Start with the Beastmaster Contract

66 What the hell am I doing!

Returning to the activity room, the two cubs, Turtle and Snake, continued to eat.

Lin Qianyu was depressed beside them. After all, she had done useless work just now, and she didn't get any points even if she defeated the examinee. This double useless work made Lin Qianyu even more depressed.

But this depression only lasted for a while, after all, the exam was still going on.

After waiting for Turtle and Snake to finish eating, Lin Qianyu held Snake and rode Turtle to leave the supply point, and headed towards the finish line according to the map and compass.

In the primeval forest area, the deeper you go, the more lush the branches and leaves are, and the less sunlight shines through the branches and leaves. Coupled with the silence around, it gives people a gloomy feeling.

Lin Qianyu could only hug Snake, which was coiled on the shell of Turtle, to seek a little comfort.

Suddenly, in the silent forest, in addition to the sound of Turtle's feet stepping on the dead leaves, a "buzzing" sound was heard.

"Did you hear any sound?"

"Hey, hey.": Two-legged beast, what did you hear?

"Hiss, hiss.": No.

"Yes, a buzzing sound, very subtle, but for some reason, it's getting louder and louder now."

"Hey, hey.": I seem to have heard it too.

Then, Lin Qianyu looked up and saw a huge beehive hanging on the tree trunk, and the sound he heard came from this beehive.

"Oh my god, Guigui, hurry up, it's a swarm of black tiger bees! It's terrible, how come there are still such a group in the examination room, hurry up, don't make a sound, run away quickly."

Seeing the black tiger bees poking their heads out of the beehive, Lin Qianyu almost had a cardiac arrest and hurriedly whispered to Guigui.

He was afraid that because of his loud voice, he would directly disturb this group of black tiger bees.

The reason why Lin Qianyu was so afraid was that black tiger bees were social creatures, and if you encounter a swarm of black tiger bees in the wild, you have to be extremely confident in your own strength and can kill them all directly, otherwise there is only one choice, run away, run away quickly!

This thing is a dual-attribute beast with insect and poison attributes. Although the strength of a single one is not high, hovering at the third or fourth level of the initial realm, it can't withstand a large group of black tiger bees attacking you desperately.

And the venom of this thing is said to be hospitalized if it stings once, dying if it stings ten times, and killing you if it stings a hundred times.

And this thing always appears in groups, so it can be said that acting alone is an insult to them.

However, it is really outrageous to see such a terrifying thing in the examination room. Either it was not noticed when cleaning the examination room, or it deliberately skipped this place and planned to give the candidates a surprise.

Then, this surprise was encountered by Lin Qianyu.

As for now, what Lin Qianyu has to do is to sneak into the village, don't shoot, and then run as far as possible.

However, the idiom "things go against one's wishes" is used on Lin Qianyu without any problem.

At this time, the black tiger bees went out to collect nectar, and then, groups of black tiger bees came out of the hive, and then, Lin Qianyu, the human who rashly broke into their territory, was warmly "welcomed" by them.

"Fuck, turtle, harden, spray water, snake, energy ball!"

Seeing the groups of black tiger bees appear, Lin Qianyu immediately slipped off the turtle's back, and after giving the attack order, he immediately lay down in the pile of fallen leaves beside him.

As soon as he lay down, the damp and rotten smell almost made Lin Qianyu vomit, but he held back. After all, between his life and disgust, he chose his life.

The turtle and snake, who had no worries, started to fight back directly.

Facing this kind of beast in the air, the turtle's main means of attack is only a water spray, while the snake has more, energy balls, leaf whips, and even climbing up the tree to cast energy leaf blades are not a problem.

And there are many black tiger bees, but their strength is also very low.

If they are touched by turtles and snakes, they will be gone.

At this time, at the other end of the original forest of the source of the picture, that is, the end point, there is a monitoring center temporarily built for this mock exam, which monitors the behavior of candidates in the examination room through the monitoring cameras worn by the candidates on their chests.

In the monitoring screen, various experiences of candidates in the examination room emerge, some are attacked by wild beasts and flee in panic, some encounter candidates to fight, and some are directly eliminated.

After the eliminated candidates fired flares, they were quickly taken away from the examination room by the soldiers of the 92nd Beast Taming Corps who served as referees.

After all, sending out a regiment of troops to maintain this mock exam is not a joke, but a real thing.

Although the monitoring center displays a lot of monitoring screens, there are also many people watching the monitoring, so it is not too busy to take care of them.

In addition to the soldiers who stayed in the monitoring center to watch the monitoring, the remaining soldiers who acted as referees have already settled in the original forest in advance to ensure the fastest rescue.

Among them, the thirteen primary beast envoys enjoy the honor of independent monitoring.

Behind this honor, there are teachers from various schools, Zhang Mingxuan, who directly see the situation of these candidates.

However, not all teachers are concentrated here to watch these thirteen monitoring screens. After all, some schools do not have junior imperial masters.

And those teachers from schools without junior imperial masters will watch the monitoring that shows the students of their own schools.

When those teachers see their students being defeated or eliminated, they can't help but sigh and express regret.

"This person is very good. Both his awareness of prevention and his response methods are very good. He did not do whatever he wanted just because he was wearing a protective bracelet.

Who is this person?"

Zhang Mingxuan was watching the surveillance video and was very impressed by Lin Qianyu's response after encountering the black tiger bee swarm, although the screen was black afterwards.

"Qingfeng No. 3 Middle School, Lin Qianyu."

"That junior breeder? Very good!"

After hearing the answer from Lin Qianyu's teacher, Zhang Mingxuan looked down at the information in his hand, and after matching the person in the information with the person in the information, he couldn't help but give praise.

This is the first time Zhang Mingxuan has praised a candidate since the exam began.

When the surveillance was restored, Lin Qianyu, who had encountered the black tiger bee swarm, had already safely come out of the pile of fallen leaves.


Looking at the corpses of black tiger bees on the ground, Lin Qianyu couldn't help but cross his arms in front of his chest and sneered.

And who was shivering in the pile of fallen leaves just now?

Lin Qianyu: It's not me anyway.

After killing all the black tiger bees and gaining some points, Lin Qianyu was ready to leave, but he accidentally saw the black protective bracelet on his right wrist.

"Fuck, how could I forget about this thing! What the hell am I doing!"

Lin Qianyu was almost numb after realizing it. After all, the protective bracelet is worn on the right wrist, and this thing is like an ornament, and it doesn't even have a sense of existence like the watch on the left wrist. Then, Lin Qianyu subconsciously ignored it.

And then, things turned out like this.

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