Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 279 The other side! The revenge of Uchiha!

It's over.

A big problem arises.

This was Orochimaru's first thought.

Akihara Kagura was not 100% sure about Nagato's Rinnegan Eye. Before he took the Rinnegan Eye, he considered the possibility that the Rinnegan Eye might be destroyed!

This guy actually has an optional reincarnation eye.

Orochimaru listened to Akihara Kagura mention the relationship between the Uchiha clan and the Rinnegan, a new term called the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, and understood what Akihara Kagura said.

"Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan..."

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, remembering the blood successor that he once thought about deeply: "Is the end point of the evolution of the blood successor of the Uchiha clan actually evolving into the Rinnegan?"

The duel between the genius brothers Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke, in addition to attracting others' attention, actually involves Akihara Kagura's plan to cultivate the Rinnegan Eye?

No wonder…

No wonder Akihara Kagura will train Uchiha Sasuke...

Because the little guy Uchiha Sasuke is not good at independent thinking and is obedient most of the time. He is the container for Akihara Kagura to cultivate the Samsara Eye...

Akihara Kagura always seems to like to achieve two or three goals in one thing, making people unable to understand what he is doing until he achieves his goal...


Just now is already troublesome!

While Orochimaru was still thinking, a voice appeared on the shore and shouted loudly towards Akihara Kagura: "Young man, Sasuke is going to meet Uchiha Itachi!"

It was Bai Jue Awei.

Bai Jue Awei sent this important news.

The internal fighting among the brothers of the Uchiha clan is a conspiracy that involves a lot.

Even Akihara Kagura made many arrangements around the duel between the two brothers. A group of root ninjas who assist Uchiha Sasuke in revenge are not just going to watch a movie!

"It seems that I don't have time to stay here."

Akihara Kagura glanced at Orochimaru, slowly controlled the wooden dragon to fly into the air, and said: "If the Rinnegan is really hidden in the detonating talisman trap, Orochimaru-sama, then just help me detonate this place to prevent others from doing so. Compete with me for weapons of war..."


Orochimaru looked at Akihara Kagura, who was not fooled, and smiled unnaturally: "Kagura-kun, you really don't think about it..."

To put it bluntly…

This time may be his last chance to take away Akihara Kagura's body. With the help of the hundreds of billions of detonating talismans left by Xiaonan, he has a chance to defeat Akihara Kagura...

If next time, Akihara Kagura gets the combination of Samsara Eye, Immortal Eye and Immortal Body, will this guy become the Immortal of Six Paths?

"I won't consider it anymore."

Akihara Kagura raised his hand and wanted to leave.


Orochimaru frowned and looked up at the flying wooden dragon.

"Almost forgot."

"This time you betrayed our covenant again."

Akihara Kagura suddenly stopped, and quickly closed his hands to form a seal. A black psychic barrier spell flashed from his hand, and the ball of psychic spell fell directly on the lake.


Orochimaru could only watch the psychic spell fall to the ground. He had already recognized that it was the psychic spell that must be cast in order to use the mutual detonation talisman.

next moment!

This black psychic spell suddenly spread rapidly on the lake!

In an instant, black spells covered the entire lake, and the lake revealed its true face, with stacks of thick detonating charms stacked on top of each other!

The weird thing is...

With the expansion of the black psychic spells, some small black psychic spells hidden here are rapidly declining and disappearing. Obviously, the person who wanted to set up the psychic array here did not have powerful chakra and could only use a little bit. Ground layout…

"There are also other psychic formations here that multiply detonating talismans..."

Akihara Kagura glanced down at Orochimaru, and continued slowly: "Lord Orochimaru, have you forgotten that I am the assistant of the Hokage of Konoha? I have already mastered the forbidden technique of multiplying the detonating talisman, and even used it on This forbidden technique has been slightly improved..."


Orochimaru squinted his eyes, feeling suddenly uneasy.

"The mutually multiplying detonating talisman itself is an exponential psychic detonating talisman bombing."

A shuriken appeared in Akihara Kagura's hand. He raised his hand and threw the shuriken directly. There was a detonating talisman at the end of the shuriken: "But after a slight improvement, you can make a The detonating talisman serves as a primer, instantly detonating all the detonating talismans..."


Orochimaru was shocked.

There are hundreds of billions of detonating symbols in this area, which were instantly detonated by Akihara Kagura. This big explosion was enough to shake the entire Kingdom of Rain!

Without needing to think too much, Orochimaru's body directly turned into a snake body. His heart was frantically warning that a huge thing suddenly appeared!

This behemoth had eight snake-shaped heads on its body and eight tails on its back. It opened its mouth and roared at the wooden dragon that was facing Akihara Kagura!


Akihara Kagura snapped her fingers.


The entire lake suddenly exploded!

All the detonating symbols on the lake were detonated in an instant!

Akihara Kagura drove the wooden dragon and left quickly. Behind him, he could even feel the shock and impact of hundreds of billions of detonating talismans being detonated!

A huge mushroom cloud rose up behind him, blooming with blazing light like the sun. The ground shook violently, causing the entire Rain Country to feel the vibration. The rising mushroom cloud could even be seen in many places. !

By a small river.

Konan and Nagato felt the vibration under their feet.

The two of them couldn't help but look back in the direction of the Akatsuki organization base, and saw a rising mushroom cloud. Xiaonan couldn't hide the horror in her eyes.


A drop of cold sweat ran down Xiaonan's cheek.


Nagato's face looked a little ugly, they didn't know the situation there yet.


The most important thing now is to find a safe place.

"Let's find Scorpion first..."

Nagato chose to look for the Red Sand Scorpion. He took Konan's ring in his hand and wanted to use the ability of the Samsara Eye to find the Red Sand Scorpion and the others.

Because Xie is undoubtedly the most trustworthy person within the Xiao organization.

When Akihara Kagura almost brought disaster to the Akatsuki organization for the first time, it was the Red Sand Scorpion who took the initiative to take him and Konan away together.

On a rock in the Kingdom of Rain.

The Red Sand Scorpion and Kakuzu were still watching Deidara and Hidan arguing.

However, when the huge explosion and vibration came, the two guys finally stopped and looked at the rising mushroom cloud in surprise.

"This is art!"

Deidara opened his arms and looked at the rising mushroom cloud with enthusiasm on his face: "This is the greatest art in the ninja world, and sooner or later I will be able to bloom it too!"


The Red Sand Scorpion shook his head helplessly.

"Is that the direction of the base?"

Hidan looked at the direction of the explosion and turned around curiously to ask.

After these words were spoken, several people present were shocked at the same time. Everyone couldn't help but think about why such a big explosion occurred...

Except for members of the Akatsuki organization...

It seems that no one else in the Kingdom of Rain can cause such a big explosion, right?

"Penn is contacting us?"

Kakuzu quickly glanced at the ring in his hand.

"Just take it."

The Red Sand Scorpion also looked at the ring in his hand.

This is the Akatsuki organization's method of information exchange. No matter how far apart they are, they can use the ring to cast the Phantom Body Technique, and then establish a group communication channel through the Samsara Eye.


The signal inside the ring soon came to a screeching halt.

Because Nagato, who originally wanted to find the Red Sand Scorpion and others, met an Amegakure ninja who came to search for them, and told Jiraiya and Sanho Hanzo that they were looking for them.

Nagato had to give up contacting the people of the Akatsuki organization first, and just informed the Red Sand Scorpion, Kakuzu and others to rush to the Rain Hidden Village and not to rush back to the base. They would meet at the Rain Hidden Village.

Yuyin Village.

This is a small village full of industrial style.

Jiraiya stood on the high tower of Yuyin Village, looking at the mushroom cloud rising from the explosion in the distance with a worried face, and felt some mixed feelings in his heart.

"That Orochimaru guy..."

"An explosion of that level is enough to destroy Yuyin Village."

Sansho Hanzo stood beside Jiraiya, staring at the mushroom cloud, and advised in a deep voice: "The probability of that Sannin brat surviving is extremely slim... maybe you won't even be able to find his body."


Jiraiya fell silent.

Xiao organization base.

In other words, this should be called the former site of the Akatsuki organization base.

Because of the power of the explosion of hundreds of billions of detonating symbols, the entire Akatsuki organization base next to it was completely wiped out, leaving only a deep pit the size of a city.


After all, this is just a detonator.

After all, quantitative changes did not lead to more terrifying qualitative changes.

A huge Yamata no Orochi lay in the deep pit, its body still twisting and turning, its whole body had become charred black, and there were signs of breakage everywhere.

When it appears, it has eight heads and tails.


It has only half a tail and a head.

This was also the moment when it exploded. Its body instantly curled up and wrapped one of its heads, leaving only one head.

The head opened its mouth and bit down on the charred part of the body. The severe pain made it growl regardless, but it continued to bite stubbornly.

None of these traumas matter.

As long as it's alive, the body can recover.

Perhaps the chakra consumption in the body was too severe, so the Yamata no Orochi finally had to choose to give up. It finally slowly opened its mouth, and a figure came out of its mouth, paralyzed weakly. on the ground.

It was Orochimaru.

The guy survived again.

Even in such a mess, he still survived.

"Akihara Kagura..."

Orochimaru's fingers didn't even have the strength to move.

If he hadn't performed the Yamata Technique at the moment before the explosion and transformed into the body of Yamata no Orochi, he might have died without a burial place at this time...

"That rascal…"

Orochimaru tried to grit his teeth, but he didn't even have the strength to grit his teeth. He could only sit there and recover his strength: "We still need to pass the news to that idiot Jiraiya first. His bastard disciple still has some spare ones." Samsara Eye…”

"Let him quickly send a message to Konoha..."

"Just let the people of Konoha kill Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi..."


"This is useless..."

Orochimaru thought of Akihara Kagura's speed and thought that he was a little fanciful: "It should be too late..."


It should be too late.

During this time, it would be good if they could find Nagato first.

However, Akihara Kagura may have taken away the winner among the brothers Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke during the time they found Nagato.

Fire Nation.

A stronghold once used by the Uchiha clan.

This stronghold has long been abandoned. It looks barren and dilapidated on the outside, but it is still a little clean on the inside. Although it is also ruined, it can barely allow people to take a rest here.


It is the place of revenge agreed upon by Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi.

Sasuke Uchiha sat on a stone chair inside the stronghold, and the other ninjas at the root stood in various positions in a mess, some stood on the broken wall, and some stood on the beam behind the door.


This should be a duel between brothers.

However, everyone present has the qualification to avenge Uchiha Itachi, because they used to have a common surname and the same blood succession limit.

"Xiang Phosphorus sent a message."

An Uchiha walked in from the front and said softly: "Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Uchiha are already here, just outside the stronghold..."

"Are we going to go out and kill him?"

"Go kill him!"

"You can wait for him to come over, right?"

Everyone present became a little excited.

However, after this group of Uchihas got excited here, they started arguing as if going back to the past to hold a clan meeting, which made Uchiha Sasuke a little headache.


Uchiha Sasuke quickly stopped them, and the slightly immature young man imitated his father's example and comforted many clan members: "We have agreed to fight in this old clan land, just wait for him to come here, here Kill him and complete Uchiha's revenge..."

outside this stronghold.

Xiang Phosphorus stood here with a group of people.

When Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Inikasaki arrived, Karin stretched out his hand to stop them, and said softly: "This shark-faced person is staying. Only Itachi Uchiha can go in."

"Mr. Itachi."

Kisame Kisaki picked up his Samehada sword and pointed at Karin from a distance: "They don't seem very friendly!"

"I'll go in alone."

Itachi Uchiha shook his head, stopped the possible conflict between Kisame Kisame and Koso, and crossed Koso alone.

It wasn't until Uchiha Itachi walked past Karin that he remembered something. He suddenly looked at Kisame Kisame and said, "Kisame, go back first!"

"Mr. Itachi?"

Kisame Mikigaki frowned, then relaxed his brows, and chuckled: "If Mr. Itachi died here, at least someone would have to collect the body, right?"

"no need."

Uchiha Itachi shook his head and walked towards the stronghold.

To make up for yesterday’s…

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