Four buses were driving fast on the highway, and what they saw inside the buses was the unchanged scenery of the highway.

But the environment inside the bus, which should have been noisy, was unusually quiet. Except for the noise caused by the driving of the bus, few students spoke. Even if they did, they were just talking in a low voice, as if they couldn't bear to ruin this. The atmosphere is the same.

The reason for the formation of this atmosphere starts with Lao Ban’s words.

The atmosphere, which was originally quite relaxed, suddenly became a little more solemn after Lao Ban said the introduction about the original forest of Tuyuan.

After all, what Lao Ban said is indeed a hundred million points serious.

The idea of ​​surviving safely and completing the exam with an intact body is indeed a bit scary.

Especially for students, it doesn't matter if the exam is difficult or tiring, but if life and safety are in danger, that's another matter. After all, this is a big problem!

It was precisely under Lao Ban's pressured words that the atmosphere on the bus became solemn.

Many students were in a daze, looking out the window, not knowing what to think, while some were doing some small hand movements with solemn faces to relieve their tension.

Of course, this does not include Lin Qianyu.

"I'm talking Qianyu, are you not nervous at all? What Lao Ban said just now is really scary."

"Relax, my boss is just putting more pressure on us. In other words, there is a high probability that we will be injured in this mock exam, but it will definitely not be life-threatening.

Even the security of the monthly exams is so good, not to mention this kind of joint exam of seven schools. I guess the old class is pretending. When the rules are announced, we find that it is not as scary as he said, and then our psychological pressure is gone. , I can use my better thoughts to say this.

Sleep peacefully, otherwise you can play with your phone and don’t think about what you have or don’t have. "


"It's fake, it's fake. When the time comes, life and death will depend on fate and wealth. If you're lucky, you'll survive. If you're not lucky, you'll be gone."

"Don't scare me!"

"Okay, shut up. It will definitely be fine. If it is so dangerous, will Zhengxing's group of people participate? You are thinking too much."

After saying that, Lin Qianyu ignored Hu Liu's reaction and just played with her phone.

To be honest, I don't blame Hu Liu for being scared. The most important thing is that what Lao Ban said is really scary.

The bus does not always drive on the highway. It passes by a service area at noon for a short rest and does not stop the rest of the time.

During the break, Lin Qianyu ran down and took Turtle and Snake for a quick buffet.

Then when Laoban was urging him to leave, he ran out of the supermarket in the service area carrying a large bag of charcoal barbecued jerky.

After all, even if you keep playing with your phone for a few hours, you will get bored. Although Lin Qianyu has two power banks and you don't have to worry about the battery problem, it is really boring to play all the time.

It’s also great to grab some snacks to satisfy your cravings.

At around one o'clock in the afternoon, the bus got off the expressway from a box road and started to drive on the national highway.

But gradually, the busy urban area at the beginning became a little sparsely populated, until there were no vehicles or villages on the road, only a road that kept going forward and was not open.

After passing through several tunnels and sections of road in dense forests, and passing through several checkpoints with soldiers, live ammunition, and beasts standing guard, the road gradually opened up.

When the vehicle drives on such an open road, the mood of the passengers in the vehicle becomes better.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the vehicle stopped its journey.

"Pack your things and get ready to get off the car, the destination is here!"

Following Laoban's command, the people in the car also packed their luggage in an orderly manner and got off the bus in an orderly manner.

The first thing I saw when I got off the car was a shocking steel behemoth.

Originally, Lin Qianyu thought that the station of the 5th Beast Control Corps was shocking enough, but it wasn't until he saw the station of the 92nd Beast Control Corps that he realized what the saying "A big witch meets a small witch" meant. .

This is a steel behemoth hidden in the forest. At a glance, the city walls are dark and reflective in the sun, as well as the soldiers patrolling the city walls like ants.

The vehicles are now parked outside the city wall, not only from No. 3 Middle School, but also from other schools.

All the students who took the exam got off the car and lined up in an orderly manner with their suitcases in hand, and were inspected by the 92nd Beast Control Corps. Only after the inspection was completed could they enter the 92nd Beast Control Corps' garrison.

"The 92nd Beast Control Corps is one of the top beast control regiments in the country. Because it guards the border, it will face the causes of war.

The 92nd Beast Control Corps' garrison was designed by many of the country's top militarization experts. You can also think of this garrison as a small modern city.

Moreover, due to various factors such as region and mission, the number of the 92nd Beast Control Corps is two to three times that of the ordinary Beast Control Corps, and there are countless strong men in the Corps.

Perhaps due to military secrets and other reasons, the inspection upon entering the garrison will be much stricter, even stricter than the garrison of the Fifth Beast Control Corps. "

Laoban, who was following the students off the bus, saw the curiosity in the eyes of the students on the side and acted as a commentator to accept the situation.

"Then teacher, can we take a tour after entering?"

"You can give it a try, but don't sing Tears Behind Bars when you get in."

After hearing the teacher's answer, there was a chuckle at the scene, and the tension in the car just now was relieved a little.

"Forget about the jokes before, but remember one thing, even if you enter the garrison, you must abide by the rules inside. I guess someone will explain this in detail later, but remember, don't want to break the rules inside just for fun. You are not children now, and you all know that the military camp is not a joke."

After hearing the teacher's serious words, many students' playful thoughts were restrained.

If they really sang Tears Behind Bars because of their own playful thoughts, it would be a lifelong regret.

The speed of inspection was very fast. The luggage was put into the inspection machine on the side. The students stood aside and accepted the inspection of two soldiers. They would not be allowed to enter until both inspections were completed.

After entering, they have to line up in the playground according to their school classes and wait for all members from all schools to complete the inspection before taking the next step.

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