."


Kakashi Hatake flipped his mask to hide his eyes: "Akihara Kagura is a ninja from the Uchiha clan..."


Tsunade immediately interrupted Kakashi Hatake's words, stared and asked: "Isn't that guy... from the Senju clan?"

"In fact..."

"Akihara Kagura is indeed a ninja from the Uchiha clan..."

"Because he can freely open or close the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, and he has never even exposed his Sharingan blood successor..."

When Hatake Kakashi said this, he remembered the exchange between Uchiha Madara and Akihara Kagura, and said solemnly: "Those eyes are the top blood successor limit of the Uchiha clan, known as the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. , and has even evolved into the Samsara Eye in Akihara Kagura..."

"Reincarnation Eye!"

Tsunade's face suddenly became sharp. She remembered that Akihara Kagura also used Nagato's Rinnegan Eyes as a plot, but she didn't care about the Rinnegan Eyes at all, because his back-up was the Eternal Kaleidoscope that Uchiha Sasuke might obtain. chakra eye.


Now Hatake Kakashi told her that Akihara Kagura himself possesses the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, and has even been promoted to the Samsara Eye...

That is to say…

That guy didn't even care about Sasuke's eyes!

"It all makes sense..."

Nara Shikaku nodded slowly, and he also figured out one thing: "Because Akihara Kagura himself has the reincarnation eye of the reincarnation eye, so he has never cared about the reincarnation eye belonging to Nagato and Uchiha Madara, so He would use those reincarnation eyes as a trap..."

"That is an eye passed down from generation to generation by Uchiha..."

Hatake Kakashi nodded and talked about Akihara Kagura's true life experience: "Kagura...Akihara Kagura has always been a ninja of the Uchiha clan..."

Hatake Kakashi told Tsunade all the records of the Hyuga clan and Akihara Kagura's autobiography, and explained why the crisis was triggered by an old Hyuga man's too detailed observation...

Thousands of years ago…

The mother and son of the Six Paths Immortal family quarreled...

The two brothers of the Six Paths Sage fought against each other...

The Immortal of Six Paths destroyed the world once in order to cover up history...

The Hyuga clan is the descendant of Hamura Otsutsuki, the younger brother of the Sage of Six Paths. They came to the ninja world from the moon and wanted to take over the rule of the ninja world in place of their ancestors...

An old man of the Hyuga clan discovered the powerful secret of the Senju and Uchiha clan, but was used by an Uchiha, allowing that Uchiha to open the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan...

That Uchiha passed down his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan from generation to generation, even seized the records of the Hyuga clan, and stole the relics of the Senju clan, and finally fell into the hands of the descendant Akihara Kagura...

With this information, Akihara Kagura implemented his plan step by step, successfully transplanted Hashirama cells and promoted the pair of eternal kaleidoscope sharingan eyes to the reincarnation eyes...

That guy used the plans of Uchiha Madara and Nagato to learn step by step the plan to resurrect the Ten-Tails, and kicked everyone out when the plan was about to succeed...

"Wait a minute..."

Tsunade felt that the amount of information conveyed by Kakashi Hatake was a bit too much.

For the first time, the Fifth Hokage felt that his brain might be a little weak, so he could only interrupt Kakashi Hatake and picked up the bark left by Akihara Kagura and Uchiha Madara in Konoha. Question after sentence: "This is not consistent with the records of the Senju clan. What is recorded here is that Kaguya Otsutsuki is the youngest daughter of the Sage of Six Paths..."

In order to ensure that what she said was true, Tsunade even asked Yamato to re-activate the tree bark with Wooden Chakra and tell some historical records on the bark.


The historical records of the two families do not match up.


"Black Jue has refuted the record on the bark..."

Nara Shikaku reminded the Hokage, hoping that the Fifth Hokage would not think that the records of the Senju clan were accurate: "Furthermore, Black Zetsu could also modify the Uchiha clan's stone tablets, and the Six Paths Sage rewrote the Senju clan's records. History is no surprise…”

This creates an endless loop.

Which historical record is correct?

The records of the Senju clan claim that Black Zetsu has modified the Uchiha clan's stone tablet, but combined with the historical records of the Hyuga clan, it shows that the history of the Senju clan may have also been modified...

Because the above information about ancient history does not match the number...

Now Konoha wants to discuss which clan's recorded history is the real history, the conflict between the Hyuga clan and the Senju clan, and the Uchiha clan's history has also been modified...

"Based on what we know..."

Nara Shikaku lowered his head and pondered, and put forward a bold hypothesis: "If the bark of the Senju clan has been modified by the Six Paths Sage, and the stone tablet of the Uchiha clan has been modified by Black Zetsu, the history of the Hyuga clan may be the most authentic. …”

"It's also possible..."

Kakashi Hatake recalled that when Black Zetsu heard the historical records of the Hyuga clan, his reaction was not very fake: "The creature named Black Zetsu, after hearing the records of the Hyuga clan, seemed to be aggrieved. What Zhaoxue means..."


"If the records of the Hyuga clan are true..."

Nara Shikaku frowned and said in a deep voice: "So, is Black Zetsu the will of Otsutsuki Kaguya or the will of the Sage of Six Paths?"

"Go and summon Hinata Hinashi first."

Tsunade always said what she said directly, so she directly summoned the leader of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hichizu, and wanted to ask him about the history of the Hyuga clan: "Ask Hyuga Hichizu, whether there is any historical record about the Hyuga clan. Something happened about Black Zetsu..."


Hinata Hizu's face was a little confused and shocked.

As the head of the Hyuga clan, he didn't know these records in the clan. How come he didn't know what other historical records the family had?


These historical secrets are completely unknown to Hinata and Hizu...

Tsunade looked at Hinata and Hibiscus, who was frowning and looking puzzled, and it was difficult to continue questioning him, because the history of the Hyuga clan was long in the past.

"I have a guess."

Nara Shikaku is the smartest man in Konoha. He looked at the bark of the Senju clan and said softly: "According to these historical tokens left over from ancient times..."

"The stone monument of the Uchiha clan must be left behind by Black Zetsu. Its purpose is very simple, which is to deceive the Uchiha clan. Uchiha Madara is the one who was deceived..."

"The history of the Thousand Hands Clan must have been left behind by the Immortal of Six Paths. The content in it is very targeted and is used to remind future generations to be wary of Black Zetsu..."

"The wooden sign of the Hyuga clan was recorded by a ninja of the Hyuga clan. The content inside is for the Uchiha who betrayed the covenant, killed him and obtained the eternal eye power, that is, the ancestor of Akihara Kagura. It can even be said that we are targeting Akihara Kagura..."

"Speaking of which..."

Nara Shikaku suddenly smiled. At this critical moment, he actually remembered an interesting theory: "It feels interesting..."


Tsunade looked at her new assistant in surprise.

"Uchiha Madara, Black Zetsu, Akihara Kagura..."

Nara Shikaku looked at these names and took the initiative to explain: "The appearance of the three historical relics is aimed at people who may cause great harm to the ninja world..."


The Konoha ninjas present fell into deep thought.

Nara Shikaku shook his head, a trace of worry appeared in his heart again, and he sighed: "This feeling is like a pair of invisible hands appearing in fate, pushing them little by little into the world. In front of us, let us know the information about their origins..."

"It's a bit serious..."

Tsunade raised her eyebrows and took the initiative to ask: "Apart from the Uchiha clan's stone monument, aren't the remaining relics of the two clans always in the hands of Akihara Kagura?"

Nara Shikaku's brows were still frowning: "He threw out the relics of the Senju clan on his own initiative because he already knew the contents and didn't care about the relics at all. Black Zetsu became a relic of the Senju clan. The victim of..."

"A relic of the Hyuga clan..."

"There is obviously a simpler way..."

"For example, he could order a ninja from the Hyuga clan to read the content on it, but he took it out in public..."


Tsunade interrupted Nara Shikaku and had to remind him: "Due to the Chunin Examination many years ago, the relationship between the Hyuga clan and the previous Hokage assistant was very tense..."


It can be said to be quite bad.

Hyuga Hizatsu came to visit her after she became Hokage, hoping that Tsunade could continue to ensure that the Hyuga clan adheres to the clan and branch system.

If Akihara Kagura wants to order a ninja from the Hyuga clan to help him read the relics, there is a high probability that this matter will not be hidden from the Hyuga clan...

Over the years, the ninjas of the Hyuga clan have indeed had almost no contact with their roots.

Nara Shikaku could only nodded slowly, barely agreeing with Tsunade's point of view, but he still had some doubts and uneasiness in his heart.

"Maybe it's been suppressed for too long..."

Nara Shikaku couldn't think of an answer, so he explained to himself: "Akihara Kagura has been in Konoha for at least ten years, and he has always had the Sharingan, the blood successor of the Uchiha clan, but he has never been able to use…"

In any case, at least they know the life experience of Akihara Kagura, and also know the reason why Akihara Kagura can obtain such powerful power...

The forbearance of generations...

Akihara Kagura has planned since childhood...

Finally he gained the powerful power he has now.

"Calling all Jonin..."

"Go to the conference room for a meeting!"

Tsunade slammed her fist onto the table.

The jounin of Konoha Village did not dare to delay and quickly rushed to attend the meeting. They all knew what the meeting was going to discuss.

"We have to face a very troublesome enemy..."

"Obviously everyone present knows that the Hokage in the village assisted Akihara Kagura and defected. The news we received is that this first SSS-level rebel ninja in Konoha's history is about to launch a campaign to destroy the ninja world and recreate the world. plan…"

Nara Shikaku had to talk about serious matters directly, and said in a deep voice: "Although the leader of Amegakure Village, Sanho Uo Hanzo, went to contact the allies who jointly fought against Akihara Kagura, we still have to calculate what we need to face. The enemy…”

"Based on the information we currently know..."

"The enemies we need to fight now are as follows..."

"Black Zetsu, the previous Hokage assisted Akihara Kagura, and the root ninjas under his command. According to some news, these root ninjas were all Uchiha who were saved on the night of the genocide..."

"An unknown number of reincarnated people from the dirty land, including at least the first Hokage, the second Hokage and the fourth Hokage. The third Hokage has been sealed..."

"First, Black Zetsu."

"Black Zetsu is suspected to be the dark will of the Sage of Six Paths or the will of Kaguya Otsutsuki. Its true purpose is unknown. According to all the information we currently know, Black Zetsu claims to be an enemy from outside the world of ninja and wants to resurrect Kaguya to save ninja." World, however, historical records believe that Black Zetsu wanted to resurrect the Ten-Tails and rule the entire world, and was the mastermind behind it that existed thousands of years ago..."

Nara Shikaku attaches great importance to the intelligence information of Black Zetsu because he believes that unknown creatures are quite troublesome: "Currently, Black Zetsu's strength is unknown. His ability is that he can freely lurk in any area including the interior of the earth, and he can possess a certain ninja. Forcibly controlling the other person's body, at least has the ability to live forever..."


A group of Konoha ninja nodded.

Many of them have also seen Black Zetsu and know that this guy does not have any special strength and has always relied on the protection of Akihara Kagura.


"Akihara Kagura."

"This is the most powerful enemy we have to face this time..."

Nara Shikaku looked at the Jonin who all changed their colors in an instant, and said in a deep voice: "I believe that everyone present has seen his power with their own eyes, and has even interacted with him. They should know that this person we once called How terrifying is the man who is the future of Konoha? He showed power enough to destroy Konoha when he was thirteen years old..."

"According to known intelligence information, the previous Hokage assistant Akihara Kagura was born in a branch of the Uchiha clan. He sneaked into the Konoha orphanage since he was a child, and then left to join Orochimaru's laboratory. After transplanting the cells of the first Hokage, he reborn. Returned to Konoha, learned the wood escape ninjutsu from Konoha, colluded with Uchiha Obito and became a spy planted by the Akatsuki organization in Konoha..."

"I have killed hundreds of Kusagakure ninjas by myself..."

"The fourth Mizukage of Kirigakure Village, the third Tsuchikage of Iwagakure Village, and the fourth Raikage of Kumogakure Village were all captured by him. Sunagakure Village, Kirigakure Village, and Kumogakure Village were all captured by him. He was also responsible for the collapse of Konoha in the village four years ago..."

"Among the five major ninja villages..."

"No one can beat him right now."

"According to the information we know, Akihara Kagura's talent is outstanding and she has mastered the changes in chakra properties of all attributes, including Yin Escape and Yang Escape..."

"Akihara Kagura can learn ninjutsu including but not limited to S-level techniques by reading any ninjutsu scrolls, or even just listening to people talking about how to use ninjutsu..."

"In the past few years, the scrolls of techniques including forbidden techniques from the four major ninja villages of Konoha, Kumogakure, Sunagakure and Kirigakure have been stored in Konoha, as well as Akihara Kagura, who is the Hokage's assistant. Have the right to read and study..."

"We can even identify one thing..."

"Akihara Kagura must have learned all the basic attribute techniques in the current ninja world, including fire escape, thunder escape, wind escape, water escape and some earth escape, yin escape and yang escape."

When Nara Shikaku said this, even he felt the terror of Akihara Kagura, and his voice stopped involuntarily.

Tick ​​tock tick…

Sweat dripped down a jounin's chin.

The faces of the other jounin gradually became a little heavy.

Just being a ninja who masters almost all ninjutsu in the ninja world is enough to let anyone know how powerful the opponent is!

"is this real?"

A Jonin wiped the sweat from his forehead and whispered, trying to retort: ​​"I remember Kagura-sama... Akihara Kagura is only twenty-one years old..."

"This is normal."

Hatake Kakashi interrupted him and gave his own evidence for Nara Shikaku's words: "On the day I tried to learn the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, I just told him the principles of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, and he I have directly learned the Flying Thunder God technique, and even taught me how to learn the Flying Thunder God technique..."

"That is the most difficult time and space technique to learn in the village..."

Some Jonin who had been exposed to the Flying Thunder God technique looked at Kakashi Hatake in shock. They knew how difficult it was to fly the Thunder God: "Kakashi, is this true?"

"That's it."

Hatake Kakashi nodded.

While the Jonin present were still digesting this, Nara Shikaku continued to talk about something that made them feel even more terrifying.


"Let's continue to summarize what other abilities our enemies have!"

Nara Shikaku reached out and pulled out the blackboard from the conference room, and said softly: "Many of these abilities are not even known to us, but they are undoubtedly extremely powerful..."

"Now Akihara Kagura has mastered at least five kinds of blood successors..."

"The first blood successor, the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, and even the top Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan among the Uchiha clan..."

"What is currently known is that the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan can use the Susanoo that Uchiha Shisui once used in the village. It is even more powerful than the Susanoo used by Uchiha Shisui. One blow is enough Destroy Konoha..."

When he said this, Nara Shikaku looked at Kakashi Hatake and Metkai: "Jōnin Hatake Kakashi and Metkai have seen Akihara Kagura's Susanoo with their own eyes..."


Hatake Kakashi nodded, remembering the battle between the two Susanoos he saw, and said solemnly: "One casual blow can have the power to destroy Konoha..."


A jounin wanted to question it.

"Please be quiet."

Nara Shikaku interrupted them and continued to talk about the information he stated.

"The second blood successor is the Wood Release of the First Hokage. Everyone here should have seen the Wood Release used by Akihara Kagura. The Wood Release also has the power to destroy Konoha, and can even easily capture any place in the ninja world. A big country's ninja village, Kirigakure Village, Sand Hidden Village and Kumogakure Village were all captured by him using Wood Release..."

"The third blood successor, the Samsara Eye, the Immortal Eye, the specific ability is currently unknown, because Akihara Kagura has not shown anyone the ability of the Samsara Eye. According to some information we know, some basic eye skills of the Samsara Eye Also possesses the power to destroy Konoha..."


Everyone present broke out in cold sweat.

Although they all already know that Akihara Kagura is very powerful, what is going on with Nara Shikaku and why do they always use Konoha as an example?

"The fourth kind of blood successor, dust release. This kind of blood successor should be derived from what he gained when he captured the Third Tsuchikage Onoki. It only started from when he had the opportunity to obtain dust release until he first met Jiraiya-sama. When using Dust Escape in front of you, the interval is very short..."

"So we have reason to believe that Akihara Kagura, who has mastered the changes in the properties of all basic attribute chakras, can easily integrate these attribute changes to form new blood successor limits. He may also have more unknown blood successor limits..."

"The fifth type of Blood Successor, Melting Release. The origin of this Blood Succession is unknown. It is probably what I guessed. He freely formed a new Melting Release Chakra property change through the changes in the properties of fire and earth chakra. The power of his Melting Escape Technique..."

Nara Shikaku looked at Hatake Kakashi again, as if he wanted to get more specific information from Hatake Kakashi, because he only knew part of it before the meeting.

"His Melting Escape..."

Hatake Kakashi thought of the magma column he had seen soaring into the sky, and chose to answer Nara Shikaku's question simply and directly in one sentence.

"Can destroy Konoha."

Make up for it…

This is a huge chapter!

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