Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 261: The Person Appearing in Raikage's Office

Sarutobi Asma breathed a sigh of relief.

This trip, Sarutobi Asma took his proud disciple Nara Shikamaru out to perform the mission, which was an experience for this disciple.

Asma Sarutobi just didn't expect the members of the Akatsuki organization to be so powerful, and even that guy named Kakutsu almost single-handedly defeated them!


Fortunately in a pinch...

The village sent reinforcements to support it.

Sarutobi Asma's heart finally stopped hanging.

At that moment just now, he was ready to sacrifice himself.

The only pity is that his girlfriend Yu Hihong is pregnant, and he may never be able to see the birth of the child in the future. He did not expect that his dead father would appear in the reinforcements and even save himself.

Sarutobi Hiruza didn't expect either.

This time, it was his youngest son Sarutobi Asma who was rescued.

The little guy Akihara Kagura did not let other Hokage lead the team, but let himself and the first generation Hokage lead the rescue team. Maybe he expected this situation?

"Let's retreat first!"

Jiao Du immediately called Shang Fei Duan to plan to run away!

Although Akihara Kagura told them in advance that the roots are all his people, but Kakuzu couldn't believe that the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was also Akihara Kagura's people!


When the figure of Senshou Bashima appeared in front of Kakuto, Kakuto's heart was completely plunged into despair. This nightmare from sixty years ago appeared again...

"We meet again, Kakuzu."

Facing the people of his time, Senju Zhuma was very enthusiastic: "The last time we met, we didn't have a chance to have a good chat..."

this last time...

It was the same time in Yinyin Village of Orochimaru.

"I really don't want to see monsters from the same era..."

Kakudo didn't want to see Senju Bashirama at all, and he didn't want to chat with Senju Bashirama at all, he was very worried that he would fall into Konoha's hands.

No matter how high the status of Akihara Kagura in Konoha is, claiming that the root is his territory, can it be stronger than the revived first and third Hokage?


This can't be resisted by Jiaodu.

"Wood escape, the birth of the tree world!"

A vine root drilled out from the ground!

These vine roots immediately tied up Jiaodu and the four ground grudges, not even letting go of Fei Duan next to him!

Senju Hashirama captured Kakutsu and Hidan directly with just one technique, and led them back to the root with the root ninja, leaving only Sarutobi Hiruzen alone to deal with the group of Sarutobi Asma Konoha Ninja.

"What exactly is going on?"

Sarutobi Asma looked at his father, and asked, "Someone in the village used the technique of reincarnation from the dirty soil, did they resurrect you?"


Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at Asma Sarutobi, he saw the attitude of his son standing in front of Nara Shikamaru when he was attacking Kakuto, and sighed in a long voice: "Asuma, you can finally understand Konoha Does it make sense to exist?"


Asma Sarutobi lowered his head, picked up the cigarette he dropped, and put it in his mouth again, still not quite used to his father's teaching: "Are you going to chatter again? The resurrection of you and the first Hokage It should be a secret in the village, right? Go back quickly!"


Hiruzaru Sarutobi shook his head and chuckled, he was more relaxed than his own son, because he also understood Akihara Kagura's attitude in this incident: "Then I'll go back first, and I have to teach the village future..."


Asma Sarutobi muttered impatiently.

Maybe it was because it was rare to see his father, or maybe he didn't know when the next time would be, Sarutobi Asma added in a strange way: "By the way, Hong and I have a child, and I plan to name that child Miku Sarutobi ..."

"I know about this..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi has been staying at the root, so the news is naturally more well-informed, and he said earnestly: "You must work hard to learn to be a good father, and don't become like me and let your children be disappointed in your father..."

"Will not."

Asma Sarutobi shook his head, stared at his father, and took a deep breath: "A child will never be disappointed with his father... Things that he didn't understand when he was young, he will understand when he grows up .”


Hiruzaru Sarutobi didn't seem to expect that his son would give him an answer, and shook his head with a smile: "Hehehehe...then I'll go first."


Asma Sarutobi watched the figure of his father go away.

Nara Shikamaru rubbed his chin, thinking like his father: "If the first Hokage-sama and the third-generation Hokage-sama are resurrected, maybe the second-generation Hokage-sama and the fourth-generation Hokage-sama have also been revived..."

This is a big deal.

Because the emergence of past Hokage is a big event for Konoha's political situation, maybe his teacher Sarutobi Asma has not thought of this, but Nara Shikamaru has already thought of it, and he also thought of the history of Hokage How much has the power of resurrection for Konoha increased.


Nara Shikamaru didn't overlook another thing either.

The third generation of Hokage, Sarutobi Rizai, led Akatsuki members to the root, which means that these revived Hokage should all stay in the root of the village. No wonder the power of the root has been continuously strengthened, and even once suppressed the Anbu directly under Hokage...

While Nara Shikamaru was still thinking, Sarutobi Asma put his hand on his disciple's shoulder, and praised the disciple with a chuckle: "Shikamaru, although you performed well this time, you have to continue to Received special training..."


Nara Shikamaru nodded thoughtfully.

the other side.

within the root base.

Jiaodu and Feiduan have just been escorted into the root base.

A female ninja with red hair and glasses beckoned and led them into the depths of the root base: "Even if you are caught by Konoha's ninja, you still don't have to worry about safety. Lord Kagura will rescue you , but we need to stay at the root base for the time being, lest there will be some rumors that are not good for Mr. Kagura in the village..."

"How do you know about us and Akihara Kagura..."

Kakuto glanced at the red-haired female ninja with some surprise.

"You have a curse mark left by Master Kagura on your body."

The red-haired female ninja directly saw through the curse mark on Kakutsu's body, and even told Kakutsu's secret: "You have five chakra convergence points on your body, except for your heart, other places are also your heart Is it?"


Kakuto's eyes suddenly widened.

This little guy's perception is so sharp?

Just by looking at him, you can see through his secrets?

"The roots will protect you."

Xianglin looked at Kakuzu and Hidan, and said: "During this period, don't leave the roots for now, and when Kagura-sama comes back, I will find a way to send you away."

"That would be all the better."

Jiaodu nodded and agreed.


When Xianglin said this, he hesitated for a while, and said: "There is a guy at the root who always wants to get information about Uchiha Itachi, maybe he will come to ask you about Uchiha Itachi's information..."

"The guy said..."

Hidan straightened his hair impatiently, raised his head and muttered, "We can tell you about Itachi Uchiha."

In Leaf Village.

The arrest of the two members of the Akatsuki organization has not been hidden from the ears of some insiders.

At least Uchiha Sasuke at Genbu must know, he immediately finished his training and returned to Genbu, wanting to find out information about Uchiha Itachi from the mouths of these two people.

"Xianglin, I want to interrogate them."

Sasuke Uchiha put forward his own request, and said in a deep voice: "People from the Akatsuki organization must know about Itachi Uchiha, and I want to interrogate the information about him from those two people..."


After Xianglin nodded, he reminded again: "However, they are the guests of Lord Kagura, and Lord Kagura may need to use them for something after he comes back, so we must not use violence against them..."

"I know."

Uchiha Sasuke nodded quickly, looked at Kaorin in front of him, and snorted coldly: "Hmph, I'm not an idiot, I violated the rules of the root, how can I compete with you for the position of the future leader of the root..."

"You idiot..."

Xianglin rubbed his eyebrows.

The entire root knows that Uchiha Sasuke and himself are competing for the position of the future root leader. It is not surprising that many Uchiha support Uchiha Sasuke, because Uchiha Sasuke is their avenger.

However, fragrant phosphorus is not without advantages...

Tiandao Shisui stood on her side, which also affected many Uchihas.


The current root leader Akihara Kagura is still very young!

the other side.

The Country of Thunder, Yunyin Village.

The fourth generation of Raikage was the first to know the news that the two-tailed Jinchuriki in the village disappeared after the battle with the members of the Akatsuki organization. He immediately became furious and summoned the ninjas in the village to search for the trail of Yumuren to avoid the tailed beast in the village. lost.

Just at this time.

Fourth Raikage received a message.

Hokage from Konoha Village assisted Akihara Kagura to the Land of Thunder, and rushed towards Yunyin Village, looking like the visitor was not friendly.

"What is Konoha's assistant Hokage doing here?"

The Fourth Raikage doesn't quite understand the purpose of Akihara Kagura's visit. He would rather Konoha's Fifth Hokage Tsunade visit, at least he still has a little friendship with Tsunade.

"Do you want to find a chance to keep him?"

The fourth generation of Raikage has been collecting the secret arts and blood succession boundaries of various ninja villages in the ninja world. Naturally, they are very enthusiastic about the wooden escape blood succession boundaries on Akihara Kagura, and most of the ninja world knows that Akihara Kagura is an experiment. product.

In theory...

As long as you get the body of Akihara Kagura, you can get the secret of Mudun Blood Successor Limit, which is the power of the ninja god. Once you have Mudun, you can achieve any hegemony!

Muye Village has always regarded the two big ninja villages, Shayin Village and Wuyin Village, as their vassals. The power of the alliance suppresses Yunyin Village and Yanyin Village, isn't it because of the Mutun power in that guy Akihara Kagura what?


And that's exactly the problem.

The fighting power that Akihara Kagura has always shown is too amazing. Since he appeared in the ninja world, he has never failed once, and even fought against a ninja village of a big country many times with his own strength, but in the end he was too big. win all.

Just when the Fourth Raikage wanted to use a strategy that he was not very good at using, planning whether he had the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity of Akihara Kagura's order, whether he could find a way to capture Akihara Kagura or get his body , someone helped him make a decision.

Thunder Shadow Office.

Fourth Raikage walked in with a group of people.

This Raikage called his left and right hands who are good at strategy, pushed open the door of his office, and discussed about Akihara Kagura: "Konoha's assistant Hokage came to the Land of Thunder alone, and the body of that Kidun kid Wood escape and blood follow the limit..."

"Kacha Kacha..."

There was a sound of eating an apple in Lei Ying's office.

A strange figure appeared in the office, sitting on the fourth-generation Raikage's favorite sofa, biting an apple in his mouth, and when he saw a group of high-level Yunyin people coming in, instead of feeling scared, he even opened his mouth. Ask for other fruits.

"The apples in your Kingdom of Thunder are not crisp enough, can you bring me some pears?"

The third update!

It's late again today...

Pushing a new book by the nine groups of big bosses...

Uchiha: From imprisoning the gate

In Konoha's 44th year, Konoha appeared as a laning king. Anyone who has strong emotions towards Uchiha Qingshui will be bound by him. As long as he is stimulated by him, they will lose their abilities and become Qingshui's nutrients step by step. .

And the first thing Uchiha Qingshui wants to attack is the Thousand Hands in his body...

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