Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 236 Hokage is always this kind of person, no wonder Danzo always quarrels with Hokage!

Tsunade coughed violently.

These ideas proposed by Akihara Kagura are really outrageous.

All Hokage present firmly opposed this proposal, because Hokage is the most yearning dream of Konoha ninjas, and the positions of Mizukage and Kazekage are not attractive to Konoha.

Once Tsunade succeeds Mizukage and Kazekage, the Konoha ninjas will gradually realize that Hokage will not be a dream, but a position that concurrently serves as Kazekage and Mizukage.

This is a fatal blow to Konoha's future development.

"If Hokage becomes a political position instead of the goal of the ninjas in the village, the ninjas in the village will lose their trust in Hokage. The existence of Hokage is the origin of Konoha...Konoha must not let the position of Hokage appear other Label!"


The ninjas in Hidden Sand Village and Hidden Fog Village would not agree!

to be honest.

In comparison...

It's better to kill two people from Ninja Village!


Tsunade narrowed his eyes, as if thinking of something: "Although we don't have such an idea, Kagura's idea will make them more acceptable when they sign the agreement..."

Tsunade has a bit of a political sense.

Akihara Kagura's outrageous idea is too extreme, but it can make other ideas accepted, at least everyone is willing to accept another milder condition.

Chiyo and Terumi Mei were quite angry and dissatisfied when they signed the agreement, but they had no choice but to accept it. The hatred and anger in their eyes could hardly be suppressed.


Tsunade's words made them feel relaxed.

Tsunade saw their anger and dissatisfaction, and persuaded them to comfort them: "Actually, when our high-level leaders were discussing how to deal with Sand Hidden Village and Wu Hidden Village, Kagura suggested that I should be the Fifth Generation Kazekage and Wu Hidden Village of Sand Hidden Village. Fifth generation Mizukage's position in Hidden Village..."


Chiyo and Terumi Mei's hearts tightened.

Tsunade looked at their nervous expressions, and continued solemnly, "But I think Kazekage is the dream of the sand hidden ninja, and Mizukage is also the dream of the Kirigakure ninja. In order to respect the future of the ninjas of the two villages, I do not Agree to Kagura, but amend his proposal to this one, let Konoha designate the positions of Kazekage and Mizukage..."


Grandma Chiyo and Terumi Mei breathed a sigh of relief.


Akihara Kagura folded her arms, and tapped her right arm lightly with her left finger.

This new boss actually learned to let him take the blame. Tsunade really thought that he and Genmo were helping to take the blame!

Akihara Kagura's eyes were slightly cold, looking at Chiyo and Terumi Mei: "I will not change this idea, even if Tsunade-sama disagrees with this point of view for the time being, in the future Hokage must also serve as Kazekage and Mizukage. Position!"


The expressions of Chiyo and Terumi Mei changed at the same time.

Because Akihara Kagura is a Hokage assistant with strength, power and strength, and he is definitely a young and powerful faction of Konoha, what he said cannot be regarded as a joke by them...


Tsunade quickly stopped Akihara Kagura, and said in a deep voice: "We have already discussed this matter, you should not make the decision, I am Hokage!"

This guy…

It's too tough!

If this goes on, once Shayin Village and Wuyin Village gain strength, they will still be hostile to Konoha, and the hatred will continue to spread!

"You'll regret it, Tsunade-sama."

Akihara Kagura turned around and left the conference room, closing the door of the conference room angrily, and the huge movement of closing the door made everyone present a little uneasy.

"I'll talk him out of the idea..."

Tsunade sighed, and continued to appease his future allies: "I hope that after you go back, you will submit candidates for Godaime Kazekage and Godaime Mizukage as soon as possible..."


Chiyo and Terumi Mei were still a little uneasy.

the other side.

Akihara Kagura came to Konoha Prison.

In this prison, the captives who caused a riot in Konoha in Sand Hidden Village and Kid Hidden Village were held, whether it was One Tail Jinchuriki Gaara or the Seven Ninja Swordsmen in Hidden Kidney Village.

The pair of brothers, Oniteng Suigetsu and Onideng Manyue, were directly brought back to the root base by Akihara Kagura, and the Konoha ninja who was in charge of guarding did not dare to stop them.

within the root base.

Akihara Kagura looked at the seriously ill ghost full moon with great interest.

"What are you bastard trying to do!"

Guideng Shuiyue hurriedly wanted to protect his elder brother, for fear that Akihara Kagura would harm his elder brother. He knew that his elder brother had no strength to resist now.


Not in the past.

"Shuiyue, get out of the way."

Ghost Lantern Manyue told her younger brother to back away.

"My lord, what do you want me to do?"

Ghost Lantern Full Moon didn't feel uneasy, because he knew his situation, the disease had been tormenting his body, and his life had already entered the countdown.

"Take this brat out first."

Akihara Kagura asked someone to take the ghost lantern Suigetsu away first, leaving only the ghost lantern full moon alone.

"You're dying."

Akihara Kagura looked at the full moon of the ghost lamp, and asked calmly: "I can give you a chance, but I can let your brother survive..."

"What do you need me to do!"

The full moon of the ghost lamp showed a mouth full of shark teeth, but it was more energetic.


He is terminally ill and is dying!

If it can be exchanged for Shuiyue to live, this business is not a loss!

"I heard that you are very talented in psychic arts..."

Akihara Kagura raised her finger and said softly: "If you die, I can use a spell to imprison your soul in your body. In the future, I will make you a human puppet. Of course Your soul will also be inside the puppet..."

Ghost Lantern Full Moon is an excellent candidate for the second Beast Dao puppet.

Because the puppet of the animal way must be good at psychic art, the better a ninja is at psychic art, the stronger it will be after being made into a puppet of the animal way.


Ghost Lantern Full Moon's body trembled.

Most people in the ninja world believe that the soul can ascend to heaven, even ninjas are no exception. They believe that those who die will live in the pure land, and it is cruel to keep the soul from going to the pure land.

"Do you want to agree?"

Akihara Kagura looked at the full moon of the ghost lamp, as if waiting for his answer.

"Is it possible for me to refuse?"

Ghost Lantern Moon may have figured it out, with shark teeth protruding from the corner of his mouth, as if he had been relieved: "At least that idiot Shuiyue can still live..."

"That would be all the better."

Akihara Kagura nodded, and signaled the ninja at the root to take the ghost lantern full moon down, and then brought the ghost lantern Suigetsu to his office.

"Where's my brother?"

Guideng Shuiyue looked for her brother's trace.

"He's dying."

Akihara Kagura stared at the little guy.

"I know this! If you die, you will die!"

Guideng Shuiyue muttered dissatisfiedly, and asked repeatedly: "At least until he dies, I have to be by his side, right?"

There is another side to this potentially funny Ghost Lantern Water Moon!

"I have a formula."

Akihara Kagura looked at the ghost lantern water moon, and continued softly: "Even if he is dead, I can still bring people back to the present world in the future, and you still have a chance to see him, as long as you are obediently willing to help me perform a task... "

"What mission?"

Guideng Shuiyue frowned, not thinking that Akihara Kagura would be able to do anything for herself: "Is there anything you can't do? Don't get me wrong, I'm just curious about what the task is. Not really interested in coming back alive..."

"Go undercover at Orochimaru."

Akihara Kagura tapped the table lightly with his fingers.


Ghost Lantern Shuiyue was so frightened that he was sweating profusely!

What a joke!

Do you want him to die there!

"I'll arrange a companion for you."

Akihara Kagura looked at the ghost lamp Suigetsu, and continued softly: "And someone will protect you there, and won't let you die there..."

"That's okay."

Guideng Shuiyue nodded carelessly, and continued: "Then can I go see my brother now? I'm not interested in coming back after he dies, I'm just worried about when he will die now..."

"He is dead."

Akihara Kagura frowned, and said softly: "After going back, I will defect from Wuyin Village to join Orochimaru, lest Orochimaru suspect..."

"I see."

Guideng Shuiyue grinned his mouth in dissatisfaction, revealing the same shark teeth as his brother: "You just take that guy as a hostage who threatens me, right?"


A group of root ninjas sent Onito Suigetsu back to his cell.

time flies.

The armistice agreement has been signed.

Sand hidden village and Wu hidden village sent their indemnities and spell scrolls, Chiyo took away the sand ninja captives, and Terumi Mei took away the mist ninja captives.

Before everyone left, there was a little episode.

Now, the leader of the Ninja Sword Seven in Wuyin Village is suffering from a disease, Terumi Mei hopes that Tsunade can help treat it, but in the end, there is no trace of the ghost full moon.

"Your Excellency Hokage, the seven Ninja Swordsmen of our village are full of ghost lights..."

Terumi Mei hurriedly asked Tsunade about the disappearance of the ghost lamp full moon.


Tsunade really doesn't know about this.

"he died."

Akihara Kagura responded casually.

"Where's his body?"

Terumi Mei hurriedly looked at Akihara Kagura, and reminded emphatically: "There is also a ninja knife on Mitsuki, which is a treasure of Kirigakure Village..."

"Dead is dead!"

Next to Terumimei, Guideng Shuigetsu muttered nonchalantly: "Since they are all dead, why do you ask so many, anyway, he has already done a lot of things for Wuyin Village, and he was killed by you high-level people. It's normal here too…”


The expressions of the people present changed.

"Your Excellency Hokage, let's go back first."

Terumi Mei didn't want to quarrel with this brat here.

In the future, she can continue to come to Konoha to ask for the lost ninja sword. It would be too embarrassing for Konoha to watch the jokes of Wuyin Village here.

Tsunade watched a group of Kirigakure ninjas leave Konoha, rubbed his forehead, and asked Akihara Kagura: "Is the ghost full moon really dead?"

"What's wrong?"

Akihara Kagura stared at Tsunade, as if he didn't hear it, and asked repeatedly curiously: "Don't Tsunade-sama believe me?"

"It's not."

Tsunade frowned, looking at Akihara Kagura's expression, the Hokage assistant seemed to be curious, as if he thought this was strange...


Is there anything strange about it?

It's just a trivial thing, right?


The art of reincarnation from the dirt!

Tsunade suddenly remembered that Akihara Kagura was good at the technique of reincarnation from the dirty soil. Maybe the ghost lamp full moon is already dead, and Akihara Kagura used the technique of reincarnation from the dirty soil to resurrect people?


Tsunade fell into hesitation.

Jiraiya has also reminded himself many times that Akihara Kagura cannot be lost in evil forbidden techniques such as the filthy soil reincarnation technique, but after this little guy resurrected the previous Hokage...


Have you fallen into it?

In this case…

It seems a little ashamed.

Now that the war and diplomacy in Konoha Village have been resolved, I need to find some time to have a good chat with Akihara Kagura about the technique of reincarnation.

"I'm going to get busy first."

Akihara Kagura turned around and planned to go directly to the root to rest, and learn the ninjutsu scrolls sent by Sand Hidden Village and Wu Hidden Village by the way.


Tsunade stopped Akihara Kagura, and said with a serious expression: "Kagura, I have something I want to talk to you about. Did you use the forbidden technique of reincarnation?"

"Master Tsunade?"

Akihara Kagura glanced at Tsunade in surprise, as if she didn't quite understand her thoughts: "When this technique was created, wasn't it a technique that violated the rules?"


Akihara Kagura looked at Tsunade, and continued to ask: "In order to protect Konoha, it is not impossible to do whatever it takes, right? It's like we resurrected Hokage-sama..."

"That's because I was worried that Orochimaru would use the past Hokage..."

Tsunade immediately refuted and sighed: "For the Konoha ninja, in order to protect Konoha, he would even sacrifice his life, but..."

Protect Konoha at all costs.

There is certainly nothing wrong with this sentence.

But is it not good to keep using this sentence to carry out illegal activities?

Tsunade thought of the red-haired little girl under Akihara Kagura, who also liked to shout the slogan for Konoha, she was a little worried that the little girl would be led astray by Akihara Kagura.


Tsunade recalled the decision he had made in his heart when he met Xianglin before his succession, and said, "I have seen Xianglin at the root, and I plan to transfer that little girl to my side..."


Akihara Kagura narrowed his eyes.

Akihara Kagura faintly felt that this scene was a bit familiar. He vaguely understood how the third Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi transferred himself to Anbe, and what Danzo-sama felt at that time...

Hokage is such a person...

It's no wonder that Danzo-sama always quarrels with Sarutobi Hiruzen!

"Do you have any other ideas?"

Tsunade looked at Akihara Kagura in surprise, and asked actively: "Others mentioned to me that Xianglin has been serving as your assistant at the root, but her talent is very powerful, and it is a waste of her talent to stay at the root ..."

"History seems to repeat itself..."

Akihara Kagura sighed faintly, and his eyes became slightly colder: "Perhaps what Advisor Mitomon Yan said is right, because of the war, Konoha can ease internal conflicts, and when the war is over Later, internal conflicts surfaced..."


Tsunade was startled.

The newly appointed Hokage seemed to see the shadow of Shimura Danzo in Akihara Kagura's eyes!

The second update!

I'm going to eat first!

This war transition is over...

Start to deal with your good boss, and take revenge on Uchiha Obito...

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