Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 227 Akihara Kagura VS Four Hokages!

Inside Naruto's office.

Hearing Kagura's proposal, the expressions of all the people present changed.

The faces of Koharu and Mitomon Yan turned extremely serious, Tsunade sat up straight, and his eyes became serious.

this matter…

It's no small matter!

"This is Sarutobi's last will."

Turning to the bed Koharu agrees very much, even she agrees with the suicide note left by Sarutobi Hiruzen: "In order to prevent Orochimaru from resurrecting the previous Hokage again, let Kagura revive the previous Hokage first, this is also a method."

Mitomonyan nodded, and continued: "If Orochimaru revives the past Hokage again, it will be a heavy blow to Konoha, and I agree."

"It seems that I have no reason to object..."

After Tsunade finished speaking, he raised another key question: "The reincarnation of the dirty soil and the resurrection of the dead need sacrifices to sacrifice. Who should be chosen as the sacrifice?"

"Leave this matter to the root to solve it."

Mitomonyan shook his head quickly, and looked at Akihara Kagura: "Kagura, it's okay to leave it to Genbu to find the sacrifices to resurrect the past Hokage?"

The roots are always the darkest place on the leaves.

In the past, some things that were not known to the villagers were usually handed over to Anbu; some things that were not known to Anbu were usually handed over to Genbu.


Akihara Kagura has no objection to this.

"I have a question."

Tsunade seemed to know a little bit about the reincarnation of the dirty soil, and asked sincerely: "I heard that the reincarnation of the dirty soil needs sacrifices with stronger vitality, and the stronger the living will be..."

"I don't know much about these either."

Akihara shook his head, as if he didn't know much about the technique of reincarnation in the dirty soil: "But the third Hokage-sama is a ninjutsu professor, and the technique of reincarnation in the dirty soil left by him is better than the technique of reincarnation in the dirty soil that the second-generation Hokage-sama left on the sealed book more perfect…"

"Let's revive the past Hokage first!"

Mito Menyan was beating the side drum beside him, and said in a deep voice: "At least until we have not solved the trouble of Orochimaru for the time being, we can prevent the past Hokage masters from being used by Orochimaru..."


Tsunade was silent and didn't speak.

If Kato Dan was revived, Tsunade would have to think about it; however, after Kato Dan was resurrected and used by Orochimaru, Tsunade had to admit the threat of reincarnation to Konoha...

Once Orochimaru resurrects some dead people on a large scale, and uses these reincarnated people as a threat to attack Konoha brazenly...

Many Konoha ninjas may change their mentality after seeing someone they respect or their companions become enemies, which will cause them to let the enemy kill them on the battlefield.

"As for past Hokage's participation in the village's political situation..."

Mitomonyan hesitated, he glanced at Tsunade, and then continued: "Perhaps before Orochimaru is wiped out, this can indeed be done..."


Tsunade still had no objection.

Because of the four Hokages who died, two were her relatives and one was her teacher, no matter how you looked at it, they were extremely beneficial to her.

"Then I'm going to prepare."

Akihara Kagura glanced at Tsunade.

"I'll go with you."

Tsunade planned to go there with Akihara Kagura, and said in a deep voice, "Even if the village intends to resurrect the dead, innocent people should not be sacrificed..."

"It's not necessary, is it?"

Akihara Kagura shook his head immediately, and continued: "If in the future, people in the village think that we have used the technique of reincarnation from the dirty soil to desecrate the dead, then this is all my illegal use of the forbidden technique. I know I was involved in this matter…”


Tsunade was startled, and looked at Akihara Kagura in astonishment.

Tsunade immediately understood the meaning of the existence of Akihara Kagura and Roots, and also understood why Sarutobi Hiruzen had always allowed Shimura Danzo to control power...


I have been bearing the fault that Hokage cannot bear!


Turning to bed Koharu and Mitomonyan immediately nodded knowingly, appreciating Akihara Kagura's attitude of taking the blame: "Tsunade, Hokage can't participate in this matter..."

"Everything was done by Kagura privately, you are just a Hokage who has to bear the consequences of his subordinates' mistakes..."

"Am I a person who dare not take responsibility!"

Tsunade couldn't help being furious, and smashed his desk with a fist: "As Hokage in the village, how can I let my subordinates bear the blame!"

This temper is really hot!

Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Koharu didn't care, as if they were used to the division of responsibilities in Konoha Village, they said in a deep voice, "Tsunade, you haven't officially passed the succession ceremony, this happened before you took over... "

"Don't take the old man's way..."

Tsunade glanced at the two Hokage consultants, and was very dissatisfied with their behavior: "If it was my decision, I should also bear the consequences of this wrong decision! I will go there with Akihara Kagura..."

"Master Tsunade, that will be after the succession ceremony."

Akihara Kagura stared at Tsunade with calm eyes, as if he didn't care at all that he was doing something that shouldn't be done in place of Hokage.


Akihara Kagura walked out of the gate of Hokage's office, and looked back at Tsunade: "If Tsunade-sama wants to change Konoha, at least he should talk about it after he officially becomes the Fifth Hokage. Empty words can't be done well. ..."


After finishing speaking, Akihara Kagura closed the door heavily and left Hokage's office. The expressions of the two Hokage consultants who seemed to be familiar with each other did not change at all.

this kind of thing...

Two Hokage consultants have long been commonplace.

Ever since the two of them became Konoha high-ranking officials, Konoha high-ranking officials have always done things like this, doing what Sarutobi Hiruzane should do, and letting Danzo do things that are inconvenient to do.

"No wonder you didn't let that brat become Hokage..."

Tsunade sat down again, feeling a sense of powerlessness in her heart, but soon she regained her composure: "When are you going to meet the daimyo? When will the Anbu people prepare for the Hokage succession ceremony? Daime Hokage!"

root base.

Akihara Kagura had resurrected the four dead Hokages in advance, which is why he insisted on not letting Tsunade come with him.

Now that the four Hokages are going to enter Konoha's high-level political affairs, in order to avoid any thoughts from the four Hokages, Akihara Kagura hopes to let them fully recognize the reality.

Akihara Kagura summoned the four Hokages, and said softly: "In order to let everyone, Hokage-sama, realize the reality, I plan to find a place to discuss with you..."

"I hope that we can recognize our respective positions through this discussion, lest a Hokage-sama who is good at forbidden arts think that he can unravel the art of reincarnation and change the situation..."

"Little ghost, don't need to remind me secretly!"

The second generation of Hokage Senshou claimed Akihara Kagura's slander, hugged his arm and said in a cold voice: "The old man has indeed researched the solution to the filthy soil reincarnation technique you used..."

"Do you actually want to fight the four Hokages by yourself?"

The fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato looked at Akihara Kagura with some surprise. He didn't know how strong Akihara Kagura was, and it all depended on the popularity of the third Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi during this period.

As for the first Hokage Senjujuma, there was still some surprise on his face: "Ah, do you want to fight the four of us?"

"It's crazy..."

The Second Hokage, Senju Tobema, commented on Akihara Kagura's behavior coldly.


This thing is good for them.

Qianshou Feima has been thinking about this matter for a long time.

If the four Hokages can defeat Akihara Kagura, they can consider how to carry out a plan to undo the reincarnation of the dirty soil. No matter how much Akihara Kagura tries to control them, sooner or later there will always be a time when they will relax, and they will definitely be able to seize the opportunity...


This should also be based on a principle, that is, they can defeat Akihara Kagura without causing too much damage to Konoha.

"Where are you going to fight?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi raised a doubt, and asked softly: "In Konoha, the movement of the battle is a bit too loud..."

"Finding off the beaten track..."

Qianshou glanced at his elder brother, and then at Akihara Kagura. The two of them could easily destroy Konoha when they really fought: "Anyway, there are five of us, and three of us can fly the Thunder God technique. rush to..."

"Is it set on the sea?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at Senshou Feijian and thought that he should choose a favorable environment.

"Stay on land!"

Qianshou Feijian shook his head, disapproving of this idea.

Because if it is above the sea, it may have a blessing for one's own water escape, but it will greatly limit the performance of the eldest brother, and it will also limit the flying thunder magician.


Everyone present at the same time thought of a country.

"lets go!"

Qianshou Feijian reached out and pressed his elder brother's shoulder, and looked back at Akihara Kagura: "Little ghost, I heard that you are also a flying thunder magician, don't be too slow..."

"I'll have a glass of pear juice first."

Akihara Kagura picked up the drinks on the table, waved his hands and said, "You guys go first, I will catch up right away..."


Qianshou Feijian snorted coldly, and disappeared in place with Qianshou Zhujian!

"Three Hokage-sama, let's go too."

Namikaze Minato put his hand on Sarutobi Hiruzen's shoulder, and used the Hiraishin technique to drive the third Hokage away from the spot in an instant!


Akihara Kagura was still drinking pear juice slowly.

late at night.

The country of the wind.

In the barren desert.

Akihara Kagura stood in the middle of the desert, quietly waiting for the arrival of the four Hokages. He was the latest to leave and the earliest to arrive.

After a while.

Minakaze Minato arrived first with Hiruzaru Sarutobi, and Tobima Senju arrived a little later with Hashirama Senju, which made the second Hokage's expression a little unsightly.

"It's finally here, I've been waiting for you for a while."

Akihara Kagura stood in the desert, seemingly impatient to wait.

"Did Kagura arrive first?"

Namikaze Minato looked at Akihara Kagura in surprise, smiled and praised: "Your Flying Thunder God technique is faster than me and the second generation!"

"It's even faster than Tozama!"

Senju Bashima gave a thumbs up without hesitation, and praised Akihara Kagura and Namikaze Minato: "Back then, Tomonama was known as the number one speed in the ninja world in our time!"


Qianshou Feijian quickly stopped his elder brother.

It's okay to lose to Namikaze Minato...

He even lost to Akihara Kagura...

Especially Qianshou Feijian himself is the inventor of the Flying Thunder God Technique!

Qianshou took a deep breath, put on the posture of an elder, suppressed his dissatisfaction with Akihara Kagura, and praised: "Your speed... is very fast... Since everyone is here, we Let's start quickly!"

"You really shouldn't waste your time..."

Akihara Kagura nodded, and a sign of opposition was erected between his fingers!


The four Hokages stared at his movements at the same time, feeling a little familiar after a long time, and at the same time erected a seal of opposition towards Akihara Kagura who was facing him!

next moment!

The four Hokages rushed towards Akihara Kagura at the same time!

Akihara Kagura's fingers quickly formed a seal first, and the fingers suddenly closed together!

"The Seal of the Tiger!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi watched Akihara Kagura's movements, and immediately judged the technique that Akihara Kagura wanted to use: "Kagura wants to use the fire escape technique!"

"Fire Escape·Extinguish Fire!"

With Sarutobi Hiruzen's reminder, Akihara Kagura's knot seal has been completed directly, fingers scattered around his mouth, and an overwhelming flame spewed out from his mouth!

The flames fell in the desert, and the sand melted in the flames, sweeping towards the four Hokages like a wall of fire!

"It's Madara's technique!"

Qianshou Zhujian judged it immediately, and even his eyes became a little dignified: "It's even more powerful than when Qiban is used!"


"Second-generation adults!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Senshou Feijian also made their own judgments!

As Hokage of Konoha, their judgment of the situation is very accurate, especially the environment here is a desert, which is not suitable for the release of the water escape technique!

The two Hokages knew very well that they could not stop the water escape alone, so they joined hands together and released the same spell!

"Water Escape·Water Array Wall!"

Thousands of hands opened their mouths to spit out a wave of water, and the water wave quickly erected a ring-shaped wall of water around them!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi opened his mouth and spewed out balls of water, quickly replenishing the thickness of the water wall, and a water wall as tall as a city wall was planted on the desert!

The wall of water and the wall of fire instantly came into contact!

The flames scorched the water waves, rising clouds of mist, spreading in the desert, and the entire battlefield was immediately plunged into mist!


Everyone present is good at sensory ninjutsu.

The palms of the four Hokages pressed down on the ground at the same time, using the transmission of Chakra on the ground to quickly perceive the hidden position of Akihara Kagura in the mist!

Akihara Kagura moved faster than them. He looked at the thick water vapor in the battlefield, and suddenly closed his palms: "Yutora's free art!"

The water vapor slowly turned into raindrops in the air.

In the desert where there is no dripping water all year round, it rains profusely.

Every drop of water in these rains contains Akihara Kagura's Chakra, allowing Akihara Kagura to more clearly perceive the specific positions of the four Hokages!

"found it!"

Akihara Kagura's eyes froze, and his palms were raised abruptly, and the rainwater quickly condensed under his control!

"Water Escape·Heaven Cry!"

Among the raindrops in the sky, water needles were hidden one after another, secretly flying towards the direction of the four Hokages!

"There's something in the rain!"

The shoulder between Qianshoufei was caught off guard by a water needle, and he reacted quickly, but his face became very ugly: "It turned out to be the old man's technique..."

The second update!

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