Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 290 Uchiha Madara is here!

OK OK...

Is the Country of Rain shirking its responsibilities so much?

Tsunade's palms were clenched into fists, and she really couldn't refute, because in the final analysis, this matter was Danzo's fault.

"This is not the time to shirk responsibility."

As the Hokage of Konoha, Tsunade has to bear the trouble left by Danzo Shimura. Anyway, this trouble is not comparable to the trouble caused by Akihara Kagura.

"Now, let's solve the crisis of Akihara Kagura first."

Tsunade clenched her fists and began to prepare to issue an order in a deep voice: "Now the first thing we have to do is to gather our strength to seal the previous Hokage..."

"According to my understanding of Akihara Kagura..."

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, lowered his head and thought: "Maybe now he has prepared the means for the four Hokages to escape Konoha..."

This is a lesson Orochimaru has learned a long time ago.

Every time Akihara Kagura prepares the next plan before implementing any plan, it is impossible to give them time to react.

"And Naruto's side..."

Jiraiya reminded Tsunade.

"And Sasuke's side..."

Orochimaru also reminded Tsunade.

"I know, I know…"

Tsunade waved her hands impatiently, feeling that these two old friends were a little annoyed. Could she not know these things? But what can she do if she knows?

Both Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke have entered Akihara Kagura's trap, and he can only send ANBU to find their traces first to prevent their whereabouts from being unknown.

"I think..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo looked at Tsunade and proactively suggested: "This crisis is probably not something that the Leaf Village can solve alone..."

"Hanzo-dono, do you have any suggestions?"

Tsunade frowned.

"Calling all ninjas in the ninja world."

Sansho Hanzo looked at Tsunade and said proactively: "At least prepare for the worst. This is a big crisis that can destroy the ninja world. The power of Konoha alone may not be able to stop that dangerous man named Akihara Kagura... "

"I see."

Tsunade had to admit that Sansho Hanzo had a point.

Because Akihara Kagura has never lost, it doesn't matter whether his enemy is a person or a village.

Sanshouyu Hanzo looked at everyone present and continued: "Perhaps this matter may be a little disrespectful to Konoha, but now only by gathering enough people and working together can we hope to solve this crisis..."

"I agree with Hanzo-dono's idea."

Nagato was very supportive of Sansho Hanzo, and he even remembered what his old friend Yahiko once mentioned: "A straw is easily broken, and a pile of straws are tied together..."

"It's still easy to break..."

Konan had to take the initiative to remind Nagato.

This is because their friend Yahiko once recruited some wandering ninjas and wanted to use straw to show them how powerful the power of unity is. However, several straws were broken directly during his speech. It was a terrible scene. A very memorable speech.

This straw example…

It made Xiaonan feel a little bit ominous.

Because the first group of Akatsuki members who had gathered like straw were almost wiped out, leaving only her and Nagato; can the ninja who gathered to fight Akihara Kagura really defeat Akihara Kagura this time?

"A little more power never hurts."

Sanshouyu Hanzo shook his head and took the initiative to speak: "I will go to the ninja world for a while, reluctantly dragging this old body, and try to persuade some people to join forces to solve this crisis in the ninja world, so as not to be eventually killed. Defeat each one..."

"As far as I know..."

Sansho Hanzo looked at Tsunade and the others, and said solemnly: "So far, no Ninja Village from any major country in the Ninja World has ever won against Akihara Kagura..."


Tsunade also had to admit this.

Although Konoha Village has never faced the crisis of the village being invaded, Akihara Kagura once saved Konoha by herself, and it is possible to destroy Konoha by herself.

"Then please leave it to Hanzo-dono."

Tsunade had to thank Sansho Hanzo for his kindness.

"This is also a selfish idea of ​​mine."

Sanshouyu Hanzo waved his hand and took the initiative to speak: "Because on the way here, they also discussed letting Nagato be resurrected to control war weapons, but any power comes at a price..."

"If Nagato doesn't have to pay a heavy price, at least he can leave a qualified successor to the Hidden Rain Village..."

"Lord Hanzo!"

Nagato stopped Sansho Hanzo, and he had to tell the truth to this senior he respected: "My life is coming to an end. If it comes to a last resort, I am ready to sacrifice..."


Tsunade glanced at the skinny Nagato.

To be honest, based on Tsunade's many years of medical experience, it would be a surprise if Nagato could survive for more than a month or two, and there was no way he could survive much longer.


Sanshouyu Hanzo hesitated for a second, perhaps a little unexpectedly, his body trembled for a while, and he just nodded slowly.

"I see."

After Sansho Hanzo finished speaking, he continued in a low voice: "Nagato, death is not the end of life. If your life comes to an end, then please do your best to leave your story in the ninja world!"

"Let the ninjas of Amegakure Village and everyone in this ninja world remember that there was a man named Nagato who sacrificed himself for the survival of the ninja world, and his will will remain forever."


Nagato's palms suddenly clenched.

"I still have to do this matter of contacting other ninja villages."

Sansho Hanzo looked at Nagato and continued softly: "The survival of the ninja world does not depend on the strength of one person. I once wanted to carry the Kingdom of Rain on my shoulders, thinking that I could carry the peace of the Kingdom of Rain, but in the end I failed Bringing greater disaster to the Country of Rain..."

"Even if we once claimed to be gods, we are still mere mortals after all. The great power of mortals lies in the ability to unite all mortals. This is also the will left by Yahiko, and this is what I deeply agreed with at the beginning..."

After Sanshouyu Hanzo finished speaking, he turned around and ordered the Amegakure ninjas who stayed in Konoha: "After I leave, you will obey Nagato's orders in everything."

"Lord Hanzo."

Tsunade stopped Sansho Hanzo who was about to leave, and said in a deep voice: "When we solve the internal problems in Konoha, I would like to use the Amegakure Village to hold a meeting of the Five Shadows, and I would like to invite people from other great ninja villages. All the actors and actresses were present..."

Yuyin Village…

What a suitable place.

Because Amegakure Village is located exactly in the center of the ninja world, except for Kirigakure Village, which lives overseas, it is very convenient for any other major country to get there.


Tsunade added another point and said in a deep voice: "If necessary, Sir Hanzo can use the name of Hokage to invite others, and Konoha will support Sir Hanzo's actions!"


Sanshouyu Hanzo nodded and agreed happily.

After the ninja demigod finished speaking, he left Konoha. At least he summoned everyone in the ninja world to jointly solve this crisis, and he had been recognized by Konoha.

"This man once stood like a mountain in the ninja world."

Tsunade looked at Sansho Hanzo's back and sighed: "Jiraiya, Orochimaru, I always thought we had caught up with him a long time ago, at least with this kind of ambition..."

Once during the Second Ninja War...

The Sannin of Konoha were powerless in the face of the power of Sansho Hanzo.

After the Konoha Sannin gradually grew up, the Konoha Sannin's vision gradually broadened, and they all thought that they had long been on par with Sansho Hanzo. Now Tsunade suddenly discovered that the gap between her and this ninja demigod was not only in strength.

"Should I look for reinforcements too?"

Jiraiya came up with his own idea.

"I can dig graves in the village."

Orochimaru also put forward his own ideas.

"Shut up!"

Tsunade turned around, waved her fist, and smashed the hospital table.

What's going on with these two old friends? Let alone Jiraiya, Orochimaru actually wants to take the opportunity to dig a grave!


Nagato looked at the impatient Tsunade and didn't know whether he should say anything.

"What's wrong?"

Tsunade's expression softened. She could get angry with Jiraiya and Orochimaru, but she had to maintain a friendly attitude toward others: "Is there anything else I need to pay attention to?"

"Can Konoha please contact the Red Sand Scorpion..."

Nagato looked at Tsunade and took the initiative to say: "People in the Akatsuki organization more or less have grudges against Akihara Kagura, especially Scorpion's combat power is very strong..."


Orochimaru frowned and suddenly remembered something, and asked in a deep voice: "The Red Sand Scorpion and Akihara Kagura had personal contact..."

"Have they had any personal contact?"

Nagato looked at Orochimaru in surprise.

"That guy Scorpion..."

Orochimaru remembered that the Red Sand Scorpion once threw him off the steps of the Akatsuki organization base, and whispered: "It is very likely that he is from Akihara Kagura."


The Red Sand Scorpion and Yakushi Kabuto conspired together to torture him.

These two guys were assigned by Akihara Kagura for the purpose of the filthy soil reincarnation technique in his hand, which Yakushi Kabuto also mentioned before.


Nagato's eyes were startled.

The Scorpion of Red Sand is the person he and Konan trust most in the Akatsuki organization, and even saved him and Konan. How could such a person be Akihara Kagura's spy!

"I suffered a lot from that guy back then..."

Orochimaru grinned, with a strange smile on his face.

"I remembered, Kabuto Yakushi is still in the village..."

Tsunade immediately thought of something and said in a deep voice: "Yesterday, he reported to me about Konoha Hospital. That guy must be from Akihara Kagura!"

Tsunade seemed to have finally caught Akihara Kagura's loophole, and immediately ordered the ANBU around her: "Send people to Konoha Orphanage, control Kabuto Yakushi, and let the people from the Torture Department pry Kabuto Yakushi's mouth." Come out with all the information on Akihara Kagura!"

"Maybe he has run away..."

Orochimaru shook his head, not having any expectations for this matter, and chuckled: "Kabuto Yakushi, with the support of Akihara Kagura, has also accumulated many powerful ninjas who have been reincarnated in the dirt over the years, and they can even be almost one." There is a legion reincarnated from the dirt, and there are at least three to four shadow-level people among them. It will not be easy to catch him..."

"Wait, let me do the math..."

Tsunade rubbed her brows with her fingers again and continued: "In other words, it will take a lot of people to catch Yakushi Kabuto..."


Tsunade realized a more serious problem.

Now that they want to seal the four ancestors of Hokage, they must mobilize a large number of Konoha's high-end combat power, even all jounin-level combat power, to avoid accidents;

Now if they want to arrest Yakushi Kabuto, Yakushi Kabuto has three to four Kage-level figures in his hands, which also requires some high-end combat power...

Konoha's combat power seems a bit lacking...

Tsunade's face became extremely ugly. Since the Fifth Hokage took over, he has never thought that Konoha's combat effectiveness would be insufficient.

Konoha's strongest fighting department has always been the roots.

The people at the root are all dual blood successor ninjas with three Magatama Sharingan and Wood Release, and each of them has elite jounin-level combat capabilities.

In addition, there is the strongest fighting force in the village, Akihara Kagura, who can single-handedly eliminate a large country ninja village, so that Tsunade never has to worry about insufficient fighting power.


When Nebe and Akihara Kagura might become enemies...

A large vacancy immediately appeared in Konoha's combat power. Tsunade never thought that she would face such a dilemma one day. When had she ever fought such a poor battle?


Adding insult to injury.

Just as Tsunade was thinking about who she should send to search and capture Yakushi Kabuto in front of everyone, and who she should send to help seal the four ancestors of Hokage...

"No, someone is coming!"

Nagato's perception ability is very strong, and he quickly sensed a terrifying chakra fluctuation approaching Konoha Village: "A powerful chakra is coming towards Konoha!"

"Akihara Kagura!"

Everyone present thought that the visitor might be Akihara Kagura.


"It's not Akihara Kagura..."

Nagato shook his head, his body trembling uneasily: "This guy's chakra is a little weird, making people feel a little strange... No, there is also something familiar..."

"Everyone on alert!"

Tsunade could only shout loudly!

Now Konoha hasn't solved its internal problems, but it's causing external troubles again!

All the Anbu were notified immediately, the defense squad immediately went on alert, and waves of piercing alarms were heard in the village!

"he came!"

Nagato suddenly looked in one direction!

The direction Nagato was looking was the Hokage Rock in Konoha Village.

No matter where you are in Konoha, you can see the Hokage Rock in the village, because the Hokage Rock in Konoha is the sacred place in the village.

A figure in red armor ignored Konoha's barrier. His body seemed to fall from the sky and landed directly on Konoha's Hokage Rock, looking at the scenery of Konoha with arrogance!



I will write again tomorrow and continue to adjust my schedule...

Hot knowledge: The name Konoha is still the name set by Madara Uchiha...

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