Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 272 Brother Nagato, I need your immortal eyes

"Help me tell Tsunade..."

Jilai also looked at Orochimaru, and didn't care about the dissatisfaction in Orochimaru's words, still with a calm smile: "This time, she finally won the bet."

"I see."

Orochimaru nodded.

For Orochimaru, the resurrected S-rank ninja, sneaking into Konoha to meet Tsunade is a dangerous thing, and he still chooses to take the risk to meet Tsunade.

"Thank you very much."

Jiraiya's smile suddenly became brighter, and he added another request: "By the way, I know you must have heard all the information, remember to tell her all the information for me, including the information about Payne and God. happy…"

"Zi Lai Ye, don't push yourself too far..."

A sinister smile appeared on Orochimaru's face.

Orochimaru still doesn't know whether Akihara Kagura's plan is the same as he expected, but Akihara Kagura has not yet appeared.

Jiraiya has also entered the immortal mode, and the two immortals from Mt. Miaogi have strong perception abilities, but they have not found any trace of Akihara Kagura.


Is Akihara Kagura really not here?

Orochimaru took a deep look at Jiraiya.

If it is true that he and Jilai are buried here, it is not in his own interest.

Orochimaru thinks that he has done enough to help his old friend Jiraiya. In front of Nagato and Tendao Payne, Orochimaru doesn't think that he and Jilai can defeat each other, and he doesn't think he can defeat each other after their pursuit. Kill him and take him away.

next second.

Tiandao Payne suddenly rushed towards Jiraiya!

A mechanical arm grew out from behind Nagato, and the arm turned into a radiant laser weapon in an instant, and the weapon quickly condensed with light!

Obviously he is cooperating with his puppet, but it seems like he cooperated with Yahiko many years ago, covering Yahiko's attack!

Xiaonan's figure was also floating in the air, as if fighting with the teacher many years ago, the detonation talisman papers turned into paper planes and flew in the direction of Jiraiya!

all of these…

It's like going back to many years ago...

However, this scene is very different from many years ago...

The last time they fought, they were still teachers and students. When the three little guys from Akatsuki fought with Jiraiya, they were still a little green, and they didn't even have the slightest killing intent; Murderous intent, as if to keep his teacher here completely!

"Little guys..."

The corner of Jiraiya's mouth smiled, and his body suddenly fell to the ground: "It's not enough if you just use this rough method to start the opening... Immortal Law · Hair Needle Thousand Books!"

The thick hair on Jiraiya's body instantly became hard, and countless hairs turned into thousands of long needles, shooting towards the direction of the trio!

The hair needle Qianben pierced through Xiaonan's detonating talisman papers in an instant, and nailed these detonating talisman papers to the ground, and the detonating talisman explosion sounded one after another!

It's not over yet...

Thousands of dense hair needles are about to penetrate Tiandao Payne's body!

"Ninjutsu, psychic technique!"

Nagato quickly stopped his attack, and raised his hand to complete a psychic handprint. A panda fell from the sky and landed in front of Tiandao Payne, blocking the attack of Maozhen Senbon!

Tiandao Payne stepped on the panda and jumped up, waving the black stick in his hand and stabbing Jiraiya, his face was cold and ruthless!

"Immortal Law Super Big Jade Spiral Pill!"

Jiraiya raised his hand to condense a huge ball of spiral pills, and was about to deal with Tiandao Payne in front of him first, but Tiandao Payne's body stepped aside instantly, revealing Nagato behind him!

"Hungry Ghost Road!"

Nagato raised his palm and directly absorbed the chakra in the super jade spiral pill!

If it is natural energy, these absorptions will cause problems in Nagato's body; however, there are refined sage chakras in it, which will shock Nagato's spirit!

"Asura way!"

A mechanical arm grew out of Nagato's back again, and the arm split open to reveal a string of missiles, flying towards Jiraiya!

"Get away!"

Jiraiya and Orochimaru jumped left and right at the same time!


A series of explosions came one after another!

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

Nagato directly raised his palm towards Orochimaru!

A gravitational force instantly sucked Orochimaru's body, he had to deal with the most likely Orochimaru to escape first, the Orochimaru that even Shinra Tianzheng couldn't kill...

"Want to kill me first?"

The corner of Orochimaru's mouth chuckled, and suddenly opened his mouth, taking advantage of the opportunity of being approached by gravity, he opened his mouth and spit out a Kusanagi sword towards Nagato!

Nagato frowned slightly, and the mechanical arm behind him changed again, and a strange mechanical arm appeared, directly locked the Kusanagi sword, and dragged Orochimaru over!

Two robotic arms reappeared!

One arm grabbed Orochimaru's neck, and the other arm clasped Orochimaru's arm, and he grabbed Orochimaru abruptly!

"The way of the world!"

Nagato raised his palm and clasped it on Orochimaru's chest!

The Human Realm ability, which has never shown any ability in front of Jiraiya and Orochimaru, finally appeared in front of them. Human Realm can extract the soul of a human body!


Orochimaru suddenly felt that his soul was about to leave his body!

This feeling…

Was it vaguely familiar?

Orochimaru even remembered why he was familiar with it. This was when he was fighting his teacher, the third Hokage Hiruza Sarutobi, and Hiruza Sarutobi used the ghoul seal to grab his soul!

That does not work!

If one's body is damaged, there may still be hope for recovery; if one's soul is pulled out by Nagato, then death must be near!

"Ji Lai Ye!"

Orochimaru's gaze immediately turned to Jiraiya!

When Jiraiya was fighting Tendo Payne, he also noticed the situation of Orochimaru, and he could only hope for the Fukasaku Senjin beside him: "Hurry up and save Orochimaru, I can't leave here, only Orochimaru can escape!"


Immortal Fukasaku opened his mouth and spit out a gust of wind towards Nagato, and rescued Orochimaru from Nagato's hand, but it fled away the moment it saw Orochimaru hit the ground!

"Little Zilai also..."

Immortal Fukasaku saw Nagato's horror with his own eyes, saw Nagato easily capture Orochimaru, and even nearly killed Orochimaru, it felt that this battle would be extremely tragic, this Immortal's eyes couldn't help revealing a touch of pity.

"Don't be idle, son, his father..."

While fighting with Jiraiya, Immortal Shima was interfering with Konan's attack at the side, and it was the time when he was too busy!

"Xiaonan, go chase Orochimaru."

Tiandao Payne glanced at Orochimaru in the distance, and ordered in a cold voice.

"I see!"

The wings behind Xiao Nan spread out, and he galloped towards the direction where Orochimaru was escaping at high speed: "Oshemaru, don't try to escape..."

"Messy lion hair!"

Jiraiya's palms closed suddenly, and his white hair suddenly stretched out, tying Xiao Nan's body straight, stopping Xiao Nan from chasing and killing Orochimaru!

"Water Escape·Water Slash!"

Immortal Fukasaku shot out a high-pressure water knife without hesitation. This water knife instantly split Xiaonan's body in two, and Xiaonan's body immediately turned into pieces of origami paper and flew away!

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

Nagato also stretched out his palm towards the fleeing Orochimaru!

A gravitational force suddenly struck, and Orochimaru's fleeing body flew back involuntarily. This is the horror of Nagato, no one can escape from him!

"Immortal Art Great Flame Bullet!"

Jiraiya opened his mouth and spit out a ball of flames towards Nagato, forcing Nagato to give up using gravity to chase back Orochimaru, he can only do this one step!

"Can you use illusion to stop them?"

Jilai also immediately asked the two immortals, and said in a deep voice: "The matter is of great importance, even related to the survival of the ninja world. We must let Orochimaru bring the information back!"

"I see."

Sento Fukasaku nodded solemnly.

"Do you really want to use that technique?"

Immortal Zhima seemed a little helpless, but finally nodded.

"Immortal Law Frog Cry!"

The mouths of the two toads sitting on Jiraiya's shoulders suddenly widened, and they spit out bursts of strange melodies. This is the unique illusion of Miaomushan. illusion.

The only trouble is...

This illusion needs a certain amount of time to take effect.

In a combat state, it may not be possible to do all this in time.

"Shenluo Tianzheng!"

Nagato frowned slightly, and raised his palm towards Jiraiya!

"Immortal Law Earth Flow City Wall!"

Jilai also only hoped that there would be time to release a solid defensive wall!

With the blessing of the celestial chakra, this earth escape technique, which is already known for its defense, is even more terrifying. Two rows of city walls instantly appeared in front of Jiraiya!

However, a stronger repulsive force suddenly expanded than when Heavenly Dao Payne used it, and the ground was lifted up by this repulsive force little by little!

The city wall that Jiraiya had just laid down was knocked down by this repulsive force in an instant, and countless gravels fell on Jiraiya and the two immortals, interrupting their illusions, and even this blow directly broke Ziraiya. Come also the sage mode status!

"Cough cough cough..."

Ji Lai also felt that his internal organs had been greatly shaken!

The two immortals also felt very uncomfortable, and even spit out a mouthful of blood!

"They must be stopped..."

Jilai also closed his palms and stood up again with strength. He knew that he might not have the strength to fight again, but he still stubbornly wanted to fulfill his promise: "We must cover Orochimaru, let that guy Orochimaru escape…"


The chakra in Jiraiya's body has been exhausted.

Without the help of the two celestial beings, his chakra was finally exhausted.

"Teacher Jiraiya..."

"Now you should have no strength to continue to resist."

Tendo Payne could sense that the Chakra in Jiraiya's body was exhausted, and his voice became proud again: "The most difficult thing in this world is to make one person understand another person's thoughts. A world where everyone understands each other can be built..."

"Nagato, that's the right way..."

Jilai also vomited blood, and still stubbornly opened his mouth to refute.


"That's the hardest thing in the world."

"In comparison, using absolute power to force others to submit to accept peace is the right choice for the ninja world. What mortals need to do is to accept their fate."

Tiandao Payne slowly walked in front of Jiraiya, raised his palm, and a black stick condensed in his hand: "Even if you let Orochimaru escape, it is impossible to change anything, the eyes of the immortal and the eyes of the immortal The strength of the combined body is something no one can contend with..."

"Bye now."

"Teacher Ziraiya."

After speaking.

Tiandao Payne raised the black stick in his hand.

The black stick suddenly stabbed towards Jiraiya's body!

Nagato floated beside Tendo Payne, and gently closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to see the moment when his teacher died.

Jiraiya closed his eyes calmly.

not far away.

Orochimaru, who was running away, stopped involuntarily.

Orochimaru glanced at Xiaonan who was chasing him in the sky, and his body instantly turned into countless little white snakes, which gave Xiaonan a headache watching it!

However, the weird thing is...

These little white snakes dispersed immediately, all looking in the same direction!

There is the direction of Jiraiya and Tiandao Payne. Perhaps they are heralding that Jiraiya is about to end his life and want to witness the scene of the death of his best friend.

Xiaonan looked at a group of little white snakes watching, frowned slightly, followed their gazes and looked back, just in time to see Tiandao Payne raising the black stick and going to directly penetrate Jiraiya's body!


Xiao Nan saw something different!


Xiao Nan's field of vision was wider, she saw a ball of golden light rushing towards the heavenly Dao Payne, her face suddenly changed, she flew back and reminded loudly: "Pain, be careful!"

The speed of that light is so fast...

So much so that before Xiao Nan's voice even came out, the light hit Tiandao Payne, defeating the strongest Tiandao puppet!


Tiandao Payne's body rolled and fell to the ground without moving!

The person who came moved quickly, directly raised his hand and grabbed Nagato's throat, and suddenly broke into the battle situation, causing the battle situation to suddenly reverse!

"Shenluo Tianzheng!"

A burst of strong force erupted from Nagato's skinny body, and a repulsive force erupted around his body, and he hurriedly wanted to knock the future people away!


The person who flew out was himself?

The strength of the incoming person is very strong, and the repulsive force was directly bounced back!

Nagato's body was blown away by the opposite effect of the repulsive force, and his body fell into the rainwater puddle, looking extremely embarrassed!

Nagato ignored his own embarrassment, but raised his head tremblingly, seeing the appearance of the comer clearly, there was a touch of shock in Samsara's eyes!

"Akihara... Kagura?"

Nagato looked at the person coming in disbelief.

Zilai also looked at the back of the visitor in disbelief.

Everyone present looked at Akihara Kagura who suddenly appeared in shock, but the group of little white snakes hissed and seemed extremely angry.

"Brother Changmen, you are right."

Akihara Kagura raised his palm and looked down at Nagato in the quagmire: "Since the combination of the body of the sage and the eyes of the sage is invincible, why can't we let the two powers of the sage of the Six Paths gather in the same person?" on your body?"

The second update!

Everyone go to bed early...

I guess I'll still fall asleep...

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