Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$95 First encounter with the Beast Taming School [asking for monthly tickets and recommendation tick

After commanding the turtle again to defeat a wild beast in the awakening realm, Lin Qianyu couldn't remember how many wild beasts he had defeated along the way.

There are many, many, many that I encounter naturally on the road. Snakes and snakes find them by exploring the road, and then they kill them with turtles.

Lin Qianyu only knows now that the closer you go to the center of the island, the higher the level of the wild beasts.

I don’t know whether this situation was deliberately arranged by the invigilation team or whether it was a natural result of the island environment.

However, for Lin Qianyu, the difference in this situation is not very big. Anyway, it was pushed all the way.

Although there are many wild beasts on the island, some candidates, such as Lin Qianyu, basically kill anyone they encounter.

Even if he could just defeat and get points, the next candidates could also defeat and get points. Therefore, in order to prevent the next candidates from getting points, basically Lin Qianyu would kill whenever he could.

After all, if you want to get high scores in this situation, all candidates must fight and grab, otherwise what awaits them will be fewer and fewer beasts to control, and more and more unobtainable ones. Fraction.

The closer you get to the center of the island, the fewer wild beasts you encounter acting alone. They usually move in groups or groups.

However, if you encounter a wild beast acting alone, either the wild beast is very powerful, or it is separated from the group. In this case, it depends on the candidate's luck.

And next to a small river.

Several two-armed fish jumped out of the river, startling the turtles and snakes drinking water on the side.

Moreover, it didn't matter that he suddenly jumped out of the river and scared the tortoises and snakes, but the splash of water that splashed Lin Qianyu's head was drenched, which was quite excessive.

Moreover, when these two-armed fish came out of the river, they were very cooperative and forced Lin Qianyu and two beasts to block the side of the river.

“Grilled fish for lunch!”

After Lin Qianyu wiped off the water stains on her face, she looked at the five two-armed fish in front of her, her face gradually distorting.

Lin Qianyu was obviously a person who held grudges, and if the two-armed fish got Lin Qianyu wet for no reason, he would have to wait to rush to the street.

Two minutes later.

There were three double-armed fish lying in front of Turtle, and Snake dragged the remaining two double-armed fish back with their tails rolled up.

Looking at the five two-armed fish that evolved from the Slowfish in front of him, Lin Qianyu quickly removed the arms that were turned into fish fins.

Then it was about scraping the fish scales, processing the gills and internal organs, cleaning them next to the river, cutting some branches nearby, cutting them into long branches, stringing them together, and inserting them into the ground, and then started setting up a fire rack to prepare for the barbecue.

Now the time has reached noon, and the turtles and snakes who have experienced so many battles are also hungry. They are all swallowing saliva when they look at the five two-armed fish being grilled by the fire in front of them.

After taking the last seven-school joint mock exam, Lin Qianyu also deliberately practiced barbecue skills. The two-armed fish being grilled this time also looked very beautiful.

Under the scorching flames, the oil and water from the fish on both arms dripped and fell into the fire, splashing out a burst of fragrance with the smell of carbon fire.

Not only Snake and Turtle were greedy, Lin Qianyu was also greedy.

He pinched a little bit of meat to see if it was done. After it felt cooked, Lin Qianyu left the meaty part of one of the tails, and left the rest for the tortoise and the snake to share. As for whether it could be done Lin Qianyu didn't have any hope of letting these two guys fill her stomach. After all, she could tell just by looking at the size of these two guys.

I don't know if the smell of Lin Qianyu's grilled double-armed fish was too tempting, but there was a movement in the grass not far away, and then a strong figure jumped out from the grass.

And he was also followed by two beasts.

A black bear with both earth and fighting attributes.

A primitive crocodile with both water and fighting attributes.

Regardless of the rarity of these two beasts, Lin Qianyu could tell that they were well cultivated just from their appearance.

But standing next to this person, I always feel that the two beasts beside him are a bit miniscule?

"Brother, can you give me some food? I'm very hungry."

After the strong man sprang out from the grass, he stood there and stared at the two-armed fish grilled on the flames. He spoke to Lin Qianyu and even swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva.


"Brother, share some food between me and my beast master, and my three points will be yours!"

Lin Qianyu:. . . . . .

"With your strength, you should be able to hunt edible wild beasts by yourself, right? Why do you have to do this?"

"I'm terrible at my craft."

Lin Qianyu:. . . . . .

"Forget it. Neither I nor my own beast are full from this little food. You'd better go find someone else and ask."

Under the death gazes of Turtle and Snake, Lin Qianyu thought for a second and then readily rejected the macho man.

Although the three-point score obtained for free is tempting, there is no need to sell one's own food, especially when there are two big eaters around.

"Don't worry, brother, I haven't eaten anything since morning, and I'm really hungry now."

As the macho man spoke, he subconsciously moved closer to Lin Qianyu.

It would have been fine if he hadn't approached them. As soon as he approached, the turtle and the snake gave up eating and became alert.

The turtle was fine, just giving up eating and staring at them, while the snake was in an attacking posture, ready to attack if things went wrong.

Seeing the actions of the turtle and the snake, the black bear and the primitive crocodile beside the tough guy also stepped forward and stood in front of the tough guy, but they did not show any intention of attacking, just simply protecting their masters.

This scene made Lin Qianyu feel quite interesting.

Because of their attributes, fire, fighting, and dragon beasts are all beasts with bad tempers.

Dragon beasts are okay, arrogant, and generally don't care about people easily.

But fire and fighting beasts are like explosive barrels, the kind that will catch fire at any time.

And these two beasts did not show any desire to fight back in the face of the turtle and the snake's almost provocative actions.

Instead, they voluntarily stood in front of their masters and made protective actions.

This action shows that these two beasts, or they and their masters, are not simple.

After becoming interested, Lin Qianyu also pulled out the system to look at the information of these two beasts.

Black bear, the race level is rare and high, the level is the eighth level of awakening, the potential is extremely high, and the cultivation level is very good.

Primitive crocodile, the race level is rare and high, the level is the fifth level of awakening, the potential is extremely high, and the cultivation level is also very good.

The levels of these two beasts are good, which shows that this person is not simple.

Moreover, the two beasts in the contract are beasts with fighting attributes, which means that he has a contract with a clear purpose.

In this case, it is estimated that the route with fighting beasts as the core is to take the route of beasts as the core, and the masters who take this single route are generally masters of some schools.

After all, after so many years of exploration, their development and mastery of single attributes must be far beyond ordinary people.

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