Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 277 The hope of stopping Akihara Kagura! Orochimaru's ambition!

Destroy the ninja world, destroy the ninja.

Create new worlds and create new ninjas.

At this moment, Akihara Kagura claimed that everything he did was following Jiraiya's teachings, and that he was learning from the former Six Paths Sage.

Jiraiya always likes to use the Six Paths Sage and the Ninja Sect as examples of peace in the ninja world to educate his disciples. At this time, after listening to Akihara Kagura's words, he just felt a suffocating fear, because his disciples seemed to be real. Following his teachings.

Good news, Kagura listened to the teacher's instructions.

Bad news, Kagura overheard.

Jiraiya's face was dripping with rain and cold sweat, and his body was trembling and unable to move. He was trying hard to think of how to argue: "Kagura, my idea has always been to let the ninjas of this era be able to do the same thing as the ninjas of the ancient times." We all understand each other..."


Akihara Kagura looked at Jiraiya, as if he was a little confused: "I am your disciple, and you are not willing to understand me, why do you still want ninjas in the ninja world to understand each other? Isn't this a contradiction? "


Jiraiya felt his lack of words.

"For ninjas in this era, it is impossible to understand each other. Ninjas have long been accustomed to competing for interests, starting wars for a little employment commission, killing each other for interests, and praising the killer as an excellent ninja..."

Akihara Kagura stretched out her palm, seeming to strengthen her determination: "How can this ninja world come to understand each other? It is better to bury the history of this ninja world and re-create the creature of ninja like the Sage of Six Paths..."

"Maybe what you said is right..."

Jiraiya took a deep breath, feeling that he could not refute Akihara Kagura on this question: "However, as a ninja of this era, I cannot sit back and watch you destroy this era..."


Akihara Kagura looked at Jiraiya and frowned tightly, seeming to understand Jiraiya: "You who have always claimed that you hope that the ninja world will change towards peace in the future, but when peace requires your sacrifice, you I am not willing to sacrifice for this..."


Jiraiya quickly wanted to retort.

"never mind."

Akihara Kagura waved her hand and raised her palm: "Teacher Jiraiya, human beings are all selfish. You are the best ninja of this era, but you still can't get rid of selfish thoughts, just like the epitome of this ninja era. …”

"It is precisely because every ninja has selfish thoughts in his heart that the ninjas of this era will never be able to understand each other. The ninjas will continue to cause war and killing, and peace will always be like the moon in the sky. …”

"Everyone prays for peace in the ninja world."

"That's because the peace everyone wants is a peace that benefits them."

Every word of Akihara Kagura pierced Jiraiya's heart, making Jiraiya unable to refute. This excellent ninja could not even speak out any objection.

"Bye now."


Akihara Kagura closed her palms and sighed: "Let's start the prelude to the demise of ninjas in this era right here! Immortal Technique·Wood Dragon Technique!"

The land on the ground suddenly surged!

A thick vine turned into a huge wooden dragon!

The wooden dragon in the senjutsu state was actually lifelike, and it rushed towards Jiraiya. The wooden dragon opened its mouth slightly and let out a roar!

Jiraiya's hair flew around and he turned around and ran in the other direction. His palms were also forming hand seals quickly, and he turned around and tried to spit out a ball of flames towards the wooden dragon!

"Fire Release·Big Flame Bullet!"

A huge ball of flames hit the wooden dragon!

However, to Wood Dragon, this ball of flame is just a ball of fireworks!

Akihara Kagura stood on top of Wood Dragon's head, calmly watching Jiraiya who turned around and ran away again. His speed seemed unhurried and slow, as if he was forcing Jiraiya to a desperate situation!

The other side of the battlefield.

By the lake near the Akatsuki organization base.

Nagato, Konan and their group just escaped here.

"Little Jiraiya is going to die too..."

Fukasaku Sennin glanced at the vastly different battlefield in the distance.

"He originally wanted to die here!"

Orochimaru looked at Nagato, who needed to be dragged by the paper wings, and said in a cold voice: "I have saved him many times, but if we continue at this rate, even if Jiraiya dies in the battle, we will He can’t escape Kagura’s pursuit, his perception ability is very strong…”

"I've set the trap."

Xiaonan frowned and continued in a deep voice: "As long as Akihara Kagura steps into the trap I prepared by the lake when he is chasing us, hundreds of billions of detonating talismans are enough to kill him..."

"It's a big deal."

Orochimaru shook his head, not believing that Konan's idea could be realized: "But Kagura possesses the flying thunder god technique, and the time and space technique is enough to allow him to avoid any traps..."

this is the truth.

No matter what, as long as the Reincarnation Eye is on Nagato, it is impossible for them to escape Akihara Kagura's pursuit. Because Nagato's legs are disabled, he can only rely on the assistance of Orochimaru and Konan.


This will greatly delay their escape.

"What can you do?"

Nagato asked about Orochimaru.


Orochimaru looked at Nagato's Rinnegan Eyes and chuckled as he put forward his own idea: "The most important thing to Akihara Kagura is the Rinnegan Eyes. As long as he is not allowed to get the Rinnegan Eyes..."

"I'm going to destroy my own eyes."

Nagato did not give up his idea and continued: "As long as there are no eyes, Akihara Kagura will not be able to obtain a complete war weapon!"

"How stupid..."

Orochimaru shook his head and said coldly: "Even if you destroy the Rinnegan, you can't change Kagura's mind. That little guy has been exposed. He may not give up his plan. There is no one in the ninja world like him. The opponent…”

"What should we do?"

Nagato's eyes fell on Orochimaru.

"Give me the reincarnation eye..."

Orochimaru had just finished speaking when Konan interrupted him!

"No way!"

Konan didn't want to believe Orochimaru at all. Orochimaru got the Rinnegan Eye. Konan didn't believe Orochimaru would save the ninja world or anything like that!


Nagato looked at Fukasaku Sennin and asked in a deep voice: "What if these samsara eyes are given to Fukasaku Sennin?"

"I can take away the Samsara Eye."

Fukasaku Sage frowned and asked aloud: "But once you are killed by that little guy Kagura, who will control these samsara eyes?"


Nagato fell silent.

This pair of samsara eyes represents the future of the ninja world.

This pair of samsara eyes also represents the disaster that may come to the ninja world.

However, Nagato has been living in the Akatsuki organization base for many years. The people he knows are basically a group of rebel ninjas who do bad things. The only ninja he is familiar with who is a serious ninja village is Akihara Kagura, who wants to The world-destroying supervillain…

"Are you sure you can do it?"

Orochimaru looked at Fukasaku Sage and suddenly laughed: "Kagura is a disciple of Jiraiya. He must have signed a contract with Mount Myoboku. Can't he find the location of Mount Myoboku?"


Fukasaku Sennin's expression changed.

The Toad Immortal, who had lived for hundreds of years, realized a problem.

If the Eye of Samsara is handed over to it for safekeeping, it will definitely cause disaster for Mount Myoboku. That guy from Akihara Kagura has mastered the contract of Mount Myoboku, and is even powerful enough to channel the Great Toad Sage. Once it takes away the Eye of Samsara, , what can I do if Akihara Kagura threatens the Great Toad Sage with his life?


Fukasaku Sage suddenly remembered something, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "I can take away the Samsara Eye, and ask the Great Toad Sage after returning to Mt. Myoboku, and let the Great Toad Sage use prophecy to judge whether the Reincarnation Eye is harmful to Mt. Myoki, and who can do it in the future. Come and control the Samsara Eye!"

Orochimaru chuckled and looked at Fukasaku Sennin: "If the Rinnegan Eye would harm Mt. Myoboku, you would give the Rinnegan Eye to Akihara Kagura, right?"

"Absolutely impossible!"

Fukasaku Sennin quickly refuted Orochimaru, and even poured dirty water on Ryujidong: "Junior, you think of Mt. Myoboku too despicably. Do you think Mt. Myoboku is the same as Ryujidong?"

"Mt. Miaomu is not that noble, right?"

Orochimaru is a snake, and he has no favorable impression of Mt. Miaomu.


Nagato looked back and forth between Fukasaku Senshi and Orochimaru hesitantly.

"There will be no result in arguing if this continues..."

Orochimaru looked at Konan, chuckled and said, "But I do have a forbidden technique. This forbidden technique may not be able to get rid of Akihara Kagura..."

"any solution?"

"The art of multiplying each other's detonating talismans..."

Orochimaru said the name of the forbidden technique with a smile, and explained softly: "As long as a detonating talisman can be attached to Akihara Kagura, even if Akihara Kagura uses the time and space technique, the detonating talisman will always follow him. Caused continuous explosions around..."

"You just said that you have hidden hundreds of billions of detonating symbols at the bottom of the lake. Once these detonating symbols are blessed by the psychic technique of multiplying the detonating symbols, they will explode with an exponentially increasing efficiency. Hundreds of billions of detonating symbols will explode at the same time. The power may be enough to kill Akihara Kagura..."


"This requires a strategy..."

"Because the detonating talisman must be attached to his body."

"What's the plan?"

Konan frowned.

"Hide the reincarnation eye he wants under the bottom of this lake."

"I can stay and break up the relationship."

Orochimaru stared at the lake at the Akatsuki organization base, and said with a sinister smile: "You all disperse and escape from here. If Akihara Kagura goes to hunt you down, at least some of you will survive and can come back here to take away the Samsara Eye..."

"If Akihara Kagura sees through our plan, he will have to face the bombardment of hundreds of billions of detonating charms in an instant. Perhaps he and the Rinnegan Eye can be destroyed together, so that the Rinnegan Eye and him die together. From now on, there will be no ninja world. Disaster…”


Everyone present fell silent immediately.

"Then why can't you cheat him..."

Konan frowned and came up with an idea: "What if he thinks that Nagato's Samsara Eye is under the bottom of the lake? Even if the place is blown up and there is no way to kill Akihara Kagura, he will think that the Samsara Eye has been destroyed. We at least have a chance to secretly continue to resurrect war weapons and prevent his plan to destroy the ninja world..."


Orochimaru glanced at Konan gloomily.

What happened to this woman?

I just wanted to find an opportunity to take away the Eye of Samsara. Why did this woman keep holding on to the Eye of Samsara and refuse to hand it over? Why did she take out the Eye of Samsara and use it as a trap?

If there really are hundreds of billions of detonating talismans at the bottom of this lake, I would first take away the reincarnation eye, use the detonating talisman to bombard Akihara Kagura to serious injuries, use Fuzu Reincarnation to take away Akihara Kagura's body, and then create a new life for myself. The body replaces the reincarnation eye...

"I agree with this idea."

Fukasaku Sage agreed with Konan's method, and it looked at Orochimaru: "Orochimaru, you are the only one here who can use the technique of mutually multiplying the detonating talisman. Just now you said that you would stay by yourself to break up the queen..."


Orochimaru's eyes flashed with anger.

this moment…

Orochimaru suddenly remembered the long-lost past.

At that time, he was still a member of the Akatsuki organization. As a result, the members of the Akatsuki organization abandoned the base and retreated, directly abandoning him, leaving him to face Akihara Kagura alone...

He is no longer a member of the Akatsuki organization.

Why does it seem that my destiny has not changed?


There was a hint of coldness in Orochimaru's eyes.

If there really are countless detonating talismans under this lake, at least I can find an opportunity to use this conspiracy to seriously injure Akihara Kagura, and take the opportunity to use Fuzu Reincarnation to seize his body!

From day one...

From the day when Akihara Kagura's wood escape experiment was successful, from the moment he saw with his own eyes how abundant the chakra in Akihara Kagura's body was, from the moment he saw with his own eyes Akihara Kagura's growing strength, Orochimaru has never Give up on that idea!

to be honest.

A conspiracy against Akihara Kagura.

Orochimaru really has no psychological burden.

Who allowed that guy Akihara Kagura to keep using him and deceiving him with lies to save Jiraiya, but it was to get information about Pain's Six Paths and to seize the Reincarnation Eye...


The hundreds of billions of detonating symbols here...

It's time for that guy to pay off his debt!


If he accidentally kills Akihara Kagura, he can only use the dirt to reincarnate to resurrect Akihara Kagura, and control Akihara Kagura to become his puppet...

The most powerful ninja in the ninja world, Akihara Kagura, became a puppet controlled by his own reincarnation. He used this puppet to snatch the reincarnation eye...

This kind of story seems not wrong...

Orochimaru tapped his fingers lightly on his arm, nodded casually, and agreed to Konan, Nagato and the others. A strange thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

If he died here in the battle to stop Akihara Kagura, the ending of the story would seem to be that he and Jiraiya stayed behind and protected Nagato, the hope of the ninja world, from escaping from here. Why does this feeling feel familiar? …

Orochimaru's brows furrowed slightly as the words that the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen always liked to say amiably while stroking his beard appeared inexplicably.

"Wherever the leaves are flying, the fire is endless..."

"The fire will continue to illuminate the village and let the new leaves sprout..."

"Sooner or later, one day we will reach the time to sacrifice..."


Orochimaru shook his head quickly, getting rid of this inexplicable thought.

First update!

My head hurts, I'm thinking about how to make people feel hopeless...

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