Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$48 The Magic of Taming Beasts

"Congratulations, you have successfully contracted the vine snake. Next, I will take you to go through the final procedures. You can also order food for the vine snake from our breeding house. There are ordinary food suitable for vine snakes and energy blocks."

With that, the staff put away his beast and took Lin Qianyu out of the room to go through the last procedure.

The last procedure was completed quickly, and Lin's father and Lin Qianyu left as quickly as possible.

After all, there is dinner time in these few hours. If you don't eat dinner, you will be really hungry.

Mother Chen called several times to inquire about the progress. When she learned that the contract had been completed and she hadn't eaten yet, she said that she would eat outside and go home because there was no food at home.

The food for people is easy to solve. As for the food for the vine snake, Lin Qianyu plans to prepare it herself.

After all, she has a license now, and the price of food raw materials from Boss Jin is 20% off, and making it by herself can save all unnecessary dealer links. I don't know how much cheaper it can be.

For Lin Qianyu, who has a huge loan, every penny she can save is a penny she can save.

However, because it was late at night, Lin Qianyu finally chose to bow to the evil forces and bought a month's supply of vine snake food.

As for why it was a month's supply, it was because the price of the animal food in the breeding house was at least one month! There was no room for bargaining.

This made Lin Qianyu full of resentment when she paid.

After finding food outside, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening when she returned home. Lin's father took a shower and went to bed. After all, it was really tiring for him today, and he had to go to work tomorrow.

And Lin Qianyu might have received the power feedback after contracting the vine snake. During the time period when she was supposed to sleep, she was not sleepy at all, but in a very good mental state.

At this time, it was impossible to go to bed after taking a shower, so the turtle and the vine snake were summoned by Lin Qianyu.

The turtle climbed into the bed where he slept at night skillfully, and the vine snake was alert to the unfamiliar environment as soon as it came out, raised its head, curled its body, and looked around, observing this unfamiliar place for it.

"Okay, stop watching. This is my home. There is no danger."

Hearing Lin Qianyu's words, the vine snake relaxed its alert posture. Although it is not close to Lin Qianyu now, because of the contract, it also knows that Lin Qianyu has no ill will towards it, and it can't do anything to Lin Qianyu.

In this case, the vine snake directly jumped under the desk, ready to make it its territory.

To be honest, Lin Qianyu didn't know how to deal with this situation.

He didn't have social bull syndrome, and the turtle showed intimacy to him when the contract was signed, and this vine snake didn't resist or get close to him, just like treating a stranger.

Unable to think of a solution for the time being, Lin Qianyu went to get the food for these two.

Compared to the turtle's pile, the vine snake's food was pitifully small.

Originally, the wood type is easy to feed, and it is still in the cub stage, so the appetite of the vine snake can be imagined.

Looking at Lin Qianyu who brought the food to him, the vine snake opened his eyes, glanced at him, and then started eating.

"Why do I feel like a dog licking a goddess?"

For some reason, Lin Qianyu suddenly had this feeling in her mind, and now her behavior seemed to be correct.

The humble and attentive dog licking and the cold and indifferent goddess.

This sense of déjà vu shocked Lin Qianyu.

It turns out that I am the dog licking my beast!

But the next second, this idea disappeared, because, can being good to your own beast be called licking? That's called love!

After the two beasts finished eating, Lin Qianyu cleaned up a little and lay in bed thinking about the next path.

After all, I am also a negative one.

As I was thinking, I felt sleepy, and then I fell asleep, and the things I thought about before going to bed were just in vain.

Tuesday, practical class.

Turtle and vine snake were summoned by Lin Qianyu together.

As for the turtle, it was necessary to train. Although Qi Dehua didn't care much about Lin Qianyu after knowing that the turtle had broken through to the awakening realm, and no one wanted to be abused by the turtle in the battle, the turtle's training could not be relaxed.

As for the vine snake, it was still in its infancy, and it would take at least a week before it could be systematically trained. As for summoning it out, in addition to Lin Qianyu wanting to lick it (no, crossed out) and cultivate feelings with it, the most important thing was that today was a sunny day, which was the best time for the vine snake to bask in the sun.

After all, vine snakes can photosynthesize, which can accelerate the growth of vine snakes and has many benefits for vine snakes.

As for the turtle, it was training the dragon claw.

For this newly mastered skill, the turtle showed interest, because it felt that when using the dragon claw, it had a domineering feeling.

When the turtle used the dragon claw, the rich dragon spirit would wrap around the turtle's claw, and when it waved its claw to release the dragon claw, it could faintly hear a very low dragon roar in the air.

I don’t know if the turtle is interested in dragon-related things after awakening the dragon (pseudo) attribute, so what it likes most now is to hear the sound of dragon roars when using the dragon claws.

The vine snake basking in the sun on the side looked at the turtle who was training hard, and a strange light appeared in its eyes.

“Hiss, hiss!”: Can I train like it?

This is the first time that Lin Qianyu heard her own vine snake speak.

“Not yet, you are still in the cub stage, and it will take about a week to enter the growth stage, and then you can train.”

Looking at the vine snake crawling to her feet, Lin Qianyu also took this opportunity to talk and stroked the snake twice.

Maybe because of the photosynthesis under the sunlight, the body of the vine snake is very warm, and it does not feel the coolness of ordinary snakes all year round.

However, when there is no sunlight for photosynthesis, the body of the vine snake will still become cool. If the body of the vine snake is still cool when it is photosynthesized in the sunlight, then there is a problem and you should go to the veterinary hospital for diagnosis and treatment.

It is normal for such a thing that violates physiological common sense to happen to the vine snake.

After all, this is the magic of the beast!

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