Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 264 Ah Wei, starting today, the initiative of the world is in our hands

well known.

Zilai is also an excellent teacher.

When it comes to the level of teaching disciples, Zilai must be top-notch, at least the disciples he teaches are more likely to cause trouble than other people's disciples.

Now Zilai also feels that I have a headache, it is a very headache.

Nagato and Konan's Akatsuki organization is arresting tailed beasts in the ninja world, as if there is a super conspiracy in our Akatsuki organization; Akihara Kagura is also adding fuel to the fire in the ninja world, as if our Konoha can initiate a new It looks like a ninja war.

"Don't worry."

"You can ask Kakashi and the old man about this."

Jiraiya can only help Tsunade solve the immediate problem first, thinking that it is not a big problem for Akihara Kagura to bring back the fourth generation of Raikage: "Kakashi and the old man both know that Kagura captured Mizukage and Tsuchikage, and they can come from Let them learn from their experience..."


Tsunade could only sigh helplessly.


As expected.

Whether it was Hatake Kakashi or the third Hokage Hiruzaru Sarukage, they were not particularly surprised that Akihara Kagura captured the fourth Raikage, and even offered to propose detailed solutions, from how to appease the fourth Raikage to How to make the four generations of Raikage sign the alliance under the castle.

"Just be careful, don't let Danzo know..."

When the third generation of Naruto Reincarnated Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen said this, his heart suddenly jumped, and he realized that his old friend Shimura Danzo had been dead for two or three years, and Danzo's body was in his body reincarnated from the soil. corpse.

"I see."

Tsunade also believed that Danzo was still alive.

Many people in Konoha think that Shimura Danzo is still alive, but he is under house arrest and has completely retired. Even the two retired elders who want to see him and Shujiu don’t want to meet him. Maybe it’s to kill the third Hokage things to regret.

According to the suggestions provided by Hatake Kakashi and Sarutobi Hiruzen, Tsunade led Anbu to meet outside Konoha Village in advance. Unfortunately, she couldn't block the news of Genbu like Sarutobi Hiruzen, because the fourth generation of Raikage was captured. Man is the current head of the root.

This meeting was a bit of a novelty for Tsunade.

Because the last time she met with the Fourth Raikage, the Fourth Raikage took away Xuanyuanzhong's secret technique, a group of Yunyin ninjas were hunted down by Xuanyuanzhong, and even one of the Yunyin ninjas was about to die after being hit by the secret technique. Thanks to Shizune next to Tsunade, he was saved.

did not expect…

When we meet again...

I am the Fifth Hokage of Konoha, and the Fourth Raikage is already a prisoner.

"Long time no see, Lord Raikage."

When Tsunade saw Fourth Raikage, he greeted him very friendly.


Fourth Raikage still had some anger on his face.

Even if the Fourth Raikage chose to surrender for Yunyin Village, he himself would not be willing to bow his head directly to Konoha like this, even if it was death!

However, Akihara Kagura was not interested in listening to their reminiscences, so he returned to the root base after saying hello. He still has a lot of things to do these days after he left.

in the office.

Akihara Kagura closed the door.

Bai Jue Awei's body came out of the ground directly, and he mentioned the first thing at present: "Last time you transferred back the four hokages, so that Obito could escape safely, and also allowed the plan of the Akatsuki organization to be implemented. The earth is very satisfied with this..."

[System prompt]: [Recall the four Hokages back to Konoha to stop them from chasing and killing Obito Uchiha (the seventy-sixth time), the task has been completed, and Obito Uchiha's combat experience will be rewarded. 】


Akihara Kagura frowned.

The mine on Uchiha Obito's body was dug clean.

In the past two or three years, Akihara Kagura used the four Hokages to chase and kill Uchiha Obito back and forth, completely hollowing out Uchiha Obito's abilities.

This also means one thing, Uchiha Obito, the boss who has always looked down on him, is no longer of great use.

"Obito also asked you to send back both the hidan and the horn..."

Bai Jue Awei glanced at Akihara Kagura's face, feeling that he was a little unhappy, immediately interrupted his words, and asked softly, "Young man, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine."

Akihara Kagura shook his head slowly.

Although Bai Zee Awei conveyed Uchiha Obito's order, the part-time job system on his body has not issued any tasks, which means that the system also hopes that Akihara Kagura will quit.


Obito Uchiha obviously never thought of this crop.

"Then I'll move on to the second thing..."

Baijue Awei continued to mention Uchiha Obito's order to Akihara Kagura: "Obito also wants Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi to start a duel as soon as possible..."


Akihara Kagura nodded again, waved his hands and said: "I will deal with this matter as soon as possible, by the way, Wei, go and tell them that I can resurrect Uchiha Madara in his heyday."

"Is it okay?"


Akihara Kagura helped her forehead, and said in a low voice: "But I still need a powerful sacrifice, I hope they can help me provide a Baijue with strong vitality..."


Bai Jue Awei quickly got into the ground.

boom boom boom...

There was a knock on the door.

The first person who came to see Akihara Kagura was not Xiang Lin, but Uchiha Sasuke who had been waiting for Akihara Kagura's news. He wanted to get Akihara Kagura's permission to take revenge.

Uchiha Sasuke put forward his request in a deep voice: "I want to kill Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Obito, and complete the revenge belonging to the Uchiha clan..."


Akihara Kagura agreed, took out a ninjutsu scroll, and threw it directly to Uchiha Sasuke: "During the time I was away, I heard that you performed well. This is what I gained from going to Yunyin Village. You practice this technique with Kakashi..."

"This is…"

Sasuke Uchiha opened the scroll.

This is Yunyin Village's secret technique Thunder Escape Chakra Mode.

In the entire Konoha, only Uchiha Sasuke and Hatake Kakashi are suitable for practicing this kind of secret technique, because they are the two who are best at the lightning escape technique.

no doubt.

The Thunder Chakra mode will definitely greatly enhance their combat power.

Akihara Kagura supported his own table, and put forward his own conditions: "First learn this technique, and then go to complete your revenge..."

"I see."

Uchiha Sasuke nodded slightly.

Since he joined the root, Uchiha Sasuke has always felt that his road to revenge is going smoothly, and even his life is completely on the right track.

Many people think that their life is on the right track.

Even Obito Uchiha was no longer hunted down by the four Hokages, and he thought he was on the right track, and the Moon's Eye Project had begun to proceed in an orderly manner.

One-tailed, two-tailed, three-tailed, four-tailed, five-tailed, six-tailed, seven-tailed, and seven-tailed beasts were successively captured by the Akatsuki organization, leaving only the last eight and nine tails.

Hachio has a little problem.

Although Yunyin Village was captured by Akihara Kagura, and even the fourth generation of Raikage was captured, there is still some pressure to attack Yunyin Village with the combat power of the Akatsuki organization.

to this end.

The Akatsuki organization must concentrate its combat power.

Xiao organization base.

Obito Uchiha still regretted that he didn't use Akihara Kagura completely.

"Hmph, if I knew that guy Akihara Kagura had captured Yunyin Village, he should have let that guy take the opportunity to bring the Eight-tailed Jinchuriki out to us..."

"It doesn't matter."

"Now there are only two tailed beasts left..."

Hei Jue was also lamenting the smoothness of the plan, with a smile on half of his face: "As long as we gather the last two tailed beasts, we can resurrect Madara and open the eyes of the moon. In order to allow Kagura to capture There won't be any problems with Nine Tails, let the Akatsuki organization catch Eight Tails..."

"Hmph, I hope the plan goes well!"

Obito Uchiha frowned, with a hint of uneasiness in his eyes: "Konoha also has four reincarnated Hokages, even if that brat Akihara Kagura is standing by our side and can help us catch Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, there is a plan." There may be some twists and turns..."


Hei Zeyin smiled, and reminded Uchiha Obito: "I have made all the preparations, the last time Awei came to report information on Kagura, Kagura was able to revive Madara in its heyday... "

"As long as Madara comes back to life..."

"No one will be his opponent..."

"Even if it is the first generation of Hokage Senju Hashirama, it is impossible to be his opponent!"


It's all under control.

Now only the members of Akatsuki's organization gather together to attack Yunyin Village, capture Rabbi Riki the Eight-tailed Jinzhu, and let Akihara Kagura secretly revive Uchiha Madara!


Let's make a fuss in Konoha!

Uchiha Madara and Akihara Kagura joined forces to fight the four reincarnated Hokages. Nagato and Uchiha Obito captured the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Uzumaki Naruto, and after resurrecting the Ten-Tails, he manipulated Nagato to resurrect Uchi with the eyes of reincarnation. Poppy!

that time…

This is the time to truly and completely complete the Moon Eye plan!

that time…

Everyone will know the truth about the ninja world!

Heijue thought about the plan he had made, and the smile on his face became more ferocious. It had already asked Baijue Awei to inform Kagura to reincarnate Uchiha Madara in his heyday in the dark.

As for the resurrection offering...

Isn't Bai Jue Awei a sacrificial offering?

Konoha Village.

root base.

Baijue Awei brought back Uchiha Madara's body, his eyes were a little dispirited, because it got the order that he had to be a sacrifice.

"Farewell, boy..."

Bai Jue and Awei sighed faintly, and said what Jue told him: "The main body asked me to be a sacrifice for the reincarnation of the filthy soil and the resurrection of Madara-sama..."

"Whoever makes you a sacrifice, make it a sacrifice."

Akihara Kagura responded without raising her head, as if she hadn't thought about sacrificing Awei at all, and Bai Jue Awei couldn't help but feel the urge to cry.


Bai Jue Awei didn't quite understand this feeling, and it didn't have human physiology, so he could only ask shamelessly, "Do you know what it feels like to cry?"

"You don't need to understand in the future."

Akihara Kagura raised his head, glanced at the corpse brought by Awei Baijue, and took out a pair of sealing scrolls: "Okay, from today onwards, as long as Madara's corpse is in our hands, the initiative of this world will be released." The power is in our hands.”


recommend a book

"Dragon Clan: Retired God of Reaper, Go to Work and Slay Dragon", recommendation: This is a story of a wage earner who combines the power of Reaper, Xu, Bengyu, and Dragon Clan. He becomes a boss from today and squeezes others to work for him.

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