Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 309 Uchiha Madara, shouldn’t you reflect on this?

"That's...the Sharingan!"

Everyone present saw Akihara Kagura’s eyes!

Everyone present can see that Akihara Kagura's Sharingan is transformed from an ordinary eye, which means that Akihara Kagura does have the blood of Uchiha!

What scares them the most is...

Akihara Kagura's eyes look extremely weird!

Those are a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, even more powerful than ordinary Mangekyō Sharingan. There is also a long and terrifying history hidden behind those eyes!

The unknown years before the Warring States Period...

A man from the Uchiha clan accidentally learned the secrets about the Uchiha clan from the Hyuga clan. He used the war to fake death to escape and hide his past. He hid in the darkness and stole the eyes of his dead brother, gaining powerful power. …


Black Zetsu and Uchiha Madara felt a little familiar.

should say…

Is he worthy of being an Uchiha?

Everyone likes to fake their own death to escape...


That Uchiha was scary too.

Because that Uchiha did not try to rule the ninja world thinking that he had obtained the power of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. He knew very well that the power of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan was not omnipotent, because he also wanted to master the secrets of the Senju clan. .

That Uchiha also got the bark of the Senju clan.

That Uchiha brought the tree bark of the Senju clan and the wooden stick of the Hyuga clan to the end of his life. He left the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to his descendants...

These descendants have inherited the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan from generation to generation, trying to understand the secrets in tree bark and wooden sticks. These Uchiha collaterals hidden in the ninja world have spent the years in this way, and they have not been outsiders for the rest of their lives. They are hidden from all knowledge…


Everything was passed down to the descendant, Akihara Kagura.

Just like his ancestors, Akihara Kagura is good at hiding himself, good at planning before taking action, and good at creating conspiracies!

Akihara Kagura has been hiding her identity until this moment when she has to reveal her dark life experience. She tells the story of her life experience and the horrific history behind it bit by bit, which makes people shudder when they listen to it, watch it and think about it!

No one has ever thought that Akihara Kagura is a bloodline of the Uchiha clan. When anyone in the ninja world mentions Akihara Kagura, the Wooden ninja who is as powerful as the first Hokage is the label of Akihara Kagura.


All this was overturned.

"It turns's really Uchiha..."

Shikamaru Nara of Class 10 verified his truth, but he was not happy at all. Instead, he felt a little afraid.

Compared with Akihara Kagura's eyes, what is even more frightening is the story behind Akihara Kagura's eyes. An Uchiha obtained the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. In order to ensure that these eyes are passed down, his blood descendants replace them from generation to generation. Warm up!

Until this moment…

Those eyes can still be used.


The most frightening thing is Akihara Kagura’s hiding place!

No one thought that Akihara Kagura would be an Uchiha!

If Akihara Kagura hadn't been exposed on his own initiative, who would have suspected that Akihara Kagura was also from the Uchiha clan? Who would have thought that Akihara Kagura was from the Uchiha clan!

Kakashi Hatake's eyes were even a little stunned, because he had known Akihara Kagura for more than ten years, and he had never seen this guy use the Sharingan...

The ANBU ninjas in Konoha were also a little shocked.

When the Senju Clan's tree bark incident broke out in Konoha Village, the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama and Orochimaru judged that Akihara Kagura was a ninja from the Senju Clan based on the Senju Clan's bark and had been hiding him. Is the identity of the Senju clan...

but now…

Everything was reversed.

A story about Uchiha, a long and terrifying story that reveals a secret from before the Warring States Period and also reveals the secret of Akihara Kagura's life experience!

"turn out to be…

"You are also an Uchiha..."

Uchiha Madara looked into Akihara Kagura's eyes and suppressed the shock in his heart, because he also thought that Akihara Kagura was a collateral ninja of the Senju clan!

Now the truth is revealed...

This brat turned out to be a collateral ninja of Uchiha!

There is even the Uchiha clan’s top Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!

Although the pair of Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan comes from the ancestors of Akihara Kagura, they have been nurtured by their blood relatives for generations and have been preserved like this!

Uchiha Madara stared at Akihara Kagura's strange pair of eternal mangekyō sharingan, and had to praise: "Are those eyes your eternal mangekyō sharingan that has been passed down from generation to generation? It has been passed down from that era to In this day and age, it’s not easy…”

"It's really not easy."

Akihara Kagura chuckled softly and touched her eyes with her palms, as if she regarded those eyes as treasures: "Before I unlock the secrets of Senju and Uchiha, I dare not use these eyes for fear of hurting them. Did a little damage..."

"It's not just me..."

"No one with these eyes would dare use them rashly."

"Even these eyes can only be inherited and nourished by young people. Once they are old and damaged, they will be completely useless. Only by unlocking the secrets of the Uchiha and Senju clan, and at the most dangerous moment, can we use the power contained in them. strength…"

"but me…"

"It's the last one..."

"These eyes have been observing the ups and downs of the ninja world. They saw the fight between Senju and Uchiha, the reconciliation between Senju and Uchiha, and the end of the Warring States Period..."

"These eyes see through everything..."

"I can even feel that the expectations of our ancestors for future generations still remain inside..."

Akihara Kagura looked at Uchiha Madara, a trace of madness gradually seeping out of his eyes: "Obviously, I have a terrifying and intoxicating power, but I have to suppress such a powerful power and not use it, even myself. I don’t know how much depression and pain was hidden in these eyes when I got them..."


Uchiha Madara's expression changed slightly.

Because this kind of thing is absolutely impossible for him to do.

No Uchiha who has the Mangekyo Sharingan would give up using the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan to fulfill his ideals; let alone an Uchiha who has the eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, how could he be willing to give up using this power? A share of strength!


not one…

But a group of Uchiha!

At least several Uchiha have mastered the power of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan in Akihara Kagura's eyes, but they can suppress it and never use it...

Uchiha Madara had to admire their forbearance...

This hidden Uchiha branch is really scary!

Compared to Uchiha Madara's feelings, Black Zetsu truly felt how terrifying this hidden Uchiha was, and how it actually escaped its observation!


This is normal...

Because Hei Zetsu only cares about the chakra reincarnations of Indra and Asura. As long as these two chakra reincarnations die, Hei Zetsu will hide again and wait for the new reincarnation...

Black Zetsu has never cared much about ordinary Uchiha, and it never thought that an ordinary Uchiha would use this method to open the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, and even pass on those eyes to this day...


The scariest thing is Akihara Kagura.

Because that branch of Uchiha continued to pass on, until the time of Akihara Kagura, this young guy was like a child traveling far away with a bag on his back, carrying the sustenance of his ancestors to reach where he is today. !

Black Zetsu vaguely understood why Akihara Kagura would claim that he had a pair of good eyes. The eternal Mangekyō Sharingan passed down from generation to generation was indeed something he could not give up...


This is a good thing!

I lost the chess piece of Uchiha Madara...

But the chess piece Akihara Kagura jumped onto the chessboard!

"Can we go?"

Black Zetsu was secretly happy, and planned to find a quiet place to have a chat with Akihara Kagura, and use all the information he knew to deceive Akihara Kagura!

"Then let's go."

Akihara Kagura chuckled, with a slight smile on his lips: "Although my identity was also leaked from the historical records of the Hyuga clan, I also got the information I wanted to know from the historical records of the Hyuga clan. …”

"Did the Immortal of Six Paths destroy the world in the past?"

Uchiha Madara frowned. He knew Akihara Kagura's plan very well. He just shook his head and disapproved: "But even if the Sage of Six Paths re-created the world, the world still evolved into what it is today after a thousand years. appearance…"

“Always have to give it a try.”

Akihara Kagura shook her head and wanted to turn around and leave: "Since the Sage of Six Paths once destroyed the ninja world and re-created a new world as recorded in history, it proves that my plan is at least feasible..."

When he said this, Akihara Kagura's eyes swept over everyone present one by one, and waved to them: "Then, everyone, I will take my leave first."

Akihara Kagura grinned and showed a creepy smile: "I hope that the next time we meet again, it will be the end of the world..."

"Hey, Kagura!"

Uzumaki Naruto flew over and wanted to rush over!

However, Akihara Kagura just raised his palm, and a thick vine came out of the ground and grabbed his body, trapping him directly in place!


Uchiha Sasuke waved his ninja sword, and with one strike of thunder, he cut off the vines that tied Naruto Uzumaki, and directly saved his former teammate!


Akihara Kagura seemed to glance at Uchiha Sasuke with some surprise: "You are a ninja at the root, so you should be mine..."

Akihara Kagura seemed to not care whether her plan to destroy the world would be opposed by her subordinates. She seemed a little curious: "Sasuke, do you still want to betray my will and side with Konoha?"


"I'm not interested in your desire to destroy the ninja world..."

Uchiha Sasuke frowned, and he asked the question he was most concerned about: "I just want to ask one thing. Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Madara told me that the other night when Itachi destroyed the Uchiha clan. There is something hidden…”

"Itachi Uchiha is dead."

A cold look appeared on Akihara Kagura's face.


"I still want to ask the truth..."

Uchiha Sasuke's face was gloomy, and he said in a deep voice: "Everyone alive here wants to know the truth. They have the same right as me to know the truth about the destruction of the clan. Kagura... Sir, you must know the truth, right?"


A group of root ninjas fell silent.

As the surviving Uchiha, they indeed wanted to know some truth.

Since Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Madara said these things, they and Uchiha Sasuke have been silently caring, but they just don't know how to ask.


Uchiha Sasuke opened up this fig leaf.

Uchiha Sasuke gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "If Itachi wants to exterminate the clan for the power of the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, then he deserves death!"

"If Itachi wanted to make a deal with Konoha's top brass, when Uchiha was forced by Konoha's top brass to launch a coup, Itachi killed the entire clan in exchange for my survival..."

"Then he shouldn't die?"

Akihara Kagura asked with a smile.


Uchiha Sasuke unexpectedly found that he could not answer this question.

Even the Konoha ninja present didn't know how to answer this question.


They already know the answer to the other question.

In order for Uchiha Sasuke to survive, Uchiha Itachi reached a deal with the top management of Konoha, killing the entire clan in exchange for his brother's survival!

"You already know the answer, right?"

Akihara Kagura slowly narrowed her eyes.

"So... you took me to the root... taught me ninjutsu... trained me to become stronger... all the while wanting to use me... to kill Itachi."

Uchiha Sasuke gritted his teeth and continued in a deep voice: "Because you and he once had a deep hatred, and because he once wanted to assassinate Yakushi Kabuto-senpai and Yakushi Master Noonou, you want to let my younger brother go. Kill him with your own hands..."


Everyone present was silent.

Because this kind of thing is definitely something Akihara Kagura would do.

Even Hatake Kakashi tried his best to prevent Uchiha Sasuke from joining the Roots, because he was afraid that his disciple would become a pawn for Akihara Kagura to play with Uchiha Itachi.

"As of today, you are fired."

The smile on Akihara Kagura's face disappeared instantly.


Uchiha Sasuke's heart suddenly tightened.

"You guys haven't come over yet?"

Akihara Kagura's eyes became cold and ruthless, and her eyes fell from Uchiha Sasuke to the other root ninjas: "Do you want to stay in Konoha with Sasuke?"


Uchiha Madara's lips chuckled.

this moment…

Uchiha Madara remembered the past.

Because in the past, Uchiha Madara also thought about leaving Konoha with his tribe, but those tribesmen betrayed him and chose to stay in Konoha and live a stable life.

Uchiha Madara knows that these root ninjas are all surviving Uchiha. He knows the personality of the Uchiha clan very well. There is a high probability that these root ninjas will betray Akihara Kagura...


This group of root ninjas teleported directly behind Akihara Kagura.

Even without much persuasion by Akihara Kagura, this group of homeless people fell directly behind Akihara Kagura. Like real root ninjas, they followed Uchiha Shisui's instructions to rescue them. A day of teaching…

Just obey Akihara Kagura's orders.

What's more...

If what Uchiha Obito said is true...

The top management of Konoha made a deal with Uchiha Itachi, letting Uchiha Itachi kill them in exchange for Uchiha Sasuke's sole life. These root ninjas don't know where they are going, but at least they are not following Uchiha Sasuke back to Konoha!

This scene fell in Uchiha Madara's eyes...

Uchiha Madara's pupils trembled. Is there something wrong with these guys? Why did these people choose to defect with Akihara Kagura?


When Uchiha Sasuke hurriedly wanted to speak to persuade, he stopped instantly.

this moment…

Uchiha Sasuke felt a sense of absurdity in his heart. What could he do to stop them?

Uchiha Itachi killed these people's relatives and kin in order to save his younger brother. How could they follow him again?

These former tribesmen…

Far away from myself again!

The clansman who once allowed him to regain hope in life completely abandoned him this time. All this made Uchiha Sasuke feel dizzy!

Because his brother Uchiha Itachi...

I lost all my clan members...

Because his brother Uchiha Itachi...

I lost all my clan members once again...

If I had known this was the case...

It would be better to kill him together in the first place!

A huge pain arose in Uchiha Sasuke's brain. He held his forehead with his palms, and two lines of blood flowed from his eyes. The three Magatama Sharingan instantly formed a weird-shaped eye!

"Mangekyo Sharingan..."

Hatake Kakashi saw the blood flowing from his disciple's eyes.

"Sasuke...your eyes..."

Haruno Sakura looked at Uchiha Sasuke with some worry.

"Have you finally opened your eyes?"

Uchiha Madara chuckled. He was very happy that Uchiha Sasuke opened the Mangekyō Sharingan. This meant that Uchiha Sasuke could transplant Uchiha Itachi's eyes and open the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!

Uchiha Madara didn't care about the root ninjas following Akihara Kagura, and even comforted Uchiha Sasuke: "Kid, don't worry too much. I once hoped that the Uchiha clan would follow me and leave Konoha, but they didn't You chose to leave me..."

"the you now…"

"But I'm also walking on the same path I've been through before..."

Uchiha Madara's voice was a little cold and ruthless, but seemed to be full of philosophy: "When you truly possess powerful power, your mind will not be limited to one clan or one village. Everything now is just the breeze blowing on your face..."

"Ho ho ho ho..."

Black Zetsu looked at Uchiha Madara and couldn't help but laugh, and said sarcastically: "Madara, don't you really need to reflect on yourself? Why did your people choose to follow God instead of following you out of Konoha? Will you leave together?"


Madara Uchiha's expression turned grim, and his figure instantly rushed directly in the direction of Black Zetsu, his murderous intent sweeping away without mercy!

"Hei Ze, you talk a little too much!"

First update today!

Let’s fight!

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