Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 268 Six Ways Payne, Nagato's Trap!


Jiraiya, the teacher, almost forgot.

Akihara Kagura has the body of a sage, and Nagato has the eyes of a sage. Both of them can claim to be the inheritors of the sage of the Six Paths, but they joined together to subvert the ninja world.

There is no doubt that…

These two disciples now have the strongest power in the ninja world.


Jilai also shook his head, disapproving of Payne's statement: "You only possess the power of the Sage of the Six Paths, but you don't understand the spirit of the Sage of the Six Paths. The Ninja sect he founded in ancient times is an era where everyone can understand each other... "

"The times of ninjas have long since changed."

Payne shook his head, and continued in a cold voice: "Mr. Jiraiya, ninjas in this era cannot understand each other. The only thing they can empathize with is pain. You can't keep up with the tide of the new era, and you will end up here Completely forgotten by the times..."

"Are you going to kill me?"

He also narrowed his eyes.

"Teacher Ziraiya."

Payne seemed to be a little regretful, and said softly: "After all, we are not on the same road. I will kill you here to prove that we are on the right road."

When Payne's words slowly fell...

A figure stepped out from the depths of the Akatsuki base.

These people are all wearing Xiangyun black robes. They look very different, and they also have different hairstyles on their heads, but they all have the same hair color and the same pupils in their eyes.

reincarnation eyes.

These people, without exception, all have the eyes of reincarnation.


"Beast way!"

"The way of the world!"

"Hungry Ghost Road!"

"Asura way!"

"Hell road!"

"Penn Six Paths, join here!"

Payne said six things.

These people all have the same name, Payne.

Others might be shocked if they saw this scene, but Jiraiya knew the truth behind Payne ten years ago. He already knew that these people in front of him were puppets controlled by Nagato.

"A total of six puppets..."

Jiraiya's eyes scanned the six orange-haired figures back and forth, and after seeing the faces of the six figures, his complexion suddenly changed!


"I've seen all of these people!"

Jiraiya's heart was beating a little faster, he looked at the appearance of the six Payne again, and every time he saw a person, he would think of the time when he had seen these people.

these puppets...

All of them were people who met him before his death!

Except for Yahiko, the other Penns are all people he met during the journey. After these people died, Nagato got their bodies and made them into puppets of the eyes of reincarnation!

A meeting of fate...

Ji Lai also thought of Immortal Toad strangely in his heart.


Jiraiya began to struggle violently in his heart. He thought of the prophecy of the big toad sage, and was also thinking about how he should choose: "This time, while Kagura did not appear in the Akatsuki organization, we must first get rid of Nagato." , once he and Kagura really join forces to fight, it is impossible for anyone in the ninja world to be their opponent..."


I want to deal with Nagato first...

It is necessary to solve the troubles of Payne's six ways in front of him first!

"Xiao Nan, you go first."

Tiandao Payne saw Jiraiya's fighting spirit and signaled Xiaonan to leave here first.

"I'll take care of your body."

Xiaonan's body immediately turned into pieces of origami and flew to the depths of Akatsuki's organization base. Every time Nagato used Penn Six Paths, she was a little worried about Nagato's body.

"Teacher Jiraiya..."

Tiandao Payne stretched out his palm, and raised it towards Zilai: "Now, we are the only ones left here... Wanxiang Tianyin!"

A gravitational force suddenly appeared from Tiandao Payne's hand!

Jiraiya's eyes froze, and his body involuntarily flew towards the direction of Tiandao Payne. A black stick appeared in the hand of Shura Dao Payne, and he was about to penetrate Jiraiya's body with one blow!

"Screw pill!"

Jiraiya raised his hand and released a ball of spiral pills, which was accelerated by the attraction of gravity. He wanted to deal with Shura Dao who suddenly appeared in front of him with one blow. On Shura Dao Payne's body!

"Psychic art!"

The beast Dao Payne cast a psychic spell in an instant!

Shura Dao Payne, who was about to be hit by Jiraiya's spiral pill, disappeared in place, and appeared beside the beast Dao Payne!


This also exposed Tiandao Payne to Jiraiya's attack!

Hungry Ghost Dao Payne jumped up, directly stopped in front of Tian Dao Payne, reached out and grabbed the spiral pill in Jiraiya's hand, and absorbed the chakra of the spiral pill in an instant!

Payne's six realms are all controlled by one will, and the six puppets are controlled by one person, and the battle coordination between the six puppets is very tacit!

"A psychic..."

"One can absorb Chakra..."

Jiraiya immediately discovered the abilities of the beast Dao Payne and the hungry ghost Dao Payne, and his eyes fell on the previous Shura Dao Payne: "That is a puppet master I met once, it should be One who is good at attacking..."



Jiraiya's eyes also fell on the strongest Tendao Payne. He once saw Tendao Payne being blown up by Akihara Kagura: "This puppet that Yahiko was made of is good at using repulsive and gravitational attacks. There are even other weird and powerful techniques..."

For example, Jilai has also seen the Earth Explosion Star and so on...

to be honest…

Just Tiandao Payne alone made Zilai feel a little uncertain.

"In this case…"

Jiraiya's gaze fell on Hell Dao Payne and Human Dao Payne who had been standing quietly at the back again: "There are only two puppets whose abilities are unknown..."

Just as Jilaiye was thinking deeply, the puppet of Hungry Ghost Road suddenly moved away, Tiandao Payne raised his hand and released a majestic repulsion towards Zilaiya!

"Shenluo Tianzheng!"

Jiraiya's body flew upside down, rolled and hit a rock wall, and he spit blood out of his mouth!

"The strength cannot be so weak..."

Jilai also witnessed Tendao Payne and Akihara Kagura using the power of Shenluo Tianzheng in the battle. His eyes narrowed slightly: "Are you worried that this base will be destroyed by the battle?"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Heavenly Dao Payne took Shura Dao Payne and Hungry Ghost Dao Payne and flew directly towards Jiraiya's direction, and the three Paynes attacked Jiraiya at the same time!

A black stick flashed out of Tiandao Payne's hand!

A sharp blade drilled out of Shura Dopayne's arm!

Jilai also quickly flew to dodge, and the rock wall behind him was destroyed by Shura Dopayen's blow in an instant, and gravel and dust flew here!

Shura Dao Payne didn't care about it, he swung the sharp blade on his arm, and kept slashing towards Jiraiya's body, not caring whether Jiraiya could fight back at all!

"Ninjutsu, psychic technique!"

Jiraiya raised his hand and unleashed a psychic technique!

An iron-armed toad appeared on the spot, and the iron-armed toad stretched out its arms, directly blocking an attack from Shura Dao!

"Bypass them and go directly to deal with Nagato!"

Jiraiya also took this opportunity to roll and rush into the base of Akatsuki's organization. This idea was actually somewhat inhumane, because Jiraiya also knew that Nagato's injury could not move.

Compared to Penn Six…

Perhaps the immobile Nagato is easier to deal with!

However, Nagato may have seen through Jiraiya's mind, Tendo Penn waved the black stick in his hand to block his way, and other Penns also blocked his other ways!

"Fire Escape·Fire Dragon Flame Bomb!"

Jilai also spit out a ball of flames, trying to avoid a path!

Hungry ghost Dao Payne directly blocked the Fire Dragon Flame Bullet, raised his palm and directly absorbed the ninjutsu released by Jiraiya!

"The art of messing with the lion's hair!"

The white hair on Jiraiya's head grew wildly, and swept towards the body of the hungry ghost Dao Payne, as if he wanted to control them with this trick!

A broad sharp blade drilled out of Shura Dao Payne's body. This sharp blade seemed to be like scissors, cutting Jiraiya's elongated hair directly into pieces!

"I knew I should have been prepared..."

In order to avoid Shura Dao's attack, Ji Laiya had no choice but to fly and jump onto a rock wall. Watching the six Penns in the base gradually surround him, a drop of cold sweat flowed from his forehead.

The trouble is...

Now he can't summon a stronger toad to fight with him.

This base may not be able to accommodate the size of those big toads like Toad Bunta. The two most suitable for combat are undoubtedly the two toads, Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage. These two sages can also cooperate with him to use the sage mode...


Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage are too powerful.

It will take some time for Jiraiya to summon them.

If possible, at this time Jilai is really envious of Akihara Kagura's psychic ability, he can summon all the toads in Mt. Miaogi at any time, even the big toad fairy is no exception...


That disciple is also an enemy.

Now the most troublesome thing is...

The environment here is not suitable either.

Because the base in this cave seemed extremely empty, and the six Penns blocked all the roads here, there was not enough time for Jiraiya to have a tactical mediation.


"I can find a way to create an environment suitable for mediation!"

Jilai also patted himself on the forehead, and quickly raised his palm to seal again: "Ninjutsu·Spiritual Art! Sorry, Yansu big toad!"

The whole cave instantly turned red!

This is the body of the largest Yansu giant toad in Mount Miaomu. Its size cannot be psychic at all, and Zilai can only channel a part of the intestines of the Yansu giant toad.

The six Payne present were instantly divided by the stomach of the giant toad in Iwajuku, and even Jiraiya's figure was lost in front of their eyes!


There is no rush.

The animal Dao Payne quickly joined hands to seal!

Penn Liudao was quickly gathered together by the psychic!

Jilai also took advantage of this opportunity to quickly run along the gastrointestinal passage of the Yansu giant toad, hoping to find a way before Payne Liudao broke through the Yansu giant toad's stomach!


Shura Dao Payne waved the sharp blade in his hand and chopped it on the stomach wall of the intestines and stomach, but it was useless at all, there was only a ball of mucus on the sharp blade.

"Shenluo Tianzheng!"

Tiandao Payne raised his palm!

A mass of repulsive force suddenly erupted from around his body, and the entire intestines and stomach swelled up instantly, but there was still a stubborn tenacity like a balloon!

"Is the repulsive force not strong enough..."

Tiandao Payne frowned slightly, quietly waiting for the cooling time of Shenluo Tianzheng.

The other Payne gathered together and followed the trail of Jiraiya directly along the passage of the intestines and stomach, because there is only one road in the passage of the intestines and stomach!

"Shenluo Tianzheng!"

Tiandao Payne finally waited for the cooling time!

A majestic repulsive force instantly exploded in the gastrointestinal tract of Yansu giant toad!


Yansu Toad's intestinal wall finally ruptured!

However, the weird thing is...

These intestines and stomachs still stay in place, unlike other psychic beasts that will disappear after being severely injured. Obviously, this little damage to the intestines and stomachs does not seem to be a serious problem.


Tiandao Payne frowned.

in the gastrointestinal tract.

Jiraiya quickly ran along the passage, according to his memory, sneaked into the deepest part of Akatsuki's base, and he could find out where Nagato was!

"What luck..."

Jiraiya even looked back.

A few figures of Payne followed behind, and they had already caught up!

Ji Lai also looked at the chasing Payne, but he didn't find the shadow of Tiandao Payne, and felt a little relaxed in his heart, and even manipulated the peristalsis of the toad's stomach wall to stop these chasing Payne.

The depths of the Akatsuki organization base.

Nagato frowned slightly, and sighed lightly.

This time, the battlefield he chose was not suitable. In order to prevent the Akatsuki organization from changing to a new base, Tiandao Payne was unable to do his best, and even gave Jiraiya a chance to escape the siege of Payne's Six Paths.

"What's wrong, Nagato?"

Konan glanced at Nagato worriedly.


"Open the door and send me out."

Nagato shook his head, looked outside the door, and said softly: "Mr. Jiraiya broke free from the encirclement of Penn Six Paths, and rushed towards the depths of the base..."

"How can this be…"

Xiao Nan doesn't think their teacher has the ability to break through Payne.

"It was me who chose the wrong battlefield, which prevented Tiandao from doing its best."

Nagato shook his head and continued: "Don't worry, there will be no surprises in the ending of this story anyway. It's just right that he wants to sneak into the depths of the base, so he can't escape anyway..."

The depths of the Akatsuki organization base.

A huge heretic golem stands inside.

Jilai also quietly slipped out of the stomach of the big toad in Yansu, staring at this heretic golem, he could clearly feel the terrifying chakra breath inside.

"Huh...let's deal with Nagato first."

There is also a faint illusion.

Payne and Nagato are the same person, but their personalities seem to be split. Maybe he can't convince Payne, but he has the illusion that he may persuade Nagato.



This is an illusion.

Nagato couldn't be persuaded.

In any case, Nagato is the source of chaos in the ninja world, and he must be dealt with first.

Now that Payne Liudao has been temporarily trapped by the stomach wall of the big toad in Yansu, he must quickly find out the location of Nagato...

Jilai also walked into the deepest part of Akatsuki's base step by step.

Jilai also saw a room with lights on, and the door of this room was opened, and a skinny man in a wheelchair was waiting for him here.


Jiraiya's pace gradually slowed down, and his voice became steady again: "Now all your puppets have been trapped by me, if you are willing to give up that unknown plan and release all the tailed beasts captured by the Akatsuki organization ..."

"Teacher Ziraiya."

Nagato shook his head and interrupted his words: "It is impossible for a god to be trapped. Penn Liudao is trapped in the stomach wall of the toad by you. It is just your own illusion..."

"There's something I forgot to tell you..."

Nagato closed his palms, and the red hair hanging in front of his eyes blocked his eyes: "As the body of the Samsara Eye, I can use all the abilities of Penn Six Paths. It's not you who trapped my puppet, but you I was drawn here…”


"Psychic art!"

Along with Nagato's palm spread out!

The orange-haired figures were channeled directly in front of him!

The six Payne raised their heads and looked at Jiraiya, the reincarnation eyes appeared dull in their eye sockets, but this scene seemed particularly frightening!

next moment!

Tian Dao and Shura Dao rushed towards Zilai also!

The other Payne followed behind them, keeping a close eye on all Jiraiya's actions!

"Not good!"

When Jilai also saw the figures of Payne appearing one by one, he felt that his soul was dying, and his figures involuntarily began to fly back!

This is not an opportunity to solve Nagato, but a trap set by Nagato to lure him into the depths of Akatsuki's base!


Jiraiya's arm was instantly cut open with a long wound, Shuradao kicked Jiraiya's body, Liudao Payne surrounded him!

On the oil lamp deep in the base of the Akatsuki organization.

A little white snake was coiled on the lamp base of the oil lamp, quietly watching Zilai also being chased and killed by the six Payne, and even twitched its little tail a little bored.


The first update!

at the same time…

Uchiha Itachi is still on his way to the appointment...

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