Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 225 Akihara Kagura's Gift to New Boss Tsunade!

within the town.

In a hotel.

The pharmacist sat on the tatami, pointed his fingers up, with a strange smile on his mouth, remotely controlling the communication between Kato Dan, Tsunade and the others.

Kagura's goal has been achieved, right?

Tsunade has already seen the danger of Orochimaru mastering the technique of reincarnation in the dirty soil, and the next step is to let Orochimaru escape, which should not be a big problem.

In fact.

The problem is still a bit bigger.

The angry Tsunade is almost fully fired!

Orochimaru has no big problem with Jiraiya's words, but he has to deal with the prosperous Tsunade and Jiraiya's joint efforts, and even Tsunade's psychic beast slug caused him huge troubles, but his own ten thousand snakes have long been It was sacrificed as a sacrifice by Akihara Kagura!

Tsunade smashed Kato's body with a punch, and took advantage of the time when Kato's body couldn't recover, and rushed directly to Orochimaru. Her forward speed was extremely fast, so fast that it could even block the enemy's brain to the body. Send the signal!


Tsunade kicked heavily on Orochimaru's body, making Orochimaru feel as if his internal organs were directly smashed by this kick. Before he could react, his head was smashed three times by Tsunade's punch Four ribs!


Orochimaru opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

However, Orochimaru looked back at the battlefield, wanting to seek his own support, but found that Kato Dan, who had recovered from his body in the distance, fled the battlefield directly.


Orochimaru's teeth were bleeding.

"go to hell!"

Tsunade waved his fist and smashed it down hard, without hiding the killing intent on his face: "How dare you play with the soul of the dead like this..."


The ground was smashed into a long gully by Tsunade's punch, and Orochimaru's body could only roll to the side in embarrassment, narrowly avoiding the punch!


Ji Lai was also sweating profusely.

"Don't try to escape!"

The slug opened its mouth towards Orochimaru and spit out a cloud of acid!


Orochimaru's body was immediately corroded by the acid, causing severe pain all over his body. He could only use the Orochiyu substitute technique to instantly shed his skin to heal his injuries!

"Jiraiya, Tsunade..."

Orochimaru looked at his two classmates, and gritted his teeth bitterly: "Don't be too rampant, I will completely destroy Konoha when I completely improve the reincarnation of the dirty soil!"

After finishing speaking, Orochimaru's body instantly turned into a snake, slid down the crack opened by Tsunade's fist, and disappeared without a trace!

"He escaped."

Jiraiya took a deep breath and felt the trouble of Orochimaru: "It's easy to defeat this guy, but it's very difficult to kill him..."

"Back to Konoha."

Tsunade's fingers trembled slightly, and he ordered in a deep voice: "Go back immediately, we must solve the trouble of Orochimaru, this time he resurrected and stopped fighting with us, who knows what kind of trouble this guy will cause next time come out!"

"Have you finally agreed to succeed the Fifth Hokage?"

Jiraiya finally breathed a sigh of relief, his purpose of this trip was finally achieved.

Konoha Village.

Inside Naruto Building.

Since the Fifth Hokage has not yet been selected, Akihara Kagura and the two Hokage consultants are still discussing the important affairs of the village. During this time, the interior of Konoha has gradually stabilized, leaving only the outer villages of Kirigakure Village and Sand Hidden Village. not solved.

Akihara Kagura added Yanyin Village as the target of the attack. The reason is that Yanyin Village sent ninjas to sneak into Konoha to spy on intelligence.

The two Hokage advisors tried their best to oppose it, but Akihara Kagura directly vetoed it with one sentence. They could only hope that Jiraiya would bring Tsunade back soon: "The fifth generation of Hokage in the village is coming back soon, so we should wait for it." Let's make a decision after Hokage succeeds..."

"I heard that Jiraiya and the two advisors chose Tsunade-sama?"

Akihara Kagura leaned halfway on the chair, and tapped his fingers on the table lightly: "The information received by Nebu shows that Tsunade-sama owes a lot of gambling debts. Will this affect Konoha's image?"


The two Hokage consultants frowned.

Is Akihara Kagura going to refuse Tsunade to succeed Hokage because of these things?

"Do not misunderstand."

Akihara Kagura's eyes narrowed, and he continued earnestly: "In order to prevent those casino debt collectors from affecting Konoha's image, I just plan to send Genbu to clean them up, lest their nonsense affect Konoha's patience." The status of the world, these people related to the casino are not good things, directly cleaning them up can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people..."


The two Hokage consultants nodded.

As long as Akihara Kagura is not opposed to Tsunade's succession, they don't care about this matter, they just pay attention to Akihara Kagura not to anger the nobles of the Fire Kingdom.


Akihara Kagura didn't bother to pay attention to these.

root base.

Akihara Kagura is back here.

Akihara Kagura held a list in his hand and put it on the table: "All the people in the root are dispatched immediately to clean up all the casinos in the country of fire, and then according to Master Tsunade's list of debts, kill all the creditors on it. , anyway, they are all those who force innocent people to ruin their families..."

"This is…"

Xianglin hesitated and didn't quite understand.

"Kill all her creditors as a gift to our new boss."

Akihara Kagura glanced at Xianglin, and then ordered: "It is estimated that Lord Wudaime Hokage will be here soon, Xianglin, you take the three squads to a small town near the village, and clean up the evil in that town." Casino, when giving a gift, let the boss know who gave her the gift..."


Xianglin immediately accepted the order.

The country of fire.

in a small town.

On the way back to Konoha with Shizune and Uzumaki Naruto, Tsunade and Jilai also happened to pass by this small town, and Tsunade wanted to pay off the gambling debt owed in this small town along the way.


I saw a group of casino people being hunted down.

A group of root ninjas wearing masks were still searching for casino personnel in the small town. When they saw a casino thug, they mercilessly walked over and killed him with a knife!

"Master Tsunade!"

The owner of the casino is on the run under the protection of a group of thugs!

When the casino owner saw Tsunade, he knelt down in front of her in tears: "Master Tsunade, we don't want the money you owe, let your people stop..."


Tsunade quickly stopped the killing, stopped in front of this group of root ninjas, and said in a deep voice: "Whose subordinates are you, what is going on?"

"This is…"

Jiraiya also recognized the identities of these people, and his expression became a little dignified: "These are ninjas of the root, and they are all subordinates of Kagura..."

"We were ordered to kill the creditor of Lord Fifth Hokage."

A red-haired girl wore a dog-head mask and said coldly: "In order not to affect the reputation of the Fifth Hokage, all those who may hinder the reputation of the Fifth Hokage must be removed, please do not hinder us from carrying out the task! "

"I don't want it! I don't want it!"

The owner of the casino was so frightened that he knelt down and kowtowed, as if he had come to his senses again: "No, no, no, Tsunade-sama never owes me money, I'm talking nonsense!"

"Shut up!"

The red-haired girl jumped up and swung the ninja sword in her hand to slash up, but was stopped by Tsunade directly!

"go back!"

Tsunade stared coldly at the girl in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "I will pay off the gambling debts I owe, and I don't need the people in the village to meddle in their business..."

Kaorin stared at Tsunade, and retorted softly: "If Tsunade-sama does not have the status of Fifth Hokage to succeed the village, we can naturally ignore it..."

"However, Tsunade-sama has become Fifth Hokage-sama. For the sake of Konoha's reputation, all unfavorable factors must be cleaned up. Anyway, the existence of these people is also endangering the lives of other villagers..."


"It's all for Konoha!"

When Xianglin said this, the chakra on his body exploded suddenly, diamond chains suddenly drilled out from behind, suddenly bound their bodies, twisted their necks instantly, and all the staff of these casinos were killed. kill!

"Scented Phosphorus..."

Uzumaki Naruto seemed to be frightened.

"King Kong blockade..."

Tsunade looked at Kaorin with some surprise.

This masked red-haired girl turned out to be from the Uzumaki clan!

However, Tsunade quickly reacted, frowning suddenly, looking at Kaorin in front of him: "Little guy, didn't you hear what I said just now?"

"This is for Konoha!"

Xianglin withdrew the diamond chain, and continued in a deep voice: "In order to maintain Konoha's reputation, we will kill all the creditors of the Fifth Hokage-sama..."


Tsunade was taken aback by Kaorin's words!

Although this method has indeed cleared the gambling debts she once paid, but in this way, can she still have any reputation in the ninja world?

The people who lent him money in the past were all killed by Konoha ninja, and he has not taken over the position of Hokage, but his reputation is rotten in the ninja world first?

"Go back and report."

Xianglin jumped up onto a house, and left the town with a few vertical leaps, and the other root ninjas immediately followed.

"That little guy..."

Tsunade stared at Kaorin's back, his face was gloomy and uneasy: "It looks about the same age as Naruto, the brat, right? He was really decisive when he killed..."

"Most ninjas at the root are like this..."

Jiraiya also nodded, thinking of his disciple: "When I saw Kagura, he was also planning to kill people every day..."

When he said this, Jiraiya looked at Tsunade and sighed: "Now you can see how extreme they are when they act..."

"That kid doesn't fit in at the roots."

Tsunade shook his head, but he had his own plans in mind.

When Tsunade saw Kaorin using King Kong to block, he showed a huge chakra and vitality. He felt that Kaorin might be very suitable to become a medical ninja. He planned to find a chance to transfer Kaorin to her side when he went back. A good medical ninja becomes a killing tool.

"Go back first."

Jiraiya also took a look at Tsunade, and continued to persuade: "When Danzo was the leader of the root, he was not even willing to obey the old man's order... Maybe because Danzo is still in the root, Kagura's actions are becoming more and more serious. It's getting more extreme."


When they returned to Konoha, they realized that things were much more troublesome than they imagined.

Since Akihara Kagura sent people to deal with all the casinos in the Nation of Fire, many nobles in the Nation of Fire were also severely damaged, and they all wanted to come to Konoha to ask for an explanation.

"Don't allow Tsunade to succeed Hokage!"

This has become the consensus of many Fire Nation nobles and ministers!

no doubt.

The person behind this action against the casino must be Tsunade, because only Tsunade has the most profit, and all her creditors have been killed.

Such behavior…

It is undoubtedly a violation of the rules of the ninja world!

Repay debts, pay for murder, especially gambling debts must not be defaulted!

Inside Naruto Building.

Both Naruto consultants felt overwhelmed.

Turning to the bed Xiaochun felt the hostility of the Fire Nation towards Tsunade: "Many ministers and nobles of the Fire Nation are questioning our new Hokage candidates, asking if we can propose a new Hokage candidate, and they refuse Tsunade to succeed the fifth Dai Hokage..."

"The daimyo didn't comment."

However, Mitomonyan still found a piece of good news from a pile of bad news: "After all, Tsunade has a noble status and is the most suitable candidate. The daimyo doesn't mind these trivial matters, but just persuades Tsunade to be more restrained. Don't be too extreme and disrespectful of credibility..."

"This is an opportunity."

Akihara Kagura shrugged, as if everything had nothing to do with him: "Try out those nobles and ministers who are dissatisfied with Lord Fifth Hokage, and if you clean them up, no one in the Kingdom of Fire will oppose Lord Fifth Hokage from now on. Any suggestions for…”


Koharu and Mito Menyan looked at each other after turning to bed.

Although Akihara Kagura is indeed trying to consider for Tsunade who has not completed his succession, but this is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire...

Mitomonyan quickly stopped the radical behavior that Akihara Kagura wanted to carry out: "Forget it, now that the casino has been cleaned up, it is only opposed by nobles and ministers. If you wantonly kill nobles and ministers, it will arouse the public outrage of all the nobles in the ninja world. ..."

"Whoever opposes, clean up who..."

Akihara Kagura chuckled, and her attitude was very tough: "Before the Fifth Hokage-sama succeeds, all those who oppose her should be eliminated, even daimyo can't be killed..."

"This will cause civil unrest..."

Mito Menyan was so frightened that he quickly persuaded Akihara Kagura with other reasons: "Aren't you going to prepare for a war against Sand Hidden Village and Wu Hidden Village? It's not good if the war is not good..."


Turning to bed Xiaochun felt a little strange.

At this time, the war they had been trying to prevent turned out to be their reason for persuading Akihara Kagura not to kill in the Land of Fire...


They are really not good at opposing Akihara Kagura.

Because Akihara Kagura did want to kill for Konoha.

that is…

It's kind of like helping more and more.

At least the person involved, Tsunade, felt deeply about this. The Fifth Hokage deeply felt that the troubles he encountered were more troublesome than being chased for debts.

Akihara Kagura and Root Ninja are willing to help themselves maintain their reputation. Maybe their purpose of doing things is good, but it may be better to do nothing.

The third update!

Akihara Kagura's day at work trying to help her boss!

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