Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 247 Obito Uchiha, who was hunted down by Hokage for three consecutive years

It's kind of embarrassing.

This was Obito Uchiha's first thought.

It's a great humiliation for a dignified Uchiha who has a kaleidoscope Sharingan to use Uchiha's weapon to be pointed by a thousand fingers!

However, the people of the Uchiha clan have always been stubborn and unyielding. Even if they accidentally take the wrong road, they will bite the bullet and praise the beautiful scenery on this road...

"I can use it however I want!"

Uchiha Obito has the unruly personality of the Uchiha clan. He rushed over with a proud face waving the flame fan, using the flame fan in his hand as a weapon!


Senshou Banma looked at Obito Uchiha contemptuously, feeling that the rebellious Ninja of the Uchiha clan is really a complete idiot, weapons that he can't use will only add trouble in the battle!


Namikaze Minato could only sigh helplessly, and instantly appeared beside Uchiha Obito, raised his hand and pressed a spiral pill on Uchiha Obito's body!

The Mark of Flying Thunder God will not be cancelled!

Uchiha Obito is the mysterious masked man who created the Nine-Tails Rebellion in Konoha, because Namikaze Minato left the mark of Flying Raijin on his back at that time, and the mark of Flying Raijin left on his body cannot be erased of!


This time is different!

Uchiha Obito's body blurred in an instant, dodging Namikaze Minato's Raisemaru, raised his hand and waved the round fan and slapped Namikaze Minato: "Teacher, I won't be tricked this time!"

A vine came out of the ground and grabbed Obito Uchiha's arm directly, forcing Obito Uchiha to blur again and give up attacking Minato Namikaze!

"Kaleidoscopic Sharingan's ability is really weird..."

Senshou Zhujian had no choice but to give up continuing to attack, and sighed softly: "Even in the Warring States Period, I have never seen such a magical ability..."

"Time and space ability..."

Senshou Feijian sneered, and was extremely disdainful of Uchiha Obito's ability to blur, he had already obtained part of the information about Uchiha Obito from Bai Zewei!

"He can't maintain this state forever!"

Wielding a ninja sword in the hand of Senju Feijian, he rushed towards Obito Uchiha: "Go straight up, as long as he enters that state, he will not be able to attack!"


The four Hokages present immediately rushed forward!

Uchiha Obito is fearless, relying on the ability of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan to fight against the four Hokages alone, and within a minute, he was beaten all over the head by the four Hokages!

Uchiha Obito's Kaleidoscope Sharingan can last up to five minutes.

It's just that five minutes hadn't passed yet, because he was too careless, when he tried to attack the weakest third Hokage with Kaleidoscope Sharingan ninjutsu, Senju Banma and Namikaze Minato directly caught him!

Thousands of hands cut his chest with a knife!

Blood suddenly flew out from Uchiha Obito's chest!

"Screw pill!"

Namikaze Minato's spiral pill was pressed on Uchiha Obito's back again!

Uchiha Obito looked at the Senshouban, and he looked at his teacher Namikaze Minato, and he deeply felt the troubles of these two flying thunder magicians. The mark of the Flying Thunder God was hung on the door of the Thousand Hands!


A troublesome question arises...

As long as he attacks, these two Flying Thunder Gods can teleport together, and they will definitely be able to seize the opportunity to teleport to him, hurt him or even kill him!

Doesn't this mean...

Can I just be beaten?


Don't worry about being beaten.

The four key Naruto Reincarnated Hokage Chakras and physical strength are endless, and there is no need to worry about the continuation of the battle when fighting. When will this be beaten?

"I can only withdraw first."

Uchiha Obito intends to leave here first.

A vortex of time and space appeared in Obito Uchiha's kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, so he had to absorb it directly into his body, first find a safe place to think about countermeasures!

next moment!

Two figures appeared beside him again!

Namikaze Minato and Senju Tomona have long known that Obito Uchiha must release the blurred state as long as he absorbs the mission. Their Flying Thunder God Art can take advantage of this time to appear and kill Obito Uchiha suddenly!


Uchiha Obito panicked, he was forced to stop absorbing his body, and instantly entered a blur state to avoid the attack of the two Hokages!


I can't even leave if I want to!

If you want to leave like this, unless you use Izanagi, use Izanagi's invincibility time, let your body bear the attack and leave here...


Now that there is Izanagi...

Why do you want to run away? Wouldn't it be enough to get rid of these Hokages directly here!

Uchiha Obito immediately discovered that he had an excellent countermeasure. He could take advantage of the invincible state of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, use Izanagi as a seal, and then use Izanagi's invincible time to overcome the invincible state cooldown...

if so…

If he can last for a long period of invincibility, he can deal with these enemies at the cost of damaging a Sharingan that is considered to be consumed.


The four Hokages had expected this.

Senshou Banma and Namikaze Minato, two flying thunder magicians, are like fangs hidden in the shadows at any time, Senju Hashima and Sarutobi Hiruzane, two Hokages, just need to knock on the side drums!

five minutes later.

Taking advantage of Izanagi's invincible state, Uchiha Obito absorbed his body into the Kamui space of Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and hurriedly left here with the help of Kamui!

before leaving.

An ordinary three-god jade sharing sharing eye transplanted by Uchiha Obito is slowly blinding. He used his only remaining kaleidoscope sharing sharing eye to glance coldly at the two Hokages who came to kill him, and said in a deep voice: " Next time, you won't be so lucky..."


The brows of the four Hokages frowned at the same time, Obito Uchiha has been beaten all the time, why did he say such a thing?

A secret base.

After Uchiha Obito came back here, the first thing he did was to quickly find a replacement Sharingan, and replace the blind Sangouyu Sharingan.

"you lose."

Jue's figure got out of the ground.

This battle has always been within their observation and expectations.

Even if Uchiha Obito's Kaleidoscope Sharingan is magical, it is impossible to solve Konoha's four Hokages, but I never thought that Uchiha Obito was beaten so embarrassingly...

"Let Kagura handle these troubles..."

Bai Jue took the initiative to put forward his own ideas, and it thought that what could be avoided should be avoided: "The next battle will not change, the four Hokages of Konoha will come in person, even if Master Madara is resurrected, they will not be able to get it What good..."


Hei Jue also agrees with Bai Jue's idea.

If Uchiha Obito performed a little better, Black Zee might also want to let Uchiha Obito, but Uchiha Obito's performance is really unsatisfactory.

The fight lasted ten minutes.

For ten minutes, Uchiha Obito was beaten for five minutes, and he never launched a legitimate counterattack. It is rare that Izanagi's invincible time allowed him to attack, but was delayed by the four Hokages.


Uchiha Obito was silent for a while, and then he had to grit his teeth and give the order: "Then let that kid Akihara Kagura find a way to lure them away!"


Bai Jue sighed, and even felt a little rejoicing: "Fortunately, we installed Kagura as a spy in Konoha in advance, otherwise the plan might be destroyed by them..."

"But there is one problem..."

Bai Jue looked at Obito Uchiha and raised another troublesome point: "Awei told me that no one in Konoha can hinder the decision-making of the four Hokages. Even if Kagura can delay it, it can only barely delay it for a while. It won't take long at all..."

"How long can it last!"

Obito Uchiha didn't want to go through that battle again.

"It's not that there is no other way..."

Heijue proposed another method, and the corners of half his face grinned: "Think of a way to urge Kagura to research a method that can allow Madara to have full combat power when reincarnated and resurrected. If Madara with the eyes of reincarnation can resurrection…"

If Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito join forces, the two may not be incapable of fighting, and it is not impossible to win, because among the four Hokages, only the first Hokage Senjubashima, the other Hokages are just foil!


These foils are not something Uchiha Obito can solve...

In Leaf Village.

Akihara Kagura sat at the root base, received the information from Bai Zee Awei, and also got the task assigned to him by Uchiha Obito.

[System prompt]: [New task (Obito Uchiha), lure away the four Hokages, and prevent the four Hokages from continuing to chase and kill Obito Uchiha. 】

For Akihara Kagura, these are trivial matters.

This task can also be a recurring task.

Akihara Kagura asked Bai Zee Awei to report to Uchiha Obito that the task had been completed, and at the same time recalled the four Hokages back to the meeting.

After a period of time, let them chase and kill Obito Uchiha, and try to find a way to try to use this method to dig out all the inheritances that Obito Uchiha has inherited. Uchiha Madara came back to life.

Konoha Village has calmed down.

Uchiha Sasuke's defection had little impact.

After all, he is just an ordinary ninja in the village, and only the orphan of the Uchiha clan can barely be praised by others, and after all, he can't cause too much trouble.


Class Seven is disbanded.

Uchiha Sasuke defected with Orochimaru, and Jiraiya decided to take Uzumaki Naruto to leave and practice together. Only Haruno Sakura was left in the seventh class.

The Fifth Hokage Tsunade simply accepted Haruno Sakura as his disciple, and all the lower ninjas in the seventh class became disciples of Konoha Sannin.

Within two or three years.

Konoha's life suddenly calmed down.

The turmoil in the ninja world is getting bigger and bigger, and Uchiha Obito will be chased and killed by the four Hokages from time to time. In order not to implicate the Akatsuki organization and hinder the plan, he has no choice but to escape.

During this period, Obito Uchiha lost hundreds of sharing eyes in order to avoid hunting, and the sharing eyes he collected on the night of genocide gradually ran out.

at this time…

Uchiha Obito finally realized the preciousness of Sharingan.

The boss even asked Bai Jue Awei to ask Akihara Kagura if he could cut out some of the Sharingan of Konoha's double blood succession ninjas and send them over.

Snow Country.

There is snow and ice here.

Uchiha Obito was wrapped in a thick cloak, closed his palms, and kept warm with his breath. He was chased here by the four Hokages.

The current Uchiha Obito is completely different from the past.

In the past, Obito Uchiha could stir up waves in the Akatsuki organization and the ninja world, and even controlled a large ninja village in a big country, and also controlled the world's strongest rebellious ninja organization.


In a sense.

The current Uchiha Obito can still affect the Akatsuki organization, and can even affect Konoha Ninja Village, the strongest ninja world, through Akihara Kagura.


The image is somewhat different.

At this time, the only clean thing on Uchiha Obito's body is this newly bought cloak. The clothes on his body are damaged, and there are scratches everywhere on it. These are what he left when he fought the four Hokages. of.

The four Hokages are too powerful!

Even though Uchiha Obito possesses the incomparable time-space pupil technique, the opponent also has the time-space technique, endless chakra and unimaginable attack power, so that Uchiha Obito has no way to fight back at all, and can only bear it passively The fate of being hunted down.

"There are only eleven Sharingans left in my hand..."

Uchiha Obito is extremely precious to his remaining Sharingan, and he dare not squander it freely, because these Sharingan is equivalent to a life: "When will that brat send me a batch of Sharingan..."

"Kagura can't send out the extra Sharingan."

The figure of Jue got out from the ground, and said cautiously: "Because the Second Hokage issued a ban, forbidding the double blood ninjas to leave Konoha, that guy wants to experiment with the double blood ninjas, Kagura can't disobey him The command…"

"That kid is really unreliable!"

Uchiha Obito narrowed his eyes, and his words were full of dissatisfaction with Akihara Kagura: "The last time this group of Hokage left was less than seven days ago, this time they came again, if I hadn't lured them in time If you leave, the Akatsuki organization will be destroyed..."

Bai Jue looked at Obito Uchiha, and continued in a low voice: "Ah Wei said, Kagura will immediately find a way to lure the four Hokages back to Konoha. In the past few years, in order to help you avoid the four Hokage hunted down, he always invited the four Hokages back to Konoha under various names, and was scolded more and more by the second generation of Hokage Senshou..."

"This is all the trouble he caused!"

Uchiha Obito recalled the troubles caused by that bastard Akihara Kagura's use of filthy reincarnation indiscriminately, which caused him to be hunted down for several years: "The trouble caused by that brat's use of forbidden techniques indiscriminately requires me to solve it." !"

"Forget it, Obito..."

Bai Jue could only continue to appease Uchiha Obito: "As long as the Akatsuki organization starts collecting tailed beasts and resurrecting the ten tails, everything will be fine..."

first update

I wish you all a happy Tanabata!

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