It was eight o'clock, and the mock exam time for reaching the finish line ended with a bell ringing.

After that, the teachers of each school and class began to count the number of people.

After confirming that everyone was present, or how many people were missing, the soldiers of the Beast Taming Corps began to enter the primeval forest, and cooperated with the soldiers who had already entered to act as referees, searching for candidates who had not reached the finish line in the primeval forest.

At nine o'clock in the evening, when the students of each school arrived at the finish line safely without omission, the teams of each school lined up, and the referee team composed of the Beast Taming Corps also came out of the monitoring center.

In Zhengxing's team, Lin Qianyu also saw Li Mingqi, which made Lin Qianyu completely relieved.

Don't worry about beating the dog owner.

Lin Qianyu, who was in a good mood, waved to Li Mingqi and said hello, but he ignored her directly.

But Lin Qianyu was not annoyed. Anyway, it was good that the dog owner was fine, and the rest was up to fate.

"The mock exams for the seven schools have ended here.

And now, we will announce your final rankings for the mock exams."

After taking a look at the teams of the schools below, Zhang Mingxuan opened the list of scores in his hand.

The Beast Taming Corps was able to coordinate the scores of all candidates within three days and immediately after the exam. It must be said that the efficiency of the Beast Taming Corps is really too high.

"First place, Qingfeng No. 3 Middle School, Lin Qianyu.

Second place, Zhengxing Middle School, Li Mingqi.

Third place, Zhengxing Middle School, Zhou Mingzhi.

Fourth place...

Tenth place, Zhengxing Middle School, Peng Jiusong.


One hundredth place, Qingfeng No. 1 Middle School, Chen Qihe.

This score is the final total score of your theoretical scores and practical scores."

The scores were only announced for the top 100, and then Zhang Mingxuan closed the folder and did not announce it again, so naturally there was no more.

However, only the scores of the candidates who entered the top 100 were announced, which made those candidates who did not enter the top 100 feel a little itchy, after all, they did not know their specific ranking.

When the other candidates heard that Lin Qianyu was the first, they did not question it.

After all, the news that Lin Qianyu defeated all seven of them by herself had spread to most of the finish line after various fermentations.

Moreover, before the exam, Lin Qianyu was ranked first among the thirteen seeded players, which was basically what everyone expected, not a surprise.

However, after today, Lin Qianyu's name will be completely known in the seven schools!

After the results were announced, the top 100 candidates were awarded.

The top ten, including Lin Qianyu, were awarded their ranking awards by Zhang Mingxuan.

The top 100 candidates were awarded by teachers from each school.

"The resource card in your hand is the amount of resources you have chosen. You can redeem it at the official breeding house with this card.

You can redeem it at any official breeding house in Qingfeng City. You can choose the time.

The Awakening Stone awarded to the first place needs to determine its attributes. You can get it and use it in the base tomorrow."

The Awakening Stone selected by Lin Qianyu is the dragon attribute.

This is a bit unexpected. Not only the teachers of various schools, but even Zhang Mingxuan looked at Lin Qianyu a few more times.

But in the end, Zhang Mingxuan didn't say much. After all, the reward belongs to Lin Qianyu. What he chooses is his business. Zhang Mingxuan has no qualifications and no mind to persuade Lin Qianyu.

For Lin Qianyu, the reason for choosing the dragon attribute Awakening Stone is because of the pseudo-dragon attribute of the turtle.

However, Lin Qianyu is not sure whether the turtle can absorb the Awakening Stone now. If not, he can only wait for the turtle to evolve and awaken the dragon attribute before using it.

And it's just a matter of time.

Moreover, the awakening stones of other attributes are equally rare and precious, but the awakening stones of dragon attribute, space attribute, supernatural attribute, and undead attribute are more rare and precious.

Although they are all priceless cultivation treasures, there are still differences between awakening stones of different attributes.

The next day.

In the Beast Taming Corps' garrison, while the other students were still resting, Lin Qianyu had followed the leading soldier to the training ground inside the Beast Taming Corps.

After passing several checkpoints, Lin Qianyu saw Zhang Mingxuan and the old class waiting with serious faces.

Even in the Beast Taming Corps' garrison, there was no problem with safety, but the atmosphere was set off by them like this, which made Lin Qianyu a little nervous.

After Lin Qianyu arrived, the group walked further into the training ground.

There was no checkpoint, but in front of a training room, there were two soldiers guarding, and even next to them, there were two red stone spirits stationed.

The red stone spirit is the second stage evolution form of the small stone, with earth attribute, and has good defense and attack power.

In addition, the cost of cultivation is not high, and the growth rate is very fast. It is also a kind of beast that the soldiers of the beast taming corps prefer to contract. The strength of these six red stone spirits is at the level of transformation.

After waiting for everyone to approach, and confirming their identities, they directly opened the door and let them in.

There were still three people entering the room, Zhang Mingxuan, Laoban, and Lin Qianyu.

There is a transparent glass cabinet in the middle of the room. From the outside, you can see that the inside of the glass cabinet is emitting a cyan-blue light.

The entire transparent glass cabinet is soaked in this cyan-blue light. Only when you walk in can you see a dragon-shaped stone about the size of a mouse wrapped in the cyan-blue light.

And this is the Awakening Stone!

"This dragon-attributed Awakening Stone was transferred from the provincial capital overnight.

Although I don't know why you chose the dragon-attributed Awakening Stone, I still suggest that you let the beastmaster use the Awakening Stone now."

Lin Qianyu understood what Zhang Mingxuan meant.

Looking at a series of protective measures, you will know how rare the Awakening Stone is.

And the self who used the Awakening Stone and the self who did not use the Awakening Stone are two completely different concepts.

After all, the Awakening Stone is not something that Lin Qianyu can possess and keep now.

When you don't have the strength to match the treasure, the consequences of carrying this thing on your body are not something that Lin Qianyu can bear now.

No, if this thing is used, it will be different. If there is nothing left, what else can be done?

(The scumbag author who often gets the sweetness is shameless and shamelessly asking for recommendation votes and monthly votes from all the breadwinners.

Bang, bang, bang.

The scumbag author is grateful!)

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