Carefully read the information Hu Liu sent her.

Lin Qianyu also saw a lot of information about top students from other schools, but except for the twelve people including herself who had broken through to the awakening realm with beast control, she only needed to leave an impression on the others and did not need to deliberately remember so much.

"Qianyu, the more I read this information, the more nervous I feel.

The more I read, the more insecure I feel. There are either junior beast masters who have broken through to the awakening realm like you, or quasi-junior beast masters who have reached the tenth level of the initial realm.

How can I, a little rock bull at the ninth level of the initial realm, fight them!"

"I still suggest that you don't read this information. The more you read, the more your self-confidence will be hit.

And it's not certain whether this information is accurate. I don't believe that there are only thirteen junior beast masters in seven schools with more than one or two thousand people. I'm afraid there are still candidates with hidden strength. You should be careful when the time comes. Wait until you are sure of the target's strength before you act. Don't act rashly."

"Don't say it. The more you say it, the less confident I am."

After reading this information, Hu Liu was already feeling guilty. After all, he didn't see his figure in the whole information, which meant that he didn't even have the qualifications to be included in the information. This was really a bit discouraging.

"Okay, okay, this is just a small piece of information from a private intelligence dealer, not official information. What's the point? And the results cannot be determined by this information. It depends on your own performance on the spot.

When you enter the Tuyuan primitive forest, you just stay there, try to cause trouble to wild beasts, don't go to fight with people, and try to get to the end as quickly as possible, isn't that good."

"What you said makes sense, then it's decided, I will stay there, and then quickly reach the end."

Looking at Hu Liu who looked like he had found a way to deal with it, Lin Qianyu didn't say much. After all, this is indeed the safest way for him. After all, he has to rely on hard power to kill all the way. Not to mention the candidates in the same field, sometimes wild awakening beasts can slap Hu Liu out with a slap.

All I can say is that before the exam, give Hu Liu some confidence, and Lin Qianyu can't help with anything else.

"Let's go downstairs to eat. I'm a little hungry now."

When I finished reading the information, it was already past eight o'clock. For Lin Qianyu who had just finished eating at four o'clock, she must have digested it.

And the canteen downstairs in the dormitory is open 24 hours a day, which is very convenient. You don't have to go to the convenience store to buy bread.

When I arrived at the bottom of the dormitory, I saw a large group of people around the ring, and they were shouting loudly.

"God and demon happened, and there will be an exam tomorrow. Why are you still around the ring?"

"I don't know, maybe you are too excited and venting your emotions?"

"You are talking nonsense. Just ask someone and you will know."

Curiosity is human nature, and watching the fun is also human nature. When these two natures come together, Lin Qianyu can't help it.

As for eating, you can eat this stuff later, or as a midnight snack, no rush~ no rush~

He and Hu Liu approached the ring, then pulled a classmate wearing the uniform of No. 3 Middle School and asked: "What's going on? Why is it so lively?"

"What else can it be? They started fighting. One from Zhengxing and one from No. 1 Middle School. It seems that they had a grudge before, and then they met here and started fighting directly.

Then Zhengxing won and mocked the rookie from No. 1 Middle School. Then the companion from No. 1 Middle School couldn't help but beat him, and then he also said rookie in return.

Then the one from Zhengxing was not convinced, saying that No. 1 Middle School was rubbish, and they fought in a round-robin manner, and then called for help, and finally No. 1 Middle School also called for help, and in the end, it became a confrontation between the two schools.

The No. 1 Middle School scolded Zhengxing as a group of bumpkins and nouveau riche, and Zhengxing scolded No. 1 Middle School as rookies. That scene was exciting."

As he said this, he became excited, as if he was amazed that the other side was not ruthless enough.

"What, the team teacher doesn't care?"

"Who cares? We are all adults. They didn't make any personal attacks or kill us. Besides, there is a hospital nearby. No one cares about this.

I said you are here to watch the fun. Why are you asking......

Fuck, Lin Qianyu! Why are you here? Aren't you guys, the seeded players, supposed to be preparing for the game in the training room? Why are you wandering around?"

He said, then turned around and saw Lin Qianyu, and his expression changed instantly.

"I feel like you have some misunderstanding about me."

Hearing what this person said, Lin Qianyu replied with a black face, what do you mean by wandering around? I call this human nature! Do you understand?

During the conversation, on the ring, a rock scorpion bit and slapped its pincers, knocking a Muer sheep off the ring.

When the Muer sheep lost its ability to fight, the Muer sheep's driver quickly ran up and carried it away without saying a word.

"You are just like this in No. 1 Middle School. No one can fight. Oh, no, no one in other schools can fight."

The student who was in high spirits on the stage was very proud of winning the match. He raised his head like a victorious rooster, swept his eyes across the field with contempt, and started to mock.

There were many students from other schools who looked very unhappy and angry, but they couldn't say anything. After all, the person he just defeated was the only junior imperial master in No. 1 Middle School.

And most of the people off the field were far inferior to him. Going up with anger was also asking for trouble.

And looking at the people on the stage, some gathered together to discuss, and then one of them left directly, which was obviously to shake people.

But only two people left, because the schools that could shake people all had junior imperial masters, and as for No. 3 Middle School, Lin Qianyu was there.

"Fuck, is this guy inflated? He even opened a map cannon to taunt, Qianyu, if I were you, I couldn't stand it, I would beat him up and let him know that there are people beyond people and there are heavens beyond heavens."

"Okay, who is this person."

"Peng Jiusong, the one ranked eleventh among the seeded players."

Before the No. 3 Middle School student present could speak, Hu Liu said it directly.

"Compared to other junior imperial masters, this guy is indeed a nouveau riche. His family got rich from demolition, and now they collect rent. Because of this sudden wealth and strength, he is very domineering. His imperial beast is..."

"Okay, stop reading the information, I know the rest."

As he said this, Lin Qianyu shut up Hu Liu who was reading the information on his phone, and then he walked directly to the stage from the crowd.

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