Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 217 Uchiha Itachi and Dried Persimmon Kisame Sneaking Into Konoha

The funeral of the Three Hokages is over.

However, the chaos in Muye Village has just begun.

The first thing is that the village needs a new Hokage. This is a problem that must be resolved as soon as possible. Only a new Hokage can calm people's hearts. This matter is handed over to Jiraiya.

The second thing is the problem of Hidden Wu Village and Hidden Sand Village. The ninjas who caused riots in these two villages are still in prison.

During the Zhongnin Examination, Sha Yin Village, Wu Yin Village and other middle and small ninja villages caused turmoil in Konoha, whether Konoha wants to start a war against them, or talk to them immediately, so as not to cause Yan Yin Village and Yun Yin Village to join , triggering a ninja war.


The people of Sand Hidden Village quickly sent messages asking for peace.

Because the ninjas of Sand Hidden Village discovered the corpse of the fourth Kazekage Rasa, their Kazekage was killed by Orochimaru, and even their faces were melted.

The people in Wuyin Village also sent news quickly.

Because they were deceived by Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo, the Kirigakure ninjas also discovered the body of the elder Genshi, and hoped that Konoha would forgive them for being used by others.

Inside Naruto Building.

The two Hokage advisors intend to agree to negotiate.

However, Akihara Kagura firmly disagreed with the peace talks.

This opportunity was originally created by him, and he could use this as an excuse to attack Hidden Sand Village and Hidden Mist Village, and use Wooden Dungeon to absorb the chakras of the ninjas of the two villages.

"They have to be taught a lesson."

Akihara Kagura, like Comrade Village Danzo, has a very tough attitude towards the outside world: "If even this matter can be forgiven, the death of the third Hokage-sama is too cheap."

"This timing is not an opportunity to start a war..."

"I'm Assistant Hokage."

Akihara Kagura directly interrupted the words of the two Hokage advisors and stared at them: "Before a new Hokage is elected in the village, I should make the decision, right?"

"But the war..."

Mito Menyan hurriedly tried to stop Akihara Kagura.

"A ninja cannot fear sacrifice."

Akihara Kagura looked at Mitomon Yan with a smile, and continued to ask: "Are the two advisors afraid to sacrifice their lives for Konoha?"

"The old man is not afraid of sacrifice!"

Mito Menyan stood up abruptly, and said in a deep voice, "The old man is worried that starting a war against the two ninja villages at this time will be used by other enemy countries..."

"Don't worry about this kind of problem, right?"

Akihara Kagura looked at him in amazement and said, "As long as I lead the roots out alone, I can solve them and force them to completely surrender to Konoha..."

"If it can be negotiated, let's try to negotiate it..."

Turning to bed Xiaochun sighed, and took the initiative to explain: "If they can agree to our harsh conditions, they don't need to go through another trip, do they? A fight for nothing will only bring more hatred..."

"That should teach them a lesson, too."

Akihara Kagura would definitely not want to give up this opportunity, and tapped his finger on the table lightly: "This will also deter other big countries, and prevent them from thinking that something happened to Konoha and dare to come..."

"Master Kagura, Master Advisor!"

A Jonin who was in charge of patrolling the village after the war hurriedly came to report: "A team from Yanyin Village sneaked into the village and was repelled by us..."

"Killing chickens...can scare monkeys."

Akihara Kagura looked at the two Hokage consultants.

"Master Kagura, Master Advisor!"

Anbu, who was patrolling the village, also came to report the emergency, and said with a grim expression, "An unknown enemy has infiltrated the village, and the ninja stationed in the village has fallen into an illusion..."

"Go down."

Akihara Kagura waved his hand, stood up slowly and ordered: "You continue to strengthen the patrol, and continue to detect whether other enemies have sneaked in."

"By the way, where is Teacher Jiraiya?"

Akihara Kagura looked at the two Hokage consultants.

"Should he be on the roof?"

Mitomonyan thought hesitantly.

On the roof of Naruto Building.

Both Jiraiya and Hatake Kakashi are here.

Because Jiraiya and Hatake Kakashi happened to have something to talk to each other about.

"It's really troublesome..."

Jilai also stood here and looked at the whole village, and sighed in a long voice: "The two stubborn old guys still refuse to let him succeed Hokage, there are many things that can't be resolved..."

"Didn't you let him succeed Hokage?"

Hatake Kakashi lowered his head, and suddenly said something: "Master Jiraiya, only the third Hokage-sama died in this Chunin exam..."

"Thanks, Kagura, right?"

Zilai also nodded, and continued: "I know everything. If he hadn't arrived in time, more people would have died..."


Hatake Kakashi saw the battle between the third Hokage and Orochimaru throughout the whole process, and continued softly: "On the day of the Chunin exam, Orochimaru mentioned something. The capture of Shimura Danzo was within their plan. Danzo Will convince Kagura to do something..."

When Hatake Kakashi said this, there was a hint of worry in his eyes: "I am worried that Kagura may be affected by Danzo... At the beginning, the third Hokage-sama prohibited Danzo from contacting Kagura, because he was worried that his character would be affected by Danzo. become more extreme."


Zilai also fell silent.

The tall man sighed, shook his head and said: "Don't worry about this problem, I believe Kagura knows it well, I took him outside to practice for two years, except for some extreme behaviors and ways of thinking, most of the time He's an obedient kid..."


Jilai also skipped the topic of Akihara Kagura, and talked about his own affairs: "Give Naruto to me, although it is a good choice for the old man to let you monitor Naruto, but now the situation is so complicated that even you can't do it." It's enough to deal with..."

"I have been monitoring that guy Orochimaru. I know that he once joined an organization. That organization has a rather dangerous way of doing things and has recruited a lot of S-rank rebels. They have a rather ambitious goal..."

When Jiraiya said this, he remembered the exchanges between his disciples, and sighed again: "Maybe their goal is not as dangerous as Akihara Kagura's idea..."


Hatake Kakashi's eyes twitched and he asked, "Will they hurt Naruto?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

Jilai also shook his head, and continued: "But sooner or later, Naruto will definitely conflict with them, and it will be very dangerous at that time..."


Naruto signed a psychic contract with Mt. Myogi.

In a sense, Uzumaki Naruto is also his disciple.

Jilai is also very aware of several of his disciples, Nagato leads the dangerous Akatsuki organization, maybe they are the children of destiny, maybe they are not, but they aim to change the ninja world, but they use dangerous methods;

Uzumaki Naruto was born in Konoha, and the strongest tailed beast Nine Tails is sealed in his body. Perhaps he may also be the Child of Destiny. This little guy also has a very good ninja potential, and it is very likely that he will also revolutionize the ninja world.

According to the prophecy of the big toad sage and Jiraiya's judgment, two people who want to change the ninja world will collide sooner or later.

Jirai couldn't let Naruto Uzumaki stay by Kakashi Hatake's side, he wanted to use his own way to teach Naruto Uzumaki so that the little guy could grow up as soon as possible.

Hatake Kakashi frowned, and continued to ask: "However, since Kagura is in the village, the village should be safer, right?"

"Kagura can't protect him forever."

Jiraiya shook his head, with a serious expression on his face: "Kagura is indeed responsible for protecting Konoha, but it is for him to bear all the responsibilities on his shoulders..."

"That was not what I meant…"

Hatake Kakashi waved his hands again and again, indicating that he didn't think so.

"You also have to work hard to practice, and your student Uchiha Sasuke, you must let Uchiha Sasuke grow up as soon as possible."

Jiraiya also glanced at Hatake Kakashi, and seriously persuaded: "That organization, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Obito seem to be in it, don't have hope for those who defected and left. Time to try to kill them immediately..."


Hatake Kakashi's face suddenly changed.

"I'll take Naruto away from Konoha first."

Jilai also straightened his body, and continued: "That kid who is always making noise and wants to become Hokage, this time should be able to help!"

Jilai also planned to take Uzumaki Naruto to meet Tsunade, because he had an agreement with the two Hokage consultants to bring Tsunade back and let her serve as the Fifth Hokage.


Tsunade may not agree.

Jirai also believes that Uzumaki Naruto has the potential to be recognized by Tsunade, and wants to take Uzumaki Naruto out together, and it is also convenient to teach his practice.


Hatake Kakashi didn't respond.

Because Hatake Kakashi was still thinking about Jiraiya's words.

If both Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Itachi are in that organization, sooner or later I and my student Uchiha Sasuke will have conflicts with that organization...


Hatake Kakashi stretched out his palm, and slowly clenched it into a fist. Can he really kill Uchiha Obito like Jiraiya said?

"never mind."

Hatake Kakashi sighed, thinking of another person in that organization: "If Uchiha Itachi is also in that organization, Sasuke must grow up as soon as possible..."

Hatake Kakashi plans to make an appointment with Uchiha Sasuke to have a good chat with his disciples about how to use Sharingan and practice.

In Leaf Village.

Two figures with bamboo hats on their heads sat in a shop.

The two were dressed in auspicious cloud black robes, enjoying their lunch peacefully, even though it was just a plate of natto, a few skewers of three-color balls and a cup of sweet soup.

One of them ate very seriously, gently picked up a bunch of three-color balls and put them in his mouth, chewing on the sweetness oozing from the three-color balls.

"Is the food in my hometown still the taste of the past?"

The other person grinned and asked a question, then slowly raised his head, revealing a ferocious and terrifying shark face, he was a member of the Akatsuki organization and the S-class rebel ninja Kisame of Wuyin Village.


The person being questioned didn't answer, but stared at the plate with the three-color balls seriously, and was still chewing the food seriously.


Under the bamboo hat.

But it was a face that Konoha ninjas hated extremely.

Uchiha Itachi, a member of the Akatsuki organization, Konoha's S-class rebel.

"It's dangerous here."

Uchiha Itachi didn't answer Kisame's words, but reminded softly: "Once we are noticed, we may be killed at any time..."

"Are you worried about Akihara Kagura who once defeated you?"

Kisame Kisame didn't care about Uchiha Itachi's reminder, and was even a little interested: "If there is a chance, I really want to have a good fight with him..."

"Don't say such big words."

Uchiha Itachi shook his head, his eyes watched that some Konoha Jominin also came to this small shop for dinner, and even the very familiar Hatake Kakashi, and Kakashi's disciple Uchiha Sasuke, softly Said: "Ghost shark, we should go."

"Oh well."

Kisame Kisame picked up the bandaged broadsword beside him.

When they left, Hatake Kakashi noticed them, and quietly told his companions Sarutobi Asma and Yuhi Kuro who were beside him, and motioned them to intercept the two figures in Xiangyun's black robe.

"What's wrong?"

Uchiha Sasuke glanced at Hatake Kakashi curiously, and from the corner of his eye, he saw the three-color balls and natto placed on the table in the small shop, and a look of disgust flashed in his eyes: "I hate natto and sweet potatoes the most." s things…"

"You go to practice first."

Hatake Kakashi sent away his students.

After Uchiha Sasuke left, Hatake Kakashi's eyes were a little dignified, and he flew towards the direction where Sarutobi Asma and Kurenai Yuhi left!

the other side.

On the path by the Nanhe River.

Kisame Kisame and Itachi Uchiha were still chatting.

"The leader of the organization doesn't seem to have sent us to carry out the task..."

Kisame Kisame held the sama-muscle broadsword and said with a light smile, "However, since we're here, why not take this opportunity to take away Konoha's Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, anyway Akatsuki also needs Tailed Beasts."

"I'm too anxious now..."

Uchiha Itachi doesn't quite agree with Kisame's idea.

Because of the riots in the Konoha Chunin Exam, Uchiha Itachi came to his hometown to investigate in the name of reconnaissance intelligence. He was a little worried that the death of the Third Hokage would invalidate his agreement with the Third Hokage, and worried that his younger brother Uchiha Sasuke would in danger.

at this time…

Uchiha Itachi wants to chat with Akihara Kagura, hoping that Akihara Kagura can continue to abide by the agreement and will not give up the agreement because of the death of the third Hokage.

to be honest.

This negotiation is a bit dangerous.

Itachi Uchiha was a little uncertain.

Because Uchiha Itachi is very worried that after the death of the Third Hokage, that guy Akihara Kagura will completely lose control, and when he sees him, he will directly kill people...

This possibility is a little too big.


Uchiha Itachi soon lost the mood to think.

Because their whereabouts have been discovered, Konohagami Ninja Sarutobi Asuma and Yuhi Kuro got a signal from Hatake Kakashi, followed their traces, and finally stopped in front of them, as if wanting to To find out what their real identities look like.

"Take off your hats."

With a cigarette in his mouth, Sarutobi Asma said slowly: "At this time, hiding your identity and appearing in Konoha, it seems that the visitor is not kind..."

"Mr. Asma, Miss Hong."

Uchiha Itachi stretched out his arm and unbuttoned Xiangyun's black robe, and revealed a hand to take off the bamboo hat on his head. The breeze from his hometown blew away his hair.


Sarutobi Asma's eyes gradually became heavy.

Because on the night of the Genocide Night, Uchiha Itachi manipulated Susano and Sanwei to make too much noise, brazenly using the Tailed Beast Jade to slaughter his own family, this cruel and terrifying method is still being used by wood The leaf ninjas are deeply engraved in my heart.

"Dried persimmon ghost shark."

Kisame Kisame took off his bamboo hat and introduced himself. His smile was ferocious: "Mr. Itachi, I thought the only acquaintance you had in Konoha was that guy named Akihara Kagura!"

The first update!

Ghost shark is the most suitable for hungry ghosts...

But I like ghost sharks...

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