Start with the Beastmaster Contract

63 Impossible, absolutely impossible!

"Probing? What about your information? No, everyone knows your information. Isn't it all in the information I sent you? What's there to test?"

"I don't know if I mean you're straight or just cute.

Your information is only for reference, and its authenticity is questionable. And for us, it's normal to hide one or two tricks and bury a trump card."

Stop eating, Lin Qianyu raised her head and looked at Hu Liu, saying helplessly.

"Then you're exposed?"

"Guess if I'm exposed."

"Probably not?"

Hearing Hu Liu's words, Lin Qianyu didn't answer, but nodded.

"But Peng Jiusong is also a junior imperial envoy, and his strength is also ranked among the seven schools. He's not weak. Who would he test you for?"

Hu Liu asked with curiosity.

"I'm not a know-it-all, so how could I know? But it's probably that guy from Zhengxing, that rich guy, um, I forgot his name."

"Li Mingqi!"

"It should be called that. He's probably testing him. For a rich and powerful rich guy, it's reasonable to spend a little money to let a nouveau riche test other opponents, right?"

"It seems that there is no problem with this."

Under the night, after the fight just now, the arena under the dormitory building was completely bustling, leaving only a few scattered students.

And Peng Jiusong, one of the protagonists of the arena just now, was drinking Coke with someone in front of a convenience store.

"I don't know about the two from No. 2 and No. 6 Middle Schools because they haven't made any moves. The one from No. 1 and No. 3 Middle Schools have the same information as the intelligence reports, but the one from No. 1 Middle School is a bit exaggerated. The strength of the beastmaster seems to have been forcibly increased. He only has the level but no strength. He is very weak. He is stronger than the tenth level of the initial realm, but the gap with the awakening realm is not small.

The one from No. 3 Middle School is very strong, really strong. I suspect he didn't use his full strength."

After saying that, Peng Jiusong took a sip of Coke and burped. He was no longer as domineering as he was on the ring just now.

"Normal. The one from No. 1 Middle School has a relative who is a senior breeder. He probably asked that senior breeder to force a breakthrough.

And Lin Qianyu from No. 3 Middle School is a junior breeder himself. In addition, his turtle has dragon blood. He will definitely not use his full strength. It's just that you forced him to use some strength. This is a question worth thinking about."

"You have contracted two five-element beasts in a row and you are not sure you can beat him?"

"Fifty percent sure, either he wins or I win."

"What you said is the same as not saying it."

"After all, without knowing his true strength, he and I are on par. I am not sure whether I can win."

As he said that, Li Mingqi also drank a sip of Coke, but he drank it like wine, with a taste of worry.

"Come on, don't think too much. What if the two from No. 2 Middle School and No. 6 Middle School are more terrifying?"

"That's right, forget it, I won't say it, we will know tomorrow, let's go back to the dormitory."

He drank the rest of the Coke in one gulp, threw the can into the trash can, and the two walked side by side to the dormitory.

The next day.

Seven o'clock in the morning.

Students from each school and their class teachers followed the soldiers stationed there to the front of the examination room, which was near the 134 entrances to the Tuyuan primeval forest.

Students from seven schools stood in different areas.

The number of students in each school was actually similar, one or two hundred, two or three hundred, but Zhengxing had more. Although there was no specific number, it was clear that there were four or five hundred people.

The gap between the rich and the poor in Qingfeng City was widened.

Not long after, Zhang Mingxuan arrived, and behind him were the soldiers from his regiment.

"Next, please go through the security check in order and receive the equipment for the mock exam."

After saying that, the soldier behind Zhang Mingxuan opened the carriage of the transport vehicle parked behind him and began to distribute the equipment on the vehicle.

There was a security check gate next to the transport vehicle. Equipment would be distributed only if you passed the security check gate successfully, and those who did not pass directly would be pulled to the side for manual security check, and equipment would be distributed after confirming that there were no problems.

The equipment was packed in an outdoor backpack, which included the equipment Zhang Mingxuan mentioned yesterday.

The examinees who got the backpack took out the protective bracelet and waterproof watch in the backpack and wore them on the wrists of both hands, and the waterproof small monitor was worn on the left chest.

After all the examinees put on the equipment, the next step was to decide the order of entering the original forest according to the entrance.

This time, the entrance was randomly entered, that is, drawing lots, and Lin Qianyu drew the 69th entrance.

Hu Liu on the side drew the 111th entrance, a very auspicious number, a single dog for ten thousand years with a single number, which is still very good.

When all the examinees' entrances were determined, the next step was to follow the soldiers of the 92nd Beast Taming Corps to the corresponding entrance.

As for how to go, um, um, um, um, the troop carrier will find out.

After arriving at the entrance, the soldiers guarding the entrance will also notify an exam message, that is, within 30 minutes from entering the entrance, all students are not allowed to attack each other, and this rule will be invalid after 30 minutes.

This rule also protects some weaker candidates so that they will not be eliminated as soon as they enter the examination room.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the entrance to the examination hall was open and the examination officially began.

As a dense burst of white light flashed in front of the entrance, all the examinees' beasts were summoned, followed by themselves, and then began to run to the examination hall.

Some examinees with stronger strength walked slowly, while some examinees with weaker strength ran fast, fearing that they would be caught in a pot if they ran slowly.

As for Lin Qianyu, she turned over and rode on the back of the turtle, and the vine snake also coiled on the back of the turtle.

With that skillful turning action, it is unknown how many times the turtle was ridden by Lin Qianyu.

Sure enough, there is only a difference between riding a turtle once and countless times.

And Lin Qianyu also slowly stepped into the examination hall under the strange eyes of other examinees beside her and the soldiers of the 92nd Beast Taming Corps behind her.

"Damn, there is such a thing, little stone elephant, should we try it too?"

Watching Lin Qianyu's operation, the candidate who had contracted the little stone elephant couldn't help but send a soul invitation to his beast.

The little stone elephant looked at the turtle that was bigger, thicker, and harder than himself, and the slender Lin Qianyu, and then turned around to look at his big secret beast.

The little stone elephant instantly felt the unfairness of this world.

"Moo, moo, moo!": Impossible, absolutely impossible!

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